The Jersey Journal from Jersey City, New Jersey (2024)

THE JERSEY JOURNAL, JERSEY CITY, N. MONDAY, MAY 22, 1961 to Jailers: Help Inmates Robert B. Meyner said it is the responsibility of prison wardens and institution heads to develop as many avenues back to normal society as possible for inmates an patients. The development of programs for expressing these objectives requires imagination and courage on the part of correctional administrators1 and the understanding and patience of citizens, Meyner told the eighth National Institution on Crime and Delinquency meeting here yesterday. Australians Seeing Meyner TRENTON (UPI) -A seven-man delegation of top government officials of New South Wales, Australia, was to meet this afternoon with Gov: Robert B.

Meyner and legislative leaders as part of a tour of the United States. The group, which arrived in this country Saturday, planned to study the workings of state government and visit other points of interest in the state before continuing their tour. Food Prices Show Fair Stability NEW YORK (UPI)--It may come as a surprise to some people to learn that food prices have been one of the most stable of major family budget items, according to the Grocery Manufacturers of America. Based on the standard "Market basket" which the government uses to measure, price trends, prices at the grocery store in 1960 averaged about 2 per cent below 1958 and about the same as in 1952. Riots Increasing CLEVELAND, Ohio year was about the best in our history," President Edmund Warner of Lake Erie Chemical Co.

told his stockholders. The company exports tear gas for riot squads in 45 countries. Served in France Under Capt. Fisk Daniel Danzi's Life Was Centered on Carlton Avenue By BERNARD ROSENBERG With the death of Daniel Danzi, Carlton Avenue, between Hudson Boulevard and Montrose Avenue in Jersey City, lost one of its most beloved residents. "The block was his whole life," said his daughter-in-law, Mrs.

Daniel A. Danzi, "He knew everybody on it and they all knew him." MRS. DANZI said her father-inlaw had resided on that block ever since came to this country from his native Italy 50 years ago, when he was 13. "Everybody on the block thought the world of him," she added, "and he always went out of his way to help them. ever the children would congregate in his backyard to play, he would refuse to chase them out, reminding his wife that maybell Doctor Prays For Gallstones NEW YORK (UPI) -Medical World News, a publication.

for doctors, reports that Dr. E. H. Rynearson of the Mayo Clinic always says a little prayer before seeing a new patient. It goes like "Dear Godplease make this patient have gallstones.

Everyone loves loves them, gall-168, stones. The patient the doctor loves them. After being removed, box they're wrapped up in a little and presented to the patient on his way to the business office. And everyone is happy." Proper Mortgage NEW YORK (UPI)-A real estate rule of thumb indicates that a homeowner should have an annual gross income of about the amount of pis original mortgage, according to housing authorities Barrett at Allied Division. Chemical Corp's, Jersey City's Finest Funeral Home HAROLD J.

ROUTH 26 Greenville Avenue DE-3-6880 DE-3-3779 CHALICE, CIBORIUM from our wide selection of Ware Journal Jersey City, N.J. 901 Bergen Ave. elmor OLdfield 6-1600 FREE DELIVERY JEWELERS they didn't have a backyard of their own." Mr. Danzi originally lived at 84 Carlton Ave. Six years ago, his dream of having his own house on the block came true when he he had had built Carlton moved into the one family, home Ave.

for his family. -0 WHEN HE WASN'T looking after his home, Mr. Danzi enjoyed going hunting. During the summer he would pass his leisure time in the garden of his vacation home Towaco in Sussex County. "In the past year, his pride and Daniel Russell Danzi, whom he afenjoy, was his young grandson, fectionately called "Little Duke." "My husband was his only child," Mrs.

Danzi explained," and he was always fearful that the family name would not be carried on. When the baby was born, he was the happiest man in the world, particularly when wel named the child after him and his brother, a retired Italian army colonel." -0 DURING WORLD WAR I Mr. Danzi served with a machine gun unit of he Third Diviisi on inar of the Third Division in France. His commanding there was Capt. Clinton Fisk.

After the war he became one of the original members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars post named for his former wartime commander. Mr. who died Friday night at Jersey City Medical Center after a week's illness, married the former Catherine Busacca of Jersey City, 40 years ago. His funeral will be at 9 a.m. tomorrow from the Riotto Funeral Home, 3205 Hudson Jersey City.

Rites in Union City Angelo Tagliabue, at 68; World Famous Sculptor Funeral services were to be held today for Angelo Tagliabue, who died Friday of a heart attack at his home, 1805 Summit Union City. Born in Cantu, Italy, Mr. Tagliabue came to the United States 58 years ago. A world famous sculptor, he worked on the American Soldiers' Monument in Anzio, Italy, and sculptured the altars at the St. Vincent Ferra Roman Catholic Church in New York City.

