Senran Persona: Ninjas of Hearts - Chapter 138 - UknownHero (2024)

Chapter Text

(10/6, Early Morning)

(Shibuya, Shin Megami Apartment Complex)

A new day had started for the adopted siblings as they had woken up for the day and already took their morning bath together.

After everything that happened yesterday, to say they were a little on edge was an understatement, but they knew they had to focus on the here and now.

Even still...

“Homu-neechan, are you really okay?” Asuka soon asked as they got dressed.

The tan skinned girl sighed as she got her tan flora pattern bra and panties on. “Yes, Sis, I am.” Homura replied once again. “I told you that when I came home, in the bath, and when we fell asleep. I also think you asked me that in my dreams.” She then stated and listed off.

“Sorry, but...your friends...” Asuka apologized and started reminding before trailing off.

“Asuka, I am worried about them, and I will make sure they are safe at the first opportunity, but I have my responsibilities here.” Homura however responded before sighing once more. “As much as this all sucks, I can't let it get in the way of my own worries.” She then stated.

“If you say so.” Asuka muttered before sighing. “Just...don't hide it, okay?” She then requested.

“Sis, I haven't hidden anything from you since-” Homura started, but then stopped herself.

“...Homu-neechan?” Asuka got out, getting her sister’s attention. “I know you aren't gonna say since we became friends, but surely you haven't lied to me recently.” She then stated.

“...” Homura paused, appearing to be a bit nervous for some reason. “...No.” She eventually got out.

“You hesitated for so long!” Asuka called out in an accusatory shout. “When did you lie to me last time!? And what was it?!” She soon began questioning in an authoritative manner.

“S-Sis...” Homura awkwardly and meekly got out, surprised by her sister's forceful tone.

“Homura Shinkukage-Shirokage!” Asuka continued exclaiming only to pause. “ that felt weird to say.” She then mumbled.

Homura started to get a little nervous. “S-Sis, I assure you that the lie is not as bad as you think.” She started reassuring. “I just...sort of...umm...” She then began before trailing off.

Asuka however was having none of that as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Homu-nee...” She responded.

“G-Guh...Come on, Sis. This isn't important right now.” Homura soon began to plead. “We have stuff to do today and being late is a death sentence for both of us so let’s go and repay our debt to society, like we do every day! Hahahaha...hahaha...haha...ha...” She then started rambling before laughing awkwardly.

“...” Asuka however had an unamused expression on her face.

“...You aren't letting this go, are you?” Homura soon assumed.

“I'm willing to get Miyabi-chan to lock us from the outside until you do.” Asuka bluntly replied.

“Sis, this is getting really ridiculous.” Homura pointed out.

“Homu-nee, if it's so serious that you're putting all this effort into hiding, then I have to know.” Asuka soon stated. “Is it serious? Is there someone after us? Does someone know about us? Are you dying!? Oh God, you're dying isn't it!” She then asked before she then began crying.

“I dream of myself as a cutesy magical girl!” Homura exclaimed before blushing in embarrassment.

Asuka instantly stopped her tears (not that they were real, anyways). “...” She didn't say anything as she could only look at her sister.

“...” Homura meanwhile remained silent, embarrassment coursing through her body.

They both imagined a cricket sound inside their apartment...before a snort of amusem*nt was heard.

“...Y-You lie about your dreams?” Asuka asked, obviously struggling not to giggle. “Why would you?” She soon asked.

“W-Well, its embarrassing...” Homura meekly got out with a blush.

“But it's so cute!” Asuka responded with a smile.

“I have an image to uphold here!” Homura reminded in embarrassment. “Standing firm and strong, being able to help and defend at any time. But...going around saying I like those frilly dresses and going Kyu Kyu Beam really doesn't me, you know?” She then started explaining before asking.

“Homu-neechan, I never really cared about your image. Neither would the others.” Asuka stated as she shook her head. “You shouldn't be forcing yourself to hide something like that. Besides, I kinda already knew.” She then added and revealed.

“Huh?” Homura got out with widened eyes.

“Homu-neechan, you talk in your sleep.” Asuka pointed out. “And you know I wake up earlier than you sometimes. You've dreamt about noh dancing with Yumi-chan as a Gessen Elite, killing a lot of people you hate, and even about Akira-kun and Makoto-chan!” She then listed off.

“Y-You talk in your sleep too!” Homura countered. “Oooh, Mallow-chan, let me suck on your chocolate and vanilla fountains~!” She then recalled, imitating her sister's voice.

Immediately, Asuka blushed and felt something shattering inside. “H-HUH!? I...Y-You know about my Mallow-chan dreams...?” She squeaked out.

“Since we first slept together.” Homura bluntly stated. “What do you do in there!?” She then asked with a blush.

“It's a land of sweets. I think Hibari-chan introduced me to it.” Asuka sheepishly revealed. “Mallow-chan is really sweet, by the way.” She then added.

“Yeah, I can tell.” Homura replied with a sweatdrop.

“What's that supposed to mean!?” The Vice Leader exclaimed. “...Is talking in your sleep a bad sign?” Asuka suddenly remembered.

“Um...yeah, I think so.” Homura replied, grimacing a little. “...What were we talking about again?” She soon asked.

“You, lying to me." Asuka replied.

“Oh.” Homura only got out. “...Um, it was just about my dreams this time. It's not something you should worry about.” She then added.

This time?” Asuka repeated in an incredulous manner.

“Can we please talk about something else?” Homura pleaded.

"Okay, okay." Asuka responded in reassurance. "Hmm...oh yeah, you and Makoto-chan are having that big meeting right now, right?" She soon recalled.

"Yep. We even get to spend the day out of school.” Homura confirmed and revealed.

“Lucky...” Asuka muttered under her breath in obvious envy. “What was it called again?” She then asked.

“Aw, come on, Sis. I'm sure you've heard of it before. I mentioned it at least once to you.” Homura got out with hands on her hips.

“Hmm...ah, the Future Leaders Summit, right?” Asuka hummed out and recalled.

“Yep, that is indeed its full name.” Homura confirmed with a nod before groaning. “Still, to think that Kobayakawa did everything he could to prevent Shujin attending something as important as this...” She got out in annoyance and disappointment.

“Because he would've freak out if the other leaders started to question him about certain things in our school and practices?” Asuka guessed.

The tan skinned girl shook her head. “No, it would probably be more due to the fact that me, Makoto-senpai and the Vice President of Shujin would reveal everything he did to the Student Council Presidents, Vice Presidents and Disciplinary Committee Heads of the other schools.” Homura deducted in annoyance.

“From the sounds of it, there'll be a lot of schools.” Asuka got out as she sat down on the couch. “So many people...I would be completely overwhelmed.” She then got out and confessed in a sheepish manner.

"It's not like we're in a concert, Sis." Homura sighed.

“Still feels overwhelming.” Asuka mumbled.

“Hey, I'm the one going.” Homura reminded. “And you can't exactly talk since you're a model.” She then added.

“How does being a model relate to meeting so many other students to talk about school stuff?” Asuka however asked.

“You had that runway show and had many eyes on you.” Homura reminded.

“But that's completely different.” Asuka responded as she shook her head. “I didn't have to talk to so many people. I just had to look nice and let them see and admire me. This is more like, I dunno, the UN coming together to meet and decide the fate of countries. That's not a runway show.” She then explained and stated.

"Yeah, you'll probably pee your panties if that ever happens." Homura admitted.

“Oh definitely." Asuka agreed with a sheepish nod. "...You think you'll be a future leader?” She soon asked, adding air quotes to the title.

“I...I don’t think I can answer that question properly anymore.” Homura hesitantly admitted. “I'm not gonna lead my team from Hebijo, I'm not gonna be the leader when I'm attending Hanzō, and I can't imagine being any more than the class president. Haven't done that since middle school.” She then added.

“Homu-neechan, you're a great leader. You just haven't had the chance to show it all that often.” Asuka replied and encouraged before blinking. “...Wait. You were once a student council president?” She got out in a curious manner.

“Yeah?” Homura responded. “Haven't thought about it in a long time. Just sort of passed by me. I don’t know why I even bothered doing it, it was just more work for very little pay off.” She then admitted with a shrug. “...I think my old parents were the ones that ordered me to run...” She then muttered in a sad tone.

“Hey, don’t think about them.” Asuka responded. “Me and even Yumi-chan are your family now.” She soon reminded in a comforting tone.

“What about Miyabi?” Homura pointed out.

In turn, the Vice Leader blinked at the question. “She's...erm...the aunt.” She awkwardly answered.


Asuka and Homura sweatdropped. "...We really need better walls." The sisters mumbled.

"So, do you have any plans after you're done with the summit?” Asuka soon asked to get back on topic.

“After the summit...hmmm...” Homura soon started before trailing off with a hum. “Well, I guess I could spend the rest of the day with Makoto. She has been worried about her bust slowly getting to our sizes.” She then added and revealed.

"Again? Jeez, I feel a bit bad for her.” Asuka responded in concern. "It's not even like Katsu-nee's visiting her on her doorstep every single day." She then pointed out.

“Yeah. If it wasn't for the Metaverse and training...she would be in constant back pain.” Homura sighed out. "Hell, she might even need a chiropractor for that. Or breast reduction surgery.” She then added.

“Katsu-nee hasn't even seen her since the beach.” Asuka soon reminded.

“Thank God for that.” Homura muttered while rolling her eyes. “I bet she wants to make sure Makoto can never walk again. Her boobs would need to be carried in a wheelbarrow.” She then stated and declared.

Immediately, the Vice Leader snorted in amusem*nt. "Pfft! Over-exaggerating much, Homu-neechan?" Asuka got out in between giggles.

"Sorry, just need a laugh." Homura responded with her own set of giggles that escaped her lips before coughing into her fist. “But seriously, she will need more training though to adjust. She does have the fundamentals for it at least.” She then stated.

"Agreed." Asuka responded with a nod. “...Daidōji-senpai might train her if she finds out. They both fight in a similar manner after all.” She then realized.

Suddenly, they both remembered how rough the gym teacher's normal classes were to normal students...and how military some of them were becoming. “...We probably should make sure she shouldn't.” Homura stated.

“Yeah...” Asuka agreed with a nod. “Oh yeah, you mentioned Hanzō Academy will also be at the summit too.” She soon recalled.

That in turn caused the tan skinned girl to think about something before coming to the realization. “...Oh, that means Ikaruga-senpai should be there then. She's part of the student council, isn't she?” Homura soon pointed out.

“Um, she's only the class president of our Elite class.” Asuka however revealed.

The tan skinned girl in turn blinked to that reveal. She might’ve misremembered that detail. “...Wait if that's the case, then who is the student council president in Hanzō Academy?” Homura soon asked.

"...You know, I would’ve answered Ikaruga-chan on instinct, but...class president?" Asuka admitted. “I...never really paid attention to the civilian side.” She then confessed in a sheepish manner.

“So...It's someone new.” Homura concluded before sighing. “Dammit, I was sort of betting on a familiar face being there.” She then got out.

“I mean, your other sister will be there.” Asuka reminded with a smile. “Yumi-chan will help you out.” She then added.

“Oh right. I forgot she's also a SCP in her own school too.” Homura got out in relief. “...Did she buy a swimsuit for the pool afterwards?” She soon wondered.

"That, I'm not sure." Asuka replied. "I mean, she does have swimsuits inside her closet, right? It's not like she needs to buy anything new." She then tried to recall and pointed out.

“Apparently the summits have been going on since after the Kamoshida confession, so she should be prepared.” Homura recalled and stated. “You think it's a little too...indulgent to get to go swimming in a big fancy pool while you guys are at school?” She hesitantly asked.

“Well, maybe the summits are stressful and the pool is to unwind.” Asuka guessed.

“I mean, I guess, but I still feel like I'm getting more days off than I should." Homura sighed out. “I wish I could bring you guys with me. We should be making memories while we're still here or...still breathing, given our lives.” She then confessed.

“How about we go there ourselves over winter break?” Asuka suggested. “How much is it to book it?” She then asked.

“Sis, I don't think the others would be up for swimming in the middle of winter.” Homura got out.

"Well, we can use it as part of their shinobi training, don't you think?" Asuka then insisted. "We can help them endure the cold with their bare skin exposed, or even help them survive underwater for longer periods of time." She then added.

“...Asuka, you're sounding like Futaba and my sensei.” Homura deadpanned.

Asuka blushed. "Oh, I?" She responded.

“Yeah.” Homura nodded. “Seriously, for once, can we not talk about getting naked?” She then groaned.

"What? I wasn't talking about any of that stuff!" Asuka exclaimed while waving her arms around. "I was talking about swimming in cold waters and underwater survival like we did at Hanzō. In their swimsuits, of course." She then explained.

“You mentioned bare skin! I just assumed it would be like that.” Homura exclaimed and confessed. “Definitely a thing at Hebijo.” She then added.

"Bare skin? Wait..." Asuka repeated in confusion before pausing and soon realizing, blushing in embarrassment as a result. "Oh...s-sorry. I worded that wrong." She mumbled out.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Homura soon assured her sister. "Though...we could give them that kind of training if we can." She then added.

"...We'll give them that training in a private setting at a later time. Not now." Homura decided. “Also...Hanzō Academy has a pool?” She soon asked.

"Uh, yeah, we do." Asuka replied. "Part of the school activities. And we get to wear our own swimsuits." She then happily revealed.

"Huh, lucky." Homura got out with a sigh. "And I'm pretty sure the guys in your school loved that." She then admitted.

"Homu-neechan..." Asuka stated with a pout.

“Speaking of that hotel, can we even book a stay there?" Homura however asked. “It could be like the Wilton and they don't want a bunch of punk kids around the place for any longer than necessary.” She then pointed out and reminded.

“We'll work it out.” Asuka replied in reassurance.

The tan skinned girl in turn sweatdropped to that. “In any case, I guess I'll meet the Hanzō student council at the Summit.” Homura sighed out. “Actually, it'll be nice to see Yumi-senpai during school hours.” She then confessed.

“Would she be any different, though?” Asuka pointed out.

“Well-” Homura began before pausing. “...Huh, I guess not.” She then admitted.

“Hehe, Yumi-chan is really consistent.” Asuka stated as the two then giggled a bit.

“So Sis, got plans today while I'm away for the Summit?” Homura asked in a curious manner. "Aside from school, of course." She then added.

“I'm going to spend some time with Futaba-chan after school today.” Asuka revealed. “After that, I think I'm going to spend some time by myself before coming home.” She then decided.

“Studying?” Homura assumed.

“No, just doing something fun alone.” Asuka replied.

“You don't want to spend it with someone?” Homura asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I want to have some time to myself. I've been spending time with so many people this year that I need a little time to do stuff I want to do.” Asuka replied and explained.

“What are you doing then?” Homura then asked.

“I-” Asuka began before pausing to think about it. “...Hrm...erm, I'll get back to you on that.” She then replied with an embarrassed blush.

“Ah, the winging it approach. Got it.” Homura assumed with a nod. “It's a good thing to recharge once in a while. Given everything you do, I'm surprised you haven't given yourself a break sooner.” She then added.

“Well, I like to keep busy. Besides, after Okumura confesses, breaks are gonna be a rarity.” Asuka sighed.

“Yeah, the stupid Conspiracy.” Homura responded in agreement. “I hope Haru-senpai will be prepared for whatever happens next.” She then added.

“Haru-chan is one of us. Of course she will be. If else, we have her back.” Asuka reminded with a fist pump.

“Right.” Homura replied in agreement. “Anyways, got anything big coming up yourself?” She then asked.

“Oh, I also got a big shoot on the tenth.” Asuka soon revealed. “I got a call for it yesterday, but I didn't want to bring it up after what happened.” She soon explained before smiling. “Miki-chan's gonna be there too.” She then added.

“You and her have been on a texting frenzy.” Homura jokingly recalled with a smirk. “I know about those night texting sessions you do with her, don't deny it.” She added in amusem*nt.

Asuka simply blushed to that.

“She's been a good friend to you, huh?” Homura assumed with a smile as her sister nodded. “Good.” She replied in approval.

“If she wasn't, you would've known about her a long time ago...and then never again.” Asuka pointed out.

“That is true. She did sleep over that one time.” Homura recalled. “Still, just because she's nice, doesn't mean she might not have ulterior motives. There's enough bitches in sheep's clothing out there that would take advantage of you.” She then stated in concern.

“Gosh, Homu-neechan. Miki-chan isn't evil in any way!” Asuka responded with a pout. “I already told her I don't feel comfortable going international as a model and she accepted that.” She then stated.

“And I'm glad you are staying in Japan for the foreseeable future, but that doesn’t mean you can't be betrayed.” Homura replied and reminded.

“You really are super paranoid.” Asuka mumbled.

“I just don't want you hurt if she does screw you over.” Homura responded.

“From all the times she hugged me in a clingy and protective manner, not likely.” Asuka sheepishly admitted.

“...Oh, wait, maybe I'm thinking it's the wrong kind of screwing.” Homura muttered, a bit amused and a bit concerned with a sweatdrop.

“Homu-neechan!” Asuka exclaimed with a blush. “We're only friends. No need to worry about her making a move on me.” She then stated in reassurance.

“If you say so Sis.” The tan skinned girl responded. “So what do you two talk about then?” Homura soon asked in a curious manner.

“Modeling, shopping, partying, coffee, future spa trips together, how sexy both of us are and how we deserve to be at the top, ranting about how Ranze's a f*ckin’ bitch who should be blacklisted from modeling.” Asuka casually listed off while checking her nails in a fashionista like manner.

“Well, as long as it stays professional and friendly, I’m not gonna pry any further.” Homura replied. “Just make sure to say no if it starts getting weird, okay Sis?” She then advised in a concerned manner.

"You have nothing to worry about Ho-mu-ra-chan~!" Asuka replied with a giggle quite unlike her usual one. “Me and Miki-chan are totes BFFs without any worries to deal with.” She then added as she checked her nails again and cringed.

Homura meanwhile blinked to that. This was the first time she witnessed her sister act like that. "Sis...Do I need to have a chat with Miki here or what...?" The tanned girl hesitantly asked.

Asuka however tilted her head to that. “Huh?” She got out in confusion.

"Never mind." Homura replied with a shake of her head.

Asuka simply shrugged her shoulders. “I soooo need to get my nails done soon. Maybe I’ll do that today.” She thought to herself in annoyance and disgust.

Meanwhile, her sister had a different train of thought on her mind...

"Okay, Homura Shinkukage-Shirokage, you've got this. Time to really show how much I've progressed from being a fight-happy tomboy stuck in the past as well as putting Shujin on the map at the Future Leaders Summit. Let's make this first impression the best damn one it can be." Homura internally monologued as she mentally slapped herself to amp up for the busy day ahead.

Asuka meanwhile looked at herself in the mirror and smirked as a thought came to mind. "Probably should get new heels too. Hopefully I can grind them into Ranze's eyes..." The Vice Leader mentally giggled. “Hehe, so totes wicked~” She added in her head in amusem*nt.

“Good impression...gotta make sure I give a good impression to the other schools.” Homura mentally instructed herself to keep herself focused on the task. "Not gonna let the fustercluck that was Hebijo's destruction distract me from this." The tanned guild concluded in her head.

Asuka meanwhile sighed as she looked at the ceiling. "Ugh, I sooo gotta text Miki-chan again so we can trash talk Ranze some more." She soon thought as she got her phone.

[SushiRoll23: Mornin' Miki-chan!]

[SoulPrincess: Good morning Asuka-chan. Sorry, but I’m not going to send you selfies of me bathing~!]

[SushiRoll23: Hehe, not this time Miki-chan.]

[SoulPrincess: Trust me, it’s rare that I get the bathroom to myself in the morning.]

[SoulPrincess: So what's up?]

[SushiRoll23: Just want to do a round of Ranze-bashing with you via text.]

[SushiRoll23: Still being the undeserving bitch right?]

[SoulPrincess: To the point I just want to make her the Phantom Thieves problem.]

[SushiRoll23: Damn, that bad huh?]

[SoulPrincess: Either that or tying her to the railway line like in those old Western films...]

[SushiRoll23: Hehe, funny idea, but we don't want someone as totes sexy as you getting arrested.]

[SoulPrincess: At least I can take solace that my manager, f*ckawa-san who just returned from a medical hiatus, would reject her and do everything in her power to blacklist Ranze from the industry should she apply to my agency.]


[SoulPrincess: Wait, did you just call me sexy?]

[SushiRoll23: Totally~!]

[SoulPrincess: Oho~ Where is this enthusiasm coming from Asuka-chan?]

[SushiRoll23: Dunno, just woke up on the absolute right side of the futon today.]

[SoulPrincess: Well you are just as sexy as me, in case you forgot.]

[SushiRoll23: Praise me more~!]

[SushiRoll23: Give me all the praise you got!]

[SoulPrincess: Careful there, my cute junior.]

[SoulPrincess: Don't go and pull a Ranze on me.]

[SushiRoll23: Hai, hai~...]

[SushiRoll23: If I ever did start becoming like the bitch though, you'd have to bop me over the head to snap me out of it.]

[SoulPrincess: Or I could use my cyborg powers that some rumors say I have to reprogram you~.../jk]


[SoulPrincess: Heard someone mention it about a week ago when I was eating out qs the most recent instance.]

[SoulPrincess: Also, bonk? Don't you mean slap?]

[SushiRoll23: Hehe, you really want to slap me across my sexy face?]

[SoulPrincess: More like bending you over my knee and spanking your cute and sexy bottom until you behave.]

[SoulPrincess: Might even make it bigger and sexier though~]

[SoulPrincess: Ah, give me a second to get out of the bath and dry myself off. My fingers are all shriveled.]

[SushiRoll23: No probs.]


[SoulPrincess: Or it could make it very red and sore...]

[SoulPrincess: You're just sooooo much better than Ranze in every way.]

[SoulPrincess: Shame I can't use my rare day off to have an outing with you...*pout*]

[SushiRoll23: Sorry, got classes today and plan to hang out with some friends of mine.]

[SoulPrincess: Gotcha...]

[SoulPrincess: I just wish...I could break Ranze and mak her my bitch...but I know you wouldn't approve...]

[SoulPrincess: I doubt the Phantom Thieves do petty, spiteful requests even if the poster has a valid reason to do so...]


[SushiRoll23: I wouldn't mind.]

[SoulPrincess: Huh?]


[SushiRoll23: Ranze is making you suffer...right?]

[SoulPrincess: She is, but hurting her is out of the question. Even if she DOES deserve it...You are really making me uneasy here, Asuka-chan...]

[SushiRoll23: Who said anything about ‘physically’ hurting her?]

[SoulPrincess: That just makes me even more scared...]

[SushiRoll23: I loathe those who make my friends suffer. Don't you too?]


[SoulPrincess: I do.]

[SoulPrincess: I...I do want to get back at her...]

[SushiRoll23: We both do...]

[SoulPrincess:...She honestly deserves it.]

[SoulPrincess: I'll...text you after dinner...]


[SushiRoll23: Sorry if I sound weird...I just really hate my friends suffering like you are right now.]

[SushiRoll23: All because I didn’t accept becoming your modeling apprentice...*sad emoji*.]

[SoulPrincess: No, you made the right choice for prioritizing your education on that date.]

[SushiRoll23: Still...]

[SoulPrincess: You have school. You'd better get going.]

[SoulPrincess: Still BFFs?]

[SushiRoll23: Of course! Do what you feel is right dealing with the bitch.]

[SoulPrincess: Yeah, I'll talk to you later. Bye.]

Asuka sighed as she looked at the text discussion she just had. It got a bit intense there, but she wasn’t kidding she said she hated those that made her friends suffer.

She was hoping it wouldn't have to create a mess that would require a Mementos trip and the subsequent verbal dressing down when the truth came out...

(In an alternate possibility, she would have to deal with her boyfriend's very disapproving look as well...)

Asuka just felt...angry when it came to Ranze and knowing what she was doing.

"Yo, Sis, you okay?" The tanned girl asked in concern. "You've been boring a hole into Miyabi's wall for a while." Homura then added.

Asuka soon snapped out of it and looked at her sister. “I’m ok Homu-neechan, just a bit concerned for Miki-chan and her stressful situation.” She replied and explained.

"Ranze, right? You know you can rely on us to handle her for you." Homura replied with a wink.

“Hehe, thanks Homu-neechan.” Asuka responded in a grateful manner.

“Remember though Sis, we're having a Mementos run soon too, so be prepared.” Homura soon reminded. “Got the feeling there's gonna be a lot of targets this time.” She then admitted.

The Vice Leader nodded. “I'll work with Akira-kun today getting everything we might need then while also hanging out with others.” Asuka replied. “I'll see you tonight. Good luck.” She then added and encouraged.

“Don't get chalk thrown at you.” Homura jokingly responded as she grabbed her bag and began heading for the door.

(Yongen-Jaya, Leblanc)

When Akira woke up, he felt...different.

It wasn't something to panic about, nor was it something to even make note of in the first place, but he felt...different.

It took a second for the Leader to realize why he was having such a feeling so early in the morning when he looked down to see Haruka's sleeping face and black ball of fur on his belly.

Akira let out a smile and sighed, stroking his hands through hair and fur.

Yesterday had been...needed. Sure, it would've been nice without the trip to the one place he promised never to visit in solidarity to Haru and against Okumura's horrendous practices, but it was better than letting Haruka gleefully wander in where all she would likely do is choke and puke.

The least he could do was make sure she got a free meal out of it (and probably not eat for the next few days).

Anyways, their talk after the fact had been a long time coming and felt like they were better than ever, even if the two of them weren't quite lovers yet.

More than friends, less than lovers. That was an odd thing to realize was perfect until they finally settled where they wanted to be.

For the first time in a long time, he didn't feel the need to put walls up, to resist, to...really, truly, let himself relax in Haruka's presence. It wasn’t a weight off his shoulders, it was more like a gate finally unlocking after years of being shut, welcoming in visitors to enjoy the theme park he had been building since 1969 filled with flat rides, haunted houses, and that one rollercoaster that had its track end directly in line with a pedestrian pathway and, oh would you look at that, the safety inspector was coming in to-


Someone call an ambulance! How do you stitch a face back on!?” Akira quietly murmured before chuckling. Damn, those were some good memories.

...And his mind was wandering. Huh, that hadn't happened since-

“Damn brat! I'll sue!”


But...that had long since been put into the back of his mind. He had no idea why that man decided to ruin his life the end of the day, he failed. He had friends, a family not made by blood but by the bonds they've forged, a new place to call home, a power to truly help people. Hell, he could probably get a good job if he got his confidants to help him. While there were plenty of problems that came with his insanely complicated (and perverted) life, he would not trade any of that for a chance to turn back the clock and stop that night from happening.

Well, maybe to stop that man from ever seeing the woman. At least then she would actually be grateful instead of throwing him under the bus.

“Wonder how she's doing...” Akira couldn’t help but think. One part of him hoped she was fine and away from the bastard, the other was hoping she was guilt-ridden and going through hell.

Well, it didn't matter. The Akira of the past was gone. The Akira of the present was currently on a nice bed with a beautiful girl and a talking cat. “So suck it, past me!”

Ah, he was sure Future Akira was going to say that exact same thing to him, but screw that guy. He didn't know him!

Still laughing softly to himself, he looked down to check on the sleeping girl. She needed to go to work soon after all.

And Haruka a slob.

She was drooling and snoring, her hair was suffering a severe case of bedhead (which he probably made worse with his stroking), and she had wrapped her arms and legs around him like she was clutching onto a body pillow. She was only in one of his shirts and her panties, but it was less seductive and more...lazy. Relaxed, like how she would dress if she had nothing to do on a Sunday.

But damn if she wasn’t still as beautiful as the day she kidnapped him.

“...I should refer to a better memory...” Akira mentally deadpanned.

“A-Aaaaaahhhhh...” The not cat suddenly yawned, stretching out his body on his stomach.

“Morning, Morgana.” Akira greeted as he rubbed the not cat’s head.

“Morning.” Morgana yawned out once more as he stretched.

“You came in last night while we were asleep?” Akira assumed.

“I wouldn’t be here talking to you if I wasn’t.” Morgana confirmed as she looked at the girl. “How’s Haruka?” He soon asked.

“Great.” Akira replied. “Dealt with some issues, and I think we’re better than ever now.” He then revealed.

“Does that mean you’re...” Morgana began.

“No. We aren’t dating but...we’re going to see what happens later.” Akira interrupted and informed. “She’s...still saddened over what happened to her friends back at Hebijo, but I know it’ll work out later...” He then whispered.

“Good. I’d kill you if you guys got together while she’s so vulnerable.” Morgana breathed out in relief as he glanced and noticed something about the blonde. “...Did she get bigger?” He then noted...with a slight blush on his face.

“She used herself as a test subject for the Big Bang Burger Challenge after hearing about the rumors...” Akira sighed out, leaving out his own involvement. “God, I really hope those burgers get discontinued after Okumura confesses.” He then grumbled.

“...She willingly chose to do that to herself?” Morgana got out in concern, processing this information.

“I tried to stop her, but you know how shinobi are.” Akira responded. “...I wonder where my boob fat goes...” He then wondered idly.

“You’re still questioning shinobi physics.” Morgana sighed out.

“Well, conversion of mass dictates that it has to go somewhere. And I do consider myself pretty lean.” Akira pointed out before looking under his blanket. “...Maybe it went to my ass?” He soon thought.


“...I’ll meet you downstairs...” Morgana sighed out, already feeling exhausted by the conversation.

“Alright, let me get Haruka up.” Akira responded and added.

“Wear protection!” Morgana called out as he went down the stairs.

“I have my knife! That's all the protection I need!” Akira called back as he felt it on the bottom side of his pillow. “...If things really go pear-shaped after Okumura, I should probably start wearing armor to bed...” He then thought.

“Mmm...” Haruka moaned.

“Oh, right.” Akira muttered as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Come on, time to get up. Should be early enough for me to whip up some breakfast for you.” He softly called out.

“Mmm...mornin’.” Haruka mumbled, her eyes barely opening to see the boy she loved as she kissed his cheek instinctively.


“Do you usually try to sleep pretty while you’re here?” Akira assumed, unphased by the action at this point.

“E-Eh?” Haruka stammered before looking down at her current appearance. “O-Oh, I’m so sorry.” She soon apologized.

“Nah, it’s alright.” Akira responded. “I’d prefer if you were relaxed than, you know, prim” He then admitted.

“You...don’t hate it?” Haruka hesitantly asked. “...Did he just call me sexy?” She meanwhile thought as she processed this.

Akira then caressed the girl’s cheek, wiping away the drool as she soon blushed. “Haruka, you don’t have to be all pretty and sexy all the time. When you’re with someone you’re close with, they don't care what you look like.” He stated.

“D-Darling...” Haruka got out with a blush. She rarely let herself be seen so unbecoming of her image. “Should I say the same thing to you? You always look so handsome.” She then tried to tease.

“Hey, there’s a reason why I keep my hair like this.” Akira simply responded. “No need to style and brush it if it’s your signature look.” He then stated.

Haruka snickered. “Pfft, boys.” She quipped in amusem*nt.

“If it works.” Akira responded with a shrug. “Now...who’s getting the shower first?” He then asked.

“Well, I’m not letting you offer it to me first. I wanna stay in bed a little longer.” Haruka responded and confessed.

“It is really damn comfy.” Akira sighed out as he snuggled into the plush mattress.

Thank you, Asuka and Homura.

“How about rock-paper-scissors? Loser takes a shower first.” Haruka soon suggested as she brought up her hand. “Don’t worry, it’s the regular version and not the boobs version.” She then added in amusem*nt.

“Haruka...I’m not a girl right now. I don’t think it would make sense...or if you could see what I chose.” Akira pointed out in a flat tone before lifting the blanket. “Unless you wanna see me flex my chest...” He soon added as he tried to move his chest muscles.

“...” Haruka’s nose simply leaked blood. “N-No, just...hands only.” She soon replied, attempting to save herself from becoming anemic.

Akira silently switched to his luckiest Persona. “You’re on. Three, two, one, go!” He responded and started.

“Go!” Haruka responded as the morning antics with the duo continued.

(Okumura Residence)

Meanwhile the fluffy auburnette yawned as she woke up, staring at the ceiling for a moment as if she was watching paint dry...while thinking about the current state of her father.

It had been a long while since the Palace incident.

She was also worried that despite her father’s Shadow being able to return back, he was still gravely injured by Black Mask. The memory made her anxious, most especially on what was going to happen to her father because of that.

He was still in his study. Still about to feed himself, and she assumed washed himself while she was at school, but hadn't really left home since his change of heart, remaining in that room doing...something. How much she didn't know was really making her worry. So many unknowns that not even the Hanzo shinobi truly knew.

Was it like this for every target? Was she worrying over nothing? Was she...just waiting until something horrible happened to her father?

Haru gasped. She was breathing heavily, hyperventilating. She was clammy and pale, tears beginning to slip down her cheeks. She was starting to have a panic attack!

Haru quickly closed her eyes and tried to steady her breaths. This...This was something she was drilled through in the past, after...after...

The heiress pinched her thigh underneath her blanket, igniting a little pain into her system and snapping her out of the moment.

“Relax, Haru...relax...” The young girl murmured as she took deep breaths to calm herself down.

After a while, Haru finally calmed down, and decided to focus her thoughts on something else...something casual and non-major. Starting her day sounded good.

Haru pulled away her blanket...and revealed her naked body before standing up to start the day. She then stretched her limbs out as she looked at her wall clock.


"Still have time for myself." Haru stated to herself as she casually walked nude across her room and towards her mirror.

The heiress simply stared at the mirror, looking at her nude body with a pondering look along with hands on her bare hips. Her face clearly showed some lingering thoughts the moment she decided to keep her actual body a secret from almost everyone outside, including the school.

"Huh...can’t believe they started to grow when I was eight. Now look where it ended." Haru muttered to herself as she cupped her actual H-Cup breasts, soon blushing as a result. “...I look like a mother with these.” She then added.

She almost wondered if she drank a lot of milk when she was a kid. Or bread, based on the health information she saw on her computer before it caught fire that time.

Her thoughts began to turn towards her...fiancé. Despite hating the man, she was still wondering what was going on with Sugimura this time, prompting her to be vigilant.

Lucky for her, Sugimura has never seen the heiress’s actual voluptuous body, even in the bare...which was quite a relief in her mind.

Oh how she wished she still had her chainsaw...

“No, too messy, heavy maintenance. They told you this.” Haru murmured under her breath while resisting the urge to pout, still a little saddened by being denied any further development of that particular weapon skill. “...A chop to the neck is quicker and requires less effort, I suppose. As long as I go for the head, and the blade is sharp as well.” She then added, thinking about her current weapon in her Thief career.

“...Wait, Mona-chan's against murder.” Haru soon remembered. “That would only make us like him...” She then added.

There were other options though. Murder might not be the best solution, but permanent damage is a great deterrent.

“...Am I weird?” Haru suddenly wondered aloud in an innocent manner.

Someone, somewhere, had a very sudden feeling that someone was making the understatement of the century.

“But...then again, my friends are weird too. In their own ways.” The heiress got out as she then decided to turn around to her side and examine herself once more in the mirror. “Oh my...they’ve gotten firmer than last time.” She then commented, feeling her plump derriere.

She somehow wondered how the ash blonde, the short-haired brunette, and the orangette would look like if she had a body like a kunoichi.

Immediately, she thought of the potential back pains it might cause, which made her worry a bit. But then again...they all underwent some shinobi training, though she was quite unsure with the orangette since she was not the...athletic type as of now.

Hopefully, the white haired woman would help their resident hacker with that particular predicament.

“Hehe, Miya-chan really takes care of Futaba-chan.” Haru giggled, recalling the lectures the white haired woman gave to then orangette. “Like...a parent would a child...” She then mumbled, soon thinking of her own family. “Mother...” She then got out, thinking about her own mother.

She had to admit...she missed her relaxing tea sessions with her, her smile, her voice, her...

“Haru, don’t cry. I will always...”


“Mother!” Haru gasped before clutching her head. “Wh-What is wrong with me today? It's been years since then. Why am I crying now...?” She thought in a panic.

Illness. It was illness that took her mother away. It was a natural cause of death, nothing even the best doctors could ever solve.

So why...why...did she feel


Suddenly, her boobs began to jiggle quite vigorously as her ringtone played from her cleavage.

Blushing heavily, she quickly reached in between her breasts and pulled out her phone. She had totally forgotten to plug it in to charge last night! Silly her.

(Conveniently, what she was thinking about before it disappeared from her mind.)

"Please don't combust, please don't combust." Haru hopingly muttered as she saw a group message from her fellow Phantom Thieves.

[TheWildJ0ker: Everyone up? Joker here.]

[Sweetkat06: Hey, Leader.]

[Shut7heFUp: Sup.]

[B3lladonna: Hello, everyone.]

[FireGirl20: Hey there, guys. Just ate breakfast with Sis. What’s up?]

[Road2Queen: Ah, yes. Yumi, Homura. Remember that some of the students may ask about your future careers as adults. Make sure you are prepared for that.]

[Negative8Degrees: Thank you for the reminder.]

[FireGirl20: Not a problem, Makoto-senpai.]

[B3lladonna: Hm? Is there something happening at Shujin?]

[Negative8Degrees: Hai, but not necessarily just Shujin. Homura-san, Makoto-san and I will all be attending the Future Leaders’ Summit today to discuss current issues regarding many schools and plans to counter and handle them.]

[TheWildJ0ker: Oh yeah, you guys are having that Summit today. Will you guys be excused?]

[Road2Queen: Mm-hmm. That means the rest of my council as well as Homura’s remaining committee will watch over the school while we’re not around.]

[Shut7heFUp: Lucky...]

[Road2Queen: Be quiet, Ryuji. -_-]

[Road2Queen: Just be on your best behavior at school, or else I’ll kick your crotch, okay?]

[Shu7heFUp: P-Prez...]

[Negative8Degrees: Makoto-san, I am sure there are other such responses to that than a threat of violence.]

[Shut7heFUp: Thanks, Yumi.]

[Negative8Degrees: You cut off what they covet most and make them do 100 hours of chores.]

[Shut7heFUp: -_-” Actually, just kick me in the nuts. At least that's quick...]

[FireGirl20: Depends on how hard you kick ‘em...]

[Sweetkat06: These are our future leaders, huh.]

[Alibaba9: I can just hear the sweatdrop from that text...]

[All4Painting: You're quite the tsukkomi, Ann.]

[Sweetkat06: I think I accepted that role years ago.]

[DarkEyeXI: Most of us have only known each other for a few months. Some of us, less so.]

[Sweetkat06: I know...]

[TheWildJ0ker: Welcome to the shinobi world, everyone :)]

[Road2Queen: Anyways, I’m surprised everyone is up this early in the morning.]

[TheWildJ0ker: Well, in combination with training, nagging, and being ready for an emergency meeting (like yesterday), I don't think I can sleep past six ever again.]

[FireGirl20: How's Haruka? Got the feeling she slept over naked at your place again.]

[TheWildJ0ker: She was dressed, actually.]

[FireGirl20: Huh...not her usual self yesterday?]

[TheWildJ0ker: No, she's being completely natural. We had a nice day, got a chance to talk about some things, and we fell asleep. She's doing well now.]


[FireGirl20: Are you lying?]

[TheWildJ0ker: No.]

[TheWildJ0ker: I find your lack of faith disturbing.]

[FireGirl20: I've known Haruka for longer, so you can't blame me for being a little skeptical that she's acting like a completely different person.]

[TheWildJ0ker: Well, she's in the shower with me so I'd say she's acting about the same.]




(In a more romantic timeline, his significant other had cracked her screen from gripping it too hard after seeing that text.)

[Shut7heFUp: There's a shower there? In the cafe?]

[TheWildJ0ker: What? You think I go to the bathhouse to get myself clean all the time? That's a money sink. I didn't exactly come to Tokyo with a loaded wallet.]

[Alibaba9: Yeah, we have a shower in the back. It came with the place for some reason, but we barely used it until Akira moved in.]

[TheWildJ0ker: I noticed. It sprayed brown crap when I first turned it on.]

[FireGirl20: Wait hold on...are you actually in the shower with Haruka right now?]

[TheWildJ0ker: That's what I wrote.]


[All4Painting: Akira, are you not worried about ruining your phone?]

[TheWildJ0ker: It's in a plastic bag. Haruka isn't spying. She has a blindfold on.]



[Shut7heFUp: No, not really. I mean, it’s Joker we’re talking about.]

