5 Ps of Marketing: Meaning, Importance & Examples | Factors Blog (2024)

While most of us may have studied or heard about the 5 Ps of marketing, a quick revision wouldn’t hurt, right?

This time, imagine marketing your grandma’s secret recipe - each ingredient is carefully chosen to create a yummy dish that leaves you craving for more. In her special recipe marketing, there's a tried-and-true formula that has stood the test of time: the 5 Ps. Think of it as your secret mix for success in the kitchen!

Did you know?

Prof. James Culliton of Harvard University cooked up this concept in the 1940s. He called it the "4 Ps of the marketing mix." But just like any great recipe, it evolved, adding one more essential ingredient to the mix.

These five Ps are

1. Product

The main dish that everyone's here to taste.

2. Price

Price sets the tone, like the price tag on a menu, signalling whether it's a budget-friendly meal or a gourmet treat.

3. Promotion

Promotion is your chef's special, the aroma that draws customers in, whether it's through flashy ads or word-of-mouth.

4. Place

The cozy restaurant tucked away on a street corner or the trendy food truck parked in the heart of the city. It's all about convenience and accessibility, making sure your customers can feast on your offerings wherever they are.

5. People

The friendly faces behind the counter, the enthusiastic servers, and the satisfied customers and influencers singing your praises. They're the ones who bring your brand to life, turning first-time visitors into loyal fans with every interaction.

As legendary marketer Seth Godin once said, "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell." And the 5 Ps? Well, they're the mix that helps you cook up those irresistible stories, leaving your customers hungry for more.

So, grab your apron and sharpen those knives. Let's dive right in to uncover the secrets to crafting a recipe for success.

5 Ps of Marketing: Meaning, Importance & Examples | Factors Blog (1)

I. Product

The product is the essence of any business; it's what you offer to fulfill your customers' needs or desires. Without a compelling product, the other elements of marketing lose their significance. Your product is at the heart of your brand identity and the primary way you create value for your customers.

Your product encompasses everything from the physical attributes of what you're selling to the intangible benefits it provides. This includes features, design, quality, branding, packaging, and even the customer experience associated with your offering. It's about crafting something that meets a specific need or solves a particular problem for your target audience.

Types of Products

  • Digital Products

As you may already know, these are intangible goods or services delivered electronically. Examples include software, e-books, online courses, and digital downloads. Digital products offer scalability, low distribution costs, and the ability to deliver instant gratification to customers.

  • Physical Products

These are tangible goods that customers can touch, feel, and use. Examples range from consumer goods like electronics and apparel to industrial products like machinery and equipment. Physical products often involve manufacturing, inventory management, and distribution logistics.

Points for Consideration

  • Product Development Activities

These include market research, ideation, prototyping, testing, and refinement. By understanding your target market's preferences and pain points, you can develop products that resonate with them. Continuous improvement based on customer feedback ensures that your offerings remain relevant and competitive.

  • Product Lifecycle

Products go through distinct stages – introduction, growth, maturity, and decline – each requiring different strategies. Understanding where your product stands in its lifecycle helps you anticipate market dynamics and plan accordingly. It also informs decisions about product extensions, updates, or discontinuations.

  • Distribution Channels

How you deliver your product to customers is crucial. Distribution channels can include direct sales, retail stores, e-commerce platforms, wholesalers, or a combination of these. Choosing the right channels depends on factors like target market preferences, geographic reach, and cost considerations.


Let's consider the example of a smartphone. The product itself encompasses the physical device – its design, features, and specifications. However, it also includes intangible elements such as the brand reputation, user interface, and ecosystem of apps and services. Product development activities for a smartphone might involve market research to identify consumer preferences, iterative design processes to refine the user experience, and testing to ensure reliability and performance. Throughout its lifecycle, the smartphone may be distributed through various channels, including retail stores, telecom carriers, and online marketplaces. In a digital era, smartphone manufacturers also leverage software updates and app ecosystems to enhance the product's value proposition and longevity.

II. Price

Pricing entails setting a monetary value for your product or service that reflects its perceived worth to customers. It involves considering factors like production costs, competitor pricing, market demand, and customer willingness to pay. Effective pricing strategies align with your business objectives, target market, and positioning in the marketplace.