He also some of the statuary 1939-40 New York World's Fair. He had once been affiliated with the architectural firms of and Kimball and with and William Platt in New York. He had also taught several years at Cooper Union and the Beaux Arts School in New York. The funeral was to be today from the Bosetti Funeral Home in Union City. FUNERAL SERVICE TRULY THE FINEST WILLIAM SCHLEMM The most respected name in funeral service in the area! Just ask a family in your neighborhood who has been served by Mr.

Schlemm. COMPLETE FUNERALS from $250 WILLIAM SCHLEMM, INC. JERSEY CITY Bergen Harrison Ave. HE. 4-0411 John J.

Carty, Manager UNION CITY. Hudson Blvd. at 22nd St. UN. 7-1000 Wm.


CITY. ZONE STATE. 3J-5-22 DEATHS Clesmielewsid, L. S. McCormick, McLaughlin, I.

Darby, K. Moylan, J. Garry, Gaddis, J. D. Paone, Perski, M.

Intermaggio, R. Quirk, Knox, J. Sacco, P. Lippman, S. Schoor, S.

Lucas, V. Tirre. C. MacLachlan, R. Treibel, W.

Malovita, Wilde, A. Mansfield, M. Zarsky, J. ANDERSON On May 19, 1961, John of 557 Avenue Bayonne; dear beloved husband of Edna Anderson: son Elsie Anderson and brother of NorEvans and Gloria Anderson. Fuservices Monday evening at 8 at the HOME FOR FUNERALS, Ocean Avenue, Jersey City.

BISSETT Gertrude Barnes, formerly Bloomfield, New Jersey, on Saturday, 20. 1961, wife of the late William Bissett: mother of William F. Bissister of Mrs. Alfred Lang, Mrs. Raymond Myers, Mrs.

William Traphagen, Mrs. Albert Egan of and Barbara Wesley J. Barnes; grandmother William C. Bissett. Funeral serat SMITH SMITH (suburban), Morris Avenue, Springfield, on Tuesday, May 23 at 10 a.m.

Relatives friends are invited to attend. Interment private. It is the request of family that friends call Monday and 7-9 p.m. CALIENDO Francesco, on Saturday, May 20, 1961, brother-in-law of Mrs. Rose Terracciano (Jersey City) and Mrs.

Rose Stiezio, late residence 484 Avenue Bayonne. Funeral will take place from The MIGLIACCIO Funeral Home, Hudson Boulevard at 33rd Street, Bayonne, on Tuesday. Solemn. High Mass at The Assumption Roman Catholic Church at 10 a.m. Interment, Holy Name Cemetery.

Family will re ceive visitors 1 to 5 and 7 p.m. CAMPBELL John, on Sunday, May 1961, beloved son of the late John and Ellen and brother of James, Rose Patrick, Kovar, Mrs. Mary Poldauf and Mrs. Betty Beppler, Mrs. 1016 Mrs.

Broadway, Bayonne. Funeral will Helen Kearst. Late residence, held from the HOPPE Funeral Home, Wednesday, 854 May 24. Solemn High Mass Avenue Bayonne, Our Lady Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church at 10 a.m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery.

Friends may call on Monday, 7 to 10 p.m. and Tuesday, 1 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. CAVALIERI On Avenue, May 21, Jersey 1961, City, Louis, 573 Central loved husband of the late Anna (nee Caputo); devoted father Thomas Mrs. Phylis Jerry Cavalieri, Mrs. Grace Angel- Bertone.

dato, Anthony Cavalieri, Mrs. ina Lodato, also survived by 9 grand. 16 great grandchildren. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend funeral from WILLIAM SCHLEMM, Funeral Home, 22nd Street and Hudson Boulevard, Union City, Thursday, May 25, at a.m.: Catholic Church, Union City, at thence to St. Anthony's Roman o'clock.

where a the Solemn High Mass will be offered for happy repose of his soul. Interment. Holy Name CIESMIELEWSKI On Saturday, May 20, 1961; Stefania (nee beloved Barlowski); of 217 Myrtle Avenue, wife of late Marcel; devoted mother of Miss Pelly and Joseph; survived friends are invited to attend funeral by two grandchildren. Relatives from 159 Garrison Avenue. Funeral home Wednesday, May 24th at 9.