[FireGirl20: Yeah, he may be an ass, but he'd never do anything that will cross the line. I trust him that much.]

[All4Painting: Or else Morgana would kill him. And the rest of us would too, for that matter.]

[TheWildJ0ker: It’s all fine. Stop worrying about Haruka. She's good. By the way, how are you doing, Homura, Miyabi?]

[Sweetkat06: But...Akira, are you really showering with a girl right now!?]

[Shut7heFUp: Can't you read!?]

[Sweetkat06: How are you not surprised about this, Ryuji!?]

[TheWildJ0ker: We had a game of rock paper scissors, and it ended up in a draw.]


[TheWildJ0ker: I am not going to write out everything that happened this morning. Besides, is it really that important to get into what I do with Haruka? Or do you guys just want gossip?]

[SushiRoll23: Joker...Sorry...]

[TheWildJ0ker: I can assure you guys this is just some casual mixed bathing with nothing weird going on. Want me to send pictures?]

[Sweetkat06: NO!]

[DarkEyeXI: Makoto, you haven't said anything in a while. You still online?]

[SushiRoll23: Haru-chan? Are you still there, too?]

[B3lladonna: I'm just enjoying this conversation. It's so lovely to have such a lively chat log for once!]

[Road2Queen: I think I spaced out for several minutes. I don’t know how I ended up on the floor.]

[B3lladonna: See?]

[TheWildJ0ker: Are you alright there, Makoto? I hope you don’t mind that...part we’re talking about.]

[Road2Queen: Akira, ever since I joined the Phantom Thieves, I've been stripped naked in front of you all, gone on berzerker rampages, groped, had my breasts grown, and I've imagined a lot of things that would be rated in the theaters as either R or X.]

[Road2Queen: Showering with a girl is barely getting on my radar when I'm interacting with you guys.]

[Sweetkat06: ...]

[Sweetkat06: This group is either cursed or blessed by some weird gods above.]

[Sweetkat06: You know, let’s just move on, please.]

[TheWildJ0ker: Okay. Speaking of Haruka here with me, she is still concerned for her friends, though. Mostly Murasaki since she's like an older sister to her.]

[TheWildJ0ker: Though I wish she didn't use herself as a guinea pig for Big Bang Burger...]

[FireGirl20: Still using herself as a test subject, huh? Of course Haruka would go that far for results.]

[Alibaba9: I guess you cannot feed burgers to rats...]

[Road2Queen: Isn't doing that to yourself dangerous though?]

[TheWildJ0ker: I’ve had at least a dozen of these challenge burgers, and I'm not fat or dead. It's fine. Now, can we please stop talking about Big Bang Burger too.]

[FireGirl20: You should've seen her when her balloon bust potion broke and everyone started floating away like balloons.]

[FireGirl20: Some of them have not gotten back down as far as I know...]


[FireGirl20: You can't make this sh*t up when it comes to Haruka. Mirai was so tempted to use the all as target practice too out of frustration and envy.]

[Road2Queen:...Are there any other topics there for us to discuss?]

[Alibaba9: Yeah, it feels like we started this chat for something important, but it ended up as another “Akira and Haruka” thing again...]

[SushiRoll23: Okay. So, how's everyone's mornings?]

[TheWildJ0ker: You already know. Also thinking about what's gonna be my breakfast after the shower. Mona's prolly eating some leftover curry right now.]

[Negative8Degrees: The usual here on my end. Aside from the small space here. Been using my powers to cool myself off.]

[Shut7heFUp: Room feels effin’ hot here, but I can manage.]

[Sweetkat06: I think I need to go back to bed.]

[All4Painting: Just doing some sketches.]

[DarkEyeXI: Fine.]

[Alibaba9: Watching my morning shows while eating cup ramen.]


[Alibaba9: That's just an excuse...]

[FireGirl20:...I just heard the door slam.]

[Alibaba9: Oh goddammit...]

[Road2Queen: Um...I was going to take a shower, but I'm here chatting. At least my sister is already gone to work so she won't hurry me up...]

[B3lladonna: Well me? I felt like my boobs and butt got bigger for some reason, and I don’t know why.]


[TheWildJ0ker: Didn’t you say Katsuragi is your current bodyguard right now?]

[SushiRoll23: Oh no, did she start groping people while they were sleeping again!?]

[Road2Queen:...Wait what?]

[SushiRoll23: Noooo...not again...]

[All4Painting: I suggest restraining her. With rope.]

[B3lladonna: Wait, wait, wait, hold on everyone! I’m not being groped by Katsu-chan or anything!]

[B3lladonna: It’s just all natural. Like, hormone-natural.]

[Shut7heFUp: So she didn't do it?]

[B3lladonna: No, not at all. Don’t worry.]

[Sweetkat06: You seemed concerned, Ryuji.]

[Shut7heFUp: Huh?]

[Shut7heFUp: I just asked for, like, a clear-up-thing.]

[Road2Queen: Clarification.]

[Sweetkat06: I've known you since middle school, Sakamoto. I can tell when you're hiding something.]

[Shut7heFUp: OVER TEXT!?]

[Sweetkat06: Don't underestimate my power.]

[Shut7heFUp: It’s nothin’ special. Don't worry about it.]

[Sweetkat06: That last reaction says otherwise.]

[Sweetkat06: You have a crush~]

[Shut7heFUp: G-Guh! So? You gonna try and pry like we do with Akira and his sh*t!?]

[Sweetkat06: Sorry, but it's just nice. And I think it's really sweet. Do you need a little help?]

[Shut7heFUp: Nah, I'm good. I...I wanna win her over on my own, ya know?]

[TheWildJ0ker:’re becoming a real man now.]

[Shut7heFUp: I wasn't before?]

[FireGirl20: Well, you say the stupidest things all the time...]

[SushiRoll23: Homu-neechan!]

[FireGirl20: It's true!]

[All4Painting: She is not wrong.]

[Shut7heFUp: Okay, fine. I’m a dumbass, but also I’m doing my best to not let the whole group down, you know?]


[Shut7heFUp: sh*t, I think there's PE today. Daidōji-sensei again...]

[Sweetkat06: Wait, what? Seriously?]

[TheWildJ0ker: I heard that her lesson for today is advanced flexibility exercises.]

[Sweetkat06: Eh?]

[Shut7heFUp: Advanced? What, are we...gonna do like some splits or something?]

[TheWildJ0ker: That, and probably some poses that can probably make our bones snap. Like making our feet touch our head.]


[Sweetkat06: Y-Y-Y-Y-You’re kidding, right, Leader?]

[TheWildJ0ker: I’m actually looking forward to it, not gonna lie. Not sure about you guys though.]

[B3lladonna: Me too! Been a while since I cracked my spine.]

[Shut7heFUp: Cracked]

[Sweetkat06: ...You guys are scaring me...]

[TheWildJ0ker: Hey, better than being an exhibitionist around the school. Besides, Daidoji-sensei will find you if you try running away from her classes.]

[Sweetkat06: Akira, shut up...]

[Alibaba9: Mwhehehe, glad I'm not enrolled at your school.]

[Shut7heFUp: Oh shut your mouth, tentacles!]

[Alibaba9: XD XD XD XD! Good luck getting your bones cracked, guys! ;P]

[TheWildJ0ker: You know Miyabi’s gonna do it to you at some point, Futaba?]


[DarkEyeXI: Thank you for giving me an idea, Leader.]

[Alibaba9: ...Anyone willing to send me some kinky pics of theirs to me before the bone snapping? :’/ ]

[DarkEyeXI: Okay, quit pouting, young lady.]

[DarkEyeXI: And don’t worry. I’ll be gentle. I promise you that.]



Well, another normal texting session for the Phantom Thieves. In Haru’s point of view, of course.

She was elated to have such good and interesting friends now.

Just like her Melon Peaches days with Ikaruga, Murakumo, Leo and Ginrei.

“I hope Kumo-chan, Leo-chan and Gin-chan are doing well.” Haru soon sighed. She'll find them some day and be together again, but for now, her most pressing concern was getting ready for school today.

Right after that, Haru decided to start showering before putting on some clothes, so she inserted her phone back into her cleavage, disappearing it completely, and casually walked towards the bathroom in the buff before closing the door to freshen up.


Moments later, Haru left the bathroom in nothing but a lavender towel, refreshed and ready for the day as steam came out of the bathroom.

She then checked her wall clock.

5:28 AM.

She still had time.

Haru then went to her closet and set aside her bath towel on the nearby chair to get her custom lavender lace bra effortlessly on that (magically) flattened and hid the heiress’s actual breast size and her matching panties as well.

Even after all these years of wearing her minimizing bra, it still felt alien to put on, but even with her father too occupied to scold her for not using one, her breasts would get in the way and her spine wouldn't last the day.

After a while, she was now wearing her usual school uniform along with her signature pink cardigan. Once she brushed her hair, she was ready to leave her room.

First things first, the state of her father.

Heading over to his study (which was becoming more and more natural, worryingly), she carefully knocked on the door.

“Father?” Haru muttered through the door. “Are you...doing okay there?” She soon asked.

“Haru?” A muffled voice came from the door. “Oh, um...I’m...fine.” He hesitantly responded.

“Do you need anything?” Haru soon offered in concern.

“No, no, it’s fine.” Her father responded. “I...still need to sort my thoughts for the moment. ” He shakily added.

“Well, okay. But make sure to get Katsuragi-san if you need anything.”

Silence was the only response.

“...Father is still in the same state...” Haru muttered in concern as she stepped away from the door. How long was he going to be like this? It felt like months at this point.

Was it like this for her other Phantom Thieves friends when waiting for a change of heart?

This stifling pressure against her chest?

"Haru?" A familiar female voice asked. "Are you here? It's Katsuragi." She then informed.

“Oh, Katsu-chan.” Haru muttered before nodding. “I'm just outside Father's study.”

In a blink, Katsuragi was by her side, and the auburnette didn't even flinch. “So, how is he holding up?”

“He is doing well.” Haru responded, despite the unsure expression clear on her face.

“Hey, don’t worry. He'll be right as rain when he fully transforms into an honest man.” Katsuragi assured while patting Haru on the shoulder.

“I...” Haru bit her lower lip. She couldn't tell her how unsure she truly was about that, not after Black Mask shot him. “Do you...hate the Phantom Thieves for what happened?” She hesitantly asked.

“...What in the actual hell made you think that?” Katsuragi bluntly responded, looking a little confused.

“I mean...this all started with the calling card sent by them...” Haru reminded.

“He wouldn't have gotten one in the first place if he actually cared about people. Cared about you.” Katsuragi however pointed out.


“Haru, I think I've made it clear that the Phantom Thieves are heroes to me.” Katsuragi soon stated. “They’re strong, they do whatever they want and can for the good of the people, and they'll take any request as long as it's serious enough. The fact your father is like that only means he was a terrible person in the first place and he needed a change of heart.” She then listed off.

“But...he's!” Haru insisted as she pointed at the door.

“He tried to sell you off!” Katsuragi snapped, surprising the auburnette. “Not only that, sell you off to a douchebag who plays with girls like he plays with his penis! He may be your father but I have sympathy for him. Don't think for a second I will ever doubt the Phantom Thieves.” She then declared.

“But...what if something happens to him?” Haru however asked. “The poll on the Phan-Site was hacked to specifically target him and-” She soon started rambling.

“I'm not worried.” Katsuragi responded, interrupting the other girl. “After all, the Phantom Thieves have already won.” She then declared.

“You're so confident in that?” Haru soon asked.

“Hey, you're the one who put his name up on the Phan-site.” Katsuragi reminded. Man, she was thankful the study was soundproof or things would...Ah, she didn't care anymore.

“'ll be my fault if something happens...” Haru hesitantly muttered.

“Blame the assholes who hacked the site. They were prolly gunning for him first.” Katsuragi insisted. “But I feel as though the PTs are stopping their plans as we speak.” She then added.

Haru could only nervously chuckle, as she knew the Phantom Thieves were currently doing anything but that for now.

“Still, it makes you wonder who those assholes are.” Katsuragi sighed out. “Probably some other big shot the Thieves should go after next.” She then confessed.

“We'll...know soon enough.” Haru simply replied.

“Hm, I guess so.” Katsuragi shrugged. “I already can't wait for the next calling card.” She then admitted.

“I do too.” The heiress replied in agreement, not wanting to go any further than that. “So...are things between you and Ryuji-san going well?” Haru soon asked, hoping to change the subject.

“Huh?” Katsuragi responded in confusion.

“Well, I heard a rumor at school that a blonde hottie with mega gazonkers went and picked up Ryuji-san from the front gate...after groping Kotegawa-san.” Haru soon recalled.

“Y-You know Ryu-kun!?” Katsuragi gawked out.

Haru giggles with a nod from hearing thay nickname. “Yes. He's a friend I made recently. So does this mean it's true?” She then asked. “That you two are...What's the phrase? Bumping uglies?” She soon recalled.

“Haru, no!” Katsuragi responded with a blush as she shook her head. No, Haru would definitely tell Ikaruga and then it would be teasing hell for the next few years. “I just had fun at the beach with him and I wanted to do it again. He's a great guy, you definitely know how to pick ‘em.” She soon explained and confessed.

“He is quite amusing.” Haru admitted with a nod in agreement. “It's nice to have guy friends. They have such a different perspective.” She then confessed.

“Yeah, boyfriends are so awesome.” Katsuragi declared in agreement.

“Though, he could watch his- Eh?” Haru began saying before stopping herself, hearing what the blonde just said.

“Eventually becoming a lover, then a fiance, husband, and finally a father of so many kids since we always go bareback.” Katsuragi continued talking, her expression shifting from paying attention to perverted drooling and giggling.

“K-Katsu-chan?” Haru awkwardly called out, looking rather concerned.

Haru's voice, however, did not reach her as Katsuragi had already headed off into her dream land...

(Katsuragi's Imagination)

At a nice suburban Japanese home, a man in a black business suit and dyed blond hair pulled up to the driveway in his car, looking exhausted yet happy to be home.

Taking a deep breath after leaving his car, he could smell the food his wife was making coming from the window.

“Ahhh...I can smell it from here. It's amazing.” He couldn't help but think. He was so lucky to have married his high school girlfriend as soon as they turned something-something years old.

Well, time to make his entrance. No need to delay seeing the love of his life any longer!

“Honey, I'm- sh*t!” The man of the household began to greet, only for a fairly heavy thud to come from the door. “Aw, I forgot my effin’ keys again! Katsu-chan, help!” He got out in annoyance.

At that moment, the door opened as a beautiful blonde woman in a nice blue dress and apron (and massive tit*) smiled at her man. “I told you to double-check before you left for work, sweetie.” Katsuragi playfully reminded while swinging the keyring in her hand.

“Blame my boss. He wanted me to come in earlier than usual today.” Ryuji groaned as he set down his suitcase and took off his jacket. “Life as a ‘insert super cool and high-paying job or anything Ryu-kun would like doing’ is damn tough sometimes.” He then sighed as he sat down on their couch (their favorite spot for various reasons).

“Ryu-kun, you know you don't have to.” Katsuragi stated as she sat herself down next to him. “I make more than enough money by myself.” She then added.

“Yeah, but since you're the sexiest shinobi in the whole wide world, I don't wanna let ya be the sole provider here. I wanna be useful, dammit.” Ryuji insisted with a determined look on his face. “‘Sides, the less money we need to earn, the less you go out on missions, and the less likely you, uh, die.” He then added.


Oh, even now, after all these years of marriage, he still treated her as if he was trying to impress her, despite the fact that has already done that...several times this week, in fact.

...In the bedroom alone...

Katsuragi began to laugh. “Missions are fun and I'm helping the world. It's not so bad. Besides, I'm so strong that I practically have bulletproof boobies!” She then claimed as she squeezed her amazing chest.

“And what fine boobs you have, Katsu-chan.” Ryuji complimented as he then kissed his wife...and began feeling her up.

“Hehehehe~ stop that! We aren't teenagers anymore.” Katsuragi giggled, but did nothing to stop him. Not while she had begun rubbing his crotch.

“Ah, but you make me feel young every damn day.” Ryuji sighed, letting out little groans as he felt his blood flow redirect to his weapon.

“Oh, Ryu-kun...” Katsraugi seductively moaned.

“Katsu-chan...” Ryuji breathed out heavily.

However at that moment...

"Mother, is Father here already? I saw his car outside." A female voice called out from upstairs, causing the two to pause. "Jeez Mother, Father, are you gonna do skinship again?" The voice called out once more in disapproval.

The couple looked at the stairs and saw who it was.

"Oh, uh, hey there, Ryumi-chan." Katsuragi awkwardly greeted. "Father's home." She then informed in the same awkward manner.

At that moment, a 15 year old girl with surprisingly half black and blonde colored hair came down the stairs wearing a prim and proper school uniform. “Please refrain from stripping here.” She soon requested with a sigh, looking at her parents with her greenish brown eyes. "The neighbors might see you." She then reminded.

"Sorry, honey." Ryuji apologized with a small laugh. "Your mother is just so irresistible." He then chuckled.

Ryumi simply sighed, as if she heard this a lot of times. "Do it in your room instead, okay? And after dinner." She soon requested.

As the two watched their daughter head into the kitchen, the parents sighed. “Still calling us out for doing this stuff together.” Ryuji mumbled.

“Yeah, Ryumi’s been hanging out with Auntie Ikaruga again.” Katsuragi sheepishly noted.

"Well, at least our girl is responsible put us in line at times, of course.” Ryuji jokingly replied.

"That, too, hehe." Katsuragi replied with a giggle.

“Just be glad she didn't bring out the shinai again.” Ryuji soon reminded, glancing at the wall of kendo champion trophies.

“I just wish she could do more kicks like me.” Katsuragi mumbled with a pout with crossed arms under her breasts, glancing at their daughter’s karate trophies, though there was less in comparison. “But...she's still our little miracle of life. Our baby.” She proudly reminded with a smile.

Ryuji in turn nodded in agreement as he kissed his wife's cheek. “Hell yeah she is.” He responded in an equally proud manner.

Katsuragi smiled back at that, feeling satisfied with how her life was.

(Okumura Residence)

“Hehehe...” Katsuragi giggled, having completely lost herself in her own daydream.

“Katsu-chan?” Haru called out in concern, snapping the blonde out of her dazed state.

“Huh? What!? Um, I wasn't thinking about having a family with a cute daughter or anything!" Katsuragi exclaimed.

“...Good to know!” Haru responded in a chipper manner, trying to ignore whatever the hell that was.

“Wait...huh?” Katsuragi then spoke in a confused manner. "What was I saying...?" She soon mumbled.

"Nothing, nothing, Katsu-chan." Haru immediately responded, wanting to change the topic as soon as possible. "Well, I hope Ryuji-san treats you well.” She then added with a smile.

“He does, I can tell you that.” Katsuragi assured with a nod. “Now, come on. You should be getting your stuff ready now. School is still important, Haru.” She replied and reminded.

“Right.” Haru responded with a nod of agreement as she went to get her school bag.

The blonde meanwhile simply stretched herself to start the day.


But Katsuragi soon perked up from the sudden movement of her breasts. “Ack! The girls do not like their old home. Come on, as much as I love how you move, I don't want ya smackin’ me in the face.” She remarked while clutching onto her chest puppies.

“Your bra doesn't fit anymore?” Haru questioned in concern.

Katsuragi sighed and nodded. “Yeah. Haven't since I visited BBB yesterday.” She replied and revealed.


Something inside the heiress froze when she heard that. “...HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THE CHALLENGES AT BIG BANG BURGER!?” Haru eventually exclaimed in a panic.

Katsuragi got startled as she jumped back from the shock. “Yeesh! What the heck, Haru-chan? Why are you surprised?” She responded in concerned confusion.

“You...You still went to a Big Bang Burger, despite all the controversy?”

“I mean...yeah, the workers are having a really bad time, dealing with everything but...I just wanted to.” Katsuragi soon admitted. “Besides, a burger that could feed three families at 500 yen!? Even if I lose, I'm still getting an amazing deal. How are you guys making a profit with something like this on the menu? Actually, how aren't more people just taking it just to take the burger home?” She then explained before asking.

“Taking the burger home is 15,000 yen.” Haru sadly revealed. “From what I hear, we mostly throw the burger away if it's unfinished.”

“...I must've missed that on the rules...” Katsuragi muttered under her breath. Such a massive waste of food, even if she did beat it.

“How...How far did you make it?” Haru soon asked, glancing down at her friend's chest...which was obviously a little bigger than the last time she saw the blonde.

“Eh, they mentioned I would get the Captain's Badge next after the last two if I do the final one.” Katsuragi responded in an easy-going manner.

“And...when did you start taking the challenge?” Haru then pressed.

“Same day.” Katsuragi casually answered.

“Twice in a row!?” Haru exclaimed in a panic. “'re ruining your body!” She then got out in horror.

“They’re just burgers, Haru. Massive burgers, sure, but a quick sprint around Tokyo should be more than enough. I don’t have to worry about it until I'm 25.” Katsuragi reminded in the same tone. “What’s the big deal about them?” She then asked.

“” Haru began before trailing off with a blush.

“What, did they have, like, a secret ingredient or something?” Katsuragi jokingly asked. “Or just don’t wanna see me get fat?” She then added, the smirk still on her face.

“Oh no, it's just an unhealthy amount of hormones in the meat.” Haru answered, causing the blonde to choke. “Estrogen to be exact. Though I just learned about it recently myself.” She then added.

“...Isn't hormones in meat, like, against the law?” Katsuragi soon reminded in a freaked out manner.

“Eh?” Haru got out in slight confusion. “But, on packaging for meat products, I see labels that say hormone-free.” She then remembered aloud.

“If it says that and nothing else, that means there's nothing else they can put on the packaging.” Katsuragi pointed out. “...Does estrogen in meat do anything?” She then asked.

“Well, they make certain people...expand.” Haru informed with a sigh.

“That's...just what a regular burger does.” Katsuragi however pointed out. “And not in the fun places, unless the thighs are what you consider fun.” She then added.

“Well, it’s more...the breasts...” Haru tried to say in the tiniest voice she could manage...but the deed was done.


“!” Katsuragi's eyes immediately widened to a cat-like grin appeared on her face. “Bigger?” She guessed with a gleam in her eyes.

“K-Katsu-chan, that smile is scaring me.” Haru nervously stated as she noticed the blonde’s expression.

“I only thought Asuka had that ability...” Katsuragi whispered to herself.

“Eh?” Haru got out in confusion.

“I'm gonna go get more BBB Challenges! Be back in a few minutes!” Katsuragi declared in a giddy manner.

“Wait!” Haru called out as she tried to reach for the blonde, however...


Haru felt as though she had just doomed the world. “...Oh, Tokyo’s gonna get so much weirder...” She lamented.

Like it wasn’t already.

(Hebijo Academy Remains, Surrounding Forest)

When Ryōbi began to regain consciousness, she instantly hated everything about it.

There was an aching pressure behind her eyes that made it seem like her eyeballs would pop out out her skull at any moment, there was a watery sound in her ears like she was underwater, and dammit, it felt she had just vomited and now all her stomach had was bile.

“ head...” Ryōbi groaned, grimacing as she wanted nothing more than to fall asleep again (although, she couldn’t quite remember when she fell asleep). “The hell happened to me?” She muttered in confusion before yawning.

And why did one of her ankles feel so itchy?

...And was she rocking back and forth?

When the brunette finally focused her sight, she noticed that everything looked out of place. She then looked around...and noticed that the grass was above her.

Was she...upside-down!?

She then looked down and noticed that she was bare naked, and on her foot was a wool rope trap hanging on a tree branch that caught her one foot.

“W-Why am I hanging from a tree by a foot naked!? Who rope-trapped me!?” Ryōbi soon asked while flailing her arms in a panic before she then noticed something else, specifically her untied, now longer, vibrant and fluffier appearing hair. “And why is it longer and fluffier looking and why are there flowers in my hair!?” She then demanded to no one, looking at the golden flowers. They didn’t even seem to be braided into it or anything, it was embedded in it!

To say she was confused...was an understatement.

“RYŌNA! WHERE THE f*ck ARE YOU, YOU DUMB PIG!?” The brunette screamed out in anger while flailing her arms.

“Ryō it.” A blunt and irritated sounding voice requested, causing the brunette to look down to see her twin. “Finally...caught you...” She practically hissed out.

That immediately got the brunette’s attention as she got a better look at her sister.

Ryōna on the other hand...looked surprisingly irritated as her eye twitched as she was panting heavily as it was from exhaustion, looking as though she didn't get any sleep.

As for where she was right now, she was simply sitting on a nearby rock, as if she was watching over the sorry state of her sister right now.

...Honestly, it seemed similar to how Ryōbi was when she had to deal with something stupid due to her sister's old antics.

Which itself was ironic to say the least.

“Uh...what happened?” Ryōbi awkwardly asked.

You decided to eat one of the flowers that suddenly appeared..." Ryōna revealed. “Then you ate way too much, which ended up trying to force feed me to be like you! And that wasn’t even a quarter of what you did yesterday!” She soon roared in a completely frustrated manner, looking as if she was on the verge of snapping.

By the tone of her voice, it was clear that the blonde had been awake for far too long and was struggling to stay awake.

“And your response to this was catching me and stringing me up by one of my legs!?” Ryōbi responded while flailing her arms.

“I’m not the one who made themselves look like a f*ckin’ idiot this time!” Ryōna countered in irritation with a twitching eye, surprising her twin.

She was at least somewhat relieved that all that time spent tying herself up had translated into doing it to other people, and to ensure that it was as painless as possible. It just took a lot of willpower to do the opposite of her usual routine.

“Idiot!? You’re an idiot, bitch!” Ryōbi countered, trying to reach out to her sister to slap her udders. However, the image was that of a child ineffectually reaching over the counter for a cookie in the cookie jar just...upside-down.

“You won’t think so much like that after I tell you what you did yesterday.” Ryōna idly thought.

"Can you untie me and give me something more than your old bondage ropes to wear?" The brunette twin requested.

“Only if you don’t do anything stupid again.” The blonde twin responded, arms crossed over her chest.

"Yeah, I dunno what my dumbass self was thinking." Ryōbi muttered. "Please tell me I didn't form a free love nudist stoner commune at least..." She then asked.

Miyabi and Murasaki’s stupid cult was enough of a piece of sh*t as it is.

“No,” Ryōna responded, much to the relief of her sister. “But you did keep showing off your butt to everyone and sang about it.” She then revealed.

“...What the f*ck?” Ryōbi got out in disbelief. “Oh God, please don’t tell me someone recorded that.” She then pleaded in an uncharacteristic manner.

Ryona paused to think. “...I can safely say no one knows it was you.” She then informed in a manner that immediately told her twin that she was holding something back...if her brain was right side up.

“That doesn’t make me feel all that much better.” Ryōbi mumbled. “f*cking...if anyone saw that, I’d bury myself.” She then added.

“I thought you didn’t care about how everyone thought about you?” Ryōna reminded.

“Not unless it involves being turned into a laughing stock!” Ryōbi spat out in anger before cowering herself. “I could never show my face again. I’d turn into either Murasaki or Imu!” She then declared.

Ryōna winced. “Erm...actually...” She began.

“Actually, people are gonna already f*cking do that, video or not.” Ryōbi then realized before covering her face. “f*cking...f*ck. That’s it. My life is over. I’m going to find a cave and never leave. Goodbye, Ryōna. I hope you have a sh*tty life.” She then got out in a sorrowful manner...only to remember she was still tied up. “Um, a little help?”

Ryōna was seriously beginning to panic now. As much as she loved seeing her sister embarrass herself, she didn’t realize until now how much it would affect her. She completely disregarded what happened afterwards!

"Please, let me join Onee-chan..." Ryōbi groaned as her face turned bright red as her twin sister started untying her. "Or at the very least, toss me in the dungeon with Titless McGee and the others..." She then mumbled.

The thought of her twerking in the nude while singing the Bootyland song was clearly not going to be lived down any time soon...

Ryōna had no idea if this could be fixed. She tried her best but she had allowed her twin to completely ruin her social life at Hebijo.

“Can you at least explain why my hair looks different and why I look like I’m growing a flower garden in it?” Ryōbi then asked with a groan.

“I-I don’t know. It just happened when you ate one of those flowers." Ryōna replied as she handed her sister a fresh set of clothes and underwear. “After a while, you started growing flowers in your hair.” She then added.

“Like, with fertilizer and sh*t?” Ryōbi assumed with a grimace.

“No, as in literally, there were flowers sprouting out. Like a timelapse in real time.” Ryona clarified.

“Oh great, there are roots in my roots.” Ryōbi groaned in irritation. “I swear to God, if my brain is wrapped up in this crap, I’m going to beat Murasaki to pulp!” She then declared.

“I think you're thinking of a fungus.” Ryōna however corrected.

“Go eat dirt, Ryōna! Oh wait, you have!” Ryōbi spat out.

“It was your fault that you ate so much!” Ryōna argued back in annoyance. “Just be glad you got a bit of a bust now!” She then declared.

“I’m sorry, but I wasn’t the one growing weed flowers everywhere!” Ryōbi snapped, the golden flowers in her hair turning a very pissed-off shade of red. “...Wait what was that?” She soon asked.

Ryōna simply pointed to her twin’s chest. “You’re not as flat as a washboard now.” She revealed.

“...I don’t see it.” The brunette responded. “Really, you think this makes things automatically better? These f*ckin’ tiny lumps.” Ryōbi grumbled.

“Better than nothing at all.” Ryōna pointed out with a smirk as she then went and touched her sister’s chest.


“!” Ryōbi’s eyes immediately widened as she blushed from the action as she felt something that time.

“Yup, you're on the upper end of an A-cup now. No longer a washboard now” Ryōna confirmed with a nod.

“I will tear off your arm if you don't let go.” The brunette immediately threatened with a twitching eye.

"Not sure if it's permanent, though." Ryōna responded. “But no more eating those flowers in the hopes of making your bust bigger!” She then demanded.

Ryōbi gritted her teeth. There goes her chances. “Don't tell me what to-” She began to spit out in anger...


“Ugh...I’m so hungry...” Ryōbi groaned as she held her stomach.

“If you insist on eating flowers, I guess you can have some.” Ryōna pointed out as she plucked one off the ground. “You just need to limit yourself this time.” She then added.

“I think I’m fine with starving.” Ryōbi grumbled. “Or going on a carnivore diet. Or become an oxygetarian...whatever lets me avoid that crap. Ugh...I need real food.” She then added with a groan.

The blonde shook her head and sighed. “Well, unless you like your charred remains of a shinobi academy extra charred, we found some MREs in the Hebijo wreckage.” Ryōna informed as she approached her. “They’re from 1997 but they are remarkably preserved.” She then informed.

“I’ll take one.” The twin-tailed brunette requested while holding up a finger.

“Go get one yourself.” Ryōna however shook her head. They were at the ruins of the kitchen, and she was not walking all that way there.

“I will spank you so hard your hips will break.” Ryōbi soon threatened with half-lidded eyes.

Ryōna shivered but stopped herself from presenting her butt. She did not need that. "Good to see you're back to normal, Ryōbi-chan." The blonde twin admitted with a smile.

"Glad to be back." Ryōbi replied as she rolled her eyes. "So, what serious sh*t did I miss while I was streaking, twerking and singing?" She soon asked.

“Nothing major really. Rebuilding the school is still going on.” Ryōna revealed before narrowing her eyes.

Ryōbi’s meanwhile raised an eyebrow to the more serious expression. “Hm?” She hummed out.

"Yeah, in addition, we've taken possession of Murasaki-chan's plush..." Ryōna added while pointing to the stuffed bear sitting on a stool facing the corner.

"Anything else?" The brunette twin asked.

“...People are using their heads after what we said before you started eating the flowers.” Ryōna revealed.

"So we'd best prepare for any possibility, is what you're saying." Ryōbi responded. "I hope I didn't use my rifle for anything moronic yesterday..." She then grumbled.

Ryōna simply sweatdropped.

Ryōbi let out a long, loud and exasperated sigh at her sister's expression. "I'm really starting to hate Yesterday Ryōbi..." The brunette grumbled. "So, what did I do with my gun?" She then asked.

"It's going to need a very thorough cleaning." Ryōna vaguely revealed. "Maybe even some replacement parts at the absolute worst..." She then added.

The brunette immediately paled. "Son of a bitch..." Ryōbi grumbled.

“Yeah, you were worse then how I used to be, Ryōbi-chan.” Ryōna concluded.

"What about the Four-Eyed Fivehead and the New Wave? What are they up to?" Ryōbi asked as she grabbed her weapon and winced.

It was sticky, slimy, covered in dried gunk and had many synonyms for one's bum carved into it. The barrel was also bent at a 180 degree angle while the axe-head on the stock was severely blunted and rusty.

“No idea, was focusing on you.” Ryōna simply responded.

"Figured as much." The brunette twin sighed out before she started mentally cursing Yesterday Ryōbi in a very profane monologue. "I appreciate you looking out for me, by the way." She then added.

“Someone had to be the mature one for your dumbass antics.” Ryōna reminded. “Now I suggest you go and get your weapon fixed up.” She then suggested as she went and got the plushie.

"Yeah, this is gonna be a big project for now if it is salvageable. Can you help me get some of the stuff I need to fix this up?" Ryōbi replied and requested. "After you take a quick power nap." The brunette concluded as she saw her twin stagger while retrieving Bebeby.

Ryōna yawned and nodded.

"Yeah, do what your fat*ss sister tells ya! Go the f*ck to sleep!" Bebeby demanded. "Maybe have some dreams about f*cking that Kurusu guy and cucking those slu*ts Haruka and Murasaki!" The plushie added.

That however got the brunette’s attention as she looked at the plushie in confusion.

“Hai, hai...” Ryōna however sleepily mumbled, handing the plushie to her sister before sitting herself down against the tree and drifting off to sleep.

"I'm just gonna not question why the stuffed bear spoke and just focus on this." This brunette sighed out as she started wiping and disinfecting her weapon.

"Your fat*ss and dumb face is famous on NewTube now." Bebeby revealed.

That immediately caused the brunette to pause and pale again as she quickly whipped out her phone to check and, sure enough, she found that she was viral.

At least her face and private parts were pixelated and she found out what caused her gun to be so defiled.

"Ryōna, you lying piece of garbage!” Ryōbi yelled out as she slammed her rifle to the ground in anger. “WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP ME!?” She then yelled at the irritated, yet still trying to sleep, blonde.

"Probably too busy mentally sucking Kurusu's di-!" Bebeby started to answer before getting punched in his stuffed face by the suddenly very awake reforming masoch*st...right before her twin tackled her down.


Ryōna did not need this today...

(Yongen-Jaya, Tokyo Mirage Apartment Complex)

It was a simple regular morning inside the Senki Shu apartment room, and for one certain pinkette, she was not having it.

“Nggggh...” Miki groaned in frustration while sitting on their couch in a splayed position as if she was bored as hell while wearing her black lace lingerie. Even after the texting session with Asuka, she was still peeved.

“I know that noise. You're annoyed about something aren't you?” Maki then guessed.

“Did that limited time event at Triple 7 end? That is upsetting, I quite liked those sandwiches.” Reki soon assumed.

“Nah, it’s about the near constant thorn in my asshole ever since I met the snail.” Miki corrected.

“What are you on about, Miki-chii?” Yuki decided to ask, noticing her horned friend’s state.

“Ugh, it’s and Asuka just chatted about Ranze about her behavior during my last gig with her.” Miki responded with a sigh.

“Again?” Hyōki got out.

“What happened?” Reki decided to ask.

“Ranze was acting as if she was the top model just because I had to make her my apprentice. And then she kept flaunting the fact that I was her master and caused the other girls there to become jealous as Ranze literally enjoyed seeing their annoyed expressions! And don’t get me started with the fact that she was boasting about her own looks while bad-mouthing Asuka-chan all the while!” Miki revealed with clenched fists.

Yuki in turn winced at that. “Damn, that sucks Miki-chi.” She got out.

“And yet she acts sweet and kind to her girlfriend...” Miki grumbled.

That in turn got the attention of the others.

“That Ranze chick has a girlfriend?” Yuki got out, blinking to that revelation. “She...She likes girls?” She then added in a curious manner.

“Well that’s a surprise.” Reki confessed with intrigue.

“Couldn’t agree more.” Hyōki replied in agreement.

“It surprised me too when I met her. She's nicer compared to Ranze herself.” Miki responded and confessed.

“From the sounds of how you describe her, being nicer than Ranze is not much of a challenge.” Reki pointed out. “It would actually take much more effort to be worse than her than to be better.” She then explained.

“Okay, let me rephrase that. She's an actual understanding, pleasant human being who should really be better dating someone else than Alpha Bitch McPisspanties.” Miki corrected.

“What does she see in her?” Maki soon asked with a raised eyebrow.

“The Devil.” Miki guessed. “This better not be one of those I can fix her things. You can't cure bitch!” She then declared.

“Unless they have a-” Maki chimed in, however...

“Unless they have a change of heart! I know!” Miki added and declared in frustration. “Unfortunately, I don't think being a massive girl-dick is a valid request.” She soon stated.

“Why rely on an outside force? Just break her yourself at this point...” Maki bluntly stated in annoyance.

"What happens if word gets out and Miki-chi loses her job due to the ensuing scandal? Her model gigs pay the rent for this place." Yuki sighed out as a reminder.

"Then just make her forget what she did." Maki simply responded. "I'm sick of her complaining about the bitch, so she should just handle her." She soon stated.

"Miki, have you talked to her boss about getting her fired and blacklisted?" Reki suggested.

"Get a paper trail to show how thin the ice she's on to scare her straight." Yuki added with a nod.

"Hai. Just make sure it's an actual threat and not a bluff." The silverette concluded.

“...Will it be enough, though?” Miki however asked. “I mean, she does have quite a mean streak.” She soon reminded. “Hell, even Asuka-chan thinks she needs to change too.” She then revealed.

“Oho, so she has a dark side to her?” Hyōki assumed in a curious manner.

“Seems like it.” Miki responded. “She really cares for her friends, so she’s pissed for my sake.” She then added.

“And you think she’s already going too far with her actions?” Hyōki soon asked, earning a heavy sigh from the pinkette as if she was right on the money. “ are you gonna deal with this, then?” She then asked.

Shadows however covered the pinkette's eyes as she remained motionless.


And green electricity soon began crackling atop her head...

"Miki. Don't. Even. Think. About. It." Hyōki sternly spat out like a parent disciplining a child that's about to do something monumentally reckless.

"Ufu...ufufufufufufufufu~" Miki on the other hand giggled menacingly, her hair levitating slightly.

The ravenette sighed out as she and the twin tailed blonde drew their weapons in response to Miki's blatant display of power.

"Guys, just let her do this." Maki however bluntly requested. "The sooner the bitch is brought to order, the less Miki will complain about her." She then added.

"All four of you, calm down, put your weapons away and settle down." Reki called out. "We'll all head out of Yongen-Jaya, do our own things today and be back by sunset." The silverette ordered. "Any consequences of what we do today will be faced only by ourselves. Agreed?" She declared. "So, if you want to break Himenojou, you may do so, just know that us four won't lift a finger if you bring shinobi or the authorities to our front door." She then added while pointedly glaring at the pinkette.

Miki however just had a giddy expression on her face as she strutted to the bedroom to get changed.

"Do I...really have to go outside of Yongen-Jaya today?" The cake-loving brunette hesitantly asked.

"You could make yourself some lunch and spend the day at Inokashira Park sewing those awesomely creepy dolls." Yuki suggested.

"Or go to a pet store and play around with the cats." Hyōki soon added, causing the brunette to jolt up.

"That's your decision to make Maki." Reki responded. "How about you two?" She then asked the blonde and the ravenette.

"Gotta another date with Ryuji, Hyōki-chi?" Yuki soon assumed with a grin.

"He texted me to say he's busy today." The ravenette replied.

"Dang." The blonde sighed in disappointment. "Well, I have work today, so I better get going." Yuki replied and revealed as she went and got her bag.

"I've heard of a legendary fish at a place called Ichigaya." Reki revealed. "I'd like to see it for myself and feel it with my own hands." She added.

The trio then looked at their young Leader. "So, what do you plan to do today?" Maki soon asked.

"I want to visit the Meiji Shrine. For private reasons." Hyōki revealed.

This however piqued the trio's curiosity.