Price is crucial because it determines the value exchange between you and your customers. It's not just about putting a number on your product or service; it's about finding the sweet spot that balances what customers are willing to pay with the profitability of your business. Price directly influences consumer perceptions, purchase decisions, and your overall competitiveness in the market.

Factors that help brands make pricing decisions

  • Cost-based Pricing

Calculating the total cost of production, distribution, and marketing, and adding a markup to ensure profitability.

  • Value-based Pricing

Assessing the perceived value of the product or service to the customer and pricing accordingly.

  • Competitive Pricing

Analyzing competitor pricing strategies and positioning your product accordingly in the market.

  • Demand-based Pricing

Setting prices based on supply and demand dynamics, adjusting prices to maximize revenue during peak periods or to stimulate demand during off-peak times.

  • Psychological Pricing

Leveraging pricing tactics such as charm pricing (ending prices in 9 or 99), prestige pricing (setting high prices to convey luxury or exclusivity), or price bundling (offering multiple products or services for a single price) to influence consumer perception and behavior.

Pricing Strategies

  • Dynamic Pricing

This strategy involves adjusting prices in real-time based on factors like demand, seasonality, competitor pricing, and customer behavior. Airlines, hotels, and ride-sharing services often use dynamic pricing algorithms to optimize revenue.

  • Pricing Tiers

Offering multiple price points allows you to cater to different customer segments with varying needs and budgets. For example, software companies may offer tiered pricing plans with basic, standard, and premium features to appeal to different user groups.

  • Subscription-based Pricing

Subscriptions offer customers ongoing access to a product or service for a recurring fee. This model provides predictable revenue streams for businesses and fosters customer loyalty through continuous value delivery. Examples include streaming services like Netflix and software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms like Adobe Creative Cloud.

  • Minimum Pricing and Maximum Ceiling

Establishing a floor price prevents undervaluing your product or service, maintaining brand integrity and profitability. Similarly, setting a maximum ceiling ensures that prices remain competitive without alienating price-sensitive customers.

  • Deferred Payments

Allowing customers to pay for products or services over time through installment plans or financing options can increase affordability and purchasing flexibility. However, it's essential to assess credit risk and ensure timely payments.

  • Discounts and Coupons

Offering temporary price reductions or promotional incentives can stimulate sales, attract new customers, and reward loyalty. Whether through seasonal sales, loyalty programs, or referral discounts, discounts and coupons can create a sense of urgency and incentivize action.

Example: Coffee Shop

Let's consider the example of a coffee shop. The price of a cup of coffee may vary based on factors such as the quality of beans, location, and competition. The coffee shop may implement dynamic pricing during peak hours, increasing prices to capitalize on high demand and maintain profitability.

Additionally, they may offer pricing tiers for different coffee sizes or specialty drinks, catering to varying customer preferences and budgets. To encourage repeat business, the coffee shop could introduce a subscription model, where customers pay a monthly fee for unlimited coffee refills or exclusive discounts. They may also participate in price comparison sites to showcase their competitive pricing and attract new customers searching for the best deals.

Finally, the coffee shop could offer discounts or coupons during off-peak hours to drive traffic and boost sales during slower periods. Through a strategic approach to pricing, the coffee shop maximizes revenue while delivering value to customers.

Example: Netflix Subscription Tiers

Netflix's pricing strategy for its subscription-based streaming service is a prime example of catering to diverse customer needs while maximizing revenue. Netflix offers multiple subscription tiers, each tailored to different usage levels and budget preferences.

The basic tier offers access to standard-definition content on one screen at a time, making it an affordable option for individual users. In contrast, the premium tier provides access to ultra-high-definition content on up to four screens simultaneously, catering to families or users who value premium features.

Furthermore, Netflix adjusts its pricing periodically to reflect changes in content offerings, market demand, and competitive pressures. This dynamic pricing approach allows Netflix to optimize its revenue while providing value to its diverse customer base.

By offering a range of pricing options and periodically adjusting its rates, Netflix effectively balances affordability with value, ensuring a competitive edge in the crowded streaming market.