Solemn high mass St. Ann's Polish Roman Catholic Church. 10 a.m. terment Holy rangements by KWIATKOWSKI BROTHERS. In lieu of flowers kindly make contributions to Heart Fund.

DANZI Daniel, on Friday, May 1961, of 78 Carlton devoted Avenue; father beloved husband of Kate; Daniel Anthony; loving grandfather one grandchild. Relatives and friends and members of Captain Fisk erans of Foreign Wars Post are vited to attend. Funeral from DOLPH A. RIOTTO Funeral Home, 3205 Hudson Tuesday, Boulevard, May corner 23, at Street, on m. Solemn high mass, St.

Nicholas Church, 10 a. m. Interment, Cross Cemetery. DARBY Katherine of 12 Broadway. on May 20, 1961 at the Nursing Home; loving sister of J.

and the late Mary Darby and M. Wood; dear aunt of Doris T. Anne M. Wood. Kathleen R.

Wood Joseph J. Darby: John's Relatives friends also St. Rosary Altar Society an invited to attend neral from McDONALD BROTHERS Funeral Home, 280 Baldwin Avenue 9 a.m. on Tuesday, May, 23rd. high requiem mass St.

John's Catholic Church at 10 a.m. Interment Holy Name Cemetery. GADDIS D. Dickson of 4 Brandon Road, Trenton. N.J., formerly Jersey City on Friday, May 19, beloved husband of Ethel (nee Cooper); loving, father of Mrs.

Paul Schmidt. Mrs. Leroy Phelps and Barbara dear brother of Mrs. John F. Chittenden, at the SAUL Home, Friends 1740 Greenwood Avenue.

ton. may call Monday, ning. May 22nd, from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, May 23rd at 2 p.m. GARRY On May 21.

1961, John, 2504 Summit Avenue, Union City, loved husband of Mae Garry Mader); devoted father of Jack, liam and Mrs. Anna Mae dear brother of Ernest Garibaldi, survived by 8 grandchildren. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited attend funeral from WILLIAM SCHLEMM, Funeral Home, Street and Hudson Boulevard. City, Thursday, May 25, at 8:30 thence to St. Augustine's Roman olic Church at 9 o'clock, where Requiem Mass will be offered for happy repose of his soul.

GILL--On Friday, May 19, 1961, of 138 Terhune Avenue: husband of Marion (nee McConagly): devoted father of Mrs. Marion three grandchildren: brother of Dorothy Barry, Mrs. Mary Moran Thomas Daveran. Relatives and are invited to attend funeral PAKENHAM-SHANNON Funeral 400 Arlington Avenue, on May 23rd at 9 a.m. Solemn high Paul's Roman Catholic a.m.

John Modrys, 82, In Weehawken John Modrys, 82, of 208 Maple Weehawken, died at his home Saturday. Born in Poland, Mr. Modrys had lived in Weehawken 30 years. He was a weaver. He is survived by his wife, five daughters, a son, and 14 grandchildren.

The funeral was to be held this morning from the Rieman Funeral Home in Union City. Katherine G. Darby Katherine G. Darby, 77, of Broadway, Jersey City, died Saturday in the Villa Nursing Home after a long illness. Miss Darby was born in Jersey City and lived here all her 1 life.

She was an active member of the Rosary Society of St. John's Church. The McDonald Brothers Funeral Home, Jersey City, is charge of arrangements. See death notice. Mrs.

Alfred Lucas GIORDANO- -Andrew, of 22 West 58rd of Street, Bayonne, on Saturday, May wife 20, 1961; beloved husband of Margaret (nee Lynch); father of Joseph Home, and Mrs. Geraldine Campagnolo; son Notice of Joseph and the late Antoinette: brother of Mrs. Lillian DeCluceis; also survived by two grandchildren. 1961, Funeral from the THOMAS M. O'BRIEN AND SONS Funeral Home, Reilly: 984 Avenue on Tuesday, May 23.

Reilly. Solemn high requiem mass at St. Street Vincent's. Roman Catholic Church at May 10 a. m.