"Like I said, it's private. They say if you tell someone what you wish for, it won't come true." Hyōki explained. "I promise to tell you if it does come true though." The ravenette added.

Yuki in turn smirked at that. "Ah, gonna wish to have a happy future with Ryuji huh?" She then guessed with a smirk.

The ravenette in turn blushed to her mind then began to wander...

(Hyōki's Imagination)

It was a soothing afternoon as a woman was taking a rest on the couch. She appeared to be in her early thirties, though having an extremely attractive body that showed as she wore a long sleeve black sweater with blue pants and a white apron while her black hair was done in a ponytail held with a yellow scrunchie.

She also had a gold ring on her finger.

At that moment though, she heard the door opening. "I'm home, Hyōki-chan!" A male voice called out, followed by the door closing.

"Welcome home, Ryuji." Hyōki greeted. "How was your day dear?" She then asked, soon looking at the blond as he was wearing an attractive business suit.

"Rougher than you think." Ryuji breathed out in exhaustion while loosening his tie. "Being a public servant is tough." He then admitted while rubbing the back of his head in a sheepish manner.

"Why don't you have a shower? I'll get dinner ready while you're in there." Hyōki replied and suggested, setting down the small outfit she was placing the finishing touches on and stood up to embrace her husband.

"Whoa, someone's happy to see me." Ryuji jokingly said, rubbing his wife's head as he then caressed her cheek, causing her to blush and smile as a result.

"Well, yeah. You know the risks with my job and is it odd for me to show my husband some love, Ryu-kun~?" Hyōki replied.

"But you'll be taking time off from it soon right?" Ryuji recalled as he then rubbed the woman's stomach.

"Yeah. The other four know about my intentions with you." The ravenette replied. "But, don't worry, you'll be the first to know when it does happen." Hyōki added.


The blond then kissed the ravenette's cheek. "And that's what I love about you." Ryuji confessed. "Still, to think you had this much growin' to do between when we first met and now." The dyed blond admitted.

The ravenette pouted. "Well excuse me for being short when we first met, dear." Hyōki replied, getting a chuckle from her husband. "Plus, I'm juuuuuust the right height to do this...~" The ravenite cooed out as she stuffed the face of her husband into her ample breasts.

"Whoa Hyō, bold much?" Ryuji chuckled, blushing at the sudden action.

"A little teaser for tonight." Hyōki breathed out. "Now go and shower." The ravenette requested with a wink.

"Gotcha." Ryuji replied as he made his way to the bathroom.

Hyōki meanwhile smiled in a cat-like manner as she started looking at her husband's back.

Oh she definitely had plans...

(Tokyo Mirage Apartment Complex)

“Looks like I'm on the money.” Yuki quipped, snapping the ravenette out of her imagination, who soon pouted in disappointment.

"You're too distracted these days when it comes to him..." Maki deadpanned as she held up a pair of cat-themed panties and matching bra.

At that moment though, Miki came out of the bathroom in only a towel as the steam soon followed, sighing in satisfaction as she did so.

"Moh! Give me back my underwear!" The ravenette protested as she realized the brunette had swiped them off her body while she was distracted.

"Ara~ Our little leader's becoming bolder~" Miki however noted, greatly amused by the sight.

"More like acting like her true age..." Reki pointed out.

“Hey!” Hyōki got out in an offended manner as she got her underwear back.

"Am I wrong though?" Reki however asked.

“True, but Maki-chan veers between acting like someone who is 4-years old and 44-years old depending on her mental state.” Miki sighed out as the brunette collapsed onto the sofa.

“I wanna stab something...” Maki droned out from the sofa.

“No stabbing.” Hyōki deadpanned. “Not unless we’re on a mission.” She then added.

“No, not random people...or animals.” Maki responded. “Just...something that I can stab multiple times without blood coming out.” She then explained.

“Uh-huh.” Hyōki said, staring at the brunette in a skeptical manner, who just took out her kitchen knife and brandished its sharpness and edge with her bare hands.

“Anyway, we’re wastin’ daylight here. Let’s get moving on our individual mental health day.” Yuki stated.

The other four show their acknowledgement with various reactions, be it nodding or sighing, before...


...disappearing at a rapid pace in five different directions.

Though for the young leader of the group...

"Dammit, they had to interrupt my dream with Ryuji-kun!" Hyōki mentally whined in even more disappointment.

That was going to sour her mood for a bit...

(Sakamoto Residence)

Ryuji blinked himself awake and sat up, noticing the ceiling of his room first before glancing around his room.

Sunlight went through his window and illuminated the whole room.

The frazzled and sweaty dyed blond soon looked dazed and exhausted as he slowly brought his hands up and looked at. “What...the hell?” He slowly breathed out as he blushed.

Having that crazy dream involving Katsuragi as his wife and daughter made him feel good and happy for some reason.

“Me and Katsu-chan...married...Ryumi...what?” Ryuji muttered.

...But then the dream of having an easy going life with Hyōki as his wife felt relaxing and nice too.

“Hyō wife,” Ryuji quietly got out.

“Two girls, huh, Master? Might as well add another one if you can’t decide. Both of them are cute after all.” Seiten Taisen stated and reminded in amusem*nt.

Ryuji soon blushed at that remark from his other self.

Now...he was feeling conflicted.

“I know I want to be loyal to Katsu-chan...” The dyed blond started saying in a mutter...before he soon forced his window open and looked outside. “BUT WHY DID BOTH OF THOSE SEEM SO EFFIN’ AWESOOOOOOOME!?” Ryuji panickingly screamed out to the heavens.

“WHAT'S WRONG, RYU-KUN!?” His mother asked in a panic with a first aid kit in her hands at the ready as the morning in the Sakamoto residence went on.

(Hebijo Academy Remains, Dungeons)

Being alone in the cold, dark, cemented prison cell in the Hebijo dungeons underneath really felt all worthwhile for four certain people, especially when they’re under punishment by their former principal.


The sounds of waterdrops echoed throughout the dungeon as the four waited for something interesting to happen in their cell.

“Jeez, it’s so freaking cold...” Yomi mumbled to herself.

“...” Murasaki simply stayed silent, looking at her nude friends/sisters as if they’re the only people she could truly trust at the moment.

“My back is killing me.” Mirai whined.

“That's what cold, hard wooden floors do to you, especially when you have no clothes on to begin with,” Hikage mumbled, feeling the cold stone ground on her naked back. “Ugh, how long is sensei and Imu going to take again?” She then asked.

“They never said a specific date.” Murasaki recalled. “That meeting with Dōgen...what are we going to do?” She soon asked.

“I think if it's for the best that we only let one of us do the talking.” Yomi suggested. “If anyone says something he doesn't like...” She then started before trailing off.

“Yoke technique, right.” Yomi nodded in agreement and with a slight hint of fear in her voice.

“Okay, who is going to talk to him?” Mirai then asked everyone

“Well, Hikage is the leader. She should be the one.” The blonde stated as she gestured towards the greenette, prompting everyone else to look at her.

“...” Hikage frowned as shadows covered her eyes however.

“Hikage-san?” Yomi called out in concern.

“...I...I think someone else should.” Hikage soon suggested, refusing to look at anyone right now.

“Eh?” Mirai got in slight disbelief.

Yomi frowned. “How come? You're the most composed out of all of us.” She then asked, eager to hear her temporary leader’s answer.

“I'm not so sure about that anymore.” Hikage mumbled with a sigh.

“...It's because of Onee-chan, isn't it?” Murasaki soon guessed.

Hikage nodded. “If he says something to set me off like that again...I...I...” The greenette nervously started before trailing off. “I don't want to steal your chances away again.” She soon confessed.

“We keep saying it's not your fault.” Yomi stated.

“Well, stop that.” Hikage mumbled. “My happiness, my sadness and rage...This fear...I...I still don't fully understand it. I can feel it's...” She then droned with listless eyes.

“Hikage-san, please calm down! It's ok!” Yomi quickly tried to comfort the snake-like girl.

“S-Sorry...” Hikage soon apologized in a dour tone. “I...I don't think I'm fully in control of myself.” She then confessed.

“Hmmm...Is it because of Haruka's potion still circulating in your body?” Mirai guessed. “I mean, you only really got these emotions in the first place because of...well...drugs.” She then reminded. “...At least until Poochie came into our lives.” She soon corrected, causing the greenette in mention to perk up.

“I don’t know...and I still blame Haruka for originally making me this way...” Hikage sighed out. “Umm...I think...maybe I...” She started before trailing off.

“Arf! Arf!” Poochie barked, who was in front of the girls and prompting them to glance at their squad pet.

Hikage looked at the puppy for a moment...before smiling a bit as she leaned forwards and picked her up before hugging her in between her cleavage. “There, there...” She mumbled as she soothed her puppy.

“See? That’s not ‘cause of Haruka-sama.” Mirai pointed out with a grin.

“Heh.” Hikage replied with a giggle of her own with a smile. “Well, even if Haruka drugged me that time, I don’t know if it is still in me or if my body flushed it out but...I...if I'm going to deal with Dōgen-” She then began, starting to feel doubts on what’s about to happen ahead for them...

“No.” Murasaki suddenly interrupted.

“Murasaki-chan?” Yomi got out in confusion.

“No!” Murasaki soon responded. “I'm not letting you go back to being that person you were before! I'd rather die in here than let you fall back into that terrible person you were!” She then declared.

“...I was a terrible person...?” Hikage repeated that as she looked at the purplette in slight disbelief.

Murasaki immediately realized her blunder as she brought up her bound hands in a frantic manner. “W-Wait, no, I mean...” She soon started before she calmed herself down. “I...I want you to feel joy and happiness. Sure, it comes with sadness and anger, but it's better than feeling nothing at all.” She then explained.

“...” Hikage stayed silent at that response.

“Besides, we don't exactly have anything that can actually kill your emotions.” Murasaki responded. “That, and your old personality was...unique.” She soon confessed.

“You did have a killer poker face though.” Mirai then pointed out.

“I never played poker.” Hikage bluntly stated.

“But you'd kill it.” Mirai retorted back.

“...I still don't want to snap again, to lose myself.” Hikage suddenly admitted.

“Hikage-oneechan, I snapped the other day too.” Murasaki reminded. “And yet, what I feel...I'll cling to them with everything I have. My triumphs and mistakes just make Even if I could forget, I'd never let them go.” She then stated and concluded.

“I...somehow feel the same in some way.” Yomi had to comment, placing a hand on her bare chest.

“Plus Mirai snaps every time someone mentions her size.” Murasaki then added.

“Wha-!? HEY!” Mirai exclaimed in offended anger.

“See?” Murasaki replied as the youngest of the group pouted.

Mirai simply grunted in annoyance. “Ugh, can you at least talk to that bastard investor of ours in our stead, Hikage?” She soon asked.

“...” Hikage pondered in silence.

“Just do it, Hikage-san. Please?” Yomi pleaded. “For our sake.” She then added.

“...Alright.” Hikage eventually responded with a sigh. “I’m not giving up my emotions for him, but I'm going to let him stand all over us. I just...need training so I don't flip out.” She soon added.

“Sounds like a plan.” Murasaki replied with an agreement with some stars in her eyes.

“Murasaki-oneechan, can't you enjoy anything else but training and exercise?” Mirai giggled with a sweatdrop.

“Hey, I gotta keep my sexy six pack.” Murasaki reminded as she flexed.

Hikage simply sighed. “Still can’t believe you’re going that far just to stay healthy.” She got out.

“At least Murasaki-oneechan isn’t wearing green spandex and spouting about the flame of youth.” Mirai pointed out, causing the others to sweatdrop.

“I'm...more of a purple, black, white or gold girl. Green is more Yomi-neechan or Hikage-oneechan.” Murasaki sheepishly confessed and explained as she fiddled with her gold streak of hair.

“Purple and black were expected of you.” Mirai quipped as the purplette blushed. “White and gold are new though.” She then added.

“Probably because her aura goes white while her hair goes gold in her new form.” Yomi assumed as she looked at the purplette. “Gold...the color of the rich...” She mumbled in a conflicted manner.

“Yomi...” Hikage droned with a sigh and a sweatdrop.

“It's also the color of pee!” Mirai called out before the blonde did anything drastic (like impromptu hair removal). “And that's the...color of the...poor...” She slowly continued.

“It's more dirt bro- MPH!” Hikage however spoke up until the purplette covered her mouth.

“Well...colors are simply colors. They can mean many things, or simply because they are nice. And your hair is nice.” Yomi responded and confessed.

“Aw, thank you Yomi-nee-” Murasaki began.

“But if your hair is actually solid gold, I'll tear it all out and make sure you never grow anything again!” Yomi then added with a pleasant smile.

The purplette blinked. That was physically impossible, even by shinobi standards. “...I'll keep that in mind.” Murasaki deadpanned.

“Purple gold actually exists too- MMPH!?” Hikage then spoke up, only for the youngest of them to cover her mouth again.

“Hey, how about we start now!? We have the time!” Mirai soon suggested in a frantic manner, desperate to change the topic.

“...Sure.” Hikage responded with a nod before looking over at the blonde. “Yomi, say to me something that will set me off.” She then suddenly instructed.

Yomi flinched. “Um...”

“Don't worry, hit me with your best shot.” Hikage responded.

Yomi swallowed. She knew exactly what to say but...she was afraid that it might be a bit too far. “...If you insist. Remember, I am only saying this because you asked and this, in no way, reflects my true feelings. This is merely for demonstration purposes only.” She then informed in a rather formal manner, almost as if a legal team paid her to do this.

“Did you seriously put up a disclaimer?” Mirai soon asked in a flat tone.

Yomi however ignored the question and took a deep breath. “Ahem. I think Poochie would be delicious.” She soon stated.

“Arf!?” Poochie yelped out from her hiding spot...right before the greenette broke the blonde's nose with her forehead.


“I'LL f*ckING KILL YOU, YOU SICK PIECE OF sh*t!” Hikage roared as she began choking the frugal blonde, pinning her against the floor. “YOU ARE NOT EATING MY PRECIOUS BABY! I’LL EAT YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY BEFORE THAT HAPPENS!” She then added in a frantic manner.

“Hikage-oneechan!” Murasaki exclaimed in horror, already grabbing onto the greenette to pull her off the blonde, only to realize even her strength wasn't enough to overcome the power of love (and the lust for murder).

“Oh, this is gonna suck, isn't it...” Mirai groaned. If this was going to happen every time, they might as well let Dōgen kill them.

“A-Ack! Hrk! Help!” Yomi pleaded, waving her arm around while using the other to try and pry her friend's hands off her neck.

“DIIIIIIEEEE!” Hikage roared as her eyes glowed in rage.

Seeing the blonde turning the same shade as her hair, the former shut-in knew there was only one way to save her friend. “Poochie, Lick Attack!” Murasaki called out.

“Arf arf!” Poochie cheerfully responded as she leapt into action, literally!


Hikage immediately paused. “Eh?” She got out in confusion before seeing the puppy on her shoulder. “Aww, Poochie~” She cooed out as she stopped strangling the blonde and began to cuddle with her pet.

“It's super effective!” Mirai called out, already hearing the victory music play in her head.

Meanwhile, the former shut-in checked on the greenette's almost-murder victim, who looked as traumatized as an arch-priestess trapped in a cage. “Yomi-neechan, are you okay?” Murasaki asked in a worried manner.

“...AAAAHHHH!” Yomi screamed, just to let out all the horrible things she had just experienced in a healthy manner.

“Erm, she's physically fine.” Mirai stated while clutching onto her own neck.

“Ooook, so Poochie’s a trigger word.” Murasaki awkwardly noted. “Um...I think that's enough for today.” She soon decided.

“Huh? Excuse me?” Hikage dimly said, perplexed about why training was ending. “What happened? Did we start yet?” She soon asked.

The others in turn sweatdropped.

“Um, we'll start...tomorrow.” Murasaki responded before making a face that clearly regretted setting a time that was too soon.

“Okay then.” Hikage replied with a nod, although she did take a second to notice the blonde resetting her nose back to its original place with a pop and wiping the blood that dripped from it.

“Well, that was an exciting morning. I think all that made me a little famished.” Mirai said as she stretched her limbs.

“Yeah. We can't expend too much energy here.” Yomi replied with a nod and then added as well.

“...You think they'll feed us soon?” Mirai asked everyone.

“You think they'll feed us at all?” Hikage however retorted with rolled eyes.

“Let's just hope they give us water.” Murasaki hoped aloud for everyone to hear. “I can stand starving, but without water, we won't last long enough to meet with Dōgen.” She then added.

“...If they don't?” Hikage however asked once more.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and slowly turned their heads towards the squatting toilet in their cell before looking at each other.

At that moment though...

“Are you sure that’s enough for the four of them?” A faint young female voice spoke from somewhere

“That’s what they ordered us to give to them.” Another female voice responded.

“We could just sneak in some actual food for them.” The first voice soon suggested.

“The guard is sharp.” The second voice reminded. “You see what she did with our bowl? Yeah, she’s serious about putting those imprisoned here out of their misery.” She then added in disgust.

“Someone’s coming.” Mirai muttered in a whisper.

“I know that.” Murasaki responded.

“Hikage-sama?” The first voice called out. “Yomi-san, Mirai-san, Murasaki-san? Where are you?” They then asked.

That in turn got the attention of the four.

“Right here.” Hikage sighed out loud enough.

That got the attention of the two people who entered the dungeons, prompting them to sprint towards their cell location.

When the two girls finally appeared in front of their cell, the Crimson Squad noticed that the two were some familiar faces while wearing the usual Hebijo female uniform with their midriffs exposed. A red-haired one and a light-green-haired one.

“Ashiya-chan, Bashō-chan.” Yomi stated, seeing the two.

“H-” Bashō only got out before choking and blushing.

“Huh?” Ashiya however spat out in shock from the scene.

“What's wrong?” Murasaki soon asked.

“Where are your clothes!?” The new Elites asked at the same time in a panic.

“Not allowed for us.” Hikage grumbled with a pout. “Probably a good thing. Murasaki's bra alone could choke at least three people out at once.” She then added.

Murasaki fidgeted in embarrassment. “She’s...not wrong...” She mumbled out.

“Are you sure you’re all fine being in that state?” Bashō soon asked. “The whole place is really cold.” She then reminded.

“We used to go through intense cold training from being locked in the freezer for a couple of hours.” Hikage got out. “This is nothing compared to that.” She then revealed with a sigh.

“, anyway, here's your only meal for the day.” Bashō got out as she placed a small bowl into their cell.

The prisoners stare at its contents, which only consist of a gray pile of goo and four beautiful purple and gold flowers as well as four tiny plastic bottles of water. “...What is it?” Mirai had to ask.

“Ground up cardboard mixed with water and salt with four próin hikikomori porfyróchrysó lilium as a garnish.” Ashiya answered. “...I added the flowers.” She then revealed.

“...” Everyone was silent as they stared at the bowl’s contents.

“You might as well give us rats...” Mirai had to comment, hugging her legs. “And what the hell is that p*rn...hikikomori...huh?” She then asked.

Hikage meanwhile got a closer look at the flowers before looking at the ones that were in the cell with them. “...These are the flowers Murasaki’s Root of Harmony sprouted from her light.” She soon stated.

“Huh?” Murasaki got out in confusion, before glancing at the cage to see the same kind of flowers after attempting to use her power yesterday. “They are...” She muttered.

“These are edible?” Yomi had to ask, noticing the flowers in the bowl and also inside their cell.

“Yep! Just try not to over-indulge!” Ashiya replied and advised.

“They're...eating flowers?” Mirai repeated with a raised eyebrow.

“Ah, they've run out of food and have turned to eating plants off the ground now.” Yomi realized in an understanding tone.

“Like goats.” The snake-themed girl added.

At that moment, the frugal blonde realized something. “W-What happened to my bean sprouts that I grew in the Elites Room?” Yomi soon asked...before realizing the current state of the academy...and remember what happened to the aforementioned Elites Room. “...Not a single jar on my shelf survived?” She quietly got out.

“Apparently not.” Bashō replied.

“...” The frugal blonde paled. “When will cannibalism be on the menu?” Yomi questioned in a somewhat hollow manner, causing the others to sweatdrop.

“Yomi-oneechan, you can plant more later.” Mirai deadpanned.

“I’ll even help, Yomi-neechan.” Murasaki offered.

“In any case, we aren't that desperate right now, Yomi-san.” Bashō stated as she shook her head. “We don't know how nutritious the flowers truly are, but it seems to fill stomachs and we're getting water from nearby creeks. We should be good, it's just...well...” She started explaining before trailing off.

“Let me guess, the rumblings of rebellion.” Hikage assumed.

“Yes.” Ashiya confirmed with a nod. “It's quiet now, but...people are getting antsy over you guys. Not everyone can agree with what you guys deserve.” She soon revealed.

“We deserve to be free.” Murasaki soon stated with narrowed eyes.

“Well, there are still a lot of people who would rather see you buried six feet underground. Alive.” Ashiya however revealed.

“Aren't we already in that situation?” Mirai pointed out. She was pretty sure the dungeons were at least six feet underground.

“But there are also people who want to see you all safe.” Bashō revealed. “If this keeps up, there'll be a civil war. And there are plenty of girls who will kill and die for what they believe in.” She then warned in a concerned manner.

“W-We don't want anyone to die over us!” Murasaki exclaimed in concern.

“That's why we're working to make sure this all goes smoothly and not in a fiery blaze.” Ashiya revealed.

“Again, we didn’t-” Hikage began.

“We know you didn’t.” Ashiya interrupted.

“...Eh?” Yomi got out, getting her’s and the other Crimson Squad members' attention.

“Hai, unlike Sōji-san, we aren’t blinding ourselves to the fact that we’re Elites now.” Ashiya replied and stated as well.

“We didn't exactly want it the way it was given to us...” Bashō soon confessed with a hint of shame in her voice.

“We heard Sōji celebrating her promotion.” Murasaki sighed as she rolled her eyes. It was as if she was trying to rub it in their faces.

Unfortunately for her, they've long stopped caring about it.

“Actually, she's still celebrating.” Bashō soon corrected. “Last I saw of her, she was trying to figure out how to do victory donuts without a car.” She then recalled.

I AM THE GREATEST PERSON TO EVER LIVE!” A familiar voice yelled from the upper floors.


“Ah, she figured it out.” Ashiya got out with a sweatdrop.

“She’s lucky her modeling is also funding the rebuilding of the academy...” Bashō sighed out.

“Modeling?” Yomi repeated.

“Sōji-san’s a part-time fashion model.” Ashiya revealed.

“...Seriously?” Mirai had to react.

“Would it be enough, though?” Murasaki soon asked. “I mean, it’s a modeling job, part-time even.” She then added.

“Wait, the teachers know about this? Even the principal?” Hikage asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Guess as long as it brings in money for the school, anything is allowed.” Ashiya guessed.

“Suzune-sensei mentioned it...and Sōji boasted about it to her usual self.” Bashō added with a sigh.

“Using any and every means to get money for themselves...” Murasaki sighed out. “...Maybe I could go on a physical activities game show or compete in a video game competition to get some money for us.” She thought to herself.

“Murasaki, you are not that good at video games.” One of the others pointed out. “You have a life outside of a computer.” She then reminded.

“Also, would you like to embarrass yourself in front of thousands of people? They do some really messed up stuff on those game shows.” Another voice then added.

The purplette immediately perked up to that. “H-How did you know what I was thinking!?” Murasaki exclaimed in embarrassment.

“You were talking to yourself.” Yomi answered.

“...To yourself.” Hikage then pointed out.

“Eh!?” Murasaki squeaked.

“So it was ventriloquism!” Mirai called out, sounding vindicated. She even heard her use the Bebeby voice!

“Aaaahhhh! I thought that was gone!” Murasaki cried out in embarrassment. She thought everything about her old self died in a fiery explosion that night. Why can’t her past die like she wanted it to!?

“Wait, if that’s true, then how did that plushie talk while she was with Ryōna-san?” Ashiya however questioned in confusion.

“...What.” The Crimson Squad meanwhile all responded in unison.

Bashō meanwhile nodded to that. “Hai, Ryōna-san’s been holding onto Murasaki-san’s plushie and it has been talking as well.” She revealed. “That plushie is rather rude, you know.” She then confessed.

“...HUH!?” Yomi and Murasaki exclaimed in confusion.

“...That’s it! Once we’re out of here, I am tearing that doll open. If there is not a beating heart and a brain in there, I can die happy!” Mirai snapped as she began pulling on her hair.

“DON’T YOU DARE!” Murasaki growled before gasping and covering her mouth. “H-Huh?” She got out in shock.

“I guess you still hold Bebeby in your heart.” Bashō stated.

“...Bebe-tan was my only friend back when I was a shut-in.” Murasaki confessed. “And before it. She has been with me since I was born.” She then added.

“Ah, your first toy.” Mirai realized as the purplette nodded.

“I guess the past isn’t that easy to get rid of.” Hikage sighed as she shook her head.

Murasaki bit her lip at that. But...she had worked so hard to get rid of everything she hated, so why was Bebe-tan sticking around? There was nothing but sadness and despair when it came to that thing...right?

“You are lucky to have a first toy to begin with, Murasaki-chan.” Yomi however confessed with a smile.

“N-No. Don’t try and make it sound like I should be happy with Bebe-tan.” Murasaki tried to deny. “She was from my parents, she kept badmouthing me, she...” She began listing off before hesitating at the end.

“Was with you when you had no one. And she pushed you to prove her wrong. To be better.” Yomi soon stated with a smile. “Something you are still doing even now.” She then added.

“She wasn’t all bad, Murasaki.” Mirai then got out.

The purplette’s eyes widened to that as she looked down at the floor. “...Has Ryōna been taking care of Bebe-tan?” Murasaki soon asked.

“She was pretty battered and burned, but she’s getting all the TLC she needs.” Ashiya answered.

To that, Murasaki couldn’t help but sigh in relief. “I’m...I’m glad.” She breathed out in relief.

“We could ask Ryōna to give her to you.” Bashō offered.

The purplette however shook her head. “...No. Not yet.” Murasaki responded.

“Yeah, I doubt we could hide Bebeby in here.” Hikage got out in agreement.

“Murasaki-chan’s bear is safer with Ryōna-san for the time being.” Yomi stated.

“Be sure to tell that masoch*st to fix Murasaki-neechan’s bear up nice and good for her!” Mirai soon ordered.

“And that she’s machine-washable!” Murasaki added.

The New Wave girls nodded to that, smiling to that request. “Of course.” Ashiya replied.

“We’ll make sure she knows.” Bashō reassured...before glancing towards the greenette. “...Seeing Hikage-sama naked...ehehehe~” She suddenly giggled out.

“In any case Bashō-chan, let’s get going.” Ashiya got out. “We still need to assist with the students that got high on over-eating the flowers.” She soon reminded.

Immediately, Bashō cleared her throat. “Right. You would think they would learn after what happened with Ryōbi-san...” She responded.

“...They get high from Murasaki-chan's flowers?” Yomi soon asked.

“They got more fluffy, vibrant and longer hair as a result. Some people are even sprouting flowers of their own and others have even mentioned they felt their busts go up a cup-size!” Ashiya revealed as she looked at the confused purplette. “They are...very potent.” She soon informed.

“...What is your Root doing, Murasaki?” Hikage soon asked as they all looked at the girl in mention.

“I really don’t know...” Murasaki admitted, blinking to these revelations. What kind of power had her new Root granted her?

Mirai meanwhile blinked to this, curiosity growing within her at the prospect of her cup size going up as she glanced at the flowers in the prison with them.

Maybe this was the opportunity to finally start her popular phase!

“Anyway, I think the two of us should leave now.” Ashiya suggested. “If they noticed that we took too long here because of having a conversation with the enemy, they might apprehend the two of us.” She then explained.

“Got it.” Bashō replied. “And we also need gas masks.” She reminded.

And with that, the two sprinted away.


“This school is f*cked...” Mirai stated in a deadpan tone.

“It already was, though.” Murasaki bluntly reminded as the greenette nodded in agreement.

“Well, at least we have non-toilet water now. We can survive a little longer. ” Hikage spoke up as she grabbed a bottle before looking at the bowl of wet cardboard. “...Does cardboard have nutritional value?” She soon asked.

“Nope.” Yomi answered.

“Of course you would be the one to answer that.” Mirai deadpanned.

“Why not eat the flowers they gave us?” Murasaki soon asked as she picked up the flower.

“And risk getting high?” Hikage reminded with a small wince. “I would rather keep my mental faculties. We can eat once we’re out.” She then got out as she tossed the bowl of cardboard out of the cell.

“Plus, Hikage got her emotions from drugs. They might also be the cure to them.” Mirai assumed.

“And I do not want to risk my bust going up another cup size again.” Hikage groaned. “Big Bang Burger already did that to me...” She then grumbled, cupping her breasts in her hands.

“...Well, they're my flowers. Maybe it won't have any side effects on me.” Murasaki then guessed before taking a bite...and spat it out. “ACK! Why is it so bitter!?” She exclaimed in disgust.

“What?” Mirai got out in confusion before taking a bite herself, her eyes soon widening as a result. “Wow! This is good!” She confessed in amazement.

Hikage’s eyes however widened to this. “Wait, guys-!?” She got out.

“Really?” Yomi however responded in a curious manner before grabbing one and taking a bite herself. “MMMM~! What are you talking about? It’s delicious!” She soon declared.

“...Wait, I can’t eat my own flowers!?” Murasaki realized.

“Maybe you’re allergic to it? That’s a thing, right?” Yomi assumed as she chewed on another flower.


At the same time, Mirai and Yomi’s hair began to grow out, gaining luster and shine that not even the best shampoos on the market could ever replicate, long past reaching down their wait to across the floor like Rapunzel as it then started to curl itself.

“Oh my~” A blissed out Yomi got out, gaining swirls in her eyes.

Instantly, the short of the two looked down as her hands went to her chest...and she gasped.


“MY POPULAR PHASE IS BEGINNING~!” Mirai cheered before plucking even more flowers.

Hikage could only watch on as the two continued to eat more flowers. “...This is going to backfire. I guarantee it.” She deadpanned.

Murasaki’s eyes meanwhile widened at the sight, gawking at seeing it for herself.

“Well, your Root has to have one drawback...” Hikage remarked.

“ infinite superfood...” Murasaki cried in despair, deciding to weep in a dark corner with Poochie going over to comfort her (and maybe offer her some dog food for protein).

Even in a prison cell, underground and hidden away from the outside world, not even that was enough to escape the insanity that they had brought with them.

(10/6, Morning)

(Chiyoda City, Capitol Hotel Tokyu)

In the middle of the busy street of the city itself, there was a caravan of gray vans with labels printed on each of the sides, showing the varying school logos on each of the vans as well. Two police cars with the emergency light lit up without blaring sirens led the caravan as they guided the van caravan to their designated destination.

Along with the caravan of vans, there was one van in particular containing the involved members of Shujin Academy.

For the tan-skinned girl, she did not expect how her arrival to the hotel for the Summit meeting was supposed to go by. She and the brunette were waiting in front of the Shujin gate to wait for their other person who was joining in the Summit meeting with them to represent Shujin Academy, where the tan skinned girl properly met the Vice President, who turned out to be a nice guy (luckily, since the school had enough dumbass adults running the school).

After that, they were supposed to wait on a designated side of the street, per the email instructions given when a gray van arrived, a man from within questioning the trio if they were the Shujin Academy’s Student Council President, Vice President and Disciplinary Head. They replied ”Yes” altogether, and they proceeded inside the van right away to take them to their destination.

Right now, they were currently enjoying the air conditioning inside the van as it drove to the hotel.

“Do they really have to provide this kind of service for us?” Homura asked as she, the Student Council President, and Vice President were sitting in the back, their van’s driver guiding them to their destination. The air conditioning inside the van was of high quality.

“The event must be a big deal if we’re being escorted to the venue like this.” Makoto assumed in a baffled manner.

“And the late Principal made sure we were never involved...” The Shujin Vice President sighed out.

“How long has Shujin not been involved in this meeting again, Yamato-san?” Makoto once more asked.

“From what I learned, these summit meetings started occurring two weeks after the Kamoshida confession so the involved schools can plan to prevent events like it from happening ever again. A summit meeting every month save for when we had vacation.” Yamoto recalled and revealed.

“I was wondering if this summit’s an annual thing. So it’s a relatively new event starting this year.” Makoto sighed out. “And the Principal never told us about this?” She soon got out.

“Probably to prevent us from revealing what he did and his involvement with Kamoshida.” Homura deducted.

“That would be the most logical reasoning for it.” Yamoto admitted. “We should be prepared to have a lot of questions towards us.” He then advised.

“Yeah...they’re probably dying to hear about all the negative issues we had with Kobayakawa.” Homura assumed with a groan.

“Dammit...” Makoto had to curse inwardly, looking at the windows just to calm herself a bit.

“An annoyance to the end...” Yamato sighed out in annoyance. “By the way, have you two girls brought your swimwear for the pool unwinding after the meeting?” He then asked.

The two girls nodded as they picked up some paper bags and lifted them up for the Vice President to see.

“...Did you bring one yourself, Yamato-san?” Homura had to ask.

Yamato simply took a deep breath. “...Yes. I brought one myself.” He confirmed.

“So you’re gonna swim in the pool with us?” Makoto soon asked.

Yamato made a contemplative look on his face. “That’s what they want us to do, so...yeah.” He responded, a hint of a blush on his face.

“Are you actually feeling excited, Yamato-san?” Makoto had to ask almost exasperatingly, somehow seeing the young man’s expression.

“More like nervous, considering we’re all about to go to the pool together to swim like we’re on a vacation or something.” Yamato confessed. “Anyway, we have been left out of this for a while now. The Summit meeting and everything.” He then reminded and then added.

“Alright, let’s be sure to give a good impression to the other schools.” Homura meanwhile suggested. “We’re all at least mature here to an extent.” She then added.

The Student Council President and Vice President nodded in agreement with the Disciplinary Committee Head.

“Shujin Academy representatives, we are now approaching the hotel.” The driver announced to them as the van took a slight swerve to the right. “Prepare yourselves.” He then advised.

That in turn got the trio’s attention as they readied themselves to disembark from the van and into the hotel, which was massive to say the least as it appeared to have twenty or thirty floors.

One by one, each van was stopped by the entrance as if they’re forming a line in order to disembark the attendees of different schools from each van and enter the hotel in the most formal way possible.

When it was Shujin’s van now, the three noticed that a path lined with black-suited bodyguards was being displayed in front of them as the hotel staff member opened the van door for them.

“Damn...” Homura only quietly muttered, seeing the seriousness of this event due to the presence of bodyguards as she got her bag.

“What’s with all the bodyguards?” Yamato asked in a whisper as he got off the van while hefting up his own bag. “Jeez, this meeting must be a really big deal.” He then added.

“Remember, we have to seem as mature as possible.” Makoto whispered.

“Let’s hope we maintain that the moment the Summit meeting starts.” Homura responded as the three headed into the hotel. As they entered...

“Welcome, Shujin Academy representatives.” One of the bodyguards greeted as the trio passed through the entrance before gesturing towards them. “The Future Leaders Summit is on the thirtieth floor. Please proceed to the elevator. You are the last to arrive.” He then informed and revealed.

The three Shujin Academy members nodded in acknowledgement before proceeding ahead to the elevator.

Eventually, the three arrived at what seemed to be a massive conference room with bright lights illuminating the whole place, as well as seeing a multitude of unique appearing students in their own unique uniforms, two of them sitting down while the third ones (who had armbands similar to Homura’s) were standing behind them.

“Where are our seats?” Yamato asked in a whisper, scanning over the area to find their area hopefully with a label of their school on them.

Makoto meanwhile glanced around to look at the other representatives, being able to tell that they were examining her group as well.

“Ah, so the Shujin Academy representatives have arrived.” A bespectacled, black haired boy noted.

"We're here, as promised." Makoto stated with a slight bow.

“Then please, take your seats.” Yumi soon requested, gesturing then Shujin representative to a pair of seats that had a marker with the Shujin Academy logo on it.

“Yumi-senpai.” Homura thought in relief with a nod, glad to see the familiar face as the three walked over to the marked seats.

Soon enough, the Shujin Student Council President and Vice President sat themselves down while the Disciplinary Committee Head stood at attention behind the two.

The other representatives from other schools were murmuring as well, preparing themselves for the Summit.

“So, is everyone present and accounted for?” The bespectacled, black haired boy questioned everyone with a raised voice.

The other school representatives nodded, the Shujin representatives nodding last since this was their first summit.

“Alright, shall we proceed to the usual roll calling of the members of each school present here?” The bespectacled student suggested, getting nods from the others save for the Shujin representatives. “If your school name is called, please stand up and announce your name and position.” He then instructed.

All of the students shifted comfortably in their seats, preparing themselves to be called.

“Kosei High School!” The young man soon announced, calling the school in mention.

The three people from the Kosei High section stood up from their seats as the others focused their attention on them.

“Kosei High School Student Council President, Yumi Tsukikaze.” Yumi calmly introduced herself.

“Kosei High School Vice President, Kurumi Nutsu.” A short girl with chestnut colored hair (who was currently chewing on some walnuts) soon revealed.

“Disciplinary Committee Head of Kosei High School, Kotoha Tsuchi.” An adorable appearing pigtailed ravenette concluded.

“Heeeeh, so those are Yumi-sempai’s comrades at Kosei...” Homura thought in an interested manner as she watched the trio sit themselves back down.

“Shujin Academy!” The young man announced once more.

Immediately, the three Shujin representatives perked up from the mention of their school name.

“O-Oh, um...Shujin Academy Student Council President, Makoto Niijima.” Makoto soon revealed.

“Shujin Academy Vice President, Yamato Issen.” Yamato then informed.

“Disciplinary Committee Head of Shujin Academy, Homura Shinkukage.” Homura concluded.

Murmurs were heard among the other representatives as they were looking at the trio as they then sat back down.

“sh*t...I figured they would react like that.” Homura whispered to herself, starting to feel a bit uncomfortable by the public reaction.

“...I wanna go home...” Makoto thought in her head in shame, now starting to regret coming here due to the tension in the room.

“Okay...Nanyō Academy!” The announcer continued.

At that moment, the trio of students that were wearing yellow sweater vests over a white collared shirt stood up from their seats, the two females having red plaid skirts while the male had black pants.

“Hehe, Nanyō Academy Student Council Prez, Hakufu Sonsaku!” A bubbly long haired strawberry blonde happily introduced herself in a playful manner.

The brown haired boy meanwhile sighed to that, as if he was exhausted and he had dealt with it before. “Nanyō Academy Vice President, Koukin Shuuyu.” He soon revealed.

“Disciplinary Committee Head of Nanyō Academy, Shimei Ryomō.” The short, blue haired, eye patch wearing girl concluded.

“Is she really wearing an eye patch?” Homura asked herself as she noticed the Nanyō Academy bluenette. "Is she like Mirai, or is she really missing an eye...?” She then mentally wondered in a curious manner.

”Karasama Private High School!” The announcing student continued.

Upon that announcement, the three representatives of said school stood up, the females wearing a white sailor uniform with blue lining and a black skirt while the male wore a blue blazer with a white collared shirt with gray pants.

“Karasama Private High School Student Council President, Ume Shiraume.” The long dark haired girl with blue eyes informed in a stoic tone.

“Karasama Private High School Vice President, Mako Nakasone.” The male student of theirs, who had grayish shoulder length hair, spoke up next.

“Disciplinary Committee Head of Karasama Private High School, Yuri Terasa.” The final female student of their group, with blonde-brown hair in a ponytail, spoke up as well as both Presidents sat down.

“Huh, first time I’ve heard of that school...” Both Homura and Makoto thought to themselves.

“Sawagi High School!” The announcing student started. "You're up!" He then informed.

At the announcement, the three representatives stood up, the two girls wearing white sweater vests with white collared shirts underneath them with a red bow along with red plaid skirts while the male had a similar sweater vest and collared shirt combo, but with black pants.

“Sawagi High School Student Council President, Kyou Sawagi.” The long white haired girl happily informed in a innocent manner.

“Sawagi High School Vice President, Kyō Sawagi.” The short white haired girl meanwhile maturely informed in a serious tone.

“Disciplinary Committee Head of Sawagi High School, Taro Yamada.” An average boy with black combed over hair concluded as the twins sat back down.

“Are those two related to their school somehow?” Makoto mentally wondered in a curious manner as she focused on the twins.

“Sakigei Municipal Academy, you’re up!” The announcer declared.