III. Promotions

Promotions encompass all activities aimed at communicating the value proposition of a product or service to the target audience. This includes advertising, public relations, sales promotions, personal selling, direct marketing, and digital marketing efforts.

Your promotions play a crucial role in the marketing mix because they serve as the primary means of communication between businesses and consumers. While the product addresses customer needs, the price reflects the perceived value, and the place ensures accessibility, promotions amplify these elements and influence consumer perception and behavior.

The goal of promotions is to create awareness, stimulate interest, generate desire, and ultimately drive action or purchase intent among consumers. Effective promotions can differentiate a brand, build brand equity, and ultimately drive sales and revenue.

Distribution Channels for Promotions

Promotions can be distributed through various channels, both traditional and digital, depending on the target audience, budget, and marketing objectives.

Common distribution channels for promotions include:

  • Television, radio, and print advertisem*nts
  • Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  • Online display ads and search engine marketing (Google Ads)
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Influencer partnerships and collaborations
  • Public relations activities (Press Releases, Media Events)
  • Sales promotions (Discounts, Coupons, Rebates)

Factors to consider while choosing the Promotional Channel

Choosing the right promotional channels requires careful consideration of various factors, including

  • Target Audience

Understanding the demographics, psychographics, and media consumption habits of your target audience helps identify the most effective channels to reach them.

  • Budget

Assessing the available budget and cost-effectiveness of different channels helps prioritize promotional activities and allocate resources accordingly.

  • Objectives

Aligning promotional channels with specific marketing objectives – whether it's building brand awareness, driving website traffic, or increasing sales – ensures that efforts are focused and measurable.

  • Reach and Frequency

Evaluating the reach and frequency potential of each channel helps maximize exposure and engagement with the target audience.

  • Competitive Landscape

Analyzing competitors' promotional strategies and presence across different channels can inform decisions about where to allocate resources for maximum impact.

  • Integration and Consistency

Ensuring consistency and synergy across promotional channels and messaging helps reinforce brand identity and enhance the overall customer experience.

Example: Clothing Brand

Let's consider the example of a clothing brand launching a new product line targeting young adults. To promote the new collection, the brand might leverage a mix of promotional channels

  • Social Media

Launching teaser posts on Instagram and Facebook to build anticipation, followed by sponsored ads showcasing the products and directing users to the brand's website.

  • Influencer Marketing

Partnering with fashion influencers and bloggers to create sponsored content featuring the new collection and sharing their reviews and styling tips with their followers.

  • Email Marketing

Sending out targeted email campaigns to subscribers announcing the product launch, offering exclusive discounts, and inviting them to shop the collection online. Here are Google’s latest guidelines for bulk email senders (2024).

  • Pop-Up Events

Hosting experiential pop-up events in trendy locations frequented by the target audience, where customers can preview and purchase the new collection while enjoying music, refreshments, and interactive activities.

  • Public Relations

Securing media coverage in fashion magazines, blogs, and online publications to generate buzz and raise awareness about the brand and its new collection.

Example: Nike's "Just Do It" Campaign

Nike's "Just Do It" campaign stands as a timeless example of effective promotion that transcends traditional advertising to inspire and motivate consumers. Launched in 1988, the campaign features iconic slogans and powerful imagery that resonate with athletes and non-athletes alike.

Through compelling storytelling and endorsem*nts by prominent athletes like Michael Jordan and Serena Williams, Nike positions itself as a brand that champions determination, perseverance, and excellence. The campaign's message of empowerment transcends mere product promotion, fostering a deep emotional connection with consumers.

Moreover, Nike's strategic use of multiple promotion channels, including television commercials, print ads, social media, and sponsorships, ensures widespread visibility and engagement. By leveraging the power of storytelling and aligning its messaging with core brand values, Nike's "Just Do It" campaign continues to inspire and resonate with audiences worldwide.

IV. Place

Place, also known as distribution, encompasses the methods and channels through which products or services are made available to customers. It involves everything from the physical locations where products are sold to the logistical processes involved in getting them there. Place ensures that products are accessible and convenient for customers to purchase.