Internment, Holy Cross mass, Cemetery. INTERMAGGIO On May 20, 1961, Rose (hee Schmidt), of 317 5th Street, 321 Union City, beloved wife of John Intermaggio; devoted mother of Mrs. Jeanette Hughes and James Intermaggio, also survived by six grand- Emily children. Relatives and friends are re- ter spectfully invited to attend funeral WILLIAM SCHLEMM. Funeral Home, 22nd Street and Hudson Boulevard, Union City, Wednesday, May 24, at 9:30 a.m.; thence to St.

of Anthony's Roman Catholic Church, Solemn Union City at 10 o'clock where a SACCO High Mass will be offered for the 117 happy repose of Cemetery, her. soul. North Interment, Arling- loved Holy Cross ton. Rose six KNOX Joseph Miller of 86 Clinton to Avenue on May 19, 1961; beloved husfrom band of Beulah (nee Saunders); devoted father of Buster Withers; brother of Odda Johnson. Funeral services p.m.

at MURRAY'S "A Temple of Service, 748 Ocean Avenue. Interment TO Machpelah Cemetery, North Bergen, LARSON on May 21, 1961, May of Woodlawn Avenue, Jersey City, husband of the late Augusta P. (nee ford on Johnson); father of Walter, Ralph and Edward Larson and Mrs. Alice Murphy, also survived by 5 grandchildren Funeral SCHLEMM, Fu- at and 4 great-grandchildren. from WILLIAM and Harrison Av- of neral Home, Bergen p.m.

Rev. Edwin City on Grubb, officiating. Jersey Thursday at 1 and beof Ma- LATOUR of 1201 Hudson Boulevard. North On May Vincent Bergen. beloved husband of Joyce La- T.

Lo Tour (nee Petrick): devoted father of Vivian LaTour, Richard and Lawrence LaTour; dear brother of William Mrs. Nellie Hoffmann. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend funeral from WILLIAM 'SCHLEMM, Funeral Home, Union Hudson City, Tuesday, May 23, at 9:30 Boulevard and 22nd Street, 9:30 a.m.; thence to St. Joseph's Roman clock, where a High Mass will he 10 Catholic Church, Union City, at 10 offered for the happy repose of his soul. Interment, Holy Name Cemetery.

(LIPPMAN Samuel of 284 Union Street; beloved husband of Edward; Tillie; dear devoted father of brother of Fan Heyman, Joseph, Leo and Irving. Services "WIEN and 2030 Boulevard, Tuesday 1 p.m. LUCAS On Sunday, May 21, 1961; Vira.m. ginia H. (nee Hantsch); wife of late Alfred Evans Lucas; mother of WarIn- ren A.

Lucas; sister of Mrs. Etta J. Ar- Knack. Relatives and friends are invited to pay their respects at the DONALD F. WOOD Funeral Residence, 582 Bergen Avenue.

Services at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Ber19. gen, Duncan Avenue on Wednesday at 10 a.m. Entombment Fairview of Mausoleum. Contributions to the Meof morial Fund of St.

Paul's Episcopal Church in Bergen, would be appreciatVet- ed in lieu of flowers. Friends may call in- on Monday from 7-10 p.m. Tuesday 2-5 RAN and 7-10 p.m. Stagg MacLACHLAN On May 21, 1961, 9 Richard J. of 110 Sherman Place.

Jersey City, beloved husband of Holy the late Gertrude MacLachian (nee Collins); dear brother of Mrs. Annie Ibbitson. Relatives and friends are re. spectfully invited to attend funeral serVilla John Funeral Home, 22nd Hudviees at WILLIAM SCHLEMM, Julia Boulevard, Union City. Notice of Sidie.

son time later. In lieu of flowers, kindly and make donations to Voices, for the and Vineyard Missionary 15 Park and Row, New York City. fuOn Sunday, May 21, at 1961; Grace (nee Morvilio); of 234 MALOVITA Solemn Sherman Avenue, Jersey City; beloved Roman wife of late John; loving mother of Miss Josephine Malovita, Mrs. Grace Heinsohn, Mrs. Gloria Burns; devoted sister of Miss Marie Morvillo, grandmother of Debra and John Burns.

Relatives and friends are invited to atof 1961; tend the funeral from the FALLON Funeral Home, 157 Bowers Street, Jersey City. Notice of time later. Lynn, Jane MANSFIELD Michael on May Funeral 19, 1961, of 270 Webster Avenue, JerTren- sey City, beloved husband of Blanche eve- (nee Kishonis); devoted father of Mrs. Service Eleanor Brain and Joseph: dear son of Helen Mansfield (nee Madden) and the of late John; brother of George, Paul. Julia be- Przychodzki, Robert and late survived by one grandson, Lawrence, (nee Wil- Relatives and friends invited to Barton; SCHLEMM, Funeral Home, Berattend -funeral from also and Harrison Avenues, Jersey Tuesday, 9:30 a.m.; thence to to City, St.