The three students of the mentioned school stood up, three females wearing dark green plaid sweater vests that had a treble clef badge on them with white collared undershirts and green plaid skirts stood up. Two of them also had blue bows around their necks while the last one had a red bow around their neck.

“Sakigei Municipal Academy Student Council President, Ko Mase.” The young female student with reddish-brown hair that was in a ponytail held by a green bow and tan skinned started.

“Sakigei Municipal Academy Vice President, Cho Mori.” Another young female student, who had blueish-black short hair, spoke up as well.

“Disciplinary Committee Head of Sakigei Municipal Academy, Fūyumi Mai.” A blonde twintailed haired girl with black rose accessories concluded as the President and Vice President of their group then sat back down.

“Another new school that I haven’t heard of...” Makoto then thought in her head while the tan-skinned girl of Shujin simply looked at the three girls of Sakigei somehow curiously. “Judging by their pins, they must be a music focused school.” She then deducted in her head.

“Next is Metropolitan Hakuō Women's Academy!” The announcer stated again.

At that moment, the three girls in the uniforms that were white with blue lined blazers with a gold emblem on their chests, green ties and blue skirts stood up.

“Metropolitan Hakuō Women's Academy Student Council President, Asumi Uzuki.” A long black haired, teal eyed girl with a shapely rear revealed.

“Metropolitan Hakuō Women's Academy Vice President, Eri Uzuki.” The younger, also black, but shorter, haired, teal eyed girl with a modest-looking bust informed.

“Disciplinary Committee Head of Metropolitan Hakuō Women's Academy, Kochō Shinjūin.” The knee-length, drill-like curled pale brunette calmly introduced herself.

“Huh...just like Hebijo.” Homura mentally stated with a finger on her chin. “An all-girls school.” She then added in her head.

“Next is Hanzō Academy!” The announcer continued.

With that said, the three students of the mentioned school stood up, the females wearing the white buttoned down collared top with dark blue skirt while the male had a white polo shirt and dark blue pants.

“Hanzō Academy Student Council President, Taiga Nobuhiko.” A chestnut haired boy with black eyes started in a well mannered tone.

“Hanzō Academy Vice President, Yuka Tatsuki.” A female blonde with a ponytail stated in a relaxed manner.

“Disciplinary Committee Head of Hanzō Academy, Natsuki Amahime.” A purple bordering on black short haired girl with green eyes and her hands behind her back concluded in a stoic tone.

“Huh, so that’s the group sent from Sis's school...” Homura thought to herself in a curious manner.

“Alright, next...Shinozuka Technical High School!” The announcing student continued.

Immediately, the three female students of the mentioned school stood up, the three females wearing white long sleeved collared girls with a blue apron like dress over it that had a single pocket on it that went down to their knees.

“Shinozuka Technical High School Student Council President, Shizune Dei!” A long black low ponytail haired girl announced.

“Shinozuka Technical High School Vice President, Ami Umi.” The bob cut blue haired girl informed with a bow.

“Disciplinary Committee Head of Shinozuka Technical High School, Aika Osaki.” A short, slightly red haired girl concluded as the Presidents of their school sat back down.

“Jeez, how many schools are there in Tokyo that I’m not familiar with...” Homura thought in her head as she glanced at the Shinozuka representatives.

“Following them would be the Maisen University High School!” The announcing student soon instructed.

The three female representatives in mention then stood up, wearing white collared shirts with pink plaid ties and pink skirts.

“Maisen University High School Student Council President, Rei Hoga.” The blueish-white haired shoulder length haired girl began.

“Maisen University High School Vice President, Shika Domen!” The black short twin tailed girl continued.

“Disciplinary Committee Head of Maisen University High School, Takara Teruya.” A ponytailed pink haired girl concluded as the blueish-white haired girl and the black haired girl sat back down.

“So many names to memorize...” Homura and Makoto thought to themselves.

“Okay, Saint Ishiyama Academy, you’re next!” The announcing student instructed.

The trio that then stood up were all wearing white collared shirts, though the males had blue plaid ties and green pants while the female had a pink plaid bow around her neck along with a green skirt.

“Saint Ishiyama Academy Student Council President, Kaname Izuma.” The bespectacled, black haired boy informed as he adjusted his glasses.

“Saint Ishiyama Academy Vice President, Shizuka Nanami.” The attractive orange haired girl revealed in a calm manner.

“Disciplinary Committee Head of Saint Ishiyama Academy, Ichirō Shinjō.” A curly blond haired, blue eyes boy concluded as he tugged on his purple-ish brown gloves.

“Please be over with the schools...please, please, please...” Makoto pleaded to herself in her head while keeping a calm and collected composure.

One by one, various other schools continued announcing who they were, showing the uniqueness between each school that was attending.

And soon enough, the introduction came to an end.

“Alright, everyone is now present and accounted for.” Yumi soon stated as the other Student Council Presidents nodded in agreement. “Let the Fourth Future Leaders Summit officially...begin!” She then announced.

All of a sudden, there was a mechanical whizzing sound, and the Shujin students noticed that the glass windows had been slowly covered by a black curtain.

Afterwards, the lights around the venue dimmed, leaving the very area where the students were using at getting lit somehow brightly by the room’s lights.

“The hell?” Yamato couldn’t help but softly comment, noticing the change in the scene.

“...I feel like we’re in an FBI meeting.” Makoto had to whisper, seeing the dimmed lights around them and the illuminated table as well.

“At least there’s some air conditioning here.” Homura assured them with crossed arms under her breasts.

“...This is such an absurd waste of money, don’t you think?...” Yamato whispered to the two Shujin girls with him.

“Who's paying for this again?” Yamoto muttered

“Shh, quiet!” Homura hushed.

“The principal of our school, Saint Ishiyama Academy, was the one who offered to pay for these accommodations for these meetings.” Kaname from Saint Ishiyama suddenly informed the Shujin members beside him since Shujin and Saint Ishiyama were sitting beside each other. “It is an understandable reaction for your first summit meeting.” He then added.

Yamato blinked at the young bespectacled man. “R-Really? Well...I see.” He eventually got out before regaining his composure.

Hopefully the Summit meeting would go well for Shujin.



Yumi meanwhile took a deep breath to get everyone’s attention. “Alright, what will be our first discussion for today?” She soon questioned. “Anyone from your respective school wishes to volunteer and start this meeting?” She then added in a considerate manner.

There was some discussion between school members and murmuring.

“ about we start off with...the problem schools here.” Kaname suggested.

“Oh boy...” Homura groaned as she placed her hand on her face in irritation. She knew what the first topic of this meeting was going to be about.

“I agree. First on our agenda is...” Yumi began as the Shujin students began to sit up from their seats. “...Nanyō Academy.” She soon revealed as the others, save for the aforementioned school and Shujin, nodded in agreement.

“Urk!” Hakufu winced as her Vice President and Disciplinary Head sweatdropped.

“Huh?” Homura and Makoto got out at the same time.

“Sit down, Shujin Academy. We'll get to you.” Yumi soon instructed.

“Wait what?” Yamato got out in shocked confusion.

Homura also realized that she and the brunette were standing up from their seats as if on instinct. At that, she prompted Makoto to sit down immediately as she sat down as well.

“Hakufu-san, Koukin-san, Shimei-san.” Kochō soon started with narrowed eyes. “You three still haven't tried to resolve that issue regarding the other two high schools in your area.” She then stated with clear disapproval.

The only male of the Nanyō Academy gained an uncomfortable expression.

"Well?" Yumi started. "Anything you wish to say about it?" She then pressed, her arms crossed under her breasts.

“I...plead the fifth?” Hakufu awkwardly responded, immediately causing the others to either facefault or sweatdrop.

“Hakufu...” Koukin got out as he palmed his face.

“That only applies to America, unfortunately.” Yumi sighed out.

"Hakufu-san and Nanyō Academy, remember that this is still a pressing issue on your end." Taiga reminded. "If we can't get a proper answer from you, we will have no choice but to intervene immediately." He then stated as others nodded in agreement.

The Nanyō Academy's members were shifting uncomfortably in their seats right now, more so the President and Vice President.

“Um...” Makoto awkwardly got out, causing the others to focus on the Shujin group.

“Ah yes, Shujin is out of the loop on this matter.” Yumi remembered. "If you wish for some context, I'll answer it for you. Apparently Nanyō Academy has been currently dealing with what seemed to be a so-called turf war. It is where their school has been engaging in actual physical fighting and combat against other involved schools near them, and yes, they’re actually fighting. As in there’s bodily injuries and harm involved." She then explained to her fellow Summit of the moment.

“T-Turf wars!?” Makoto repeated in a panic. “Fighting!?” She then added.

Hakufu meanwhile pouted. “And not the fun ones like in that squid video game Splatoon.” She got out as she fiddled with her silver magatama earring.

“You don't get to start since your school is one of the ones involved, Hakufu-san.” Kurumi stated. “Back to the topic, various schools in Nanyō Academy’s area have been participating in literal fights, treating it as if it is a war.” She soon revealed. “And what is worse, some of those schools even shut down as a result of being conquered by another school.” She then added.

“Some schools shut down as a result!?” Homura gawked in disbelief.

“Yes.” Kurumi confirmed with a nod. “By shutting down, I mean going out of business and leaving the entire establishment vacant or abandoned. Leaving the entire building intact and not getting demolished is something I can at least acknowledge, just for a little bit.” She then admitted.

“Even so, this is a serious issue, and it needs to be discussed as soon as possible.” Yumi somehow added before glancing at the Nanyō representatives. “So we question you again, why haven’t you attempted to resolve this?” She questioned with narrowed eyes. “More than encouraging it since you fight yourselves.” She then added.

Shimei felt as if there were daggers aiming at her, trying to find a valid excuse to at least alleviate the concern and tension of the ones questioning their ways. “ see that strength is a sign of power in our school, including the other two remaining schools involved. So if you can fight, then you can defend your own pride and honor, as well as settling extremely major issues before said issue becomes a full-blown war by the involved schools.” She attempted as a reply to their concerns.

“I...honestly fight just to protect myself and Hakufu.” Koukin confessed with the hint of a blush. “From our potential enemies, of course.” He then added.

Hakufu however pouted. “Moh! Koukin! You know I can defend myself in a fight!” She declared.

“...You can fight?” Homura got out with a raised eyebrow.

“Of course I can.” Hakufu responded rather proudly. "Wanna see my moves?" She soon offered in an excited manner.

“Hakufu! No!” Koukin and Shimei exclaimed at the same time.

“No fighting, please.” Yumi sighed out while pinching the bridge of her nose.

Homura meanwhile sweatdropped. “Is she a fight happy type of girl like I used to be?” She thought to herself. “...One with Sis’s kind of personality?” She then added in her head.

"In any case, you're saying you and your rival schools prefer combat as a manner of settling things?" Yamato soon assumed.

“Yes. That is our school’s way of life.” Shimei replied with a nod.

“More like they're reenacting the Romance of the Three Kingdoms of China.” Yumi revealed before sighing. “It’s part of the reason the other schools in her area aren't being represented here at the summit. To prevent a fight from breaking out between their leaders.” She then explained.

“Oh come on! We keep telling you that Ryuu-chan isn’t that bad! She’s just brainy and doesn’t even like fighting!” Hakufu responded.

“Ryuu-chan?” Makoto repeated with a raised eyebrow.

“She’s referring to Ryuubi Gentoku of Seita Private Academy.” Shimei simply stated. “A close friend of ours from that school that is in an alliance with ours.” She then added.

“An alliance with another school , you say?” Taiga repeated. “Interesting to hear that kind of development happening. We’ll have to reconsider Seito Private's invitation for the Summits in the future if you keep this up.” He then admitted as the others, minus Shujin, nodded in agreement.

“There is still the issues with the fighting itself though...” Kochō however reminded in disapproval with narrowed eyes.

Asumi nodded in agreement to that. “True. These turf wars need to be put to end as a whole before it gets worse and possible authorities might get involved.” She then stated.

“We’ll...try to.” Koukin hesitantly responded. "It’s just that our school emphasizes the importance of honor, respect, and glory through combat and strength, and that is what we believe in." He then explained.

“That makes sense...” Homura soon started...her eye twitching being clearly visible. “IN ROMAN TIMES!” She suddenly snapped.

“Well, Feudal Japan, maybe.” Shizune added. "And please don't raise your voice like that all of a sudden, Homura-san." She soon requested.

"My apologies." Homura immediately apologized.

"Anyway, Nanyō Academy, like Asumi-san here said, your so-called turf war problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible." Shizune continued. "And you, Hakufu-san, as the Student Council President of your school, you should find a way to resolve this issue of yours with everything you can. Along with your fellow members to help you, but you alone must take the responsibility in any way you can." She then stated.

“Hey come on! Don’t put it all on me!” Hakufu soon whined. “Mama was the one who told me I had to conquer the country!” She then revealed with a pout.

“...” The entire Summit went silent by that response

“...What?” Homura bluntly got out in a deadpan tone.

The Vice President of Nanyō Academy meanwhile palmed his face to this. “Hakufu...” Koukin sighed out.

“And there's that issue...” Yumi sighed out. "We need an elaboration on what you just said about conquering this country, Hakufu-san." She then stated.

“Mama said it was my destiny and faith to do that!” Hakufu revealed with a pout.

"And how does that make any sense, Hakufu-san?" Rei questioned. " Did your mother actually tell you that?" She then asked.

"Yes, she said to me loud and clear while we're in the baths that day and the day before I left for my first day of school!" Hakufu responded with a nod.

Most of the Summit members stared at her with somehow incredulous looks.

Kurumi however simply sighed. "N-No need to reveal that bath part, but...what do you mean by your destiny and faith to...conquer this country?" She then asked with somehow narrowed eyes.

"Um...because of my name?” Hakufu sheepishly responded.

Koukin and Shimei on the other hand simply cringed in their seats, not taking the potential humiliation very well.

“...Because your name is the Japanese variation of Sun Ce?” Shika suddenly asked.

Everyone looked at the girl with somehow curious expressions mixed with slight disbelief.

"Sun what?" Hakufu asked with a tilt of her head.

"Your name has another meaning to it, Hakufu-san." Takara explained. "Sun Ce. A Chinese military general, politician, and warlord who lived during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China" She then added.

"Heeeh? Really?" Hakufu got out in an interesting tone while fiddling with her earring. "I only thought my name and presence was well-known in my school and the area around, so...” She then started.

"A-Anyway, what my fellow companion here is trying to say is that everyone in our area happens to have names that can be translated to those of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms." Koukin immediately interjected and explained, not wanting to confuse the other students in the Summit even further. “And no, none of our names are fake. It was given to us at birth, if that answers some potential questions. In that sense, it is considered a tradition for the people in our area.” He then confirmed.

“...So this applies to everyone at Nanyō as well as the other schools in your area.” Rei concluded.

“That...seems to be an unusual coincidence.” Kochō confessed with a raised eyebrow.

“Agreed.” Homura quietly responded, slightly narrowing her eyes.

“Even so, why are your parents encouraging this? The fighting and turf war nonsense, I mean.” Ko questioned. “Why are they into this coincidence as well?” She then added.

“Better question is why hasn't the police gotten involved yet.” Yamato soon stated. “Because this seems like a very serious matter that should involve law enforcement.” He then declared.

“They can't catch nor stop us.” Shimei stated as she adjusted her gloves.

“...I...Should we call security?” Makoto soon suggested, looking rather uncomfortable to be in the same room as these girls.

“Um...” Hakufu responded. “...Maybe?” She got out.

“Why are they even here if we know that they're active threats to our safety?” Homura eventually questioned. “Like, genuinely, how was this a good idea!?” She then added.

“Well,” Koukin started.

“Can someone give me a radio to contact security?” Homura soon requested.

“Wait, wait, wait, please!” Koukin panickingly requested. “Fighters only fight one another if they have a magatama on them. It’s a rule.” He then revealed, showing off his scarlet magatama earring.

Shimei simply nodded in agreement to that, showing off her own silver magatama earring.

“Plus...we are destined to fight...” Koukin vaguely revealed, a hint of sadness in his voice.

In response to seeing the expression, the other schools felt as though the topic was a sensitive one.

“Faith?” Homura meanwhile thought.

“Hmm...” Musashi meanwhile hummed out in a rather serious tone while narrowing her eyes. “Oi. Activate your Third Eye...” She suddenly ordered her other self.

Confused slightly to that, Homura subtly nodded and did as instructed...and saw a wispy fire glowing from the three Nanyō students' ears where the magatamas were...and from their President, there was also a blue aura that had the appearance of a dragon...that was glaring back at her. “W-What the!?” She mentally exclaimed, doing everything she could to keep a straight face.

"Hooohh? This is interesting." Musahi commented on her mind.

“Explain. Now!” Homura mentally requested in a panic.

"They are not normal students like you, that's for sure." Musashi soon stated. "Instead of shinobi, they are legitimate warriors, fighters with magatamas holding the souls of the past within them, bounding them to fight...more so their leader.” She revealed. “To think we would encounter the Haouryuu of Water here...” She then added in an intrigued manner.

“...She could be on par with us shinobis.” Homura thought to herself.

She was gonna have to keep an eye out on those similar to her.

"But I can assure you all, there are no casualties during these battles." Koukin continued as he reassured everyone...just to keep some of their school's deadly experiences a secret. And the Summit members do not need to know those things.

“Tell that to the schools that were shut down as a result.” Ume bluntly reminded.

"That'" Koukin got out, trying to find a valid answer and reason.

"That is because they sometimes put their school's existence on the line as well. And if you lose or get defeated, the school's name, pride and honor is no more." Shimei answered for his sake...even though she just made it up on the spot.

"Yeah, yeah!” Hakufu responded with a nod of agreement.

“Even if that is the case, we better see the result soon for this ridiculous and pointless war of yours.” Ume soon stated in a threatening manner. "We all value fairness and support among the active schools here. I hope you won’t disappoint all of us here.” She then added.

“Y-Yes, of course." Shimei replied with a nod. "We'll fix the problem as soon as possible." She then reassured.

"Alright. Now that the turf war topic is finished as of the moment for now, let's move on to the next issue." Kaname decided as the other representatives nodded in agreement before murmuring.

Out of their earshot, the Nanyō members secretly discussed something in private as they sat down after the discussion with their so-called turf war problem.

"We should inform our other schools about this, as well as our friends. Gakushuu-san, Saji-san, Ryuubi-san, everyone. Friends, acquaintances and even our enemies from other schools." Koukin soon stated in a whisper. "I don't wanna get in trouble with the others when our bloodied and lethal fighting gets their attention. You girls agree with me right?" He stated and asked.

Shimai nodded. "Yes. Our life and world needs to be kept secret from these civilians from now on." She then added with a whisper as well. "But what about the bodies?" She soon muttered. "We need to find somewhere where they can't see and notice our business." She stated.

"Can we build an underground system or something? Like an underground city or an area for our battles and private deathmatches?" Hakufu suggested. "Or maybe a huge private island away from civilization." She then added

"...Underground may be a long shot, but a private island...hmm, it could be possible." Koukin responded with a nod. "If anything, we should have a secret meeting with the other schools in a private location away from civilians to at least try and bring peace." He then stated.

"The magatamas will try to prevent it...” Shimei muttered the reminder. "...But then again, most of us don't always follow the rules." She then added.

"Yeah..." Hakufu and Koukin agreed with nods.

"Ngh, I really need a bath after this..." Hakufu whispered to herself with a groan. "Wanna join me this time, Koukin, Ryo-chan? We could all go to Ryu no Fuchi later when the Summit is over." She then offered and suggested.

"...You know what, yeah. Let's go to Ryu no Fuchi once we're all home." Koukin eventually responded. "I swear this meeting really makes me uneasy sometimes..." He then admitted.

Shimei simply sighed. "Still can't believe our schools agreed for a giant mixed bath on a private island, but...I suppose a private meeting with other people while bathing does have its benefits." She muttered.

While the Nanyō members were having their private discussion going on, the Summit continued.

“Ume-san, I honestly don’t believe you are one to lecture others since your school as well as the Sawagi sisters have the issue with the convenience store brawlers that fight over half priced bentos due to the dorms at your schools only serving breakfast.” Kaname reminded as he adjusted his glasses.

“...That's a thing?” Homura meanwhile muttered, trying to imagine it. “Hold on, why only breakfast at the dormitories?” She then asked.

“...The staff wants those students in the dorm to learn to save money.” Ume revealed, her Vice President and Disciplinary Committee Head with her nodding in agreement to that confirmation.

"What is with these schools and their obsession with fighting and combat...? " Makoto mumbled softly to herself for everyone to not hear.

“That...does not help at all.” Cho got out with narrowed eyes at the Karasama Private High School Student Council President. “From the sounds of it, it makes it similar to that of the United State’s Black Friday shopping, but every night.” She then stated. “And you fight like this every night?” She soon questioned.

I don't fight.” Ume bluntly stated with narrowed eyes. “I am not like Orthos either.” She then added as she glanced at the twins, who in turn glared back at her.

“Orthos?” Makoto repeated, thinking back to the Persona with the same name.

"Oh, I refer to the Sawagi twins over there by their title as brawlers. Like a team name or something." Ume explained for her sake, a hint of smugness in her voice with a smirk.

"Ah..." Makoto got out with a nod.

“Way to throw us under the bus...” Kyou grumbled while her twin sighed.

“It was bound to be revealed at one point or another.” Taro then pointed out.

That in turn got everyone's attention as they looked at the Sawagi representatives. “...You two fight?” Homura and Makoto asked in disbelief as they looked at the twins.

"Of course.” Kyou replied with a nod. "We both trained ourselves to the fullest, similar to the Nanyō Academy's representatives as they claim to be into fights and brawls of the similar kind, but we do it for different reasons." She soon explained.

“And it is not exactly vandalism when we have permission.” Kyō then stated.

That in turn surprised everyone else, save for Karasama Private High representatives, whose president had an annoyed expression on her usually stoic face.

“That is...rather surprising.” Kaname admitted as he adjusted his glasses.

“The store owners approve of this!?” Makoto gawked in disbelief.

“Some of them used to be Brawlers as well before retiring themselves and moving on with their lives.” Kyō maturely revealed. “They know that it is all in good fun and most Brawlers themselves have a code of rules we abide by.” She then added and explained.

"And that would be, if you don't mind me asking?" Homura soon asked.

"There are a couple of rules, but the main ones are that the brawls don’t start until the God of Discounts, those that put the half-price stickers on the bentos, leave the floor and the other major rule is to respect those that got a bento during the brawl." Kyō began explaining.

“And by respect...that means no stealing from them after they claimed it.” Kyou continued.

“But most importantly, to always have respect and never lose your pride as a Wolf.” Kyō concluded in a serious tone.

"Wolf?" Homura repeated with a raised eyebrow.

“The standard title for a bento brawler that follows the rules, if you're wondering." Kyō simply explained. “Those that don't follow the rules are considered Boars or Pigs.” She then added with narrowed eyes filled with disapproval.

“So...gluttonous people.” Fuyumi concluded, getting nods from the twins.

“Plus if we don’t get a bento, the stores also give everyone who didn’t win cup ramens or onigiris for the night.” Kyou revealed. “So in the end, no one really goes hungry.” She then added with a smile.

"That's...quite a relief." Makoto had to admit.

“Che...” Ume meanwhile quietly scoffed in annoyance.

"Just imagine it though, if you lose constantly, having cup ramen on a constant basis might make you sick, so every student involved is determined to win in these bento brawls." Kyou soon stated.

“And once you have one of those bentos, you really never want to go back to eating the store bought ramens or onigiris ever again.” Kyō concluded.

“...Seriously?” Eri got out in a skeptic manner, essentially voicing everyone else’s thoughts.

“Oh definitely. The bentos are just that tasty. It’s what makes you a true Wolf if you can continue by these rules.” Kyou soon stated with a grin.

"...Who's the one making these bentos?" Shimei soon asked.

"That, my friend, is the store where they cook the food.” Kyou replied. "The people there are simply the best in bentos. It's like heaven just sent us a gift for all of us to consume and satisfy our hunger." She then added with a sigh of satisfaction.

“So it becomes a big deal wanting to get these bentos.” Koukin got out.

"Yes. But of course you need to prove yourself if you want to get that opportunity." Kyō responded and stated.

“'s more similar to a sport with a prize for the victor.” Yamato deducted with a raised eyebrow.

“Correct.” Kyō confirmed with a nod. “Some blood is spilled, but it is still all in good fun in the end.” She then concluded.

“Heeeeh, that sounds like a blast.” Hakufu confessed with interest and a grin.

“Says the bubbly, battle-happy girl.” The tan skinned girl thought to herself. “Senpai?” Homura soon got out.

“Yeah?” Makoto responded.

“I think our school isn't as messed up as we thought.” Homura confessed with a mutter.

“I cannot help but agree.” Makoto mumbled her response with a sweatdrop.

...Though they couldn’t help but now be curious about these bento brawls and the food they fought for.

"...You think their bentos have the best-tasting meat in them?" Homura couldn't help but ask her brunette friend in a whisper.

"...Probably." Makoto replied in a whisper as well. "You know, you could ask them if you want." She then added.

Homura took a deep breath first before proceeding. "Um, Kyou-san? A question. What kind of bentos are they usually selling to the students?" She finally asked.

“Oh, bentos usually come in quite a variety. Mackerel boiled in miso, ginger fried pork, domestic eel, mmm some of those were delicious.” She listed off before sighing in satisfaction.

That immediately peaked their attention...mostly due to how good some of those sound.

“Ridiculous...” Ume however grumbled in annoyance.

Kyou however rolled her eyes to that. “You are only like this due to the fact that your friend chose to be a brawler as well, despite the fact she never even has to throw a punch.” She remarked with a smirk.

“!” Ume immediately gained a furious expression to that as she looked at the long silver haired girl, who in turn had a smug expression.

Homura meanwhile sweatdropped to the sight. “Those two have bad blood between them.” She thought to herself.

“You think?” Musashi remarked. "I am also slightly concerned they might yell at each other's throats in front of everyone here." She then added.

"...I'm kinda curious about why they hate each other.” Homura mentally admitted.

“Good luck with that, 'cause I doubt they would share it with you or anyone in this meeting.” Musashi pointed out.

Homura simply sighed at that, hearing her point.

"Alright, alright, that is enough, you two." Yumi declared as she calmed them down. "Our only concern about this issue is the unnecessary fighting in supermarkets, seems to me that it is not really the case as it is. At the very least, it is not life-threatening like the situation in Nanyō Academy's end." She then continued.

At that, the three Nanyō Academy members shifted uncomfortably in their seats but didn't say anything to that comment.

"Well, in any case, the supermarket fighting is now discussed and resolved. Alright, let's move on." Yumi stated as she combed her hair with her free hand. "What's the next topic about to be discussed, Kaname-san?" She then asked

“The next issue we need to discuss is this mysterious and infamous group known as The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.” Kaname responded and revealed.

Homura, Yumi, and Makoto’s insides were frozen for a second before recomposing themselves.

"Oh those guys?" Aika started, perking up at the mention. "Like I said before in the previous Summits, they're the best people in this country right now! And it seems to me like they're heroes Japan needs! Maybe even the world!" She then reminded and declared.

Homura and Makoto meanwhile blinked upon hearing that. “We even have fans here?” They thought at the same time.

"Again with this, Aika-san?" Eri sighed out. "Please understand that we don't need to trust them completely. We don't even know what their angle is on all of this despite their good intentions. The future of Tokyo is somehow at stake here, and the police and government are becoming more incompetent because of these Phantom Thieves." She then explained.

"Eh? But these Phantom Thieves are doing what the police normally couldn't!" Aika however retorted. "Taking down criminals that are hard or impossible to find, and that is what we need right now!" She then added.

"I'm worried that they could be connected to the Mental Shutdown and Psychotic Breakdowns.” Eri confessed.

"What makes you come up with that conclusion, Eri-san?" Kyou decided to ask on her end. “If you recall, those all started years before the Phantom Thieves made their appearance.” She then reminded.

Eri in turn gave a contemplating look. "...Sorry, I...just have a nagging feeling that the both of them are connected somehow. I may not have the evidence for that to back up my claim,'s just a hypothetical guess on my part. Again, sorry." She apologized and explained.

Kyou simply looked at the confused girl with skepticism.

The Kosei Student Council President however suddenly coughed into her fist to gain their attention. "Let's...leave our personal thoughts about them aside and focus on what they've done.” Yumi responded and suggested.

“Agreed.” Kaname responded as he adjusted his glasses.

"Alright, back to the topic of the Phantom Thieves, save for Shujin, as all the other schools know, the Future Leaders Summits started in response to the incident regarding Suguru Kamoshida to prevent future incidents such as this from occurring with these meetings being where we can discuss counter measures to prevent more.” Rei informed everyone, gaining their attention.

Yumi, Homura, and Makoto simply tensed in their respective seats a bit.

"All the more reason to discuss this particular matter." Kaname soon stated. "Alright, let's begin. Anyone who wishes to discuss the Phantom Thieves first, please go ahead." He then stated and announced.

At that moment, the Disciplinary Committee Head of Metropolitan Hakuō Women's Academy stepped forward. "In any case, I have a question for Niijima-san, Issen-san and Shinkukage-san regarding the current, ahem, paintjob regarding Shujin Academy.” Kochō suddenly began, getting the attention of everyone else in the room. “Why has it not been cleaned up yet considering the length of time that has passed between its vandalism and now?” She soon questioned.

“Well...” Makoto began before hesitating.

“Everyone at Shujin is grateful for what the Phantom Thieves did due to Kamoshida and...they want the graffiti to stay as a reminder of that.” Yamato soon explained.

"And your faculty members approve of this decision?" Asumi questioned.

“Surprisingly...” Yamato got out.

"How so, if you don't mind me asking?" Ichirō eventually asked.

“...Save for the late principal, the faculty members were also grateful for the Phantom Thieves, though they couldn’t say it out loud.” Yamato revealed, getting the attention of the brunette and the tan skinned girl.

“Really?” Homura and Makoto thought at the same time, this being the first time they heard of this.

"Is that so?" Kochō responded in a curious manner. "Well, then explain why even the faculty had grudges against the late principal." She soon requested.

"According to a teacher that I managed to ask about it...they were gossiping about him every time they're in the faculty room." Yamato somehow managed to respond. "As if they're keeping a secret from their principal and didn't want to show it whenever they are outside the faculty room handling classes for the day." He then added.

"I see. Then, about your school never attending the previous Summit meetings, is there any reason why?" Taiga soon stated and asked. "I assume your late principal is involved with it? The letter of the Summit was sent to him to inform all of you after all. Multiple times even." He then deducted and assumed.

The Shujin representatives immediately winced as all eyes were on them now.

“We...We were never even informed of the Summits to begin with.” Makoto shamefully confessed.

"Unfortunately." Homura agreed as well. “The former principal was even against the formation of our school’s Disciplinary Committee.” She soon revealed with narrowed eyes.

"After that Kamoshida confession, he attempted to deny every claim that he had been involved with it, and had to stay away from public attention." Yamato revealed as well.

“So it was as we suspected...” Kaname stated with narrowed eyes.

“The late principal deliberately made sure Shujin never even knew about the summit meetings that started ever since Shujin Academy's incident with Suguru Kamoshida.” Shizuka concluded.

“Hai, and we once again apologize for not being able to attend these meetings as a result.” Yamato responded as he and the other Shujin representatives stood up from their seats and bowed once more.

“You three are not to blame.” Yumi soon stated as everyone else nodded in agreement. "No need to worry about facing the consequences." She then added.

"The best thing we could do is to help you catch up with the topics from our previous meetings." Kaname soon stated.

"We appreciate that, thank you." Makoto responded in grateful relief as the other Shujin representatives nodded in agreement.

“Man, that principal was a jerk for doing all of that though.” Hakufu however remarked with a pout.

"It affected Shujin Academy greatly, for the most part." Shimei couldn't help but comment. “His actions only further damaged the school reputation.” She then added.

"Most definitely." Yumi soon stated. "Luckily, Shujin managed to pick up the damage and built themselves up once again, so we all appreciate your school's recovery in the future." She then added.

Everyone made a decent applause that somehow echoed the whole room.

“Alright, moving on from Shujin and Kamoshida, then there was the case with Madarame and a Kosei student.” Kaname started as he looked at the Kosei Student Council President. “Yumi-san, care to elaborate?” He soon requested.

The light gray haired girl in mention nodded as everyone else looked at her. "Yes, well according to the news, Madarame took in a Kosei student of ours, and provided him support for what was supposed to be his future art career with Madarame acting as his mentor." Yumi began in a professional manner. "Unfortunately, the Kosei student's own works were passed on as Madarame's work instead of his own, showing signs of plagiarism. It was...quite a challenge to rescue our fellow student of ours from Madarame." She soon revealed.

"What a disgraceful man he was." Kochō scoffed out in disapproval. “Making money off his own students' work, disgusting.” She then added.

"Fortunately, the Kosei student managed to cope with the so-called betrayal from his mentor and is now in good hands." Yumi concluded. “Plus the change of heart Madarame had revealed his crimes like so many others.” She then added.

"A huge shame for a well-known man like him." Kyō couldn't help but comment while shaking her head with her eyes closed.

“Okay, after that was the incident involving students of various schools being strong-armed into paying Junya Kaneshiro after tricking students into selling drugs.”

“Huh, that actually never happened at our school.” Hakufu casually revealed.

“Why am I not surprised?” Homura thought to herself in a deadpan tone.

“Drug dealing...” Koukin got out in concern.

“...The late principal of our school tried to force me into going after him, putting my own future on the line.” Makoto soon shamefully revealed.

“!?” The eyes of the other students (minus Homura and Yumi) soon widened upon hearing that.

"What...?" Shimei only got out in disbelief. "Am I hearing that right?" She then asked.

“Yes...” Makoto confirmed with a nod.

"He...ordered you to try and find Kaneshiro yourself?" Kaname asked for confirmation.

"Unfortunately, yes." Homura replied. “It really stressed her out as a result too.” She then added.


“You cannot be serious!” Kochō exclaimed, slamming her hands on the table as she stood up from her seat. “Did that principal even care to even think of how reckless such an act was!?” She soon questioned in anger.

"Hey, hey, relax, Kochō-san." Asumi got out in concern for her Disciplinary Committee Head, though understood her anger. “What he did was indeed reckless though. Forcing Makoto-san here to attempt to go after Kaneshiro with her future on the line does not paint a good picture for him even after his passing since she was essentially putting her own life on the line.” She then stated.

"Jeez, that must have been terrible..." Ichirō got out.

“It was...” The Shujin Student Council President confessed in agreement. "In any case though, after Kaneshiro had his change of heart and surrendered to the police, I immediately cut ties with him." Makoto soon revealed. "He even considered giving me a college scholarship if I do what he ordered me to do, but I refused. I'd rather go to college on my own merit." She then concluded.

"Mm, a good decision on your end." Kaname praised in approval.

"I agree." Shizuka got out in agreement. "Glad to know you can stand your own ground, Makoto-san." She then added.

"Y-Yes, thank you." Makoto replied with a slight bow.

“Alright, afterwards over the summer, there was the incident with Medjed calling out the Phantom Thieves.” Kaname continued. “Though nothing really could be done about that case due to the fact that it was over the summer.” He then added.

Everyone nodded along with murmurs of agreement.

"Still can't believe they took down an international hacker group, though..." Cho muttered.

“Better than letting Medjed get away with messing with the economy.” Takara reminded.

"This would probably imply the group has an exceptionally skilled hacker with them..." Ichirō soon assumed. "Would this be a concern for us and the country itself as well?" He then asked.

"..." Everyone was somehow silent by that question...along with some incomprehensible murmurs by some of the students.

"It might be...considering it is a hacker, of all people." Shizuka responded. "However, so far, they...haven't done anything immoral in terms of hacking into this country's technology." She then added.

“Now that you’ve mentioned it, it’s been quite a long time now since their last announcement.” Cho got out.

"Yeah." Koukin agreed, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. "I don't know about you guys but... I'm feeling a bit nervous just thinking about cyberattacks and stuff." He then added.

“Regardless, it seems that they’ve gone dark since then.” Rei concluded, earning murmurs and nods of agreement from the other students.

“In conclusion, the Phantom Thieves were able to silence Medjed.” Kaname stated, causing the others to nod in agreement.

"In other words, justice has been delivered in the end.” Kochō remarked in satisfaction.

“Alright. Moving on, the most recent fad of the Phantom Thieves would be from Kunikazu Okumura and Okumura Foods.” Taiga recalled. “The target they apparently went after despite the fact the Phan-Site was hacked.” He then added and concluded.

The three Phantom Thieves members subtly winced.

"Hmm...not sure if they thought this through or not." Kyou confessed. "From the looks of it, they're being quite reckless with their targeting of Okumura.” She then stated.

“I...somewhat agree with that.” Ume had to admit in a relucent manner.

"..." Makoto meanwhile was silent. "...Something personal, perhaps? Personal agenda, I assume?" She eventually assumed aloud...despite knowing that she was directly involved with it and not wanting to catch suspicion from everyone in the meeting.

“Huh...quite a good assumption.” Kyō had to admit in agreement upon hearing that. “But let's try not to get ahead of ourselves.” She soon requested.

“O-Of course.” Makoto responded with a nod.

"Their popularity among the public is quite a concern." Yumi meanwhile stated. "It was...a sudden spike during that time.” She then noted.

Koukin meanwhile nodded in agreement to this state. “Agreed. It’s too sudden if I’m being honest.” He then confessed as he narrowed his eyes. “Do you all assume foul play?” He soon asked.

“The authorities haven't reported anything about foul play, but...again, there’s a lot to think of in regards to this particular matter.” Kaname soon stated. “If it is how you deducted Koukin-san, then everyone is in for difficult times in the future whenever Kunikazu Okumura attempts to confess.” He then stated, getting everyone’s attention.

“So you think something will happen when Kunikazu confesses?” Yumi questioned.

"Possibly." Rei responded. "Whether it be bad or good is something we don't know for sure. Though, considering the state of this country right now, I’m leaning towards something bad or negative." She soon confessed.

“Which means...we have to prepare ourselves if and when the students start trying to spread rumors without knowing all the facts.” Makoto hesitantly deducted. “And that includes the public as well if we can and possible.” She then added.

“Good idea to remember, Makoto-san.” Kaname praised. “Unfortunately we live in a society that can be easily influenced and someone else can clearly take advantage of that.” He then warned as almost everyone nodded in agreement.

“Someone else?” Homura repeated.

“Another factor trying to possibly frame the Phantom Thieves, though this is only a deduction of mine.” Taiga soon stated. “Remember, the site was hacked, so someone else might be after him. Or maybe even the Phantom Thieves.” He then reminded and explained.

“Good point.” Taro stated. “So we are all in agreement that we should not be fooled by whatever the mass media says.” He then concluded.

Everyone made murmurs and nods of agreement once again by that particular statement.

“And the fact that we need to prepare our schools for whatever happens when the confession does happen.” Taiga stated, getting nods of agreement once more. “Then I believe this topic is concluded for now.” He then added.

"Hai!" Everyone somehow replied in unison.

“Alright then, next here is this particular recent quite an interesting one that has recently come into circulation.” Kaname soon started. “For this part, I hope everyone has a mature mind on this particular matter.” He then stated.

Everyone’s attention pinpointed towards him.

“Public rumors mentioned an unknown individual blending among the crowd with an alias by the name of...The Ghost Groper.” Kaname soon revealed.

“The...Ghost Groper?” The female Student Council Presidents, Vice Presidents and Disciplinary Committee Heads all repeated at the same time.

“According to the rumors, women across Tokyo have been experiencing random occurrences of...having their chests grow in size.” Kaname continued as he read one of his reports from a folder near him. “Apparently this Ghost Groper has done the unbelievable act of...groping girls’ breasts from behind and having their said breasts getting bigger as a result. Majority of these victims soon blackout from the groping session, causing them to not notice who the groper was before they faint from the sudden...pleasure of having their breasts groped.” He then revealed, pausing for a moment as he then explained the second part.

The entire hall somehow went silent from that information.

That however got the focus of three certain girls in general. “Someone’s...groping...girls?” Homura slowly repeated.

“And...their busts...are growing?” Makoto then questioned in a slow manner as well.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me...” Yumi mentally sighed, already having a feeling who this was. Her fellow Kosei companions however had baffled looks on their faces in surprise.

The other students in the Summit however had varying reactions to that sudden information.