So why is ‘place’ so important?
Place is critical because even the most innovative product, compelling price, and effective promotion are futile if customers can't access or obtain the product conveniently. It ensures that the right product is available at the right time, in the right quantity, and in the right location.

The ‘place’ is where the transaction between the business and the customer occurs, making it a pivotal part of the marketing mix.

Types of Distribution Channels

Distribution channels refer to the pathways through which products move from the manufacturer to the end consumer. Fulfillment is the process of receiving, processing, and then delivering customer orders.

Common distribution channels and fulfillment methods include

  • Direct Distribution

Involves selling products directly from the manufacturer to the end consumer without intermediaries. Examples include company-owned retail stores, e-commerce websites, and direct sales representatives.

  1. Retail Stores

Brick-and-mortar stores where customers can physically browse, purchase, and take immediate possession of products. Examples include department stores, specialty shops, and supermarkets.

  1. E-commerce Platforms

Online marketplaces and websites where customers can browse, select, and purchase products remotely. E-commerce platforms offer convenience, 24/7 accessibility, and the ability to reach a global audience.

  • Indirect Distribution

Involves one or more intermediaries between the manufacturer and the end consumer. Indirect distribution channels can include wholesalers, distributors, retailers, and agents.

  1. Wholesale

Selling products in bulk quantities to retailers or other businesses for resale to end consumers. Wholesale distribution involves negotiating contracts, managing inventory levels, and coordinating shipments to distributors or wholesalers.

  • Multichannel Distribution

Utilizes multiple distribution channels simultaneously to reach different customer segments or markets. For example, a company may sell its products through both retail stores and e-commerce platforms to cater to diverse customer preferences.

  • Intensive Distribution

Aims to make products available in as many outlets as possible to maximize market coverage and accessibility. Intensive distribution is common for everyday consumer goods like beverages, snacks, and personal care products.

  • Selective Distribution

Involves carefully selecting a limited number of retail outlets or distributors based on specific criteria such as geographic location, target market demographics, or brand image. Selective distribution is typical for products with higher prices or specialized features.

  • Exclusive Distribution

Grants exclusive rights to a single distributor or retailer to sell a product within a particular geographic area or market segment. Exclusive distribution is often used for luxury or high-end products to maintain exclusivity and prestige.

That said, businesses must keep the logistics and supply chain management in mind while formulating their distribution strategies. Managing the flow of products from suppliers to warehouses to distribution centers to retail stores or customers' doorsteps. Effective logistics ensure timely delivery, accurate inventory management, and cost-efficient operations.

Example: Starbucks Retail Stores

Starbucks' retail stores exemplify strategic placement and meticulous attention to the customer experience. With over 30,000 stores worldwide, Starbucks has established a ubiquitous presence in high-traffic locations, including urban centers, shopping malls, and transportation hubs.

The placement of Starbucks stores is carefully curated to maximize convenience and accessibility for customers, ensuring that they can easily find and frequent their favorite coffee destination. Whether it's a bustling city street or a suburban neighborhood, Starbucks' presence is felt in diverse locations, catering to a broad demographic of coffee enthusiasts.

Moreover, Starbucks' emphasis on creating inviting and comfortable environments further enhances the appeal of its retail stores. From cosy seating areas to free Wi-Fi access, Starbucks stores offer more than just coffee – they provide a welcoming space for customers to relax, socialize, and enjoy the Starbucks experience.

V. People

People are at the heart of every marketing endeavor. It's the people who drive demand for products or services, make purchase decisions, and ultimately determine business success.

People refer to all individuals involved in the marketing process, including customers, employees, partners, stakeholders, and influencers. It encompasses understanding their needs, preferences, motivations, and behaviors to create meaningful interactions and relationships.

Understanding and catering to the needs and preferences of people – whether they are customers, employees, or partners – is essential for creating value, fostering loyalty, and achieving sustainable growth.

Moving Beyond your Sales Team

  • Sponsorships

Sponsorships involve partnering with individuals, organizations, events, or causes to promote brand awareness, enhance brand image, and reach target audiences. Sponsorship opportunities can include sports events, concerts, festivals, charity initiatives, or industry conferences. By associating with relevant sponsorships, businesses can increase visibility, credibility, and engagement with their target market.