Paul of the Cross Roman CathRequiem Mass. will be offered for 22nd olic. Church at 10 o'clock where a Union the happy repose of his soul. Intera.m.: Cath- ment, Holy Name Cemetery, a the McCORMICK On May 20, 1961, Thomas of 390 Summit Avenue; beloved husband of Mary (nee PronHarold devoted father of Thomas, Algay); beloved bert. Mary, Joseph, Veronica and James; dear brother of James.

RobLyster; ert. Vincent, Elizabeth Wittpenn, Mrs. Frances Cowan and the late Bernard, and Mary Ann Roberts, and Veronica friends Boucher. Dear grandfather of Thomas from McCormick, Relatives and friends are Home. invited to attend funeral from Mc Tuesday DONALD BROTHERS Funeral Home, mass.

280 Baldwin Avenue on Tuesday at 9 Church, a.m. Solemn mass of requiem St. Joseph's Church, 10 a.m. McLAUGHLIN Thomas on Saturday, May 20, 1961 of 1011 Avenue 82, (nee Bayonne; Luoma); loving father husband of of Thomas Charlotte J. brother of Mrs.

Mrs. Helen Catherine Donohue, Mrs. Mary Reilly, Ashe, Mrs. Marguerite Dewland. Funeral from the THOMAS M.

O'BRIEN Death Notices May be telephoned to The Jersey Journal by your funeral director or delivered to our office from 7:50 to 8:10 a.m. for insertion in the current day's paper. Saturday deadline 7:50 to 8:10. PHONE OL $-1000. Rate TEN CENTS A WORD (each abbreviated word counted 0.8 1 word).

No advertisem*nt for less than the price of 25 words Same price each day. DANIEL DANZI 8 21, OTHER OBITUARIES ON PAGE 8 C. Battaglino, North Bergen, 83 Carlo Battaglino, 83, of 1214 9th North Bergen, died at home Saturday of a heart attack. Born to in the Italy, United Mr. States 72 Battaglino years came ago and had lived 55 years in North Bergen.

He was a retired businessman. The funeral will be tomorrow from the Leber Funeral Home, Union City. Margaret Couzens; Widow of Senator DETROIT (UPI) Funeral services will be held Wednesday for Mrs. Margaret Manning Couzens, 87, widow of the late U.S. Sen.

James Couzens. Mrs. Couzens, died Saturday. HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Requiem Mass will be celebrated Tuesday for actor Henry Joseph O'Neill, 69, who died Thursday. HARTFORD, Conn.

(UPI) Former Gov. John H. Trumbull, 88, died here Sunday after short illness. DETROIT (UPI) Mrs. Adelaide Taylor Keller, 71, wife of the former president and board chairman of Chrysler Corp.

died Saturday after a month's illness. Michael J. Mansfield Michael J. Mansfield, 47, of 270 Webster Jersey City, died Friday in the Jersey City Medical Center. Born in New York City, he had been a driver Bond Bakery.

The funeral will be tomorrow from the Schlemm Funeral Home in Jersey City. See death notice. Samuel Lippman Samuel Lippman, 65, of 284 Union Jersey City, died yesterday in the Medical Center. Born in New York, he was a clothing salesman and a World War I Army veteran. The Wien and Wien Funeral Home, Jersey City, is in charge of arrangements.

See death notice. John J. Potente John J. Potente, 47, of 1411 86th North Bergen, died Saturday in 1 North Hampton, on a business visit. Born in Union City, he was superintendent of a Massachusetts wire concern.

The funeral will be Wednesday from the Leber Funeral Home in Union City. Joseph Zarsky Funeral services will be held tomorrow for Joseph Zarsky, 74, of 34 Covert Jersey City, who died at his home Saturday of a heart attack. Born in the Ukraine, Mr. Zarsky was a mainteinence worker for the Erie Railroad. The Kowalchyk Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

See death notice. Self Sufficiency In Rubber Due NEW YORK (UPI)-Polyisoprene, a man-made petroleumrived rubber that is virtually identical with natural rubber, is now in commercial production by an oil company, according to Oil Facts, a publication of the American Petroleum Institute. The new synthetic is looked upon as the first step toward" this country's complete self-sufficiency in rubber. Chandler Improving CULVER CITY, Calif. (UPI)He-man actor Jeff Chandler was reported "slightly improved" but still on the critical list today.