“W-Wha...?” Kyō and Kyou only got out at the same time, trying to comprehend what they had just heard from Kaname.

“Excuse me!?” Kochō and Shizuka spat out at the same time as well.

“Okay, what kind of a ridiculous issue is that?” Mako couldn't help but comment with a baffled expression on his face.

Oh my...” Ichirō got out in English.

“Kaname-san, is that issue actually for real, or are you pulling our legs here?” Koukin had to ask as heard this unbelievable story.

“That’s what this report said.” Kaname confirmed. “From a victim herself.” He then revealed.

“Someone who gropes girls and makes their breasts bigger...?” Shimei slowly stated. “This person needs to be taken down!” She then impulsively stated aloud in all seriousness.

Some of the students shifted uncomfortably in their seats while others simply groaned.

“This Ghost Groper person must be a good one, hehe.” Hakufu commented with a sparkle in her eyes. “I’d like to meet this guy to fight!” She then added in anticipation as she stood up.

“Hakufu-san, please sit down.” Taiga soon ordered as the girl did as such with a pout, causing the others to sweatdrop.

“This Ghost Groper is probably a male individual...a disgraceful one at that.” Kochō deducted somehow aloud in disgust as she narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

Most of the male members in the meeting somehow felt unnerved by that comment, not denying that men like them can somehow behave immorally at certain times.

“Whether this Ghost Groper is a man or a woman is still unknown, Shinjūin-san.” Kaname revealed. “It would be improper for us to just assume that this groper is a man right away, don’t you think?” He then stated and pointed out.

“It might not even be human.” Hakufu dramatically added...Which only served to greatly confuse the rest of the group.

“...” That in turn got everyone’s attention as they looked at the strawberry blonde. “What?” Homura flatly reacted.

“It could be a dog!” Hakufu soon declared.

“A dog?” Rei repeated in a deadpan tone. “Why the heck could it be a dog of all things!?” She soon questioned.

“You know how affectionate those little guys can be!” Hakufu pointed out.

“...It would be more plausible to say it's legitimately a ghost.” Shika deadpanned.

Cho however scoffed. “Ghosts aren't real.” She remarked.

Three certain girls from Shujin and Kosei got shivered a bit from that statement.

“Are you okay, Shinkukage-san? You look pale.” Shizuka soon asked and noted.

“I...I'm fine.” Homura responded, calming herself down as the others at the summit continued discussion.

But for the three Phantom Thieves members...they knew who the Ghost Groper was...

“...Katsuragi...” Homura, Yumi and Makoto all mentally groaned, resisting the urge to facepalm.

“God f*ckin’ dammit...” Homura soon thought to herself. “Is this what she’s been doing besides guarding Haru-senpai?” She then added in her head.

“Are you really that shocked?” Musashi however pointed out from within the tan-skinned girl’s head.

“Y- well, actually, no but still!” Homura mentally replied.

“Of course she would be doing this on her off time...” Makoto thought to herself

“First Makoto-san, and now the other girls in this city, too?” Yumi mentally groaned. “Asuka-san is going to get annoyed when she hears about this...” She then added once more in her head.

“Excuse, should the men in this meeting be concerned about this?” Koukin had to ask, raising his hand. “This is the female breasts getting bigger we’re talking about.” He then added in concern and in a somehow hesitating tone.

“...” Most of the members simply fell silent.

“I thought a man like you would be into this kind of thing.” Shizuka remarked in a curious manner.

“What? I...” Koukin got out before coughing into his fist. “Um, well...I can’t deny that, but...this kind of incident is downright supernatural. It’s impossible for some girls’ breasts to get bigger just by groping. There has to be a logical reason for this.” He then stated.

“ have a point there.” Kaname responded. “And you’re suddenly honest, for some reason.” He then added.

“Did Koukin-san really just admit that out loud?” Rei muttered to herself. “To everyone here?” She then added.

“I would at least appreciate your maturity and sudden honesty regarding this, Koukin-san.” Homura had to admit

“Every male member in this meeting should have.” Koukin in return responded back with crossed arms.

“We’ll still have to warn our school about this threat...and make sure no girl willingly tries to find this Ghost Groper.” Shimei soon stated, getting nods of agreement from the others, more so the females. “And that goes to every school present here in this Summit as well.” She then added.

“Hai.” All the female representatives responded.

Kaname soon took in a deep breath as he adjusted his glasses once more. “Well then, that would be the last of the issues that we’ll be tackling in this month’s Summit. And for that, I believe this Summit meeting has started to come to a close.” He soon stated. “Are there any additional comments from the schools present here?” He then asked.

“Nothing on our end.”

“None so far.”

“We’re good here.”

“All is quiet for now.”

Kaname nodded to that as he motioned to one of the staff members, who in turn opened the blinds and brought light to the room. “Okay...if everyone is now in content with their discussions here, then it is time for all of us to unwind after this serious meeting by proceeding to the hotel’s pool area.” He then announced as he stood up from his seat.

The students soon began relaxing themselves and stood up in relief after the Summit meeting concluded in order to proceed with the pool unwinding. For the Shujin representatives, they followed suit.

“Whew...” The Shujin representatives sighed out.

“Man...that was something...” Homura quietly confessed.

“Agreed...” Makoto got out with a nod. “So many topics...” She then added

“I kinda have to go to the bathroom now...” Yamato admitted as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Me too.” Makoto responded in agreement as she stretched out her limbs.

Guess it really was time to relax now.

But they also wondered how their friends were doing in class back in Shujin Academy.

(Shujin Academy, Classroom)

Meanwhile, classes were going on as lectures were being given for those of the Phantom Thieves members.

“Picking up from last time, we were talking about the French Revolution.” Inui began. “Having executed the royalty, the revolutionaries proceeded to take the courts under their control...all who opposed the revolution were executed. However, the revolutionaries, too, were then reviled as despots and executed by the public.” He then continued and revealed.

“One day they’re heroes, the next they’re just as bad as the people they fought...” Asuka muttered.

“That’s what happens when you let power go to your head.” Akira whispered while twirling his mechanical pencil around.

“Such a horrible time...” Ann thought.

“Many people were executed during the French Revolution. The fact that this many executions were possible was actually due to one specific invention.” Inui continued. “Shirokage-chan, take a look at the image on page 98.” He then instructed.

“Yes, sensei!” Asuka responded as she turned to the selected page, where she saw the picture.

“This is a guillotine. A tool which allowed for mass executions.” Inui informed. “Now, do you know who invented this instrument?” He soon questioned.

“Um...” Asuka got out as she frowned.

Akira noticed her thinking hard. “Asuka?” He whispered.

“No, I got this.” The Vice Leader shook her head before finally coming to an answer. “Hm...Well, if we’re talking about this’s from France so it has to be...Antoine Louis, a surgeon.” She soon replied.

Inui chuckled by how confident the student seemed. “Ah, that is-” He then started.

“Let me finish, sir.” Asuka however requested, stopping and surprising the teacher. “It’s not Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, he was simply the one to introduce the idea of a machine that beheads people to France. The idea and use of guillotines have been used for a very long time in other countries, long before France ever started using it during the revolution. The term guillotine originated from people using Guillotin’s name since he was such an advocate for humane executions. It was called a louisette before that.” She then concluded.

Silence. Stunned silence.

“I...Well, um...erm...” Inui sputtered and mumbled before he pulled out his phone. He had not planned for this outcome!

Immediately, mutters wereheard among the students.

“Damn, she outdid the teacher.”

“Beauty and brains. That's Shirokage for ya.”

“She has a head the size of her tit*!”

The teacher soon recovered from Asuka’s answer and cleared his throat. “Ahem. Well, it seems Shirokage-chan has shown us to not always trust what is written and to do your own research.” Inui praised as he put away his phone, attempting to take the correction in stride. “However, I can tell you that Charles-Henri Sanson, the famous executioner, had killed 2800 people with the advent of the guillotine and at the end of the day, it may look cruel, but it delivered a swift, painless execution regardless of one’s social status.” He then added and revealed.

“Our social reform doesn’t hurt anybody in the real’s a bloodless revolution!” Morgana whispered.

“Doesn’t stop us killing something though.” Akira thought as he pictured their fluffy haired friend and her executioner axe, standing over a pile of beheaded Shadow corpses. “And that’s not mentioning all the Personas I’ve executed...” He then mentally added.

“Way to go, Asuka.” Ann got out as the Vice Leader sat down.

“Thank you. Hey, Homu-neechan, high fi- oh, right.” Asuka tried to celebrate with her sister, only to see the empty chair.

“I’ll high five for Homura.” Ann offered.

“No, the moment has already passed.” Asuka sighed out.

“Aw...” Ann got out in disappointment as the class continued on.

(10/6. After School)


Eventually, classes ended for the day as everyone separated to do their own thing. Things seemed to be quieter than usual due to the lack of a principal and how the Disciplinary Committee was working even more diligently than usual due to the fact that their leader was at the Future Leaders Summit.

Haru was simply looking at the greenery of the Shujin courtyard, relaxing herself after a somehow hectic school day. As she gazed at the green, she was trying to sort her thoughts out, such as handling Katsuragi as her current bodyguard and how she was (possibly) dating one her friends now, the situation with the Phantom Thieves, the state of her father in his room after her checking up with him before she left for school, and maybe the potential arrival of the Zodiac Star group as her new group of bodyguards.

While sorting more of her thoughts out, she also somehow wanted to bathe herself in Shadow blood for some reason. Just slashing and spattering some beautiful Shadow blood off the floor and walls feels therapeutic for her and-

“Haru! There you are.” A familiar voice suddenly called out.

This in turn snapped the fluffy haired girl out of her imagination as she soon noticed who was walking up to her. “Oh, good day Ann.” Haru greeted. “You wanted to see me?” She soon asked.

“Well, not really, but I saw you sitting in the middle of the courtyard, so...I was wondering if I can check on you right now.” Ann replied and revealed.

“Ah, I see.” Haru responded as she nodded with a smile. “I’m doing fine, and my father is...well.” She then replied and informed her.

“That’s good.” Ann got out with a nod of her own. “Sorry if we’re asking that question too much but...” She then tried to apologize.

“No, it’s all fine, Ann-chan. It’s nice to have people check on you so often.” The heiress assured her with her hands held up. “I haven’t had such daily interaction in years.” She then told her with a smile once more.

“Haru...” Ann muttered in concern.

“I-It’s fine. I promise. I’m okay.” The heiress tried to reassure her, seeing the worried look on her friend’s face.

“...Well, now that I am talking, I might as well keep doing that.” Ann then shifted her tone. “So, what bread do you think is the best?” She then decided to ask her, hoping for an answer.

That made the heiress look at her. “E-Eh?” She only got out.

“Me, Akira, and Makoto talked about this last week but we never finished it, and I really need to get a second opinion on this.” Ann replied and explained. “Akira says its melon pan, but Makoto really likes anything healthy like wholemeal and crap, but she does say she enjoys milk bread when she can. But it’s definitely the pon de ring donuts you get from Mister Donut. They’re so damn good.” She then revealed and listed off.

“Bread...huh.” Haru got out in curiosity. “Um, I don’t eat a lot of bread...” She sheepishly confessed.

“What!?” Ann gawked in disbelief. “Why?” She soon asked.

“Well, a lot of my meals tend not to feature bread.” Haru reminded. “The last time I had some was when I was still in my Melon Peaches days when Ika-chan, Gin-chan, and I made sandwiches together for all of us.” She then recalled with a nostalgic smile.

“Did your father give you a dietitian, too?” Ann soon guessed.

“Well...the chefs tend to monitor my food intake.” Haru revealed. “I’ve done a lot of research on bread though.” She then added.

“...” Ann only stared at her in silence for a moment as she was trying to comprehend what the heiress was saying. “Do you wanna go to Mister Donut?” She soon offered.

“Eh?” Haru got out from hearing that.

“Come on, your father isn’t exactly available to stop you.” Ann tried to reassure her. “There’s this awesome one in Akihabara. I’ll pay for it even.” She then stated and offered.

“Really?” Haru stated with raised eyebrows. “Well, if you’re offering, then...sure, I would love to go eat somewhere with my friends.” She then replied to her offer with a smile.

“Perfect!” The ash blonde got out in eagerness. “Okay, whenever you’re ready to leave, then let’s go.” She then stated, earning a nod from the heiress as a response.

At that moment...

“Yo.” A familiar male voice called out to them.

That prompted Ann and Haru to glance towards who was calling them, and noticed that it was Ryuji approaching them.

“Ryuji.” Ann got out as she noticed him. “Me and Haru were just about to go somewhere. Sorry, girls only.” She then informed and said with a smile along with a small laugh.

“Is it, like, scheduled?” Ryuji assumed in a guess.

“No. Not at all.” The ash blonde replied. “Why do you ask?” She then asked as well.

“Well, uh...” Ryuji began, his hand slightly scratching the back of his head. “You guys know how to cook, right?” He suddenly asked.

“Cook?” Ann repeated in a confused manner. “Well, I know a few recipes.” She then admitted.

“I try to cook as often as I can whenever the chef isn’t cooking.” Haru meanwhile revealed.

“Why are you asking us this?” Ann soon questioned.

“Erm, I uh...just wanted some tips, ya know?” Ryuji somehow replied to them, hoping they would buy it.

“Uh...what?” Ann got out with a raised eyebrow. This was not like how the dyed blonde usually was...mostly, of course.

“Cooking tips.” The dyed blonde repeated once more. “Preferably sh*t you can put in those uh...plastic container things.” He then tried to explain to the best of his ability.

“...Bentos?” Haru guessed with a raised eyebrow.

“Um, no, like uh...the things restaurants give ya for leftovers.” Ryuji awkwardly responded.

“To-Go containers? Ann soon guessed.

“Yeah. Those.” Ryuji responded with a snap of his fingers.

“Kinda like bentos...” Ann however thought in her head. “Any reason why?” She then asked aloud to him this time.

“Hey, it ain’t illegal to contain food ya cooked for later, is it?” Ryuji pointed out.

“Is it meal prep?” Haru soon assumed.

“Uhh...I think?” Ryuji somehow replied, now unsure what he was actually trying to mean.

The girls meanwhile noticed the more bashful expression...on his blushing face?

“Y-You’re right, it’s meal prep, okay?” Ryuji finally relented, not wanting to sound even dumber. “It’s meal prep. And I...wanna learn how to cook yummy food and sh*t.” He then revealed in a sheepish manner.

“Ok...?” Haru got out in an uneasy manner. “And why do you wanna learn how to cook, Ryuji? Because you sound quite eager about it all of a sudden.” She then decided to ask and pointed out.

“Well,’s private.” Ryuji vaguely responded.

This however just confused the two greatly. Why was he being so secretive about this? It not like he was trying to-

...Waaaait a minute...

Ann then remembered their IM chat last time, where the dyed blond wanted to win over someone and become a real man and stuff. “...Is it for a date?” She soon guessed in a teasing manner.

Ryuji’s eyes immediately widened. “H-Huh?” He got out. “D-Date!? The hell are you talking about!?” He questioned.

The ash blonde soon placed her hands on her hips and tilted her body slightly. “Come on, Ryuji. Ladies love a man who can cook, you know?” Ann soon stated. “So, is it dinner at your place? Her place? Ooh, is it one of those romantic picnics underneath the stars?” She then assumed, listing off the potential ideas.

“A-Ann, knock it off.” Ryuji got out as he blushed. “I just wanted to learn how to cook, that’s all.” He then stated.

“Riiight~ Didn't you say you wanna win over someone? Back in that group chat? With Homura saying you're becoming a real man now?” Ann then teased him even more.

"U-Uhhhh..." Ryuji got out with a blush.

"Haru and I were supposed to go somewhere together right now, but now that you came to us and wanted to learn how to cook from us...this is interesting for sure, coming from you." Ann informed and stated.

“Th-The hell’s that supposed to mean?” Ryuji gawked.

“In any case, it’s already after school, and I wanna help you with your cooking thing, Ryuji.” Ann informed and stated to him with a smile. “So Haru, wanna help too?” She then asked as she faced her.

The fluffy haired girl immediately perked up to that offer. “Of course! It would be nice to get to know my teammates a little better.” Haru happily replied. “I knew it! Ryuji-kun and Katsu-chan are dating!” She meanwhile thought in a delighted and excited manner.

"Great! Oh, but our Mister Donut plans... s-sorry, Haru." Ann got out and then suddenly apologized as she remembered her supposed plans with the heiress today. "I promise, we'll go there together someday when we have the time." She then promised with praying hands in front of her.

“Oh no, it’s quite alright.” Haru however reassured as she then looked at the dyed blond. “Anything to help out a friend.” She then added. “And his potential love life.” She meanwhile thought while thinking giddily.

"Thanks, Haru." Ann replied in a grateful manner. "Okay, first, we need to go to some supermarket to buy some ingredients." She soon instructed. “Oh! We can go to my place too!” She then suggested.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea!" Haru replied in agreement as she clapped her hands together.

“H-Hold on, hold on, can I at least get a say in this!?” Ryuji got out.

“Nope, if you wanna make a girl happy, you gotta become a better cook.” Ann replied and stated.

“But...I...” Ryuji tried to retort back, but somehow to no avail. “Ugh, I only wanted to know how to cook, though, and that’s it, really.” He then grumbled with crossed arms in front of his chest.

“Don’t worry Ryuji-kun, we’ll make sure your date does well.” Haru reassured in a pleasant manner.

"Ha-Haru, again it's not a date or somethin’, please." Ryuji awkwardly reminded...though he then remembered his girlfriend was her friend’s bodyguard. “...Oooooh crap, Haru knows, doesn’t she?” He thought to himself.

“Probably.” Seiten Taisei got out with a nod.

"Does she...know about Hyōki-chan, too?" Ryuji then mentally asked himself while blushing some more.

“Probably not.” Seiten Taisei once more responded.

"I hope not..." Ryuji then thought. He was still unsure of what to do regarding that situation.

Especially after that really nice dream he had that morning with the ravenette.

“Still on the fence for that matter huh?” His other self assumed as he relaxed on his cloud.

“Ughhh, I am so dead when everyone finds out about it. Shinobis and all...” Ryuji annoyingly thought in his head, somehow fearing for his own well-being.

“Ryuji Sakamoto.” Ann finally spoke up, catching his attention. “All this interest of learning how to really has to be for someone, right?” She then teased with a smirk.

“Hey, how’s you and Akira?” Ryuji countered.

“Me and Aki-!? Hey!” Ann spat out in shock, earning a snicker from the dyed blond. “S-Shut up, Ryuji. It’s not like that...” She grumbled.

Ryuji simply laughed at her decently enough once. ”Calm your tit* down, Ann. I was just-” He then reassured...only to falter after noticing what he just said.

“...Eh?” Ann and Haru got out as they stared at the dyed blonde.

“Wait, what did I just...” Ryuji began

Calm your tit* down?” Ann had to repeat as she looked at the dyed blond.

“Uh...that was out of the blue.” Ryuji got out. “...Am I gonna get smacked or something?” He deadpanned his guess.

Ann and Haru simply looked at him, though the former had her eyes aimed at him as if she was targeting him while the latter simply had a contemplating look on her face.

“N-Now now, Ann-chan. I’m sure Ryuji-kun didn’t mean it.” Haru awkwardly got out.

“Yeah, I know, sure to not say anything like that around your girlfriend unless you wanna get smacked.” Ann sighed out and then instructed.

“Right.” Ryuji responded. “Sorry for mentioning your...chest, Ann.” He then awkwardly added before apologizing.

Ann sighed. “You’re lucky you’re one of my close friends...and you’ve seen enough female skin to last a lifetime, including mine.” She then muttered with a slight blush. “But right now I’m more interested at the moment of making sure you don’t screw things up with your girlfriend.” She soon replied and explained.

“Ugh, not a girlfriend, Ann.” Ryuji had to remind her, earning an eye roll from the ash blonde.

“Sure she isn’t.” Ann sarcastically quipped. “Now come on, we need to get you cook savvy.” She then stated, taking the boy’s arm as she started dragging him away, with the heiress happily following suit.

(Shibuya, Central Street)

In the middle of the busy Central Street in Shibuya, a certain Leader was walking within the sea of people after his school had dismissed their classes.

And he had just made an interesting purchase from a nearby Shibuya store that he just left.

Morgana popped his head out of the Leader’s bag. “Akira?” He then called.

“Yeah?” Akira got out in response

“Why did you buy that Phantom Thieves skateboard?” The faux feline finally asked.

“Well...Um...” Akira tried to respond. “Yeah, that was an impulse buy. But, then again, I guess I could use a new hobby.” He eventually replied with all honesty.

“Outside of your other ones like hanging out with girls and risking your life by doing things that a normal human teenager does?” Morgana assumed.

“Right.” Akira responded with a nod. “Besides, people at school still think I'm a delinquent, I might as well do something with that cognition. Plus, it could help with training.” He then added and explained.

“Akira, where would you even practice?” Morgana soon asked with a sigh.

“Tokyo has a few skate parks. If anything else, well, I could practice somewhere a little more private.” Akira replied and explained. “And even if I can't find the time and place, I could always do it when I'm back with my parents.” He then added.

“Your hometown?” Morgana assumed.

“Yep.” Akira replied with another nod. “Without you guys around, I'm probably gonna have a ton of free time. Might as well keep myself entertained until the day I move to Tokyo permanently.” He then confessed and revealed.

“Considering this place is your home now, huh.” Morgana assumed.

“Definitely.” Akira nodded. “And to think, at the start, this city was going to be my prison.” He then added as he reminisced about his first days in Tokyo.

“Do prisoners get vacations to Hawaii?” Morgana pointed out.

“To be frank, that trip could’ve been better.” Akira had to admit, remembering his strange experience back in Hawaii with certain people from another school. “You know, outside the obvious.” He then added.

“Yeah, you didn't get those little umbrella things in your piña coladas.” Morgana got out.

“Piña coladas are alcoholic.” Akira reminded. “We ate Big Bang Burger, convenience store food, and whatever the hotel gave us. Pretty sure Kawakami chugged a few though...” He then casually informed.

Morgana snorted. “Hah...sounds like paradise.” He then commented.

“Probably.” Akira responded as he shrugged his shoulders. “Still thinking about Yuki Rito and his band of girls.” He then admitted.

“Yuki Rito? You mentioned him to me before, but I still find it hard to believe he has so many girls interested in him.” Morgana recalled and admitted.

“Have you seen him at least once?” Akira decided to ask him. “During your wanderings or travels?” He then added.

“Hmmm...not that I remember, though.” Morgana hummed out and tried to recall. “I’d remember seeing a guy having tripping accidents like that.” He then admitted.

“That’s him, Morgana.” Akira immediately confirmed. “Definitely that guy.” He then added.

“I’ll have to see it to believe it myself.” Morgana sighed out. “There’s no way a guy like that could have an actual harem...” He then grumbled, a hint of envy clear in his voice.

“You know, you could probably learn a thing or two from Rito about charming cute girls.” Akira suddenly remarked with a smirk, though soon blinked to that.

“BWUH!?” Morgana gawked in disbelief as he blushed. “W-What are you saying, Akira!?” He panickingly questioned.

Akira went silent as he brought a hand to his mouth. “What the hell...?” He muttered to himself.

That however got the not cat’s attention as he looked at the Leader. “Huh? A-Akira?” Morgana got out in concern.

“Sorry, I think I...was lost in thought there for a moment.” Akira awkwardly apologized. “Why the hell did I say that...?” He then wondered.

Unbeknownst to either of them, the Leader’s shadow rippled a bit...along with a snicker.

“Ok, maybe you’ve been overworking yourself.” Morgana groaned out. “A lot has been happening after all.” He then reminded.

Akira sighed as he placed a hand on his head. “Yeah, maybe.” He then replied with a nod.

They were about to make their way back home, however...

“Hey, girly.” A scrawny male voice came out, noticing it by the Phantom Thieves Leader.

“What are you doing here around these parts, huh?” Another voice spoke out.

“Wanna hang out with us?” A third male voice offered.

“Uh, sorry boys,’re not my type.” A female voice suddenly got out.

“Well, what kind of type do you want me to be? I can be any type that you want, sweetheart.” One of the male voices started with a flirty tone.

“Hmm?” Akira hummed before stopping in his tracks as he noticed the commotion.

It was a group of three guys hogging over a familiar young girl with long blonde hair and a blue headband with ribbons on the side wearing a denim jacket with a white tube top underneath, black jeans with rips on them and a pair of white and blue converse sneakers.

Akira narrowed his eyes and saw something familiar. After he got a closer look, it was then he realized that the blonde girl was actually Katsuragi.

“Ugh, don’t those guys have anything better to do in their lives right now?” Morgana grumbled as he noticed the scene.

“Blame Tokyo for being increasingly horny all of a sudden.” Akira deadpanned with a sigh. “You know exactly why.” He then stated.

Morgana made a look at him...before sighing. “You have a point...” He had to admit in reluctant agreement.

“And because of that, I have a lot of dirty thoughts and imaginations in my mind right now that I’m trying to keep secret from everyone that I’m not close to.” Akira grumbled. “And most of them are about boobs and naked sexy girls...ugh, being a male really is interesting.” He then softly uttered for the not cat to hear.

Morgana blushed as he closed his eyes. “We all have, unfortunately, due to our lives.” He soon stated. “Some of us are more open, courageous, and blunt enough to admit that, and not just guys, of course.” He then added

“You’re right, but...males tend to give in to their libido more often, wonder most guys get beaten up by girls. Like the guys over there hogging Katsuragi.” Akira replied and stated.

“...I just hope that everyone knows how to use their heads instead of their libidos someday.” Morgana deadpanned as he gazed at the whole crowd of people.

Akira in turn nodded to that. “Anyway, better at least help Katsuragi here giving her permission to kick those guys asses.” He then suggested.

Upon hearing that, Morgana gave a deadpan expression. “You’re becoming an instigator now.” He bluntly accused.

“Will of Rebellion in effect.” Akira casually explained.

Morgana snickered. “Hehe, gotta love Personas.” He then stated for the Leader to hear.

“If only I could use their skills in the real world.” Akira got out before sighing. “Now, come on. We have a pervert to meet.” He then stated, earning a snort from the not cat.

Katsuragi meanwhile started to get slightly irritated by the annoying interaction, but at that moment...

“Oi, can't you guys take no for an answer?” Akira called out as he walked over.

“Oh, hey Akira.” Katsuragi greeted the black-haired boy with a grin.

“What the-” The guy with a beanie got out as he saw the Shujin Academy student approaching him. “Who the hell are you?” He then asked with an annoyed tone.

“A close friend of hers.” Akira simply answered before taking a sip from his drink.

“This is none of your business, buddy.” A man wearing a white T-shirt and jeans scolded him. “Leave it.” He then ordered.

“Yeah, we’re just hanging out with this babe right here.” Another man added, who was wearing a red hoodie jacket and olive green slacks.

“From the looks of it, you’re making her uncomfortable right now.” Akira then reminded the group of guys.

“Eh, it’s more like they’re just being annoying.” Katsuragi however corrected while shrugging her shoulders.

“Tch. Kid, stay out of this.” The beanie-wearing guy scoffed and demanded.

The raven haired boy then noticed the blonde giving her a wink, notifying him that she was going to do something about this.

“...Are you sure?” Akira asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, now run along and let us real men show her a good time.” The beanie-wearing dick bragged with a smirk. “Don’tcha have a curfew or whatever.” He then added.

That question wasn't meant for him, but for the blonde who was smiling dangerously.

Akira took a deep breath before going silent for a moment. “...Alright.” He finally got out. “Have fun, Katsuragi-san.” He then added before giving out a smirk.

“My pleasure.” Katsuragi replied with a grin before turning towards the three guys. “Okay, I’ll go with you. I’ll be in that alleyway over there. I’ll be waiting.” She then told them before pointing and walking towards said alleyway with her hips swaying in a provocative manner, with the three guys following her with what looked to be like perverted grins on their faces.

Morgana peeked over the Leader’s shoulder before purring deviously on what was about to happen. “Hehehe, those three guys are screwed big time.” He then muttered with a smirk.

When they all entered the alleyway and went out of sight, Akira then placed his hands in his pockets with a smirk before hearing what seemed to be the actual example of femme fatale based on what he had learned during class.


Akira winced a bit by the sounds before chuckling deviously on what actually happened in that particular alleyway. “Oooh, femme fatale at its finest.” He then remarked.

“Reminds me of Queen in the Metaverse.” Morgana then pointed out as he also heard those sounds as well. “...Or outside the Metaverse dealing with Ryuji...sometimes.” He soon added.

Few seconds later, Katsuragi came out of the alleyway with a refreshing look on her face as she stretched her arms and rotated her neck.

“Whew, and I didn’t even break a sweat on that one.” She got out as she stretched her arms out after what seemed to be a good workout for her.

“You had fun, Katsuragi-san?” Akira soon asked with a smile.

“Yeah, but they didn’t last long. They started crying at least ten seconds in.” Katsuragi answered with a proud smile.

“Too bad.” Akira sighed before looking down the alley, only to see one of those bastards’ heads stuck in a vending machine. “I bet their friends won’t believe ‘em once they come to pick them up.” He then added in amusem*nt.

“They’re just lucky I didn’t bring out my boots.” Katsuragi confidently declared.

“Your boots?” Akira curiously repeated.

“It’s nothing, just a good pair of steel-toe boots I have for kicking ass to those that deserve it.” The blonde shinobi informed with a smile along with a hand on her waist.

“Ah, so a kick boxer like Makoto?” Akira guessed, feigning ignorance to the girl’s actual occupation.

“Nah, I just like kicks more than punching.” Katsuragi replied as she shook her head.

“Even when wearing a skirt?” Akira jokingly asked as he placed his hands in his pockets.

Katsuragi snorted. “Haha! You got jokes, cutie.” She then laughed and remarked in amusem*nt. “Dirty ones, too. I’m starting to like you now.” She then added in a joking manner.

Akira chuckled at that. “Flattered. You’re making me blush.” He sarcastically replied. “Just don’t expect me to do it all the time.” He then reminded.

“Hehe. Anyway, you look like you can handle the streets at night, judging from you jumping in a while ago, so you’ve got some guts as well, and I like that.“ Katsuragi complimented with a smile while flicking her long blonde hair with the back of her hand. “Still, thanks for giving me the chance to beat the crap outta those guys.” She then added in a grateful manner.

“No problem. They seem to need a lot to learn about courtships.” Akira then reassured and pointed out to her as he glanced towards the unfortunate group of guys. “With my own shinobi training, I could’ve handled them with ease, but yeah, can’t risk it.” He then thought with a smirk.

“Eh, from the looks of them, I doubt they couldn't last long with me, hehehe~” Katsuragi countered in a confident manner.

Akire simply snorted at that. He then looked around his surroundings in the busy streets of Shibuya Central. “’s still daytime in the afternoon, so we could walk around and, you know, hang out.” He then suggested

“Like a date?” Katsuragi jokingly asked.

Akira laughed for a bit. “No, no. I have enough trouble with girls.” He casually replied.

Katsuragi whistled. “Hehe, are you a ladies man~? Can I meet them?” She then asked with a sly grin.

“If you dare touch any of my girls, I'm going to kill you.” Akira however seriously threatened her as his eyes flashed red.

“What a whiplash!” Katsuragi thought in surprise. “E-Erm, I was wasn't anything serious. Sorry.” She then reassured with a sweatdrop.

“, it’s my fault. Overreacted there.” Akira apologized in a sheepish manner.

Meanwhile, the blonde sweatdropped a little as his personality shifted again. “Right...” Katsuragi got out...before smirking. “So, your girls huh?” She teasingly recalled.

Akira...blushed. “Um...that came out of the blue...” He awkwardly responded.

Katsuragi however snorted. “Suuuure.” She then droned in a teasing manner.

“...Am I a pervert for saying that?” Akira had to ask with a small sweatdrop.

“Nah, just being true to yourself.” Katsuragi casually replied in amusem*nt. “If you make girls happy by caring about them, then that means you're a good guy.” She then added.

“Good guy, huh.” Akira repeated, soon thinking back to all the girls he did know, the ones who cared for him as either friends or as admirers. “...I guess I do make my friends happy.” He had to admit.

“That’s what I like to hear.” Katsuragi stated as she soon relaxed herself before smirking. “So do you still want to go somewhere together?” She then asked.

“Sure. I’m fine with that.” Akira replied with a nod.

“Alright, so where do you wanna go?” Katsuragi replied with a nod followed by the question.

“Well, we could get something to eat or watch a movie if you want.” Akira offered.

“Actually, I could go for some delicious ramen right now.” Katsuragi suggested with a grin. “Know any good ramen shops around?” She then asked.

“Well, Ryuji has taken me to a good one before.” Akira revealed. “Hm, maybe some ramen would be nice too. So yeah, let’s have ramen today.” He soon decided.

“Hell yeah! I knew you’d get along with me so well.” The blonde exclaimed and replied. “No wonder you’re best friends with my Ryu-kun.” Katsuragi then added.

Akira simply chuckled at that. “He does like beef bowls, too, and anything with meat in it, but yeah, ramen is one of his BFF’s for life, haha.” He then added and joked with a small laugh.

“Great, now what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Katsuragi got out in an excited tone. “Time for some ramen, baby!” She then declared while pumping a fist into the air.

Akira meanwhile chuckled once more to the girl’s enthusiasm. She was a pretty interesting girl. Definitely would be the life of any party.

“So where’s that ramen shop you and Ryu-kun have eaten before?” The blonde asked with a hand on her hip.

Akira then went ahead. “It’s in Ogikubo. Follow me, I’ll take you there.” He then responded before gesturing to her to follow him.

“Lead the way, cutie.” Katsuragi got out with a smile before following him behind.

Akira simply chuckled at that before they both disappeared into the Shibuya crowd.

(Ogikubo, Ramen Town)

Eventually, the two reached their destination, with Katsuragi practically skipping behind the Leader as he guided her to the promised land of noodles and some good ramen broth.

“We’re here.” Akira got out as he and the blonde shinobi stopped in front of the ramen shop. “Mmm, I can actually smell the ramen from here.” He then added as he sniffed the aroma near the shop.

“Yeah, me too.” Katsuragi said with a slight drool. “Alright, ramen, here I come!” She then declared before going ahead and slid the door open for her to enter.

Morgana got his head out from the Leader’s bag. “That girl sure loves her ramen.” He then observed with a somewhat impressed tone. “No wonder she and Ryuji got along.” He soon added.

“Come to think of it, Morgana, have you ever tried ramen before?”Akira then asked the not cat.

“No, not yet.” Morgana replied with a shake of his head. “You know I’m a pretty huge fan of fish, so pretty much I didn’t think about eating anything other than that aside from sushi and such.”

“Want me to buy you some ramen then?” Akira soon offered.

“Eh, I’ll think about it.” Morgana replied as he went back into the bag.

“...Is ramen even safe for cats...?” Akira soon muttered under his breath. He didn’t want Morgana getting sick, or worse, getting fat.

“Hey, Akira! What are you standing over there for?” Katsuragi meanwhile called with a hand on her hips. “Come on! Ramen’s waiting for us! I wanna feel that warm, noodly goodness!” She then added.

“Well, here we go.” Akira got out as he finally went inside the ramen shop...only to see the store clerk behind the counter glaring at the blonde with fists on his hips while the other customers who were currently having their meal looked at her weirdly.

“I would very much appreciate you keeping your voice down, young lady.” The store clerk reminded with a stern tone towards the blonde. “There are people here eating.” He then added.

“Sorry, sir. Sorry.” Katsuragi quickly apologized right away as she began sitting down on one of the chairs.

Akira meanwhile chuckled as he sat himself down beside her. “Yeah, you really are good for Ryuji.” He got out in approval.

“Sure am.” The blonde then responded before rubbing her palms in excitement. “Alright, can we have the menu, sir?” She then asked the clerk, trying to be polite.

After a while, they finished ordering their chosen ramen and returned the menu to the clerk before he began preparing for both of their orders. In the meantime, the two decided to talk for a moment while they both waited for their ramen bowls.

“So how’s things, Akira?” Katsuragi asked as he faced him with her elbow on the counter. “Been hanging out with your friends?” She then guessed.

“Yeah, pretty much. Guess you could say I’m an all-around person.” Akira replied as he waved a hand around. “And of course, I didn’t forget my studies like always.”

“Wow, some honor student you are.” The blonde remarked. “Been top of the class?” She then guessed.

“Not yet, really, but I’ve been getting up the list.” Akira replied as he adjusted his glasses. ”How ‘bout you?” He then asked.

“Eh, they don’t matter to me.” Katsuragi replied as she shrugged her shoulders. “But Ikaruga insisted that I should focus on my studies as well, so it kinda sucks a bit.”

“Huh, Ryuji’s pretty much in the same predicament as yours. My other friends try to discipline him into focusing on his studies as well.” Akira got out and revealed.

“Haha, well, what’s the point of life if you aren’t living it?” Katsuragi laughed and stated.

“Hear, hear.” Akira couldn’t help but agree. “ wouldn’t hurt to brush up on the more important topics of adult life. Calculating taxes, managing money...sexual education.” He then admitted in a mutter.

“Hey, I completely aced my sex-ed classes!” Katsuragi proudly declared, making anyone who heard her other than the two turned their heads at the blonde with a slight blush. “Only thing I’m good at, and I feel proud of it.” She then added.

No one noticed this, but Morgana froze inside the Leader’s bag with a blush. “This girl...” He gawked in disbelief.

“Do you really have to mention that aloud?” Akira sweatdropped.

“Meh.” The blonde simply shrugged her shoulders. “Anyway, how’s Asuka doing? Being a model and all sure is interesting for her part.” Katsuragi soon asked and pointed out.

“She gets by. I mean, she and Ann have been doing well in their modeling career lately.” Akira replied and recalled.

“Guess that makes sense since I’ve been seeing them in more magazines.” Katsuragi recalled before grinning. “That means more fun time with Asuka’s boobies once I meet her again. And maybe Ann’s, hehehe~” She then added with a giggle.

Akira simply deadpanned at the blonde’s comments. “Wow, shame was really not in her vocabulary at all.” He then thought with a sweatdrop. “Also, I pray for Ann’s sake.” He then added in his head.

Not long after, the clerk came back as he set down two bowls of freshly prepared ramen in front of the two. “Here you go. Enjoy.” He then stated before going back to cater the other customers.

“Alright, time to eat!” Katsuragi exclaimed in excitement as she rubbed her hands with a grin on her face.

“Yeah, let’s do it then.” Akira nodded as he took a set of wooden chopsticks before separating them.

“Itadakimasu.” Both the blonde and the Shujin student got out in sync before they both started eating their ramen.

“Mmmm~! It's delicious!” Katsuragi exclaimed while slurping her noodles.

“The best in town!” Akira replied with a smile. “Especially when it's with friends.” He then added.

“Hear, hear.” Katsuragi agreed with a nod. “I gotta take Ryu-kun to this place. If we get one extra large bowl and eat it together, then the possibility of getting a Lady and the Tramp moment...” She then continued before trailing off.

“Uh...I know the ramen is good, but you're going to drool into your bowl.” Akira had to remind her, noticing the blonde’s dazed expression and the trail of drool forming.

That prompted Katsuragi to wake up from her supposed trance. “Huh? Oh crap!” She got out before quickly wiping off the drool from her mouth. “W-Wow, it’s just so good.” She then tried to play off.


“Ooh, got a text.” Katsuragi suddenly got out as she pulled out her phone. “Hehehehe~” She giggled out in a giddy manner.

“Katsuragi?” Akira got out with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, it's nothing. Just a...funny joke picture one of my friends sent me.” Katsuragi lied as naturally as she breathed while putting her phone down on the table beside her ramen bowl. “Ryuji-kun, you have such a way with words.” She thought.

Akira glanced at the phone before shrugging, already returning to slurping up his ramen. He didn’t need any more information than that.

“Another bowl, please!” The two teens soon called once they finished their bowls.

“And give me extra toppings!” Katsuragi added.

“Coming right up.” The chef responded as he went to cook their orders, serving the customers only a minute later.

“Ah...we have got to hang out more often.” The busty blonde soon got out as she took a bite of her chashu pork.

“If we do, we're not coming here every time.” Akira insisted.

“Why not?” Katsuragi whined.

“Other than sodium being bad for you?” Akira pointed out before taking a second to slurp more noodles. “There are plenty of other places we could go, and we don't have to eat all the time.” He then explained.

“...Like Bootyla-” Katsuragi started with a grin.