  • Cross-promotions

Cross-promotions entail collaborating with complementary businesses or brands to promote each other's products or services. This can involve joint marketing campaigns, co-branded promotions, or product bundling arrangements. Cross-promotions leverage the existing customer bases and brand equity of both parties to expand reach, drive sales, and create mutual benefits.

  • Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing involves partnering with individuals or social media personalities who have a significant following and influence over their audience. Influencers can endorse products or services through sponsored content, reviews, or endorsem*nts, leveraging their credibility and authority to sway purchase decisions. Influencer marketing can be particularly effective for reaching niche audiences, generating authentic engagement, and building brand advocacy.

Significance of having industry influencers for B2B selling

In B2B selling, industry influencers play a crucial role in driving credibility, trust, and thought leadership. B2B buyers often rely on industry experts, thought leaders, and influencers for insights, recommendations, and validation when making purchasing decisions. Partnering with industry influencers can provide access to decision-makers, enhance brand visibility, and position the business as a trusted authority in the industry.

Example: Fitness Apparel

Let's consider the example of a fitness apparel brand aiming to target health-conscious millennials. They could leverage people-focused strategies such as

  • Influencer Marketing

Partnering with fitness influencers and lifestyle bloggers to showcase their products in action, share workout routines, and promote healthy living tips to their followers. By aligning with influencers who embody their brand values and resonate with their target audience, the apparel brand can increase brand awareness and drive sales.

  • Cross-Promotions

Collaborating with fitness studios, gyms, or wellness brands to offer joint promotions, such as discounted gym memberships with apparel purchases or co-branded fitness events. These cross-promotions create synergy between complementary businesses and provide added value to customers.

  • Sponsorships

Sponsoring local fitness events, charity runs, or wellness festivals where their target audience is likely to participate. By associating with these events, the brand can demonstrate its commitment to health and fitness, engage with the community, and build positive brand associations.

Example: Tesla's Sales and Service Representatives

Tesla's sales and service representatives exemplify the importance of knowledgeable and customer-centric personnel in driving sales and fostering brand loyalty. Unlike traditional car dealerships, Tesla's approach to sales and customer service emphasizes direct engagement with knowledgeable representatives who are passionate about electric vehicles.

Tesla's sales representatives are trained to provide personalized guidance and support to customers throughout the purchase process, from test drives to vehicle customization options. Their expertise in electric vehicle technology and commitment to customer satisfaction differentiate Tesla's sales experience from traditional automotive retail.

Furthermore, Tesla's service representatives play a crucial role in maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing prompt and efficient support for vehicle maintenance and repairs. With a focus on transparency and proactive communication, Tesla's service team ensures that customers receive the highest level of care and attention.

By investing in knowledgeable and customer-focused personnel, Tesla not only enhances the sales and service experience but also strengthens its brand reputation and fosters long-term customer relationships.

5 Ps of Marketing: Meaning, Importance & Examples | Factors Blog (2)

As we come to a close, it's clear that the 5 Ps of Marketing bring their own unique strengths to the table. By stitching these elements together, we create a strategy that captivates audiences, drives sales, and builds relationships that stand the test of time.

If you’re looking to read and learn more about marketing terms, read our blog on 102 Essential B2B Terms.

5 Ps of Marketing: Meaning, Importance & Examples | Factors Blog (2024)


5 Ps of Marketing: Meaning, Importance & Examples | Factors Blog? ›

Core Principles to Build Your Strategy. The 5 P's of marketing – Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People – are a framework that helps guide marketing strategies and keep marketers focused on the right things. Let's take a deep dive into their importance for your brand.

Which of the 5 P of marketing is most important? ›

People. Four Ps may have been all well and good in 1960, but, to put it mildly, times have changed. Even back then, it was clear that people — their characteristics, behaviors and preferences — were the through line across the four Ps of marketing. That's what makes the fifth P the most important.

What are the five P's used for select the best answer in marketing? ›

The 5 P's of Marketing – Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People – are key marketing elements used to position a business strategically.