A bulletin issued by Culver City Hospital said Chandler has been able to eat and has been "awake and Slick Salesmen NEW YORK (UPI)-Oil companies, burdened with over-supplies of gasoline, are resorting to some razzle-dazzle at the pump to spur sales. These include a portable vacuum cleaner to clean car ashtrays and floors, piped-in music land pert station hostesses. L. of nia neral p.m. 767 of May J.

sett: and vice 415 and the 35 10 RAUMITZ Helen on May 22. 1961, 2307 Hudson Boulevard, beloved of Walter Raumitz. Funeral from WILLIAM SCHLEMM, Funeral Bergen and Harrison Avenues. of time later. REILLY-Suddenly.

on Friday, May-19, Leo J. Reilly, of 2554 Boulevard; beloved husband of Margaret Boland devoted father of Carole F. Funeral from 298 Academy at Bergen Square, on Tuesday, 23: 1961, at 10 a.m. Solemn high St. Aedan's Church, a.m.

LAWRENCE G. QUINN. REUTER Dorothy (nee Wilson), of Liberty Avenue, Jersey City, on Monday, May 22, 1961, beloved wife of George; devoted mother of Janet and Linda: dear daughter of David and Wilson (nee Stizler); loving sisof Mrs. Emily Pabst, Mrs. Helen Durante, Mrs.

Phyllis Rickel and David Wilson Jr. Funeral from BEDDIGES-SEITZ Home for Funerals, 131 Congress Street, Jersey City. Notice time later. On Sunday, May 21, 1961 of Baldwin Avenue, Pasquale; behusband of Josephine (nee Mangeri); loving father of Angelo, Calabrese and Frances Scerbo, grandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral INTROCASO-ANGELO Funeral Home, 143 Brunswick Street.

on Wednesday, 8 a.m. Solemn requiem mass St. Aedan's Church, 9 a.m. PARKING LOT ON 4TH NEXT No. 5 SCHOOL.

Accidents Kill Boy, GI In Kearny Auto accidents in Kearny took the lives of a 7-year-old boy and a soldier from Brooklyn Saturday. The boy. Kenneth Fascia, of 13 Schuyler was struck by a car driven by William Dachowski 21, of 173 Highland Hudson Police reported. He died afterward in West Hudson Hospital. POLICE SAID Dackowski told them that the Fascia boy and a pal darted in front of his car at the intersection of Schuyler Avenue and Schuyler Court.

The other boy hesitated and stepped back, while Kenneth was struck, he said. Dachowski was charged with death by auto. The soldier, Albert Lindh 31, of Brooklyn, attached to an army missile base in Orangeburg, N.Y., died when his car struck a pole on the Belleville Turnpike at 9:30 p.m. -0 LINDH WAS ALONE in the car and county police theorized that he may have fallen asleep at the wheel. He was pronounced dead of a skull fracture and other injuries at West Hudson Hospital, police said.

The weekend brought accidental death to seven others in the state, including four others killed in auto mishaps. -0 ONE OF THE victims was Christian Tirre, 63, of 540 Palisade Jersey City, struck and dragged 125 feet by an auto Friday night near his home. The driver, 17-year-old Joseph A. Vespoli, of 192 Webster Jersey City, was to be arraigned today on charges of death by auto and leaving the scene of an accident. Other deaths were: Newark Edward Handsome, 46, killed Saturday when a scaffold on which he was painting collapsed, hurling him 30 feet to the pavement.

Alpine Claude Shepard, 20, Glendale, N. killed yesterday when he plunged about 100 feet from a cliff in Palisades Interstate Park. EDGEWATER Robin Wilke, 11 months, drowned Saturday while her mother, Mrs. Barbara Wilke, 2 Dempsey was giving her a bath. Maple Shade John F.

Masinos 32, of Philadelphia, killed Sunday when his car ran off Route 73 and crashed into a pole. Hammonton John Dixon, 17, Hammonton, killed Saturday when his auto crashed into a tree one half mile east of Route, 30. Wrightstown Mrs. Ethel Holzhammer, 36, Trenton, killed last night when the car in which she was riding ran off Sykesville Road and struck a culvert two miles north of Wrightstown. Most Pick Clergy For Counseling NEW YORK (UPI) Recent studies at the University of Michigan Survey Research Center indicate that of the nearly one in seven adults who seek outside counsel of personal matters, 42 per cent look to their clergymen.

Next in line are family physicians, to whom 29 per cent of the troubled turn. Eighteen per cent seek help from psychiatrists and psychologihts; 13 per cent, lawyers, three per cent, marriage counselors. Invents Pipe Hearing Aid NEW YORK (UPI) Irvin Cole of Glencoe, has a notion that hard of hearing men might go for a pipe that contains the microphone of a hearing aid. 'He's invented such a pipe, hiding the hearing aid in the bowl. Sounds picked up are amplified by a tiny battery under the stem.