“That's not open yet.” Akira reminded, cutting her off. “...But I'd like to go there with friends. You know, just to check it out.” He then admitted.

“Riiiiight.” Katsuragi responded with a teasing smirk. “You're an ass man, then.” She then assumed with the same smirk.

“I'm a girl body man.” Akira claimed before blinking. “...That didn't make as much sense out loud than in my head, but I’m sticking to it.” He then added with a small sweatdrop.

“Conviction. I find that admirable.” Katsuragi remarked before drinking some of the broth.


Akira stared at what he was seeing...before acting casually once more.

Katsuragi dropped her bowl on the table with a satisfied expression on her face. “Mmm! Thank you for introducing me to this place. I totally have to take you to my favorite ramen place.” She gratefully got out and added.

“If you don’t mind, can I have your contact number, just in case?” Akira soon requested.

“Hehe, asking me out?” Katsuragi teasingly assumed

“Not really, just someone to add to my list of acquaintances and friends on my phone.” Akira simply responded. “...Plus I know you’re dating Ryuji now.” He then added with a smirk.

Katsuragi casually nodded to that for a moment before gasping as she began to cough, slamming her fist on her chest. “E-Eh!? What are you talking about? I'm...” She stammered and began to say.

“Hey, I won't say anything to anyone. I know you and Ryuji will reveal it when the time is right.” Akira reassured and stated. “I appreciate keeping it to yourselves for now.” He then added.

“...How did you know?” Katsuragi had to ask.

“I have my ways.” Akira vaguely replied as he smirked, subtly glancing over to her phone, which was laid face up on the table. On her lock screen, it had Katsuragi and Ryuji posing happily together, with hearts all around it and the words “I HEART RYUJI-KUN”.

“Dammit, I should be better than this.” Katsuragi grumbled with a pout. “Thanks though. I know Ikaruga would never let me hear the end of this.” She then added.

“I know. Actually, I think the shock of Ryuji having a significant other hasn't hit me ju- oh, there it is.” Akira got out as before his jaw dropped. “Holy sh*t, Ryuji, congratulations.” He soon breathed out.

“Shouldn't you be congratulating me, too? I didn't exactly have high hopes of getting with anyone while I'm still in high school.” Katsuragi pointed out and confessed.

“Oh, well, congratulations Katsuragi. Cheers for a long-lasting relationship.” Akira got out as they both raised their drinks and tapped them together. “Though, I have to ask, why didn't you start dating until now? I mean, you are...” He eventually asked and started.

“More buxom than a...really buxom thing?” Katsuragi assumed in amusem*nt before thinking about it. “I guess that would be Ikaruga.” She mumbled under her breath. “I know, I know. You don’t exactly get through your teenage years looking like this without getting attention.” She then continued.

“How humble.” Akira chuckled.

“Oh, quiet you.” Katsuragi grumbled with a pout. “But to be serious, plenty of boys have tried to ask me out before. Most of them were coming for my tit*, but others...well...” She soon began before trailing off.

“...You would've said yes to them?” Akira assumed.

“...Yeah. Even if it was for a summer fling or something.” Katsuragi replied with a shrug. “But...I told them no, just the same as every other guy that tried to get with me.” She soon revealed.

“Can I ask why?” Akira requested.

“Well, other than the fact girls are way more fun to grope than guys,” Katsuragi began, causing the boy to sweatdrop. “It was just...I'm focusing on school and a relationship would just make it too difficult. Plus, I have a mission I need to finish first.” She soon stated in a more serious tone.

“Hm? A mission?” Akira hummed out and repeated in a curious manner.

The blonde immediately winced to that slip-up. “...No, no. I shouldn't have mentioned that.” Katsuragi got out.

“Katsuragi-san...” Akira got out in concern.

Seeing the boy's expression, she caved. “...Well, it''s about my parents.” Katsuragi revealed. “They were, uh, forced to leave me alone a couple of years ago.” She then added.

“Huh?” Akira got out in disbelief. “They just up and went? Where? Like, for a job?” He then pressed.

“Yeah, you could say that.” Katsuragi vaguely responded. “It's complicated, so I won't go into it too much but...I need to study hard. Hard enough that I can get them back.” She soon explained and stated in a determined manner.

Akira was already aware of what studying in this context might be, causing him to frown a little. “How will getting good grades get them back?” He had to ask.

“It's more than the grades. It's...It's the honor.” Katsuragi tried to explain, without revealing too many of her secrets. “When my parents left, my family was disgraced. I don't even know if they’re even alive or not, but if they are, I'm gonna get them back. If not...I need to reclaim my honor.” She then stated, clenching her fists tightly.

To say Akira was surprised was an understatement. He had never seen the blonde look and act so...stoic before. It was strange and a little freaky. “Is honor really that important?” He soon asked.

In turn, the blonde nodded. “Yeah, it is.” She replied before shaking her head. “Sorry, we were supposed to be having a good time today.” She soon apologized.

“No, no. It's my fault for getting you to explain all that.” Akira assured.

“You just wondered why I've been single all this time.” Katsuragi soon stated as she began idly swirling her noodles, looking at herself in the broth. “I guess the simplest answer is that I want to be...stronger. Stronger than everyone, so I can get my folks back or...find out what happened to them.” She then confessed.

“Okay...” Akira nodded. Everyone needed more power. He just had an issue with those with too much. “But now I wonder...what made you change your mind for Ryuji?” He then asked.

“I just...felt more of a connection with him...” Katsuragi confessed, a pink blush on her face.

“A connection? That's it?” Akira repeated, looking a little skeptical.

“It's a strong connection.” Katsuragi insisted. “Whenever I spent time with him, it felt...different from being with my friends or being hit on. The way he talks, what he does, what he makes my heart feel like it could explode in happiness at any moment. Ryuji-kun...makes me feel like I don't need to be strong all the time.” She then explained with a happy sigh.

“...You really have some serious feelings for him, then.” Akira remarked, giving the blonde a happy look.

“Akira, I love him.” Katsuragi stated without a single ounce of hesitation. “Hehe, in such a short amount of time, he managed to steal my heart. It's a wonder he hasn't gotten himself a girlfriend before me.” She then added.

“Uh, yeah. He's a real catch, alright.” Akira muttered as a few select memories played in his head, many of which did not paint the dyed blond as boyfriend material.

“He is, isn't he.” Katsuragi sighed out dreamily like a cliché lovestruck girl...which she was, now that she thought about it. “You're his best friend, right?” She soon asked.

“I'd say I'd die for him if I absolutely had to.” Akira casually admitted.

“Great!” Katsuragi cheerfully exclaimed. “...Don’t actually die for him, though.” She then requested. She was more than enough to protect him, anyways.

“No promises.” Akira joked...somewhat. Actually, he was hiding his lying ass with his chuckles. “In reality, he'd probably die for me well as pretty much everyone else in the PTs.” He then thought, feeling a little awkward about it. He didn't exactly want his most trusted friends to throw themselves in front of him, even if he was about to die.

“Don't joke about that.” Katsuragi pouted as she jabbed the boy in the shoulder. “But...I know Ryu-kun will always have your back, so I guess that offer extends to me as well. If you never need anything, don't be afraid to call.” She then declared with a smile.

“Sure.” Akira nodded as he began focusing on his ramen.

“...That means take out your phone.” Katsuragi soon instructed.

“Hm?” Akira let out in the middle of slurping his noodles before sucking up the rest of it. “Sorry, but damn this is good.”

“...Okay, we can swap numbers after a bowl or two.” Katsuragi relented before slurping up some noodles. “Maybe three. Holy sh*t, it's like feeling Asuka's boobs!” She then admitted.

Akira once again stopped mid-slurp, paused to think...and came to the somewhat horrifying realization that he could see where she was coming from, feeling a strong connection with Katsuragi be created as a result.



Why was he cursed to know this knowledge in this way?

“Huh? Wha- I was sleeping.” Morgana mumbled as he shook his head. “Did I miss something?” He then asked.

“Nothing, Mona.” Akira responded. “Not letting him know about Ryuji and Katsuragi dating. He'd probably have a week-long meltdown.” He thought to himself.

Once they finished up their (several bowls of) ramen, they quickly exchanged contact info.

[“GoddessOfMelons” has been added to your contacts]

“...GoddessOfMelons?” Akira sweatdropped.

“Yep, that’s my IM name, alright.” Katsuragi declared with pride and a grin on her face.

“Can’t believe I’m actually making friends with someone who likes boobs...and it’s a girl, nonetheless.” Akira then stated to himself as he remembered the first time he met the girl at the beach.

“Hey, consider it an achievement because you’re one of my first friends who is actually a guy aside from my Ryu-kun, and I barely had any guys to get along with at my school.” Katsuragi however countered with a smirk. “Besides, it’s better than a guy or an old man who does that kind of stuff.” She then added.

“...Well you got a point.” Akira had to admit in a mutter. “...You don’t go try and steal other girls’ underwear, do you?” He soon asked.

“Pssh! Nah, never do that.” Katsuragi replied as she shook her head along with a wave of her free hand. “Skinship groping is good enough for me, especially bare skin.” She then stated.

“...Good to know that even you got limits.” Akira replied with a sweatdrop.

“‘Course I do. I’d rather stick with getting handsy around girls’ bodies.” Katsuragi replied and confessed. “Only sickos would go around stealing underwear.” She then declared.

“Oh great. That’s good enough for all of us.” Akira replied. “So obviously guys like Kamoshida are in that category too?” He then guessed.

”Hell yeah he is! He broke my Ryu-kun’s leg, after all!” Katsuragi responded in anger. “If I meet the guy myself, I’m gonna break his legs! Eat his own medicine, dick!” She then revealed.

“If you know how to go into his prison cell without getting caught, maybe.” Akira jokingly replied in amusem*nt, feigning ignorance to knowing her actual occupation.

“Prison, huh.” Katsuragi repeated as she took in the information. “Hmm...maybe if I could...” She then trailed off with a finger in her chin, a plan forming in her mind.

“Huh?” Akira let out with a raised eyebrow. However he mentally smirked as he already had an idea of what the blonde was thinking.

“Nothing. Just thinking about him making me sick.” Katsuragi responded with a shake of her head.

“I feel you. Anyways, I gotta go home now.” Akira replied and informed. “Boss’ll kill me if I get home very late.” He then added.

“Boss?” Katsuragi repeated with a raised eyebrow.

“My guardian back at home.” Akira revealed. “He usually wants to refer to himself as Boss.” He then explained.

“Huh, I see. Well, see you again, Akira.” Katsuragi responded with a nod as the two fist-bumped.

Akira nodded before the two teens separated to head back home.

(Chiyoda City, Capitol Hotel Tokyo Pool)

After everyone had winded down, all of the representatives were escorted and systematically brought back down to the ground floor where the indoor pool area was located.

The Summit attendees were now walking on the pathway that led to said indoor pool area based on the wall and ceiling signs that directed them. Eventually, they finally reached the doors with the sign named INDOOR POOL pasted above said doors.

"Oh man..." Yamato got out in his head. "I wonder what the pool looks like." He then added in his head once more as one of the leading students opened the doors, prompting everyone to finally enter the room.

The entire room was brightly lit, with the large pool being crystal clear and blue that the tiled ground underneath the water was clearly seen by other people.

There was also a tall diving platform on one side of the pool and even a massive water slide on another. And on the tiled area around the pool were lounge chairs as well for people to relax on.

All in all, it was an impressive display.

“We’re here.” Kaname announced as he gazed at the wide pool inside the hotel itself.

“An amazing sight as always.” Ichirō confessed with a smile.

"Still can't believe we're doing this every month..." Yamato got out. “Seriously though?” He then asked.

"... Didn't know it would be that large of a pool." Homura muttered at the sight.

"It's like a full-on resort in itself." Makoto also commented as well. “Will anyone be able to see us from those glass walls?” She then asked, seeing the glass walls.

“No, only we can see outside, but no one can look in.” Kaname revealed.

"... That's convenient." Yamato had to say.

"I assume you've already visited here multiple times during the previous Summits before Shujin came along." Homura asked him.

"Yes." Kyō confirmed with a nod. "Though everyone was in their school swimsuits before it was decided to have everyone bring their own swimsuits from now on." She then revealed.

"And who put that down?" Makoto soon asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hakufu-san and Kyou-san." Kaname answered.

"And everyone actually agreed with the decision?" Yamato decided to ask for confirmation.

“Hakufu was very insistent.” Shimei sighed out. "And surprisingly, some of the girls in the Summit actually agree with her. Hakufu said the school swimsuits lacked skin appeal." She then added.

Koukin meanwhile sighed in embarrassment...and blushed a little.

“More freedom.” Kyou happily reminded as she and the strawberry blonde high fived one another.

"...I see." Homura reluctantly got out. “Honestly not surprised.” She admitted.

“Hey!” Hakufu got out as she then pouted.

"I'm not offended by it, Hakufu-san." Homura responded as she held out a hand. "Don't worry." She then reassured, albeit awkwardly.

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with wearing your own swimsuits.” Shika sighed out.

"Alright, guys and girls, as usual, the changing rooms are over there." Kaname announced to everyone as he gestured towards the gender respective changing rooms.

“Ladies, come this way.” Shizuka meanwhile instructed as she directed the other females to the woman’s changing room.

“Okay...can’t believe we’ll be wearing our own swimsuits this time.” Taro had to mutter as he was entering the men’s changing room.

With the girls in the changing room...


All of the girls were taking off their uniforms as they then placed them into their individual clothing hampers. While doing so, some of the girls started gossiping, mostly about their bodies.

“...We all seem to be...well-developed.” Cho awkwardly noted, gazing at the bodies of the girls present in the changing room right now.

“Seems that way.” Eri responded with a nod.

“Save for some of us...” Ume remarked in annoyance, glancing at the other girls as well.

“Geez, some of these girls over there got some massive tit*.” Yuri whispered to the others, seeing a group of certain girls with the largest breasts within their Summit group.

“I always wonder how Kochō-san got those...” Asumi softly wondered as she unclipped her own bra. “Her as well as the other members of the committee.” She then added.

“One of the unquestionable wonders of the world.” Mako got out. “And I can’t believe it’s the tit*, of all things.” She soon sighed out. “It's also crazy that the female population regarding bust sizes is growing...” She then revealed.

“You mean ‘cause of this Ghost Groper, correct?” Fuyūmi assumed.

“Ugh, I’m more afraid of people who might decide to worship this so-called groper as thanks for increasing their bust sizes...” Yuka confessed in concern.

“...As ridiculous as that sounds, me too.” Ko got out in nervous agreement.

“Jeez, is everyone actually not confident with their breast sizes?” Natsuki had to comment. “It’s like every girl here would literally kill just to get some massive tit*.” She then noted.

“It honestly is getting ridiculous...” Shizune groaned with a facepalm.

“More like desperate...” Ami quipped in annoyance.

“Anything to attract others to them.” Aika stated. “Some girls are just self-conscious about themselves after all.” She then reminded.

“Other chicks sometimes dig big busts or butts.” Takara bluntly stated. “More so if they got both.” She then added, causing the other girls to sweatdrop.

“Well that’s a blunt way of putting it.” Rei got out in a deadpan tone. “The only thing we need to look out for is the men in our group.” She then added as well.

“You think the guys will look at us differently this time?” Kurumi soon asked as she took off her panties, now leaving her naked. “I mean, those school swimsuits don’t show that much skin, and they rarely looked at us at the past Summits. It’s like they only mingle with the other guys.” She then added as she took her bikini top to put it on.

“Well, we should just be prepared for the expected reactions.” Yumi reminded as she tied her bikini top. “Though you must remember, many males would be uneasy due to what happened with Kamoshida.” She then added as she took her bottoms.

“Hai.” Kotoha responded with a nod as she got her own bottoms on. “It...honestly makes you feel bad for them.” She then confessed.

“Wait, really?” Hakufu asked as she listened in. “No wonder I wasn’t being checked out by many guys nowadays...” She soon got out. “Stupid pervert Kamoshida...” She then grumbled with a pout.

“Hush...” Shimei however got out in disapproval.

Homura meanwhile blinked as she looked at the other girls staring at her. “I...just happened to develop this way.” She awkwardly got out as she then glanced at the Hakuō Disciplinary Committee Head as she elegantly changed.


Showing her equally massive bust as a result.

Homura stared at the girl for a moment. “At least I’m not the only one with large breasts here...” She quietly got out.

Kochō meanwhile glanced towards the tan skinned girl. “My my, just as developed as me.” She muttered in an interested manner. “And are those...tan lines? My word...” She then added in a curious manner.

Makoto meanwhile looked at them for a moment...before glancing down on her own still-developing chest. “How am I still growing...?” She muttered to herself as she continued changing along with everyone else.

Meanwhile, in the guys’ changing room...


As all of the guys change and place them in their own individual clothing hampers as well, some of the guys were showing some muscles and faint-looking abs as they removed their uniforms and clothes.

“Oh what the hell?” Yamato muttered as he noticed some guys with muscles and abs on their body. “You guys been working out or something?” He soon asked.

“Yeah.” Taro sighed out as he responded to him. “...At this point, I really don’t care anymore if girls check me out or not. I just wanna get strong, and that’s it.” He then confessed.

“What?” Yamato got out in slight disbelief by that. “W-Why would you say that?” He then added.

“It’s just...well...that Kamoshida bastard’s an athlete, and he’s one of the worst people in this country right now.” Taro responded and reminded.

“That gym teacher from Shujin Academy.” Koukin started. “He was employed where Yamato-san attends.” He then reminded.

“Look, whatever you do, just don’t stare at the girls too much.” Taiga soon instructed. “Or else they’ll kick you out of the pool, or worse, a beatdown courtesy of the girls that might take offense by it.” He then explained.

“...Is this due to the backlash Kamoshida caused?” Yamato hesitantly assumed, seeing and hearing the looming uneasiness of the men in the changing room right now.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Ichirō responded with a sigh. “I don’t wanna get targeted by the Phantom Thieves if it’s as little as staring or ogling girls in swimsuits.” He then admitted.

“Me too.” Taiga got out as well with a nod.

“Speaking of swimsuits, I wonder how the girls would fare in terms of their own swimsuits.” Taro wondered aloud as he adjusted his swimming briefs.

Kaname sighed. “Just strip and change already, you perv.” He soon ordered. “And everyone as well, change into your swimsuits. We don’t want to keep the girls waiting.” He then informed as well.

And the men continued stripping and changing until everyone was now in their respective personal swimsuits.

Weirdly enough, everyone was wearing swimming bottoms of different kinds...more on the skimpy side such as spandex swimming shorts and elastic briefs.

Yamato meanwhile blinked at the sight. “Okay, did you guys secretly meet and agree to wear skimpy looking swimsuits?” He had to ask them before the whole changing room went silent.

After a while, the men came out of their respective changing room first, now in their respective (skimpy-ish) swimsuits.

“Can’t wait to swim in this pool with actual swimsuits this time.” Ichirō somehow proudly commented as he gazed at the large pool with hands on his waist.

“I still can’t believe I had to bring my own swimsuit for this.” Taro got out as he glanced down at his own swimsuit, which was a swimming briefs. “I’m worried the girls will freak out because of this.” He then added nervously.

“Just simply act natural, all of you.” Kaname stated to the men in reassurance. “Remember to not perceive the girls in an inappropriate manner too much.” He then reminded.

“We’ll try, Kaname-san.” Taiga responded. “Though it’s not gonna be easy if the girls are gonna come here with their own swimsuits, but we’ll try our best.” He then however added, feeling a bit unnerved about it.

“Like I said, behave appropriately in front of the women, that’s all I’m asking for.” Kaname however reminded once more with a nod.

“Hai.” Every male in the group responded.

“Do you think the girls will look at our swimsuits, too?” Taro decided to ask as he nudged one of the Summit members with him.

“Doubt it.” Ichirō responded almost immediately. “I mean, I would be a bit surprised if they do.” He then had to admit as he scratched the back of his head.

“We have now arrived.” A female voice called out to them, prompting the men to turn towards their female companions who now exited the women’s changing room.

As expected, the Summit girls were wearing their personal respective swimsuits that came from their own personal wardrobes, most of them being one or two-piece swimsuits having unique-looking colors and designs.

Some of the male Summit members were mesmerized at the various swimsuits of the girls who came out of the changing room, while others didn’t mind and simply glanced back at the large pool.

“Please don’t gaze at us in a lustful manner, okay?" Yumi requested as she and the Kosei representatives wore matching dark blue bordering on black bikinis in reminiance of their school uniforms.

Immediately, some of those males perked up from the mention...before shifting their gazes away as if they decide to ignore them.

"Checking us out like always..." Rei sighed out as she noticed the guys' reactions.

"Mm-hmm." Eri agreed with a nod. "Well, we all look great in our swimsuits. Our actual swimsuits this time." She had to admit.

"At least they notice our sex appeal." Shika stated in a whisper. "Don't tell the men I said that." She then requested with a slight grin.

Kotoha in turn giggled. "Yeah, okay." She soon replied.

At that moment, a certain young man approached the girls.

"Sorry about that, ladies." Taiga attempted to apologize in front of the swimsuit-clad women with a slight bow. “Our urges got the better of most of us here.” He then outright admitted.

"It's alright." Yumi responded, though a bit taken aback by the sudden bluntness. "As long as you control yourselves." She then instructed.

"We'll try." Yamato replied as he blushed. "Male hormones tend to get in the way sometimes." He then awkwardly admitted.

The swimsuit-clad girls looked at him for a moment.

"Does he really have to be that blunt?" Shika couldn't help but comment.

"The guys are being weirdly honest in their feelings..." Eri stated with a puzzled look on her face. "And I don't know why." She then added.

"Yeah...just like that topic about the Ghost Groper back at the meeting." Cho recalled. "Almost as if they really are mature about these kinds of things." She then added.

“It may be because of what happened to Kamoshoda from Shujin.” Yumi concluded.

"Did that gym teacher incident really shake the men here that greatly?" Kurumi muttered.

“Seems that way.” Kotoha got out in a sympathetic tone. “I'm not sure if that's gonna be a good thing or not...” She then admitted.

“Some people just can’t move on...” Takara got out. "I...kinda feel bad for the guys, though." She then added to herself.

“It’s like they’re treading around broken glass with us.” Eri got out with a small frown. “I mean, it’s too bad getting a few stares for a cute boy. And there are some real cuties here today.” She then admitted.

“Yeah, it’s not like we’d kill ‘em for it...” Rei had to state in agreement. “This isn't like that cheesy anime trope of guys getting beaten up by girls because of an accident. Or for breathing.” She then added.

“God, Love Hina sucks...” Shika sighed out while shaking her head in regret for ever reading such trash.

“I was thinking more of Ranma 1/2.” Eri sheepishly admitted as she remembered that manga title as well.

Yumi meanwhile sweatdropped to that forming discussion, thinking back to a certain clumsy boy at her school due to his condition. She also wondered what happened to those girls he hung out with.

"But I have to look great in those swimsuits." Taiga somehow eventually admitted afterwards. "If anything, all of you look sexy, actually...sorry." He then continued to admit before scratching the back of his head.

Yumi looked at him for a moment...before sighing with a gentle smile. “Well, I...appreciate the compliment, Taiga-san.” She finally confessed. "...Though I wish someone also said I look cute, too..." She soon thought in her head.

“Sexy...” Shika repeated, pondering that word for a moment. “Feels weird being complimented like that.” She soon admitted.

"Yeah. Told you the guys are being weirdly honest." Cho muttered as she gossiped with the rest of the girls with her. “Will they be like this most of the time?” She then wondered.

Eri in turn nodded to this. “Kamoshida really did the males dirty...” She muttered as well in concern.

"Should we...feel great about this as girls?" Shimei soon asked as she leaned towards her female companions.

"I...don't know." Kotoha responded. “I mean...they do look kinda hot in those swimsuits of theirs.” She then whispered as she gazed at the guys’ swim attires.

Suddenly, most of the girls soon began to blush as they looked too closely at the guys’ swimsuits and bodies. “...Does one of them have a-” A young girl suddenly started.

“Yep.” Yumi interrupted as she began to avert her gaze.

“...He’s pretty small.” Yuri commented, eyeing one of the guys.

“In your AV-addled brain.” Fuyūmi countered with a blush on her face.

“Hey, it’s about technique.” Yuri however retorted back at her.

“Technique she says...” Natsuki sighed out...while blushing a bit.

“This seems like a bit much...” Ko had to admit.

“They seem...restrictive, from the looks of it.” Takara noted with a slight wince.

“Hey, look, the girls are staring at you.” Ichirō from the guys started as he nudged one of his male companions.

“What?” Taro got out as he heard that. “Oh sh*t! Why now!?” He then exclaimed as he covered himself.

“No reason boner strikes again.” One of the other guys deadpanned.

“Whoa...are we...all acting pervy in front of the guys here?” Shika couldn’t help but state, feeling the sudden perversion within her.

“P-Pervy?” Shizune softly repeated before blushing a bit.

“Women can have libido, too, you know?” Yumi had to openly admit with a blush on her face.

“Really? Because here I was eye-f*cking that guy’s glasses.” Kotoha casually responded before licking her lips. “Hoo boy, that gets me going.” She then panted out with a blush on her face.

“Kotoha-san!” Yumi chided in disapproval. “You should be treating the boys with respect as they are attempting to do with us girls.” She then reminded and stated in a lecturing tone.

“Sorry.” Kotoha apologized as she rubbed the back of her head while giving out a giggle.

“H-Hey, it’s fine.” Taro tried to reassure her. “I...actually don’t mind.” He soon confessed with a hint of a blush.

“Maybe we can hang out sometime, Taro-san.” Kotoha offered with a smile.

The boy in turn blinked to this. “Oh, um...okay.” Taro awkwardly responded. “Let’s...have some fun today, Kotoha-san.” He then suggested, earning a genuine grin and a nod from the girl.

“...Did that just happen?” Kurumi whispered.

“Yes, yes it did.” Yumi responded with a nod as she blinked to this.

“Bet five hundred yen Taro and Kotoha will get laid this year.” Yuri whispered to the other girls.

“Perverts...” Ume coldly muttered in disapproval.

“Only ‘cause you’re a hardcore lesbian who hates males in general.” Kyou quietly remarked with a smirk, causing the Karasama Student Council President to glare at her.

“You want me to chop your neck, Kyou-san?” Ume threatened her.

“You mean like you do with the girl you like to get her away from her male friends?” Kyou countered with a smirk, causing the black-haired girl to growl in anger.

“No fighting...” Kaname and Kyō meanwhile sighed out at the same time.

“A-Anyway, you don’t have to hate all men in general, Ume-san.” Yuri meanwhile awkwardly got out. “The guys here can be trusted, see?” She then reassured her as she gestured towards the male swimsuit-clad Summit members.

Ume however stubbornly just gave the same expression as before.

“She’s a stubborn one, isn’t she?” Cho quietly whispered.

“And perverted.” Kyou whispered back in amusem*nt.

Ume meanwhile glared at that remark before turning away with a huff.

“Female perverts...didn’t think that could actually be a thing...” Taiga meanwhile admitted with a sigh.

“You’d be surprised how many girls nowadays have been doing dirty stuff when no one is seeing them.” Kurumi added.

“I...have met perverted females before...” Yumi had to confess with a sigh. “Some without restraint...” She added with a sigh.

“...Like...Kamoshida levels of perv?” Cho wondered, feeling really curious about the idea.

Yumi made a deep sigh. “She said even Kamoshida himself went too far.” She then recalled.

“But she would peep in the men’s bathroom if she could, right?” Ume however asked once more.

“She...wouldn’t need to.” Yumi vaguely answered.

Oh God, Futaba was probably peeping on them right now if there was a camera...

“Didn’t think some of the girls would be secretly perverted like this.” Ichirō couldn’t help but comment.

“...Don’t tell anyone outside of this hotel, okay?” Kotoha soon requested.

“Got it.” Ichirō replied as the other guys in the group nodded.

"I am starting to think we can only trust the men in our group when we begin showing off our bodies like this...and maybe even our perversions." Cho couldn’t help but comment.

"Well, I actually have some male friends myself.” Yumi confessed with a smile. “But I would not recommend such a thing. Such intimacy requires time and commitment. It should not just be with anyone. After all, there are people who will abuse such trust, even if they seem upstanding.” She advised and explained.

The males shifted uncomfortably at that statement.

“Wow, that sounds like personal experience.” Taro commented from hearing that.

“I’m just being realistic here. Everyone has some sort of mask they put on in front of people. Some are similar to their true face, while others hide who they are.” Yumi explained. “What’s underneath that mask is important.” She soon stated.

“That is true.” Shimei agreed with a nod...though she was still looking at Koukin for quite a while.

“You know what would be crazy?” Kyou whispered. “If all of us here decided to skinny dip.” She then added with the same tone.

“...That would definitely be crazy.” Shika got out with a playful grin.

“Skinny dip?” Kurumi repeated, not knowing the term.

“Swimming naked, if you're wondering." Kyou responded in a whisper.

"..." Kurumi simply went silent with a blush on her face. "...Yeah, like that would ever be agreed by the higher-ups.” She muttered.

"Whose idea was it that we get into relaxing sessions like this after each and every Summit meeting?" Yamato decided to ask, catching everyone's attention this time.

"Shizuka-san." Kaname responded with a smile towards his Vice President. “She said it would be a perfect bonding experience for all of us here every time our Summit meeting ends." He then explained.

"Hehehehe, bonding...” Kyou got out as she began to drool.

"Real bonding experience, for sure." Shizuka couldn't help but comment with hands on her hips.

At that moment, a certain strawberry blonde dashed through the crowd.

“YAHOO!” Hakufu cheered, wearing a blue bikini that was barely holding back her bust.


"..." Ichirō noticed this with a slight blush on his face. "Again?" He then got out.

“ always.” Yumi sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Excuse me, Hakufu-san, but are you worried your top might fall off?" Yamato however asked, oblivious to the other males sighing and some of them facepalming.

"Hm?" Hakufu got out as he heard him. "My top falling off? There's no way that would happen.” She repeated before reassuring with a grin.

Shimei however coughed into her fist towards that statement.

Koukin meanwhile sighed. “Let's not have a repeat of that happening...” He awkwardly requested.

Yamato soon blushed. “I-It's happened before!?” He whispered in a panic to the other males.

“Hai...” Koukin sighed out in obvious embarrassment.

“Many times, even back when it was only the school swimsuits...” Taiga confirmed with a blush.

“Their clothes apparently get shredded during their fights as well...” Kaname revealed. "And believe, we've seen enough nipple from her." He then added with a sigh and a slight blush on his face.

“I think they’ve peed themselves a few times...”

"...You don't say." Yamato muttered in a skeptic manner. "Did she even get scolded by the women here?" He then decided to ask.

“Kochō has done it many times.” Kaname confirmed with a nod. “It just seems to go out one ear and out the other. It’s like the only thing in her head is fighting and...well, actually, no that’s about it. Nothing else in there but that.” He then stated.


“It will be to relax for a bit.” Kochō confessed as she approached the group, wearing a purple and gold butterfly patterned one-piece that seemed to suit her perfectly with how it flaunted her cleavage, back and stomach.

For some of the guys, they kept control of themselves, but still couldn't help but gawk a little.

“As elegant as always, Kochō-san.” Kaname confessed.

“Oho~ Why thank you.” Kochō responded with amusem*nt. "Hmm...does my swimsuit look okay, Kaname-san?" She hummed out and asked.

“You already asked me this a couple of months ago.” Kaname answered in a casual tone, looking unmoved by the girl’s appearance. “This isn’t a new swimsuit, Kochō-san.” He then reminded.

“And don’t I still look amazing?” Kochō soon questioned with a playful wink.

“You could just remember what I said last time.” Kaname deadpanned once again with hands on his hips.

Kochō smirked before looking at someone else from the group of swimsuit-clad guys. “You. Yamato, right? From Shujin Academy?” She then called out as she pointed to said young man from Shujin Academy.

Yamato perked up from the mention of his name. “Yes, Kochō-san?” He then got out.

“Anything you would like to say about my swimsuit here?” Kochō asked him as she struck a pose.

“Oh, um, you look great in that swimsuit of yours, Kochō-san.” Yamato responded to her as politely as possible.

Kochō smiled at him. “Thank you.” She then replied back. "...I don't suppose there are also any inappropriate comments included?" She then stated as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"...Do I have to answer truthfully to you, Kochō-san?" Yamato got out.

"Yes. Just spit it out, young man." Kochō responded.

Yamato sighed with a slight blush. “You’re pretty. And sexy-looking. There.” He then outright admitted.

“OHOHOHOH~ And thus my beauty remains unmatched!” Kochō haughtily laughed out while the glasses-wearing boy sighed and slapped his forehead at the Shujin Vice President's response.

“As prideful as always, Kochō-san.” Yumi sighed out, though with a hint of amusem*nt.

Soon, the female representatives of Shujin came out of the changing room, both of them wearing black, white and red plaid bikinis, the design similar to that of the female uniforms skirts and the pants of the male uniforms.

“Was it a good idea to go for plaid?” Makoto questioned.

“Fits Shujin's colors.” Homura simply responded.

“Fits sexy lumberjacks.” Makoto muttered under her breath.

“Hey, I saw a fire axe on the way here. Think you wanna steal it to pull off the look?” Homura replied and jokingly suggested.

“Homura...” Makoto got out in a slightly threatening manner.

“Joking, joking.” Homura reassured. “...But I’d think you’d look cute in a beard.” She then admitted.

“Did Haru’s fake mustache yesterday influence you?” Makoto questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“It looked so cute on her!” Homura got out. “And hey, you’re starting to get some peach fuzz on your upper lip.” She then noted.

“Homura, please stop teasing me...” Makoto pleaded as the tanned girl giggled.

“You two seem to get along well.” Kyou noted.

“I was sort of Makoto-senpai's emotional support during the Kaneshiro incident. She even peed herself once.” Homura admitted while wrapping her arm around her friend’s lock neck. “It was a rough time, but we’ve been best friends ever since.” She then added in a proud manner.

“Why did you even mention that?” Makoto groaned while covering her face.

“My, that sounded pretty rough for you.” Taeo couldn’t help but comment.

“And...desperate.” Makoto confessed. “I even tried to offer myself up to get info friends stopped me.” She then admitted as well.

“God, he even made you do that!?” Kochō gawked in concern and disbelief.

“Well again, I admit it was by my own choice, but only because my back was against the wall.” Makoto then explained.

“What? Did he kidnap your dog or something?” Ichiro guessed.

“Not at all.” Makoto shook her head. “It was a letter of recommendation.” She then revealed.

“...Going after the mafia is not worth such a thing.” Shika had to state with hands on her hips.

“You make dumb decisions when you have nothing left.” Makoto admitted. “But again, I’m better now thanks to Homura and my other friends. I don’t need a recommendation, I can get anywhere I want on my own merits.” She then added with a proud smile on her face this time.

“You impress me for how strong you are.” Kaname confessed in approval.

“I’m not strong at all. I just have great support.” Makoto stated with a smile.

“...Like for your tit*...?” Kyou assumed with a smirk.

Her twin meanwhile facepalmed to that.

“Please don’t bring attention to them.” Makoto groaned while subconsciously covering her chest.

“I didn’t think they would let you have breast implants when you’re in high school.” Kaname had to comment about it.

“They’re natural!” Makoto snapped.

“Then God bless your genetics.” Kotoha stated with praying hands.

“God bless Katsuragi and her stupid hands.” Homura thought with a flat look on her face. “...And are they still getting bigger!?” She soon thought.

“Again, my school wasn't involved in the Kaneshiro incident.” Hakufu reminded with a grin. “My fellow students wouldn’t dare fall for such a scam!” She then proudly stated.

“His main hunting ground was Shibuya.” Makoto however stated. “I don’t think I’ve seen anyone from your school around there. W-Where is your school, anyways?” She then stated before asking.

“Nagoya.” Hakafu happily answered.

“PFFT!” Homura spat out in disbelief. “That’s seven hours away by train! I thought this Summit was for Tokyo schools only!” She then exclaimed.

“It’s for Japan's schools in general.” Kaname stated as other summit members nodded in confirmation.

“So you’re bragging about not falling for scams...when Kaneshiro wasn’t even operating there.” Kochō pointed out while furrowing her brows.

“Ah, um...ehehehe.” Hakufu made a weak laugh as she scratched the back of her head.

“Some of our students travel to Tokyo a lot.” Shimei explained.

“For what!? The food and to fight in Kamurocho!?” Homura called out.

“Yup.” Hakafu answered rather bluntly.

“Oh for the love of- I WAS JOKING!” Homura shouted in disbelief before covering her face and screamed. Everyone from Nanyō Academy was a dumbass with a death wish, she was sure of it.

“A-Anyway, all I did was deal with the backlash from Shujin afterwards...” Yamato sighed out in shame.

"Hey, no need to dwell on that further, Yamato-san." Makoto tried to reassure him while holding out a hand.

“It’s fine, Makoto-san.” Yamato reassured her. “The experience was tough, but I did manage with the help of the other teachers. It was a...fruitful experience, I have to admit.” He then admitted.

“Hey, are we still waiting for someone?” Shika decided to ask as she looked at the changing rooms behind her.

That prompted Kochō to look over the entire group to see if they’re still missing someone. “...No, I think everyone is now here. Boys and girls.” She soon confirmed.

“Then what the heck are we waiting for?” Shika called out to everyone. “It’s time to swim in the pool right now with our personal swimsuits!” She then added.

“Alright, we’ll continue our conversation later.” Taro responded. “Some of our people here have been waiting to get themselves wet.” He then stated, seeing the others being eager to jump into the pool.

“Phrasing, handsome.” Kotoha giggled with a grin, causing the boy in mention to blush.

“I’m wet right now.” Cho suddenly got out.

“...Phrasing?” Kotoha slowly got out in an unsure manner.

“No.” Cho replied.

Ignoring that, the light gray haired girl spoke. “Seems we're all getting relaxed now.” Yumi had to comment, sensing the atmosphere of the group. “We should be ready for some delightful fun.” She then informed everyone with a smile.

“Yay!” Hakafu cheered. “Everyone looks so good in their swimsuits, it’s amazing!” She then called out with a grin as she glanced at everyone in their swimming attires.

“Hold on. Are you boys gonna stare at us this time now that we have actual swimsuits on?" Kochō questioned with narrowed eyes.

"...” The guys simply went silent as they were cornered by the girls.

“Well, it depends. Are you girls gonna stare at us, too?” Kaname countered.

“...” The girls simply went silent as they were cornered by the guys as well.

“...Yes.” Kotoha innocently answered, causing some of the girls to sigh in unison.

“Just...promise that everyone behaves in the pool and avoid anything too far that will make us get kicked out by the staff here.” Kaname soon requested and reminded. “So no fighting, Hakufu-san.” He added.

“Aw...” Hakafu whined.

“And that includes swimming naked.” Kyō sternly added as well with crossed arms.

“Aw...!” Kyou whined even louder than the strawberry blonde from her twin's instructions.

“Let’s just enjoy the damn pool and not turn this into an orgy, alright?” Yamato simply stated as calmly as possible. “Jeez, everyone’s a freaking perv...” He grumbled under his breath as he walked away.

“Speak for yourself.” Shika had to comment before she began running towards the pool. “Geronimooooo!” She called out as she jumped in.


While everyone else was splashing in the water, going down the massive slide and some of them attempting to dive on the diving platform, Makoto and Yumi decided to relax on some beach chairs outside the pool and watch everyone while they talked amongst themselves.

“How’s Shujin, Makoto?” Yumi decided to ask as she faced the brunette.

“Doing about as well as you’d think.” Makoto replied as she faced her as well. “You? Is Kosei having any trouble?” She then asked in return.

“Well...actually, I’m not quite caught up with all the goings-on at Kosei.” The gray-haired girl admitted with a sigh.

“Eh?” Makoto perked up.

“I’ve been frequently getting Kurumi-san to do my work as of late, though she doesn't mind.” Yumi soon revealed. “With my network, idol sessions, and Phantom Thief things, something had to give.” She then listed off.

“So you’re neglecting your duties as part of Kosei’s student council.” Makoto concluded. “Unintentionally.” She then added.

“Unfortunately.” Yumi corrected with a sigh. “This is the most involved I have been in months.” She then revealed.

“You didn’t say anything about it to anyone? To our group?” Makoto soon asked in concern.