What is the meaning of 5Ps? ›

product, price, place, promotion, and packaging: the idea that in order to be successful, you must have the right product, sell it at the right price, in the right places, with the right advertising and support, and in an attractive way: The five Ps of marketing can help you improve your website. Compare.

What are the 5 P's of marketing positioning? ›

Breaking Down the 5 P's of Marketing. So, we have Product, Place, Price, Promotion, and People. Some experts also talk about Process and Physical evidence and transform the mix into the 7 Ps. Let's break them down one by one.

Why is 5Ps in marketing important? ›

Why are the 5Ps of marketing management important? The 5Ps, Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People, are a business strategy to help marketing efforts become more efficient by correctly determining target customers and creating a solid base to convert them into loyal customers.

What are the 5 most important aspects of successful marketing? ›

What are the 5 Key Elements of an Effective Marketing Strategy?
  • Branding. To achieve long-term and consistent success, branding is the first step to focus on. ...
  • Target Market. ...
  • Clear Value Proposition. ...
  • Multichannel Marketing Plan. ...
  • Marketing Measurement and Analytics.

What is 5 P's strategy examples? ›

To help businesses navigate this complex landscape, he developed his 5 Ps of Strategy – five distinct approaches that can be used to develop a robust and practical strategy. Mintzberg's 5 Ps of Strategy include Plan, Ploy, Pattern, Position, and Perspective.

What are the 4 P's of marketing which do you think is most important? ›

These are Promotion, Product, Place and Price. These 4 Ps play a major role in delivering the customer needs at the right time and the right place.

What is the key to successful marketing? ›

In conclusion, a successful marketing strategy must include five key elements: a clear understanding of the target audience, a unique value proposition, effective communication channels, a well-defined brand identity, and a plan for measuring and adjusting the strategy as needed.

What is 5P explanation? ›

The 5 P's of marketing – Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People – are a framework that helps guide marketing strategies and keep marketers focused on the right things. Let's take a deep dive into their importance for your brand. Need content for your business?

What is the purpose of 5Ps? ›

The Five Ps of an organization are Purpose, Philosophy, Priorities, Practices, and Projections. To clarify, this structure of organizational attributes offers a unique way to understand an organization. But most importantly, it offers a way to manage organizational alignment.

What is the 5P of marketing theory? ›

The 5 areas you need to make decisions about are: PRODUCT, PRICE, PROMOTION, PLACE AND PEOPLE. Although the 5 Ps are somewhat controllable, they are always subject to your internal and external marketing environments. Read on to find out more about each of the Ps.

Why are the 5 P's of strategy important? ›

Mintzberg's 5 P's offer a powerful framework for analyzing and developing strategy. By considering each aspect - plan, ploy, pattern, position, and perspective - you can craft a more comprehensive, effective approach.

What are the 5 C's of marketing? ›

What are the names of the 5 C's? The 5 C's of marketing consist of five aspects that are important to analyze for a business. The 5 C's are company, customers, competitors, collaborators, and climate.

What is the marketing 5.0 strategy? ›

Kotler states that Marketing 5.0 involves focusing on the consumer experience through interactions via technology. While consumers already use technology, the challenge for marketers is how to use it to create a closer and more agile relationship with consumers.

Which P is more important in marketing? ›

Marketing has 4Ps too: Product, Place, Promotion and Price. The most important P (arguably) is Price. Why? It's the only one that brings in money.

What is the most important P of the marketing mix and why? ›

If you don't have a good product, you're going to struggle to sell or retain customers. The product is the most important aspect of any marketing mix. It's the thing that you're selling, and it's what your target market wants or needs. The job of a marketer is to define what a product does and its qualities.

What type of marketing is the most important? ›

Arguably the most important inbound marketing type, content marketing is an essential part of any business's toolkit. As a whole, content marketing involves creating and distributing content often through multi-channel marketing approaches.

Which among the 4 Ps of marketing is the most important and why? ›

Many consider the product to be the most important of the four Ps of marketing. That being said, even excellent products can only be successful if a business strategically deploys all vital aspects of the marketing mix, including the remaining three Ps: place, promotion and price.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.