The inventor claims the pipe can be smoked without hurting the hearing aid. SCHORR Spencer of Nutley, N.J., 21, 1961; beloved husband of Ethel Champagne Schorr of 7 WhitAvenue; lather of Katherine and Elaine Schorr. Services at the "STANTON Funeral Home." 661 Franklin Avenue, Nutley, Wednesday, May 24th, 11 a.m. Cremation private. In lieu flowers a donation to the Nutley First Aid Squad, would be deeply appreciated.

Friends may call Monday Tuesday, 7-10 p.m. STALLING On May 19. 1961. George of 163 Highwood Avenue, Weehawken, N. beloved husband of Lillian (nee Muhlenhardt); devoted father of Mrs.

Lillian Behrens; dear brother of Richard. John Charles, and the late Walter Stalling. Relatives and friends, also members of Euclid Civilian Lodge No. 136, F. A.M.: Defense Auxiliary Fire Department of Weehawken and Amer.

ican Legion Post No. 18 are respectfully invited to attend fraternal and Legion services, Monday, 8 p.m. Fu neral from the WILLIAM SCHLEMM. Funeral Home, Hudson Boulevard and 22nd Street. Union City, Tuesday, May 23, 1961, at 9 a.m.: thence to Trinity Episcopal Church, 701 Washington Street, Hoboken, at 10 o'clock.

Rev. Robert Ward will officiate. Interment, Fairview Cemetery, Fairview, N. J. In lieu of flowers, please make contributions to the George Stalling Memorial of Trinity Episcopal Church, Hoboken.

TIRRE On Friday, May 19, 1961, Christian. of 540 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, beloved husband of Lillian (nee Leonard); devoted father of Rev. Christian A. Tirre, Lillian, Dorothy and George Tirre; loving brother Mrs. Elsie Bartha.

Relatives and friends, also members of Malta Lodge, A. are invited to, attend funeral services at the FALLON Funeral Home, 157 Bowers Street, Jersey City, on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Rev. Andrew Yoggy, officiating. Interment Lutheran Cemetery, Wednesday, 10 a.m.

Visitation 1-5 and 7-10 p.m. TOMASULO Michael on May 1961, of 175 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, belloved hushand. of Rae: devoted father of William, Katherine Grisi. John. Dorothy Chioia, Louis.

Edward and Robert: brother of Anthony Thomas. Edward Tomasulo. Edith lacchio. Relatives and friends are spectfully invited to attend funeral the WILLIAM SCHLEMM, Funeral Home, Bergen and Harrison enues. Jersey City.

Interment, Bayview Cemetery, TREIBEL On Saturday, May 1961, William at Long Branch; formerly of Hoboken, N. beloved husband of Margaret (nee Clohessy); devoted father of Mrs. John Bisso and Mrs. Helen Richardson; survived by 12 grand and seven great grandchildren. Relatives and friends Employers of General Electric from -Corp.

are invited to attend funeral M. J. CORRIGAN Funeral Home, West Side Avenue on Tuesday, 23rd at 9 a.m. Solemn high mass Aloysius Church, 10 a.m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington.

JOHN M. CORRIGAN, SR. WILDE- Ann (nee Reisen); on 20. 1961, of 3354 Hudson Boulevard, Jersey City; beloved wife of James; mother of James. Janet and Pamela; sister of Fred Reisen and Mrs.

Frieda Bollenbach. Relatives and friends members of Acorn Council No. sons and Daughters of Liberty invited to attend funeral services the OTTO MACK Funeral Home, tral Avenue and Hutton Street, Jersey City, Monday, May 22nd at 8 Funeral Tuesday 2 p.m. Interment, Fairview Cemetery, Fairview, N.J. ZARSKY- On Saturday, May 20.

beloved husband of Anna Skripchuk, Funeral from his residence 34 Covert Street, on Tuesday May 23rd at 9 a.m. Requiem at SS. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church, 9:30 a.m. Interment Holy Name Cemetery, Arrangements by JOHN KOWALCHYK. CARD OF THANKS WITTE We wish to thank our relatives, friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended to us in our bereavement in the loss of my wife and mother Catherine Witte.

Special thanks to Mr. Robert Hesterberg for his consoling words and assistance and to the Workmen's Singing Society of Hudson County and Workmen Sick and Death Benefit Association and Joseph Otto. Seltz Funeral, director and staff for efficient services rendered. Bereaved Husband William Witte and Son George IN MEMORIAM PERRICONE Frank. 5th Anniversary.

Just a tribute of love and remembrance to a husband and father who was one of the best, the joys that he missed on life's highway. May he find in God's garden of rest. Wife, Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. FLORISTS LAUTEN'S FLOWERS 846 BERGEN J. C.