Yumi in response sighed. “Not every problem is something everyone should worry about, or something they can do about it.” She soon stated. “I’d rather have my actions affect the outside world rather than just within Kosei’s campus. I’m doing a lot more as a Thief than I am as a President.” She then confessed and reminded.

“...That is true.” The brunette stated with a nod. “If we weren’t who we are, we’d be nothing but nosy punk kids with nothing to fight with.” She then admitted as she ran a hand through her hair.

“None but a single voice amongst millions.” Yumi however stated to herself. “...You can’t change the world by yourself.” She then added.

“Yumi?” Makoto got out in concern.

“Oh, sorry, just...I brought down the mood here, haven’t I?” Yumi apologized and assumed.

“Then again, I've been neglectful as well due to everything going on...” Makoto had to admit. “Yamato-san has been working hard for me as a result.” She then revealed.

“Maybe they should be the President instead of you.” Makoto soon suggested. “It would give you more time for other pursuits.” She then pointed out.

“All my duties are important. Abandoning any one of them would go against what I stand for...and hurt my pride.” Yumi soon stated.

“Mine as well.” Makoto replied in agreement. “Well, I just hope we can find balance soon. I’m already tired of living a double life.” She then admitted.

“I’m guessing because of your sister, Sae.” Yumi assumed.

“...Yes.” Makoto nodded in response.

“...How is it between you and her?” Yumi soon asked in concern.

“...I know she has a Palace.” Makoto suddenly revealed in a soft tone...while thinking about the last time she used the MetaNav on her phone for confirmation when the tan skinned girl was around.

Yumi however faintly picked up what the brunette just said. “Wait...what did you sa-?” She then began to ask her to repeat her statement.

“Hey guys! Why are two just sitting around!?” An excited and bubbly voice however called out to them, cutting their conversation off. “Let’s get wet, everyone!” She then added in excitement.

Makoto sweatdropped at that statement as they noticed the strawberry blonde.

“I’d like to stay dry for now, Hakufu-san.” Yumi replied in a curt manner as she straightened up from her seat.

“Aw, don’t be such a spoilsport. You should be a watersport, like everyone is doing right now!” Hakufu replied and suggested.

“Uh, what?” Makoto got out as she heard that.

Yumi meanwhile sighed to this. “Yes, we know everyone is enjoying themselves, but everyone also has their own way of enjoying themselves as well.” She soon explained. “And at the moment in our care, we wish to just relax for a moment.” She then stated.

Hakufu however pouted in response. “You’re no fun.” She then commented with the same pout on her face.

And once again, Yumi sighed as she relaxed herself on her chair once more.

The brunette meanwhile blinked to this as she looked at the strawberry blonde. “Your personality seems...similar to someone we know...” Makoto awkwardly confessed.

“Eh?” Hakufu got out. “Are they a nice person?” She then asked with an innocent head tilt.

Makoto couldn't help but see the Vice Leader as she gave them both a very similar expression their friend would make.

“...Very nice.” Yumi replied.

“Too nice, even.” Makoto added in.

“...Well that’s a great person to be compared to!” Hakufu happily stated. “You should introduce me to them sometime!” She then added in an excited manner.

“We’ll...think about it.” Makoto awkwardly responded. “It’s just are really like our friend.” She then confessed.

“Indeed. Do you sleep with an adopted relative?” Yumi decided to ask her.

“Yup.” Hakufu casually replied.

Yumi and Makoto stared at her, completely dumbfounded.

“Well not adopted, but hey, is it so wrong to sleep in the same bed as your own cousin or bathe with them?” Hakufu got out with a pout.

“...Definitely like Asuka.” Makoto and Yumi thought, keeping their faces as still as possible.

“Um, as long as there is nothing funny going on, it is fine. Some of our friends tend to share a bed with someone else, and it is all without anything happening between them.” Makoto somehow reminded, albeit a bit awkward. “They’re also older than six.” She then added, feeling as though she needed to mention that.

“Yeah, it’s really nice to have someone sleep with you.” Hakufu stated with a nod.

“Oh I bet.” The brunette got out, trying to make the blonde feel better.

“Yeah. Koukin is warm!” Hakufu informed with a grin.

That in turn caused the brunette to blink. “Koukin-san’s your cousin?” Makoto soon asked before she and the light gray haired girl looked over to the boy, who was staring at the strawberry blonde.

“If that's true, that is definitely not the look someone would give their relative.” Yumi suddenly got out with a slightly disturbed look on her face.

“Eh?” Hakufu innocently got out before turning to see her cousin staring at them. “H-Hey! Stop looking, you pervert!” She soon accused.

Koukin immediately perked up by that. "What!?" He got out in disbelief at the calling of his name. “I-I wasn't staring!” He then retorted back.

“Well, I can tell with that odious face you're making!” Hakufu stated with a pout. “Haven't you seen me in the buff enough to not get so bothered by this!?” She then added.

“Don’t make wild accusations, stupid!” Koukin countered, his face turning red.

“Ah! You called me stupid! You know the one who says someone is stupid is the real stupid one” Hakufu declared in anger, her fist suddenly starting to glow blue.

“Huh?” Makoto meanwhile got out in shock while the light gray haired girl had a curious look on her face.

“Hakufu!” Shimei called out as she suddenly went up and grabbed her arms, causing the blue glow to dissipate. “Do I have to remind you to show restraint?” She then whispered in a serious tone.

“Eh?” Hakufu got out.

“Causing a scene will get us banned by the staff here or worse, remember?” Shimei reminded as she narrowed her eye before turning to the confused girls. “I apologize on behalf of my President. I'm afraid she isn't as socially aware as is appropriate for a gathering like this.” She soon apologized and explained.

Makoto however blinked as she looked at the Nanyō Student Council President. “What...was that with her hands?” She slowly asked.

“What was what?” Shimei innocently responded. “I didn't notice anything. Maybe it's because of the lighting here playing tricks with your eyes.” She then added, causing the two Thieves to sweatdrop.

It was probably for the best that they didn't pry any further, lest they end up getting themselves into an even worse situation than what they were already in as Phantom Thieves. No need to screw up their civilian lives as well.

“I-I guess you're right. It is awfully bright here.” Makoto spoke, deciding to shove it in the back of her mind.

“Y-Yeah.” Hakufu agreed as she nodded, looking rather guilty and even a little relieved. “So, what were we talking about again?” She soon asked, causing the others to sweatdrop.

“Your cousin?” The light grey-haired girl reminded her.

“Oh yeah.” Hakufu nodded. “He's such a great guy, even if he can be a perv. It's a surprise he’s single. He'd make a great husband! He's also pretty strong too!” She then proudly added.

“His destined wife should be coming at one point though.” Shimei however reminded.

“Hopefully it's soon.” Hakufu replied with a sigh.

“Destined wife?” Makoto and Yumi meanwhile mentally repeated. “...Arranged marriage?” They then assumed, feeling anger beginning to bubble up inside them.

“...It suddenly occurred to me that marrying your first cousin is still legal.” Yumi mumbled under her breath.

“Yumi...” Makoto sighed as she shook her head as they watched the strawberry blonde jump back into the pool.


Meanwhile, Homura sighed as she looked out at the pool as she stretched her limbs after glancing over to her friends. “...Yeah. I'm just gonna refrain from talking about how Hakufu has access to ki manipulation...” She mentally decided as she watched the strawberry blonde swimming as if she was a dolphin in the water.

“Most likely due to latent power she is holding back.” Musashi deducted.

“Seems like it...” Homura thought in a serious tone, once more activating her Third Eye, seeing the strawberry blonde glowing blue with the Chinese Dragon-like aura surrounding her. “...Oh yeah, she’s definitely holding herself back.” She then admitted, hiding the expression that she was gawking at the sight.

After that, she decided to walk around the pool for a while. All while seeing some Summit members climbing the diving platform to take some dives or going down the water slide.


“I've been around water a lot recently.” Homura offhandedly thought as she stretched her limbs.

“It is probably the reason why the Leader's Mermaid Persona has an interest in you like how Jack Frost is towards your sister.” Musashi deducted and recalled.

“Any reason for that?’ Homura soon mentally asked.

“Not at all.” Musashi responded almost immediately. “They might just find you interesting.” She then added.

Homura pondered those words for a moment. “Really? I guess that’s cool.” She got out, now becoming curious herself as she once more looked at the scenery. “Man...this is actually pretty nice.” She soon admitted.

“It's surprising that we are being treated this way, correct?” A female voice assumed in amusem*nt.

The tan skinned girl soon turned to see the orange haired girl sporting a green and white bikini strutting up to her. “Ah, Shizuka Nanami of Saint Ishiyama.” Homura recalled before stopping to face her and giving a polite bow.

The orangette in turn giggled. “Just Shizuka will do.” She responded and suggested. “You can relax while you're here.” She then informed in amusem*nt. “So, how are you doing?” She soon asked.

“Oh, I’m fine, Shizuka-san.” Homura reassured. “Just walking around the pool here is relaxing enough for me.” She soon stated. “Still, that Summit was a bit intense.” She then admitted.

“They usually do.” Shizuka had to admit in agreement.

Homura soon noticed her fellow disciplinary committee head relaxing at the poolside. “Kochō-san.” Homura muttered in a curious manner.

“She’s usually close with her own committee members back at her own school as well as her President and Vice President.” Shizuka revealed.

“So, not many friends outside her school?” Homura assumed in a curious manner.

“She’s quite the strict person, seeing how she acts and behaves during the previous Summits.” Shizuka soon revealed. “It makes her very punctual as a result, especially since her school is an all-girls one.” She then described further about the girl.

“Huh...” Homura got out, feeling a little bad for her. “She must have had a lot of responsibilities back at her school.” She then assumed.

“Now that you said it, it looks like she is the type of person to do that.” Shizuka had to admit.

“And it’s probably why she asked the massive question about Shujin and the paint job it had.” Homura added.

“ some ways, Kochō-san looked like she really needed this pool unwinding.” Shizuka informed her, looking at the pale brunette. “It’s part of the reason why she enjoys coming to these summits.” She then continued.

“I see.” Homura got out with a nod as she glanced at the pale brunette again, who was now sitting at the edge or the pool. “She seems...lonely.” She then noted.

“You wish to talk with her, Homura-san?” Shizuka eventually assumed with a smile.

“As a matter of fact...I am.” The tan-skinned girl decided. “Sis did it for me, time for me to do it for someone else this time.” She thought to herself.

“Well good luck then.” Shizuka encouraged, nudging the tan skinned girl a bit. “I’m going to continue my own walk myself to monitor everyone. And have some dips in the pool while I’m at it.” She then revealed.

“I’ll leave you to it then.” Homura replied with a salute as the girl left the tan-skinned girl alone before glancing back at the pale brunette that was just staring out at the pool.

Alright. Time for her to discuss something with the pale brunette that somehow unnerved her during the Summit meeting a while back.

“Good afternoon, Kochō-san.” The tan skinned girl greeted as she approached the pale brunette, getting the other girl’s attention. “Do you mind if I sit here?” She then asked the pale brunette.

Blinking to that offer, Kochō soon nodded. “Oh, um, sure, Homura-san. You may indeed.” She replied.

This in turn caused the tan skinned girl to smile. “Hehe, wasn’t expecting this huh?” Homura soon assumed as she sat herself down on the edge of the pool beside her, dipping the lower halves of her legs into the water. “Ooh, the pool’s a bit cold today.” She soon noted with a small satisfied shiver.

“You’ll get used to it.” Kochō confessed. “So...I assume you’re here to have something to talk about with me?” She soon asked, flailing her legs a bit under the water.

“Yes, Kochō-san.” Homura replied with a nod. “I am.” She confirmed.

“Are you...upset over what I questioned Shujin Academy about during the summit?” Kochō then assumed with a serious expression on her face.

Homura looked at her, seeing how she figured it out. Well, as expected from a young authoritative figure like her. “With all honesty, Kochō-san...” She then admitted.

“I figured as much.” Kochō stated in understanding as she leaned back a bit while still sitting.

"Listen Kochō-san. I get it. You think the Phantom Thieves are a threat. Most people would think that." Homura sighed out and confessed as she relaxed on the poolside. "However..." She then started.

The brunette in turn raised an eyebrow to that. "However?" Kochō repeated.

"The Phantom Thieves save me from being expelled after Kamoshida planned to remove me and some of my friend after discovering what he did after one of our students suicide attempts..." Homura revealed in a dead serious tone.

Kochō's eyes immediately widened to that. To her, this was not mentioned by the tan-skinned girl back at the meeting. Must be for privacy’s sake.

"So, can you understand why I am slightly approving towards the Phantom Thieves?" Homura soon questioned. "If it wasn't for them, I would not even be at Shujin and thus, not be able to form our school's Disciplinary Committee." She then stated.

"They are also severe vandals considering four buildings attacked and/or defaced, a fire releasing noxious chemicals in the city air and a statue of a prominent businessman destroyed not once, but twice." Kochō pointed out.

“You mean regarding the Madarame, Kaneshiro and Okumura cases correct?” Homura assumed. “So would you have all of them get away with the crimes they were committing? Letting them get away with injustice?” She then questioned.

“I simply think their methods are far too inflammatory considering the online landscape and that they are going to get scorched sooner rather than later." Kochō replied. “Why would they go after Okumura if they knew that their site was hacked?” She then questioned.

“ hard to say.” Homura had to admit. “They probably know more than anyone else.” She then added.

Kochō sighed. “On that matter, I can agree with you.” She admitted.

“Eh?” Homura got out with a raised eyebrow.

"We are both supporters of order, Homura-san. And I feel as though we shouldn't allow groups like the Phantom Thieves to disrupt that order." Kochō explained, crossing her arms over her chest.

Homura nodded in agreement. "True, the disruption of order is never good." She confessed.

To that, Kochō scoffed with a smirk. "And for that, we can agree on. Order should always be a key factor in society or else we would be nothing but beasts in clothes." She then stated.

"Again, true." Homura replied once more in agreement. "Still, you seem...persistent in trying to put the Phantom Thieves into a negative light." She then noted. "Is there any personal reason for that?" She soon asked in a curious manner.

"Well, a lot of my family works in government affairs like legal, policing and actual politics so most discussion naturally drifts to them at family gatherings and how they have ruined some of their potential career promotions." Kochō explained.

“You mean due to them exposing scandals?” Homura assumed, interested to hear more.

"Indeed. Kaneshiro's confession cost three of my relatives their bonuses and promotions despite all their hard work." The brunette revealed. "Though two of my father's cousins were the stenographer and one of the presiding officers for that case so they, at least, weren't affected by that." She added in a faintly bittersweet tone.

“I see...” Homura responded as she processed this. “...How would you feel knowing late Principal Kobayakawa of Shujin Academy attempted to blackmail Makoto-senpai into going after Kaneshiro's group before it was known who he was?” She soon asked.

"That would be another strike for his removal and having legal action taken aginst him considering he failed to remove a, ahem, problematic teacher before Suzui-san attempted suicide." Kochō replied.

“ did happen.” Homura nervously revealed, surprising the brunette. “Who knows what would have happened to Makoto-senpai if the Phantom Thieves didn't get involved...” She then muttered in a fearful manner.

"She still should have used the official channels to get Kaneshiro prosecuted. Especially since her sister is a well-known prosecutor." The brunette countered in a neutral tone.

“She a pressured state of mind...” Homura uneasily responded. “Even I tried to help her, but she got desperate.” She then added.

"Considering how much of a failure Kobayakawa was, I really do not blame her." Kochō replied in a sympathetic manner. "Which leads me to my next question: How did he manage to stay principal after Kamoshida's scandal broke, especially since it came out that Kobayakwa was enabling him?” She then asked.

“It was more because no one knew he was enabling it and made sure to hide the evidence of his involvement...though I get the feeling there is more to this...” Homura deducted before confessing with narrowed eyes.

"Clearly his appointment must've been a nepotism maneuver. No one that incompetent would have stayed there for long." Kochō guessed with her own eyes narrowed. “Makoto-san has my sympathy for what she endured...” She then added.

“Thank you.” Homura replied with a grateful smile.

"Just one last question regarding education matters: When do you plan to undo the vandalism done by the Phantom Thieves?" Kochō asked.

“That's...difficult to say since the other students want it to stay.” Homura awkwardly and sheepishly revealed with a sweatdrop.

"Even though some of the others present here may perceive you as being either in league or blackmailed by the Thieves." Kochō pointed out.

Homura simply sighed to that. "The other students at Shujin are fans of the Phantom Thieves." She soon stated. "Are you saying Metropolitan Hakuō Women's Academy doesn't have students who are fans of them as well?" She then asked, mentally smirking when she saw the blush on the brunette.

"There are a few people who are, but the majority of the student population are either neutral or hostile to them." Kochō explained.

“But they still have fans regardless.” Homura pointed out.

"They are generally the biggest troublemakers and headaches I have to handle on a daily basis due to mishandling the message they preach." The brunette stated.

“Despite the good the Phantom Thieves have done that the adults couldn’t do even by legal means.” Homura reminded, causing the brunette to wince. “...You know they are doing the right thing.” She soon concluded, causing the other girl to wince again with a faint blush on her face.

"But it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down." Kochō cautioned. "One misstep and they become hated and shunned. I've...had a few family members fall victim to that pitfall." The brunette explained.

“So you hope that doesn’t happen to them.” Homura deducted as she rubbed the brunette’s back.

"More the logistical nightmare of having to deal with damage control of the student body that are against the Thieves should it happen." The brunette replied. “We unfortunately live in a society where people can sometimes be as though they are sheep that are following a herder.” Kochō soon stated.

“That...can unfortunately be true thanks to the internet.” Homura had to admit.

"At least I know my disciplinary committee have their heads on straight for any issue that may arise." Kochō stated with pride as she puffed her chest out.

That in turn gained Homura’s curiosity. “Well then would you have any tips for me to use? Asking as the head of my committee as well as its founder at my school.” She then asked and explained.

"Founder?" Kochō repeated in shock as her eyebrows shot up.

To that, Homura nodded. “Hai. When I first transferred to Shujin, there wasn’t even a Disciplinary Committee to begin with.” She replied and revealed.

Upon hearing that, the brunette paled a little. "...Now it seems like Kobayakawa was maliciously sabotaging the school..." Kochō muttered in disgust and fear.

“That would be the best case. All he did care about was his own reputation and the popularity the school had gained due to Kamoshida bringing the volleyball team to nationals.” Homura stated and recalled.

"Tch..." Kochō mumbled under her breath in annoyance before regaining her focus. "So, you're curious about my Disciplinary Committee? In what way? About how I run it or who I have as my comrades?" She soon questioned and assumed.

“Anything in general really.” Homura replied with a genuine smile. “Anything to help improve my own committee, Kochō-senpai.” She then added.

To that, Kochō couldn't help but smirk confidently. "Oho~ Referring to me as a senpai now, are we?" She stated in amusem*nt.

"Well you are a third year and you have more experience than me as a Disciplinary Committee Head." Homura replied and reminded.

"For starters I only have about four others in my committee." Kochō revealed. "The numbers may be low, but they bring good results with the student body." She then explained.

“Heeeeh, I have thirteen members in my committee.” Homura responded and revealed in a fascinated manner. “All of my members essentially perform round going throughout the school for the day before reporting to me of any issues.” She then explained.

"Thirteen seems like a lot given your student population." The brunette pointed out in concern.

“Well, we made it work in the end and it has been successful so far.” Homura replied in reassurance.

“I doubt it has been entirely smooth sailing given how mercurial some people can be. I know that from experience.” Kochō pointed out.

“Well, everything has its ups and downs, but they were soon resolved in the end.” Homura replied, though mentally sweatdropped. “Despites the Mementos requests I got for some of my committee members.” She thought to herself.

“One of mine is somewhat of a problem child but she does do good work when it really counts.” The brunette admitted with a sigh.

To that, Homura smiled. “See? We all have our own issues to deal with in the end.” She replied and pointed out. "Essentially, nobody's perfect." She then stated. “Being perfect is just something that can cause pressure and stress upon a person if they try too hard.” She soon concluded.

“Hoo~ How mature of you.” Kochō noted in an impressed manner.

Homura smiled with a sigh of satisfaction. “It comes with everything I experienced when I first started attending Shujin Academy.” She stated in a proud manner.

"Is that so?" Kochō asked. “So attending Shujin matured you.” She then deducted.

In turn, Homura nodded as she looked at the pool. “Ever since I started attending Shujin, I have experienced many things that I’m happy about. For all the friends I made as a result.” She then confessed.

"So what school did you attend before transferring and why did you transfer?" Kochō soon asked.

"It was...a rough place..." Homura vaguely responded in fear. "A dog eat dog kind of school where I had to get out..." She then muttered.

"Worse than Shujin?" Kochō asked in surprise. "Would you mind telling me the name so I can have some of my family investigate it for you?" The brunette offered in a sympathetic manner.

“It was...Ishiyama High...” Homura sadly revealed.

The brunette winced, obviously having heard about that school herself. "I see. That den of delinquents does have that reputation.” Kochō responded with a nod. “Well, I'll make sure to keep you up to date on that if I can." She soon offered. "I have a lot of commitments for my committee, my education and here's the fact that potential leaked information regarding investigations can ruin the whole endeavor. May I have your contact information if it's okay with you?" She then explained and requested.

To that, Homura smiled. “I would be honored.” She replied, getting her legs out of the pool before going over to her bag to her phone.

Kochō stepped out to grab her own phone out of her bag.

["FireGirl20" has been added to your contacts.]

["DoSButterflyQueen" has been added to your contacts]

Homura smiled as she looked at the name. “Queen huh?” She thought to herself in amusem*nt before noticing the brunette giving her an up-down. “Hm?” She hummed out with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm..." Kochō hummed out in an impressed manner. "You have...a good figure." She confessed.

To that, Homura blinked. "...Huh?" She got out.

"Although the tanlines do seem a little odd, especially the ones around your breasts." The brunette admitted.

Homura blushed a little. “I-It is a family genetic...” She awkwardly responded. “P-Part of it being due to that when I was younger, I used to wear wraps instead of an actual bra.” She then confessed.

"Now why did you wear wraps? Were you a delinquent back then?" Kochō asked in a cautious manner.

“ family didn’t want me to be girly or feminine, so they refused to buy bras, leading me to have to improvise.” Homura responded in an awkward manner.

"One of my committee members is also highly unfeminine due to her upbringing." Kochō revealed. "And while she's very much content with her appearance, she has tried to be more feminine a couple of times." She soon revealed as she went and tenderly caressed the tan skinned girl's cheek. "You have my sympathy as a result." She then stated in a soothing tone.

Homura blushed a little. "T-Thank you." She got out. “This is...unusual...” She thought to herself, feeling the urge to not look away from the soothing smile of the brunette.

"Hmm, a well-defined body, but not excessive muscles. Deceptively strong then she looks. Intelligent but there is room for more..." Kochō hummed out as she suddenly began complimenting and noting with a look that appeared as though she was examining the tan skinned girl, continuing to give her multiple up-downs.

"Why are you complimenting me all of a sudden? Not that I don't appreciate it." Homura asked and confessed.

“A habit of mine.” Kochō responded. “I, as a leader, strive to find those that can achieve greatness, so it results in me having to deeply look at my friends as a result.” She then explained in an intellectual tone.

"Your committee members, right?" Homura guessed.

“Correct.” Kochō confirmed with a nod. “Each of my members is someone who is capable of striving for greatness. And my compliments drive them further to what they are destined to be.” She proudly stated.

“Destined to be?” Homura repeated in a curious manner.

"Hai. Chihaya-san as a confectioner, Kanzaki-san as a proud member of the JSDF, Kisaragi-san as an officer of the law and Ranmaru-san as an inventor." The brunette revealed.

Homura meanwhile was surprised by this. “And...they’re all still high schoolers too?” She questioned.

"Indeed. They are working very hard and scoring top marks." Kochō replied while puffing out her chest. "As for me, I fully intend to enter politics and strive to become Prime Minister." She then declared.

“P-Prime Minister!?” Homura gawked in disbelief.

"Ohohoho~!" Kochō soon laughed. "Indeed. I strive to be the first member of my family to lead this country.” She soon declared.

“But...isn't the Prime Minister job usually given to-” Homura awkwardly began.

“To men?” Kochō however finished.

Homura immediately nodded.

"It will be a long road of working hard and building my resume to even think about attempting that." The brunette stated before declaring. "But, I will succeed.” Kochō soon declared as she then looked at the tan skinned girl who was looking at her in awe. “If I may Homura-san, what do you strive for?” She then asked.

That in turn snapped the tan skinned girl out of her slight daze as she looked at the brunette. “Me?” She got out in a curious manner.

"What do you aim to be in life?" Kochō reiterated. “What drives you to keep going?” She then asked, placing a hand on the tan skinned girl's bare shoulder.

“What” Homura muttered as she thought about it. Being a shinobi was something she was fine with, trained for all her life, but that was due to how she was raised.

Sure, she does want to be one, but since coming to Tokyo, she learned there was more to life than just that.

The idea of basically running Shujin as its Disciplinary Head to actually running Shujin as its Principal has crossed her mind on an infrequent basis...

But she wasn't sure about that as she looked at the brunette...though weirdly enough, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her as it appeared she was radiating now.

"I must still be a little shaken up from the past few days..." The tanned girl thought as she mentally shook her head to clear out the cobwebs.

...Nope, still there. Still radiating.

“Something like this happened before regarding Makoto-senpai and Yumi-senpai...” Homura thought to herself.

"Homura-san? Are you feeling ill?" The brunette asked in concern.

“No no Kochō-senpai, I am well.” Homura responded in reassurance, though her body shivered from her voice. "Though, one idea I had in mind...but you might think it's silly..." She soon confessed.

Kochō however shook her head. "Nonsense." She responded. "Ideas are a gateway to what a person can strive for." She then stated. "What is it?" She then asked.

Homura's body shivered again at the brunette's voice. Just like it did the times with Makoto-senpai and Yumi-senpai. "Well...I sometimes wonder...if I would be a good principal." She unconsciously confessed.

That in turn peaked the brunette’s interest. "To help guide the future of the upcoming generations?" Kochō replied with a smile. "I think that's a wonderful idea.” She soon declared. “You have the intelligence to be one.” She then complimented. "Plus, I believe it would look really good that the inaugural head of the Disciplinary Committee is now running the school with the same mentality that she did when she was a student." She soon explained.

Homura blushed more. “S-Surely you jest, Kochō-senpai. It isn't as radiating as yours to become Prime Minister or Makoto-senpai's to become a police officer.” She responded and stated, sounding a little more mature.

"Guiding children's futures is a wonderful career choice." Kochō replied. "I think you'd be the perfect choice for Shujin." She then added.

“R-Really?” Homura got out in an uneasy manner.

"You...really think I could?" Homura quietly asked.

"Naturally." Kochō replied in reassurance, taking the girl’s hand into her own.

“...Ruling the school, being called its new queen...I...I never wanted that, but that's how everyone back at school treated me and Makoto-senpai.” Homura mumbled. “But...being a guide to better futures, preventing the mistakes of the past...yes, that sounds fine to me.” She then added.

“So, shall I look forward to your tenure as Shujin Academy's new principal?” Kochō assumed. “As its future queen of guidance?” She then added.

“Yeah. Yeah, I will.” Homura answered with a happy smile. “...I might need to talk to Miyabi about this...” She then mentally realized.

“Well, I suppose congratulations are in order.” Kochō soon declared.

Homura however blinked to this. “Y-You don't need to, senpai. I'm just happy I have something to work towards now.” She sheepishly replied.

“Oh no. We must, my friend.” Kochō however stated. “Shall we enjoy the rest of our time together, until we separate and go back to our lives once more?” She then suggested.

“We shall.” Homura responded with a nod as she followed her new friend to the nearest source of entertainment. “Huh...It's unusual, but Kochō-senpai has this...royal aura to her.” She meanwhile mentally confessed in a curious manner.

“Hoh~ The Royalty's Aura.” Musashi meanwhile stated in an impressed manner. “The aura that makes those in their presence feel as though they can achieve anything, releasing their own regal nature from within their souls.” She then explained.

This however got the tan skinned girl's attention as she mentally widened her eyes. "H-Huh?" Homura thought. "What is that supposed to mean?" The tanned girl mentally asked her other self.

“It means this girl's natural regalness caused your own to stir within you.” Musashi revealed. “You currently feel as though you can do anything, achieve anything, correct?” She then assumed.

“I...guess so.” Homura mentally replied as she tried to withhold laughing like a noblewoman in her internal monologue.

“You feel good too.” Musashi noted. “You’ve gained a very malleable personality since coming to Tokyo, you know.” She then stated.

“Malleable?” Homura mentally repeated.

“You tend to latch onto anything you think is good and take it as your own. Like an actor putting on a mask.”

“Or Akira talking to anyone.” Homura absent-mindedly added. She had never met anyone with such wild shifts before...must be because of the multiple Personas in his head.

“That is also a good comparison.” Musashi noted. “You take what you learn from your friends and make it your own in a way that suits you. The stirring regalness within you is a result of your current interaction with this girl.” She then stated and explained.

“Yeah...” Homura muttered before her eyes widened. “Wait, I don't want to act like a queen...Do I?” She then mumbled in a unsure manner as the first Palace ruler flashed through her mind.

“You know they are all not like him.” Musashi sighed out. “And you are nothing like him. You would be better than him in every way.” She then stated.

“I don't want to even be compared to him.” Homura mentally growled. “This is why I don't want to be called a queen at all. People don't need rulers or anyone telling them who they can or can't be.” She then thought.

“The Queen of England?” Musashi reminded with a raised finger.

“Yeah, because being born in the most violent family with the biggest army makes them so great while living in the 21st century, where corporations have more power than some governments.” Homura mentally pointed out as she rolled her eyes. “She barely does anything, anyways.” She then added in her head.

“...Okay, bad example.” Musashi admitted with a sweatdrop. Had to admit, she should've seen that coming (she was her after all). “...But you can set a good example.” She then stated.

“But I get what you mean with the fact that a queen still exists, but...I also know when to abdicate the throne. Power should be shared amongst the people, not gathered into one single role.” The tan skinned girl mentally confessed before sighing. “But I am not laughing like Ichiko. As amusing as that would be, that would be annoying and haughty.” She then added.

“Fair enough.” Musashi responded with a nod.

Homura soon sighed as she regained her focus to see the brunette giving her an up-down. “Is there something that is the matter, Kochō-senpai?” She politely questioned in a well-mannered tone, though there was also a hint of regalness in it as well.

“Why were you staring at the ceiling?” Kochō asked, seeing the state of the tan-skinned girl. “Thinking about something?” She then assumed.

That snapped the shinobi out of her regalness. “Uh, just about the...Queen of England?” Homura awkwardly and sheepishly replied.

“Really?” Kochō replied in a curious manner.

“It just popped into my head all of a sudden.” Homura explained with a small blush.

“...You're quite the oddball, Homura-san.” Kochō confessed in amusem*nt.

“Yeah, that's one way to put it.” Homura mumbled under her breath. “So uh, can we go and have some fun now?” She then requested.

Kochō smiled. “OHOHO~! We shall!” She replied with confidence as she took the tan skinned girl’s hand and the two headed out.

Homura in turn smiled, unphased and didn’t feel annoyed from the laugh as she walked alongside Kochō hand-in-hand, happy to enjoy the rest of the day with her new regal friend, letting her own regalness course throughout her body.

(Shibuya, Joysound Karaoke)

Futaba was currently feeling a bit baffled as she stared at what she was looking at.

Joysound Karaoke.

That was the name of the sign above the establishment in front of her.

And standing beside her was none other than her fellow shinobi Phantom Thief, Asuka. And this was her idea of a hangout for a recovering shut-in.

"Well?" Asuka spoke up. "What do you think, Futaba-chan?" She then asked her afterwards.

“Why here, Yin?” Futaba asked with a less-than-enthusiastic look on her face.

“Well, me and the others have gone to karaoke a couple of times, and I just realized we haven't given you the chance to spend time here.” Asuka replied and revealed.

“This is, like, the ultimate normie hangout spot. Of course I'd never think of coming here.” Futaba responded. “As much as I'm growing, I still like my room and my AC keeping me comfortable.” She then stated.

“It’s just going to be me and you. We'll invite the others later. Maybe even that tokusatsu friend you made last time.” Asuka then got out.

“Asuka, I'm not much of a singer.” Futaba reminded as she adjusted her glasses.

“That's not what karaoke is about.” Asuka responded as she shook her head. “It's about hanging out with your friends and having a good time! Come on, I'm sure they have songs from your favorite anime here.” She then stated and encouraged.

“I mean...I have memorized every single one..." Futaba sheepishly admitted. “Alright, let's check it out.” She soon decided.

“Yay! Let's go!” Asuka happily replied as the two entered the building.

After going through the motions to get a room (which Futaba gladly let Asuka do for her), soon they were inside enjoying some snacks and drinks while they looked through all the songs available on the song book.

“Man, they really have all the otaku songs.” Futaba couldn't help but state, seeing the list of songs available in the karaoke. “They even have freaking K-On here! What the heck...” She then added in an eager tone.

“There's plenty of western music too.” Asuka soon pointed out. “Hmm, The No Pants Dance...?” She then read out in confusion.

“Pfft, Joker and the Thief...” Futaba couldn't help but chuckle a little at the name of the song she found.

"Bikini Body by Dawin?" Asuka got out, blinking at the name. "...Eh?" She then got out.

"Wiggle Biggle Jiggle Diggle...this one's interesting." Futaba read the title and commented. “I wonder how they choose these songs, because these seem pretty random.” She then thought in her head as she continued reading the songbook.

“Okay, let's get some music going.” Asuka finally stated.

Futaba looked at her as if she was feeling doomed for a bit. “Eh?” She got out in slight nervousness. “” She then added with the same tone.

“No time like the present!” Asuka eagerly replied with a grin. “Are you nervous?” She then asked her, seeing the orangette's expression.

“I...I just think the songs I'd pick would stink...” Futaba mumbled as she eyed Passion by Utada Hikaru on the song list.

“I'll go first if you want.” Asuka offered.

Futaba silently nodded to that.

“Okay, what song would get Futaba-chan less nervous?” Asuka thought as she went through the song list. She wasn't exactly the most well-versed in music but...

Ah! That will do.

Asuka selected the song and gave the orangette a smile. “This goes out to a cute little hacker everyone should love!”

“Huh? Who are they!? No one is taking my image from me!” Futaba jokingly called out.

“Ahem.” Asuka softly cleared her throat just as the song she had chosen began.

Futaba's eyes soon widened as she heard a very familiar tune begin to play. “No. Frickin’. Way.” She breathed out in growing excitement.

Asuka smirked, satisfied she got her friend’s attention. “Flapping your wings bravely~ Beyond time, into tomorrow~ A roar from the soul!” She soon started.

“They have the Featherman theme here!?” Futaba squealed in excitement, hearing the song.

Asuka grinned as she continued singing. “The best way to get someone to join is to rope them in with something familiar. In this case: sentai!” She thought. It was the perfect plan to get Futaba to sing! “High-five, brain!”


Let's go! Ready for all! Yes! Featherman~ Phoenix Ranger Feathermannnnnn...~!” Asuka finished passionately, letting out the note as long as she could before the song ended.

“Feathermannnnnn...~!” Futaba sang along. She then laughed as Asuka began doing the poses as the song ended, ending with Featherman Pink's pose. “Woo hoo!” She yelled in joy as the song finally ended.

“Whew! That was a nice one.” Asuka breathed out as she sat back down and downed her drink. “You enjoy it, Futaba-chan?”

“It was great!” Futaba exclaimed with a happy smile. “Seeing you move and sing without a care in the almost makes you...” She then began before trailing off, looking less enthused by what she was about to say.

“Want to get up there and do it yourself?” Asuka assumed with a chuckle. “It's really fun. Come on, no one is stopping you.” She then encouraged.

“Except myself...” Futaba mumbled under her breath.

“Come on, please! One song, and I'll do the rest if you don't want to after.” Asuka pleaded with her with praying hands.

Futaba looked at the brunette for a moment...before sighing. “Okay. For you.” She then relented before choosing her next song for her to sing. “Erm...I guess I'll go for this one.” She soon stated as she finally picked one from the list of songs.

Koi no Shirushi?” Asuka read the song title aloud.

“Well, it was either that or Cruel Angel's Thesis. And I know that it's a popular choice, so I just wanted to do one you haven't heard all that much.” Futaba replied and explained. She vaguely remembered enjoying this song a few years ago.

As much as she loved anime music, the love songs in all the harem shows she watched fell out of her favor once her mum passed away. Maybe it was time to give it another try.

“Okay. Have fun!” Asuka encouraged as the piano intro of the song began to play.

“H-Here goes.” Futaba thought, sweating a little as the lyrics showed up on screen. “T-The sign of love: I f-found it in it your eyes that day~ When I realized it, the compass in my he-heart started to spin~

The Vice Leader blinked as she heard the orangette sing. Sure, it was a little amateurish, but she sounded perfect for the song. “Go go, Fu-ta-ba!” Asuka cheered.

Futaba blushed, but she kept singing, tapping her foot to the melody as it came back to her. “I like rainy days, too, because it's warm under your umbrella~ I have faith that this feeling of love will never end~

“Let's! Go! Futaba-chan!” Asuka encouraged her to the beat, pumping her fist to the rhythm.

Eventually, the orangette began to let go of her worries and began moving to the beat of the song, closing her eyes as she continued. “When we hold hands, it feels like the door to the future has opened~ Because I have nothing to be afraid of anymore~!” She then continued singing, a bright smile on her face as she moved her body much more actively.

Asuka meanwhile blinked at the sight, now more impressed by it as she took her phone out and started recording. “It's so great to see Futaba let loose like this! And I'm sure Miyabi-chan will too!” She thought, already imagining the woman's reaction.

I want to hold your hand forever, walking in this light~” Futaba concluded the song, letting out a breath as she wiped the sweat off her brow. “Wow, that...that was fun!” She confessed in a perky manner.

“You were amazing, Futaba-chan!” Asuka praised.

The orangette immediately blushed to that. “S-Stop that. I just did my best, like you said.” Futaba sheepishly stammered out while rubbing the back of her head.

“Did your best, nothing! That was incredible!” Asuka soon complimented. “Encore! Encore!” She then cheered.

Futaba however felt something from that. Something...wanting to come out.


Like...she wanted to sing more.


Like...she had to sing more.


Like...she needed to sing more!

The orangette soon gained a sparkle to her eyes. “Okay, if you want more! From the streets to the karaoke room, I'm bringin’ a hot tune to you!” Futaba eagerly declared in a cutesy manner as she randomly selected a new song.

Asuka smiled at that, interested in this side of the orangette, getting her phone out again as she started another recording.

Futaba meanwhile was shaking her hips as she held the microphone as she closed her eyes again. “Subarashii chinchin mono~ Kintama no kami aru~ Sore no oto, sarubobo? Iie! Ninja ga imasu~!” She began singing once more in a natural and easy going manner.

(Kichijoji, Old Temple)

Miki sighed as she tapped her foot in annoyance, waiting in front of the temple where she would be training her (ungrateful) apprentice. “Where is she?” She muttered in annoyance as she adjusted her hat. “Seriously, I give her the opportunity of a lifetime and she just pisses it away like she’s perpetually incontinent...” The pinkette grumbled.

At that moment though, the pinkette noticed some people stepping back as a familiar red head began strutting towards her wearing a red long sleeve shirt and light tan pants that appeared to be expensive, her expression filled with over confidence with a smirk to match. “Sorry I’m late Miki. I had some prior business with my girlfriend.” Ranze apologized in a nonchalant manner.

“That’s fair, I guess.” Miki admitted. “How the hell does she still have one?” She however thought. “Are you ready?” She then questioned.

“Who do you think you’re asking?” Ranze replied with an expression that indicated a non-verbal ‘dumbass’ at the end of that.

Miki mentally twitched to that. Oh she was so going to enjoy this. “Then follow me.” She soon instructed.

“Hai, hai~!” Ranze replied in a bored tone.

With that, the two headed in, heading for a secluded room where no one else was as the two sat next to one another with their legs crossed.

Though the auburn-haired model clearly bore an expression that showed she’d rather be shoveling excrement with her mouth than be doing this.

“Today’s lesson is a meditation lesson, one meaning to relax and destress one’s body.” Miki soon explained. “Now, mimic my actions and close your eyes.” She then instructed.

“Why do I have to do all this inane stuff all the time now?” Ranze thought as she reluctantly mimicked the pinkette.