HE 3-7949 HE 3-5074 Night. HE 3-7878 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Call SCHLEMM: HE 4-0411 589 BERGEN JERSEY CITY John J. Carty, Mgr. 2200 HUDSON UNICN CITY Wm. Schlemm, Mgr.


OL 3-2498 NECKER-SHARPE 535 45th St. Union City UN 7-0820-0120 LAWRENCE G. QUINN HE 4-1661. EARL F. BOSWORTH 311 WILLOW AVE.



Orre- at Av- 20, the 723 May St. May also 188. are at Cen- p.m. 1961, (nee late mass SONS Funeral Home, 984 Avenue Bayonne, On Wednesday, May 24, 1961. Solemn high mass at St.

Vincent's Church at 10:15 a.m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, North Arlington. Family will receive their friends, 1-5 and 7-10 p.m. MONAHAN-On Friday, May 19, 1961, M. Edward Monahan: beloved husband of Martha Riley; devoted father of John, Edward and J.

James Monahan. Monahan; Relabrother of Harry tives and friends, also members of St. Aedan's Holy Name Society, are invited to attend funeral from 298 Academy Street, at 23rd, at Bergen 9 a.m. Square. Solemn on high mass, St.

Aedan's Church, 10 Tuesday, May a.m. LAWRENCE G. QUINN. MOYLAN On Sunday, May 21, 1961, John of 219 13th Street, husband of Evelyn (nee Hefferman); father of Brenda, John, Terence and Miriam; brother of Michael Moylan of Little Ferry. N.

Funeral J. Funeral Home, 591 from Jersey MeLAUGH- AveLIN nue, corner 4th Street. Notice of time later. NADROWSKI- On May 19, 1961, Anna (nee Murphy), of 108 Fourth Street, Hobpken, beloved wife of Erie; sister mother of Mrs. Anna Gearhart and Peul T.

Murphy. Funeral services, 1 p.m. at the EARL F. BOSWORTH Funeral Home, 311 Willow Monday, Street, Hoboken. Rev.

Edwin Parsil will officiate. Interment, Hillside Cemetery. PAONE On Saturday, May 20, 1961, of 59 Washburn Street. Michael beloved husband of Virginia (nee Maida), loving father of Patrick and William; three grandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral from INTROCASO-ANGELO Funeral Home 143 Brunswick Street, Tuesday 8:30 a.m.

Solemn requiem mass Holy Rosary Church, 9:30 a.m. PARKING LOT ON 4th NEXT TO No. 5 SCHOOL. PERSKI-Mary on May 21. 1961 (nee beloved wife of late Stanley; mother of Henry, grandof Walter and Helena Perski; sister of Mrs.

Blanche Leppard, Mrs. Florence Duske John and Mrs. Sczymanaski. Lottie Rela- Frey, Frank and tives and friends are invited to attend the funeral from Central the OTTO Avenue MACK and Funeral Home, Hutton Street, Jersey City. Tuesday, May 23rd at 10 a.m.

High mass St. Paul's of the Cross, Roman Catholic Church. 10:30 a.m, Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, QUIRK On Saturday, May 20, 1961, Dr. Pierce A. of 565 Bergen Avenue; beloved husband of late Margaret (nee Buckley); devoted father' of Noreen and John, son of Rose (nee Curran); and late John brother of John Joseph Mrs.

Anne Dayspriny, Mrs. Rose C. Roll, Mrs. Marie A. Pakenham Relatives and the and late friends Mrs.

also Ellen Hudson Quinn. County Dental Society, N. J. Dental Society and A.D.A., are attend the funeral from PAKENHANSHANNON Funeral Home, 400 Arlingin ton Avenue on Wednesday, May 24, at 9 a.m. Solemn high mass St.

Aedan's Roman Catholic Church, 10 a.m. Mrs. Virginia H. Lucas, 48 Kensington Jersey City, died yesterday in the Medical Center after a lingering illness. Born in Reading, Mrs.

Lucas was the widow of Alfred Evans Lucas, who died, April in the Medical Center. The Wood Funeral Home in Jersey City is in charge of ments. See death notice. Mrs. J.

Intermaggio Mrs. Rose Schmidt Intermaggio, 62, of 317 Fifth Union City, died at her home Saturday. Born in Long Island City, N.Y., she had lived in Union City the past nine years. She was the wife of John Intermaggio. The Schlemm Funeral Home Union City is in charge of arrangements.

See death notice..

The Jersey Journal from Jersey City, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

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