Miki meanwhile then opened one of her eyes to peek, seeing the annoyed expression on the redhead’s face. “Disrespectful brat...Asuka-chan really is right...” She thought to herself in disdain and annoyance. “I can tell she’s thinking about wringing my neck while banging her girlfriend...” She then mentally grumbled.

Well, at least now she was able to start with fixing her now as she quietly removed her hat, showing her horns as some green lightning quietly sparked as a result.

“Sorry for violating the credo we set...” Miki quietly thought to herself as she set her hat down next to her. “But this will be worth it.” She added in her head, guiding her lightning towards the redhead, who was obviously distracted to notice.


And soon enough, the spark struck her head, surprising the redhead for a moment. “Wha-?” Ranze started saying, almost opening her eyes.

“Stay focused.” Miki however ordered in a serious tone. “Do not move a single muscle.” She then added.

"Yeah, yeah..." Ranze replied in her now-usual irreverent tone.

Miki's eye twitched to that as more electricity quietly sparked and went towards the rude woman. "Starting small, let's get rid of that rudeness and co*ckiness." She thought.

Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!

Ranze’s eye twitched as more sparks struck her head. “Hey, what are you...?” She muttered out as her eyes continued twitching.

“Nothing at all.” Miki simply responded. “Now hush.” She ordered.

“Not until you tell me what the hell is going on...” The auburnette spat out with a faint trace of fear in her voice.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Miki responded. “It’s probably the quietness getting to you.” She then assumed, more lightning going and lightly striking her head. “This should do it for her rudeness.” She thought to herself.

Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!

“N-Nggghhhh!” Ranze whined as more and more sparks hit her.

“There. Is that better?” Miki asked.

“Y-You’re scaring me, Mochizuki-senpai...” Ranze managed to squeak out.

“And why is that?” Miki however questioned in an innocent manner, smirking at what she was called. “I haven’t even done anything.” She then reminded.

“I-I dunno, but I need a break from this...” Ranze explained. “Is there a safe word I can use here that stops this completely?” She then asked.

“No.” Miki however responded. “The meditation session ends when I say so.” She soon informed. “Am I clear?” She then asked in an authoritative tone.

“H-Hai...” Ranze replied in resigned defeat.

“Good.” Miki responded in approval. “Just empty your mind of your concerns...” She then instructed in a more gentle and soothing tone.

“Yes...Mochizuki-senpai...” Ranze mumbled, doing as instructed. “S-Sorry...” She then apologized.

“Hm?” Miki hummed out, a sparkle in her eyes upon hearing those words.

“S-Sorry for disobeying.” Ranze once more apologized, going back to meditation. “I’m...gonna apologize to everyone and then quit the business...” The auburnette quietly and suddenly decided.

Miki then noticed the redhead appearing to be a little woozy, causing her to smirk devilishly. “Perfect~” She thought to herself. Now for the molding. “Now now, there is no need to go that far...” She responded, more electricity hitting the redhead’s head.

Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!

"Too far, need to pull it back a touch." Miki thought, mentally grumbled as she tried to find that sweet spot. “There is no need to quit the industry. Do you regret your past actions towards others?” She then asked.

"I do." Ranze replied, feeling more at ease.

“And why did you even act that way to begin with?” Miki soon questioned.

“I...wanted to be the best...” Ranze mumbled.

“The best?” Miki repeated.

"Better than everyone. Even you." The auburnette admitted.

“And for what reason? Fame? Fortune?” Miki then asked and assumed.

"I...I've forgotten..." Ranze muttered. “It...was probably that...and more...” She then mumbled in the same woozy manner. "I really...don't remember..." The auburnette concluded as she slumped over with her face buried into the dirt from the pinkette's handiwork.

Miki meanwhile sighed to this, feeling worn out a little. “Well, it’s a start.” She muttered as she then rubbed the redhead’s head. “Sleep for now.” She then softly instructed.

Although she did have to reposition Ranze so she at least retained some dignity in her unconscious state.

She had to admit though, this was amusing to do.

She just hoped she didn't fry Ranze's brain...

(Chiyoda City, Capitol Hotel Tokyu)

The Summit meeting ended for every member who attended, and everyone was still having a great time at the pool: diving, swimming, loitering, relaxing.

Underneath the pool however were three certain girls who were literally lying down on the deep floor, as if they were relaxing underneath the water without any sign of danger to the three of them right now.

It was Homura, Yumi, and surprisingly, Makoto.

Her hair flowing and floating under the water, Yumi simply stared at the surface of the water, with the light bending and bouncing into ripples as if she was gazing at the imaginary sky.

Homura simply had her eyes closed and her hands behind her head with her hair flowing and floating around like the light gray-haired girl, as if she was sleeping.

For Makoto however, she simply laid down on the pool floor, all while looking at the other people swimming on the surface of the water, as if their bodies dangle above the surface just to keep themselves afloat. Some of them were also diving under the water and eventually swam back up.

Until...Makoto finally felt that it was now time to breathe. At that, she patted the tan-skinned girl’s waist, waking her up and gaining her attention, and pointed a finger up towards the surface.

At that, Makoto swam up to the surface as safely as possible, while Homura, still underwater, nudged the light gray-haired girl to gain her attention. She then pointed up before swimming back up, prompting the Kosei girl to swim back up as well.


Yumi, Homura and Makoto were now up on the pool’s surface before taking a deep breath.

“Forty-seven minutes.” Homura revealed. “Not bad, Makoto-senpai.” She then complimented.

“That was quite impressive, Makoto-san.” Yumi complimented the girl as well.

“It honestly felt like I was there for an hour.” Makoto confessed.

“I was underwater for fifty-five minutes, just so you wanna know.” Homura somehow informed her, as if she was slightly bragging.

“For me, it was fifty-six minutes.” Yumi then proudly revealed.

“Hehe, one minute ahead of me, Yumi-senpai.” Homura giggled out.

“Looks like I need to train more from you two and the others.” Makoto sighed out, though still had a content smile on her face.

“You’ll last longer.” Homura reassured her. “Who knows, maybe you’ll last a day or two.” She then added.

Makoto snorted in slight amusem*nt at that. “Can’t believe I’m about to say this, but...I’m surprised your breasts aren’t making yourselves float out from underwater.” She then muttered for only the two girls with her to hear.

Homura snorted at that. “Okay, shut up, Makoto-senpai.” She jokingly responded while floating.

“That was quite the joke, Makoto-san.” Yumi sighed as she shook her head along with a slight smile.

As she was floating however, the light grey-haired girl then noticed that the digital clock above the entrance doors was now displayed as 6PM. “Oh! Looks like it’s almost time for us to go home.” She soon remembered.

“Really?” Homura got out. “Aw...”

“All good things must come to an end, Homura.” Makoto reminded while patting her friend on the shoulder.

By that, Yumi swam towards her fellow Student Council President who was simply floating near the edge of the pool, talking with some of his fellow companions. “Kaname-san?” She called out, prompting the young man to turn towards her. “It is now 6PM.” She then informed as she gestured a hand towards the digital wall clock.she stepped out of the pool.

Kaname glanced at said clock above the door, noticing the time, before she turned back towards the light gray-haired girl and nodded. At that he swam towards the edge and got out of the pool before clapping as loud as he could to get everyone’s attention. “Alright, everyone! It's time to return for the night! Please get out of the pool!” He soon instructed.

“Come on, an extra hour!” Cho whined as she thrashed the water with a pout on her face.

Shizuka meanwhile sighed to this. “Not in the budget, unless you want to pay 3,400,000 yen.” She soon reminded and stated.

“...Actually, I was getting pruney anyways.” Cho eventually relented before swimming towards the edge to get out of the pool.

“If everything is now settled, then you may now proceed to the shower rooms to wash yourselves off. Make sure you don’t leave anything behind because the staff will sell it online.” Kaname soon warned. “I’ll see you all at the front entrance for the van to pick us up, now get washed off and fully dressed. Emails will be sent again for the next Summit meeting date.” He then instructed and informed.

Homura raised an eyebrow at that as she turned to the nearest person. “How many summits are there per year?” She had to ask.

“Besides summer vacation, there is one whenever the situation gets serious enough.” Shizuka informed.

“Such as after a Phantom Thieves calling card?” Makoto assumed.

“No. If that was the case, we'd run out of money to even set up these summits...and not get any pool time.” Shizkua replied as she shook her head. “Besides, it has to directly affect our schools and our fellow students, and the Phantom Thieves are a singular issue.” She then explained.

“I see...” Yamato responded in a fascinated tone.

“Let's get out and wash up.” Makoto soon got out as she began to exit the pool. “The vans will take us back to school, right?” She then assumed.

“Yep. And with plenty of time to catch the train back home.” Kyou confirmed as everyone else began to leave the pool as well.

“You know, I wish we had these summits more often.” Cho confessed. “A day off school, meeting up with friends, and getting to hang out at a fancy hotel with a pool with a bunch of half-dressed hotties from out of town.” She then added.

“And, you know, be able to discuss with others on how to figure out the ongoing problems with our schools.” Koukin suggested.

“Yeah, that's great too.” Kyō replied in agreement. “But I doubt Hakufu will do anything to even stem all the violence with her school and there's no way anyone is going to get the Ghost Groper, especially with the crazy cult around them. We're just kids. Besides, most of us won't be here next year. Might as well enjoy our time together.” She then stated.

“Don't say that.” Homura got out with a frown. “We can do something.” She then reassured.

“The only people who have and will are the Phantom Thieves and the faculty.” Ume began, glancing at the Shujin members. “I don't know what it's like at Shujin, but the student council isn't all that powerful. We just organize events and budgets, nothing more.” She then added, matter-of-factly

“We have that much control because it's necessary.” Homura explained to her, though there was a slight sense of doubt in her tone.

“Yes? But what happens when it isn't?” Kyō countered, causing the Shujin Phantom Thieves members to freeze. “Most of your problems are solved, it sounds like you don't have to worry about another Kamoshida or corrupt principal again.” She then stated.

“W-Well...there could be...someone else.” Makoto however pointed out.

“And when will that someone else come? Next month? Next year?” Ume soon questioned.

“You're just...You're just putting words in our mouths.” Homura muttered.

“It sounds more like to me you don't want to let go of your power.” Kyō soon assumed. “Not all kings and queens stay on their thrones for life.” She then added.

Makoto and Homura stared in disbelief as the serious twin crossed her arms over her chest.

“We...We do not think like that.” Homura mumbled with a frown. “Shujin's council and committee aren't trying to...we aren’t...” She then trailed off.

The council and committee have completely subverted the faculty in several areas of the school. There were plenty of students calling them queens, not unlike how they did with the gym teacher but without fear, and...

It felt good to have so much power over the school.

“...Homura.” Yumi spoke up, but didn't get a response.

“...” Homura simply went silent before heading to the showers, walking with her head down in thought.

“Alright, that's enough.” Kochō soon ordered. “There is no use in thinking about such things.” She then added.

“My apologies, I'm a bit of a realist.” Kyō apologized and confessed. “I also don't put up such a royal front. sh*t's pretty cringe.” She then admitted.

“How...!” Kochō began in an offended manner before stopping and calming herself down. “No, I will not debase myself in a mud-slinging competition. I am going to see Homura-san now.” She then declared before leaving.

Without a quick look at each other, Makoto and Yumi followed the girl to check on their friend too.

“...I was referring to Ume.” Kyō muttered as she headed for the showers, the girl in mention glared dagger at her from behind.

Homura instantly went to the nearest shower head all in her buff after stripping off her two-piece bikini. Letting out a sigh at what just happened, she sat down against the wall and stared up at the ceiling.

“You allowed her to get to you.” Musashi stated in her head.

“We rule the damn school, dammit.” Homura mumbled as she stared at the taps. “I...I don't want to let go of it...I want to make sure it stays safe...” She mentally confessed before trailing off.

“But...” Musashi then started.

“...When I leave, I won't be able to help any more. I won't have that power because I'll be just another damn student from another school.” The tan-skinned girl explained to her in a sullen tone. “It took so long to get where we are, I don't want to see any of it fade when I'm gone.” She then added with the same tone.

“You don't want to let go of power, because you don't want to be powerless again.” Musashi concluded.

“I took it for granted back at Hebijo since I was just a battle-happy psychopath looking for a fight and now with Shujin, I now finally understand what it means to be in charge.” Homura began, remembering her time in Hebijo. “The principal was my bitch after Makoto finally shut him down from his bullsh*t, the Vice principal is barely doing anything, all the teachers just let me and my committee do whatever they want since we've been bringing order back to school. And look at where I am! A fancy hotel with a pool with other schools like I'm on vacation.” She then ranted, as if she couldn’t believe this was actually happening in her life right now.

“You deserve a break.” Musashi concluded.

Homura however groaned to this. “This is just an excuse to goof off on someone else's money.” She grumbled. “This could've gone to a lot more helpful programs, more impact fully stuff that could directly change someone's life, and yet we're wasting it on a f*cking pool party!” She soon stated and declared.

“You really did deserve a break though. Hakufu's school, convenience store fights, Katsuragi the Ghost Groper and the possible cult that could form, and everything that happened with Shujin?” Musashi soon stated and listed off, ending with the question.

“It doesn't mean I'm owed a damn favor. I just want to make Shujin better, not take advantage of it!” Homura responded and confessed. “Sure the summit itself was stressful and the pool helped clear my head, but-” She started before pausing as her eyes widened in realization. “...It helped me clear my head.” She soon muttered.

“You haven't turned the shower on.” A familiar voice suddenly pointed out.

“Ah...” Homura responded, hearing that.

“Are you alright, Homura-san?” Another familiar voice asked in concern.

The tan skinned girl turned around to see three familiar faces...who were now also in the nude like her. “Makoto-senpai, Yumi-senpai, Kochō-senpai.” Homura muttered, thought she was a bit taken aback by the nudity for a split second.

“We've been standing here for a few minutes now, watching you talk to yourself.” Makoto pointed out, causing the tan skinned girl to wince. “Are you okay?” She asked once more, her hands on her hips.

“...” Homura said nothing, looking embarrassed and ashamed.

“You were thinking the same thing as I did at my first Summit.” Kochō calmly noted as she approached her, her bare breasts slightly bouncing. “This is quite the massive waste of money, is it not?” She then assumed.

Homura sighed at that. “Well...yeah...” She then got out.

“I thought that too at first before realizing the pool itself was to destress us and prevent the issues of our schools from overwhelming us.” Kochō confessed. “There is no shame in enjoying such luxuries.” She soon added.

“But...” Homura began to say.

“Homura-san, stop.” Kochō ordered, instinctively causing the tan skinned girl to stand at attention. “You are far too worried about making the world a better place than allowing yourself respite from it. You cannot stop everything bad from happening.” She soon stated and pointed out.

“But I can do something about making sure it doesn't happen again.” Homura however stated.

“Not when you are so stressed out.” Yumi responded as she crossed her arms under her bare breasts. “You cannot help people if you allow yourself to be crushed by the pressure and weight of responsibility.” She then stated.

“...But with great power-” Homura once more started.

“There must come great responsibility, blah blah blah.” Kochō got out as she rolled her eyes. “I've heard that quote many times, and that is merely the road to destruction.” She then stated and declared.

“Destruction?” Makoto quietly repeated in confused concern.

“Power, however vast it may be, will have limits.” The pale brunette informed them. “And stretching it too far will not help anyone, especially not yourself. I know one day, the power that I wield now will be taken from me and will never be able to be regained unless through...less-than-savory means. But that's the beauty of power, it can be shared and transformed, made better or used better with each person it is passed onto. But one cannot wield it properly if the person currently using it burns out before it can be fully utilized.” She then elaborated fully to the best of her ability.

“...I don't want to lose my power though.” Homura shamefully confessed.

“It is inevitable, sadly or not.” Kochō responded to her “The best you can do is ensure that it lasts while it is with you, even when you lose it. What you leave behind will last much longer than what you do now.” She then continued as she placed a hand on the tan-skinned girl’s shoulder. “To abdicate isn't simply because you have nothing left to give, but also to ensure you make the most of what you have.” She then concluded.

“...You'll make a fine Prime Minister, Kochō-senpai.” Homura soon admitted in awe with hands on her hips along with a small smile on her face.

“Huh?” Makoto and Yumi meanwhile got out in confused unison.

“Thank you.” Kochō however responded with a pleasant smile. “Now, are you going to shower?” She soon asked as she gestured towards the shower knob and head in her stall.

“I, uh...I haven't used a shower in a long time.” Homura awkwardly admitted while scratching the back of her head. “I sort of forgot how to use one since I became a bath lover.” She sheepishly confessed.

Kochō perked up at that. “Do you need help?” She then offered.

Homura in return somehow sighed awkwardly as if in response. “...Yes.” She then actually responded.

“Then I shall join you in the stall then after I get my personal washeries.” Kochō responded as she then turned and walked away.

“K-Kochō-san!?” Yumi gasped out in a surprised manner.

“So forward...” Makoto muttered in awe...and a slight hint of envy.

“Washeries?” Homura repeated with a raised eyebrow.

“It is a real word!” Kochō replied as she glanced back at her while walking to get said washeries. “Ooh, do you want to smell like chocolate or simmering wood chips?” She soon asked as she arrived at her nearby locker to open and get said washeries.

Homura felt curious about the pale brunette’s question. “...Wood chips?” She responded in an unsure manner.

“Good answer.” Kochō praised in approval.

“...What would chocolate even smell like...?” Homura however muttered as she looked at the pale brunette. “Are you sure about this?” She then asked.

“What seems to be the problem?” Kochō soon asked as she came back to the three girls, a bag of what seemed to be her washeries in her hand.

“Doing this for me.” Homura awkwardly got out.

“Well, it’s in my power to help you.” Kochō simply explained with her free hand on her hip. “Friends should help each other out after all.” She then added with a smile.

“Even though we just met and hung out today?” Homura reminded.

The pale brunette in turn nodded. “Homura-san, I see a lot of potential in you.” Kochō soon confessed.

“Oh um, thank you.” Homura soon responded, surprised to that statement as she went for the shower knob.

“Homura-san, allow me.” Kochō politely offered with a bottle of shampoo in her hands.

“Oh, why thank you Kochō-senpai.” Homura replied in a polite and well-mannered tone.

Makoto and Yumi meanwhile smiled, glad to see their friend make another new friend as they stared at the two bathing together in the same stall.

“Shall we share a shower stall as well, Makoto-san?” Yumi soon offered as she glanced at her friend.

“Hmm...I suppose we can, Yumi.” Makoto responded as they headed for their own stall to bathe together. “Do we have some washeries of our own as Kochō-san had?” She soon asked.

At that moment, the rest of the female Summit members entered the showers, now fully nude as well as they too headed in to wash up, getting into their own stalls as steam filled the air.

Meanwhile, with the pale brunette and the tan-skinned girl’s shower stall, Kochō even offered to assist the tan skinned girl wash off, who happily accepted as she began rubbing in the body wash, from in her armpits to in-between her legs and even the bust and butt.


“Is it too rough?” Kochō questioned in concern while rubbing the soap as it formed soap subs all over her and her friend’s bodies.

“Not at all.” Homura responded with a smile, letting the regalness flow into her, feeling good all the while. “Ah...what a divine feeling this is~ Ohoho~” She offhandedly thought and laughed to herself.

“Well that is good to hear.” Kochō responded with a smile of relief as she continued to rub her friend down.


“Eep! H-Hey, that tickles Kochō-senpai!” Homura yelped before giggling out. “This really reminds me of how Asuka cleans me down~ How exquisite~” She meanwhile thought in amusem*nt.

“Oho~ So you are ticklish, hm~” Kochō responded in amusem*nt to this new piece of information.

“Of course I am~!” Homura responded, a hint of maturity in her voice. “If you may, Kochō-senpai, can I give you a scrub as well after you finish mine~?” She soon requested in a polite manner as she looked over her shoulder to face her.

“Oho~ That sounds amusing~” Kochō responded with a smile before nodding. “Very well, I accept, my friend~” She then added as she handed the loofah to the tan-skinned girl before turning herself around. “Go ahead~” She soon got out as she turned around to show her bare back and long pale brown hair.

Homura in turn nodded to that as she looked at her friend. “Whoa...her back looks so exceptionally smooth...and shiny as well.” She thought to herself in awe, impressed by her friend. “It feels as though even touching her would be a sin...” She then added in her head.


“Another role model?” Musashi assumed with a smile. “Very malleable.” She then added in amusem*nt.

“H-Homura-san...” Her newest friend spoke up, snapping her out of her thoughts.

“Hm?” Homura hummed out in a slightly dazed manner.

“Why are you using your breasts to scrub my back?” Kochō suddenly questioned in a curious manner.

“Ah, my apologies.” Homura responded with a blush, realizing she had been doing it unconsciously. “I just...I am in awe of your form that I had to feel it myself, despite thinking it would be a sin to do so.” She then confessed and explained.

“As flattered as I am, I should tell you that I do not swing that way.” Kochō however informed.

“E-Eh!?” Homura squeaked out in shock. “N-No, I-I didn’t mean to...I’m so sorry.” She then apologized in a flustered manner as she backed off.

“It’s quite alright, Homura-san.” Kochō reassured. “After all, who doesn’t want to gaze upon me at my most intimate? OHOHOHOH~” She then pointed out before laughing.

“Ichiko, take notes. Kochō-senpai’s got you beat.” Homura thought as she began to wash the girl normally.

“If anything, I am in awe by your form, Homura-san.” Kochō soon confessed as she looked back at the tan skinned girl. “You must put a lot of work into your body.” She then assumed.

“O-Oh. Why thank you.” Homura responded with a blush and a nod. “But you must be doing the same, right?” She however guessed.

“I make sure to exercise.” The pale brunette confirmed. “We should swap wellness tips!” Kochō soon suggested.

Homura mentally winced. Kochō didn’t seem like the type of girl who would appreciate the type of training she did and dealt out to the others. Hell, she couldn’t think of a single exercise that would not destroy one’s body instead of strengthening it if one were a normal civilian.

...Her friends in the Phantom Thieves being the only exception to that. And even then, she was pretty sure the Metaverse was doing something to them.

“I...usually go to Protein Lovers, a local gym in Tokyo, to keep myself in shape.” Homura responded, not technically a lie.

“Oh please, I’m already going to the gym on a daily basis. You don’t get to have a chest as large as this without strengthening your back.” The pale brunette countered as she puffed out said chest.

“Well, I don’t know what else I can tell you. If you’re dieting properly and keeping yourself active, I’m sure you’ll keep the body you have right now well into your 40s. 50s even.” Homura then stated with a shrug.

“ least it's better than this Ghost Groper getting to you...” Kochō sighed out, disapproval clear in her voice.

“And I agree with you on that fact. Such a perverted reason is ridiculous.” Homura scoffed out. Then again, getting bigger boobs from estrogen in burgers was equally as dumb, if not moreso.

Seriously, when did Tokyo get so weird? It was like everyone was losing their filter...

“Homura-san, you’re using your chest again!” Kochō informed.

“Ah, sorry!” Homura apologized once more as she returned to washing her new friend down.

And with that, the both of them continued to take their soapy shower together along with the rest of the girls in their shower room.

Soon, Homura was back in her school uniform, though now her hair was a little more regal in appearance as it had drill-shaped curls to them from her new friend giving her a good brushing.

She felt...good actually.

Different, but in a good way.

“Seems you have calmed down after showering with your new friend.” Musashi noted, relieved from the peace of mind state.

“Yes. It was...nice.” Homura thought with a more serene smile. It was good to get her head back on straight again.

“And she even got your hair done!” Musashi added in amazement. “How she managed to do that with all that hair in record time is an accomplishment.” She then muttered. It already took ages for the tan skinned girl to wash her beautiful hair, but styling it was another matter entirely.

“I do feel prettier.” Homura mentally confessed.

“You’re already pretty.” Musashi pointed out.

“I can break the limits of prettiness. I can be the very center of the universe’s prettiness with enough effort.” Homura countered. “I just feel...really good this time. Like I can accomplish anything.” She then confessed.

“Whoa there, don’t get too excited.” Musashi responded. “You still have a lot of work to do. Looking and feeling prettier isn’t going to help people.” She soon reminded.

“It will in the long run.” Homura claimed with a gleam in her eyes. “After all, a proper image at school goes a long way. This is more for me than anyone else. And if I’m calm and clear-headed, that means I can tackle the world.” She then explained as she tidied up her uniform.

“Just be ready for it to tackle back.” Musashi soon reminded.

“With my friends, I’ll stand strong despite it, Musashi.” Homura reassured in a more determined manner. The tan skinned girl soon looked at herself in a nearby mirror and blushed again at her appearance. It was so different then it usually was, even after the high class spa day with the other Thieves. “A-Are you sure it suits me, Kochō-senpai?” She meekly asked.

“I keep telling you Homura-san, you look divine now.” Kochō reassured the blushing tan skinned girl as she finished adjusting her own committee armband and her tie before buttoning up her white blazer before placing a hand on the tan skinned girl’s shoulders. “You are absolutely dazzling. If you were at my school, you would definitely be made a committee member.” She then stated and proudly declared.

Homura meanwhile still blushed at the compliment. "S-Surely you jest." She then got out.

“Would I ever?” Kochō asked. “Do I seem to be the type that would lie?” She soon added.

“Of course not.” Homura replied. “You are a respectable head of discipline.” She then reminded.

“Indeed I am, as are you.” Kochō replied. “You did start your committee at your school after all.” She then added.

“Despite the difficulties and even the issue that the late principal tried to have it shut down, yes.” Homura sighed out.

“Proof that competency should trump nepotism when making selections for education managerial positions.” Kochō deadpanned.

“So true.” Homura replied in agreement. “His attempt to force Makoto-senpai under his thumb again backfired in spectacular fashion.” She then revealed.

“Do tell me the details.” Kochō requested with an interested look on her face.

“He tried to force Makoto-senpai to go after Kaneshiro herself and even put up a notice telling the other students to go to her for their troubles without her consent.” Homura revealed in a dead serious tone.

Kochō narrowed her eyes. “You can not be serious...” She questioned in cold fury.

“I wish I wasn’t...” Homura sighed out. “But it indeed did occur...” She then confirmed.

“So, did Niijima-san manage to get out from under his thumb?” Kochō asked.

“Spectacularly.” Homura proudly replied.

“And how did she do so?” The brunette inquired.

“When she was brought into his office, she came to the decision, she was not going to let him blackmail her anymore regarding her future.” Homura recalled.

“Of course, she had a plan to make sure that wouldn’t happen again, right?” Kochō replied.

"She recorded him threatening to screw her academic future for not playing ball with his insane schemes during one of their face-to-face discussions." Homura revealed.

Kochō in turn blinked in awe. "Well, considering he wasn't likely to stop harassing her any time soon..." She soon sighed out.

“Exactly. Kobayakawa pushed her to a breaking point.” Homura concluded.

“Given the fact that he was likely a nepotist hire, it would’ve been hard, if not impossible, to get him fired via conventional methods...” Kochō added.

“Agreed.” Homura sighed out. “Not to mention it was obvious he sent us on our school trip to Hawaii so the students wouldn’t be able to say anything against him before his passing.” She then added.

“...Hawaii?” Kochō gawked in disbelief. “Your school went to Hawaii for your school trip?” She questioned.

Homura blinked at the brunette's incredulous response. “Is...something the matter?” She soon asked.

“You got to go overseas for your trip...” Kochō muttered.

“Is...that a problem?” Homura once more asked. “I mean originally, Kosei High was supposed to go to Los Angeles for their trip, but a stop caused them to make a detour to Hawaii as well.” She then added.

“...Suddenly, my school trip to Okinawa seems less impressive by comparison...” Kochō sighed out.

“You went to Okinawa for your trip?” Homura asked with a raised eyebrow.

Kochō in turn nodded. “Hai, it was a wonderful trip.” She replied and confessed. “Part of the government’s plan to boost tourism for that area.” She concluded.

“I might consider visiting there during next year’s summer holiday with my friends.” Homura replied. “Do you have any recommendations?” She soon asked.

“Well, I tried Goat Soup while I was there and it proved surprisingly delectable.” The brunette replied.

“Hm, that sounds delicious.” Homura replied. “As expected of a wise senior such as yourself.” She then praised.

"Though, it is a bit of an acquired taste." Kochō cautioned. “Most of my committee didn't like it except for Ranmaru-san." She then added.

“Thank you for the warning.” Homura responded in a respectable manner, feeling her friend’s regalness flow into herself.

“Anything for a budding regal girl such as yourself, Homura-san.” Kochō responded with a smile.

"Thank you for the compliment." Homura replied. "What about activities?" She then asked.

"For activities, there's the usual beach stuff like swimming, sunbathing and building sandcastles. The island we went to had a surfing competition." Kochō listed off. "We also did some hiking in the forest as well as scuba diving and rock-climbing." She then added.

“I see.” Homura responded, making a mental list of the mentioned activities.

“Not a problem, I hope it helps you.” Kochō replied as she adjusted her friend’s uniform.

Homura meanwhile smiled, though was also curious. “Was there an issue with my uniform, Kochō-senpai?” She soon asked.

“Oh, not really.” Kochō replied before looking at the tan-skinned girl’s uniform. “Though I would recommend ironing your uniform in the future, to make sure it is prim and proper.” She then suggested, getting a nod of the tan skinned girl before narrowing her eyes. “Though...they seem to be made of a cheap and rippable material.” She soon noted in concern.

“Tell me about it...I accidentally tore the sleeves off of one of my summer shirts...” Homura replied with a sigh.

To that, Kochō nodded. “I see.” She replied. “I will request the principal of my school to donate some money to get Shujin Academy some proper uniforms.” She then decided.

Homura’s eyes immediately widened. “Y-You don’t need to do something like that!” She gawked out.

Kochō however shook her head. “I insist. To help a fellow school down the right path.” She responded, her regal aura practically emanating.

"I-If you absolutely insist." Homura replied. She could feel it...her own regalness blooming from within her, bursting out as it became part of her soul.

Birthing a new desire...the desire to be a queen.

“Queen...” Homura thought to herself, though the word now seemed more...appealing then before as she mentally smirked.

A sneeze could be heard from the other side of the lockers.

"Yes, I like the sound of that..." Homura mentally confessed, soon doing a hair flick as she then placed her hand on her hip and gave a smirk of confidence. “I am...a queen. One of Shujin Academy’s Queens.” She soon concluded in her mind.

Kochō meanwhile took notice of this and became curious. “So, an alliance between our schools is formed?” She assumed.

“Indeed it is.” Homura replied. “From one queen to another, I graciously accept your offer of assistance.” She then stated in a more regal and formal tone.

Kochō soon smiled as she looked at her friend, who seemed to have a more regal aura to her now. “Queens should help one another after all.” She responded.

"Indeed they should." Homura replied. "And as much as I would like to continue talking with a fellow queen, I do have to get going soon." She soon stated.

“As do I.” Kochō responded in agreement as she then brought a hand up and caressed the tan skinned girl’s cheek, who in turn blushed a little. “We shall meet again, Queen of Shujin~” She softly and soothingly stated.

The tan skinned girl soon felt a shiver down her spine from being called that. “OHOHO~! That sounds divine~!” Homura thought to herself with a laugh as she nodded to her friend. "Indeed we shall." She soon replied with a smile. “Queen of Hakuō~” She then whispered.

Homura grabbed her bag and soon joined her Phantom Thieves as the trio started to leave...

(Yongen-Jaya, Backstreets)

Back in the sleepy, dark backstreets of Yongen-Jaya, the young leader of the Senki Shu sighed as she leaned against one of the brick walls.

Despite her and her group separating for the day to do their own thing, all she did really was wander aimlessly after going to the shrine.

And even then...all she could think about was her crush...the boy she was in love with.

"It's never going to happen. Especially since I'm a shinobi and he could be used against me." The ravenette sighed out as she slumped onto the ground. “Moh! But he's such a cutie and I love him!” She mentally added in her head while flailing her arms in a childish manner while blushing. "Why is it so hard to deal with this sort of thing?" The ravenette mumbled as her bangs covered her yellow eyes.

A distance away meanwhile, Morgana yawned as he returned to the backstreets. “Jeez, so much is going on...” He sighed out, though everyone else simply heard meowing from him. "Although, I can't risk getting grabbed by Lady Maki again. Even though it was quite the experience last time." He concluded as he sat down to scratch his neck.

“MOH!” Hyōki however whined, getting the not cat's attention.

The not cat's ears soon perked up. "Well, it's the duty of a gentleman to help a lady in need." Morgana declared as he sprinted towards the sound.

Though when he arrived at the scene, he blinked at who it was. “Wait...that's Hyōki.” Morgana muttered with narrowed eyes.

"Maybe...if she had an accident..." Hyōki mumbled under her breath. "But, what if he figures out that I did it, then he'd hate me for good." She added quietly.

“Hmm...” Morgana meanwhile hummed out, deciding to get closer.

That however got the ravenette's attention as she saw him. “...Morgana?” Hyōki got out, recognizing the not cat and recalling the name the brunette of her group mentioned.

Once the faux feline got a good look at the young shinobi, it was obvious that she had been crying a lot recently.

“Hmm...I wonder what happened?” Morgana got out in a curious manner before nodding to himself. “Yosh, time for reconnaissance.” He decided as he got closer.

"I'm surprised you came to me after Maki catnapped you a few days ago. Hyōki confessed as she then began petting the not cat, sighing. "You're lucky all you have to worry about is your owner taking care of you, while I have to deal with the struggles of unrequited love." She then got out.

“Ah, so she's in love. Thought so.” Morgana stated with a sigh. “I swear, if it's Joker again...” He then grumbled in annoyance.

"What does she have over my Ryu-kun that I don't?" Hyōki whined.

“So she likes someone, but the guy likes someone else.” Morgana assumed, seeing the girl pouting.

"Am I overthinking things here with Ryuji-kun?" The ravenette quietly sighed. "At the same time, I don't want to seem too pushy or stalker-y..." She added.

Morgana meanwhile nodded in approval to that second bit. “Good, good, a girl shouldn't act like a stalker because of the boy they-” He praised in approval before pausing as he tried to recall the first part. “Wait...who did she just say?” He then muttered.


It took a second for the realization to set in for Morgana.

“Ryuji-kun...” Hyōki sighed out in a love-filled manner. “Why can't you see my feelings for you? It seems like something was there on our last date...” She then asked herself with a blush on her face.

The not cat's eyes widened to that as his jaw dropped. “She's in love with Ryuji!?” Morgana gawked in disbelief. “And he doesn't know it!?” He then added.

At times like this, Morgana wished he could dispense some of his advice without the need for one of his fellow Thieves to translate for him.

Honestly, he was still in disbelief that a girl actually liked the blond knucklehead.

Maybe there was a chance for him as well...

"Still...that idiot..." Morgana grumbled in a hint of annoyance.

They all had warned him not to do anything stupid and now this happened!

"First Akira and now Ryuji..." The not cat sighed out.

"Hm?" Hyōki meanwhile hummed out, noticing the irritated expression in the not cat's face. "Is something wrong Morgana?" She soon asked with an innocent head tilt.

Despite Morgana's best efforts, all the ravenette heard as a reply was meowing.

Hyōki then sighed once more. "I don't know what to do...I am completely in love with him, but we made the deal to keep it slow as friends after Miki made me send a picture of myself in a sexy cat bikini to him..." She soon got out, blushing in embarrassment at that recollection.

"This Miki sounds like trouble..." Morgana mentally sighed out. "Forcing the poor girl into an embarrassing situation like that..." He then grumbled in disapproval.

The faux feline tried to recall if he saw the girl in mention when he was catnapped a few days ago. "Nope, it's no good. I can only recall that she had green eyes." Morgana groaned out.

Hyōki meanwhile sighed once more as she gently rubbed the not cat's back in a gentle manner. "Should I be more aggressive?" She mumbled to herself. "Or would that make me seem like a slu*t...?" She then added in concern. "Plus, I'm still a middle-schooler...I can't ruin his future like that." She eventually concluded in depression.

Morgana meanwhile felt uneasy and unsure of this development and at the sight of the depressed girl.

This was different then Akira's situation with multiple girls since Ryuji only had one girl crushing on him after all

"Maybe I should hit the bathhouse to clear my head before I return to the others." Hyōki murmured under her breath. "...Do you wanna come, Morgana? I can sneak you in." She then offered with a mischievous and playful grin.

The not cat fluffed his fur out in horror at the prospect of getting wet.

But even so, he had the urge to keep an eye on the girl, not exactly knowing why to be sure...

"Hai~ Now to sneak you in." Hyōki cooed out as she stood up with the not cat in tow.

Morgana meanwhile felt uneasy about this, but his gentlemanly nature urged him to go through with this to help out a lady in need.

Maybe, if he was lucky, he could stumble upon another one of Hyōki’s teammates.

...For scoping out potential threats or allies for the Thieves, of course...

...Not just the chance to get pampered by Lady Maki again and-

The rest of that thought went out the proverbial window when he felt himself getting stuffed into the young shinobi’s long black locks.

"Yosh, just stay in there for now Morgana, and don't struggle." Hyōki instructed. "Ok?" She then added with a smile as she headed for the bath house.

“For real? How am I supposed to not fall out of here?” The not cat protested.

Hyōki meanwhile started rubbing her hair in a certain spot for where the not cat was. "Sheesh." She hushed out as she arrived at the bath house.

(Shibuya, Underground Walkway)

Elsewhere, Yusuke was simply staring at the cactus he recently bought from the plant store in the Underground Mall. Luckily enough, he still has some money left for the train fare back home.

“They told me it would be easy to take care of.” The artist uttered to himself as he examined the cactus. “Hm, trying to detail the thin spines will be difficult to depict in a painting. If I set it up right next to my lobsters, maybe...” He then mumbled to himself as he began assembling the composition in his head.

He knew where to get the right lighting, the right location, and the right time but it seemed like he was missing something...

“Hm...should I buy a bigger one?” Yusuke then thought in his head.

“Is that a cactus?” An unfamiliar female voice suddenly questioned in a curious manner.


That prompted Yusuke to glance at who was asking. It was a pale-white girl with long, flowing hair that is predominantly light blonde with streaks of pale lavender around them, and was wearing a rather...revealing outfit, with floral symbols on it. It left little to the imagination given the fact that her chest was only covered by two straps over where her nipples were.

Overall...she looked just like someone from one of Futaba's gacha games. And he also thought she was probably gaining a lot of attention from other people as she walked by.

“What unique hair...” Yusuke thought before shaking his head. “No, this must be another one of those cosplayers Futaba-san likes to send pictures of. I mean, from an aesthetics standpoint, she looks like quite the anime character.” He then added in his head.

You know, after Futaba revealed that world to him, he began noticing cosplayers, mainly female, all around Tokyo. Just last week, he saw a girl in a sexy jester outfit and holding cymbals, a girl walking around with a blindfold with a shuriken on it with another girl with blazing orange hair, and even today in Akihabara, he saw a woman who weirdly looked like Miyabi in a maid outfit.

Of course it wasn't the real Miyabi though because she would rather die and set herself on fire (in that order) than be caught dead in something like that.

And so many of them seemed to be using fake breasts made of some sort of watery gelatin filled bras. While he certainly knew it wasn't unnatural (he had gotten used to his senpai's movements a long time ago), he preferred more realistic figures. After all, he drew a lot of criticism from his fellow artist classmates when he showed his depictions of Asuka and her unrealistic proportions to class, most of those criticisms being ‘overly exaggerated’ or ‘sexually inappropriate’.

Such is the life of an artist.

Still, he had been seeing more and more cosplayers around Tokyo, something that he had not seen all that much before this year. Well, that was the power of cognition. There are things you just overlook until someone points it out to you.

"Excuse me, young man, but..." The pale-looking girl suddenly spoke up.

“Huh?” Yusuke got out before realizing the girl he was mentally criticizing was standing right in front of him. “I apologize,” He apologized before trailing off.

“I’ve been getting quite a bit of those as of late.” The dual haired girl informed as she touched her cheek. “Is it my face?” She than assumed.

Yusuke subtly looked down at her chest, where essentially on straps that were the only ones keeping her decent for her breasts, and even then it only seemed to enhance her...lewdness. Everything else was...intricate-looking. Like formal attire. “Not...your outfit?” He then hesitantly asked.

“My clothing?” The girl repeated.

“Yes. It would seem to attract a lot of attention from other people, in my opinion." Yusuke explained before taking a closer look. “Is this outfit from your favorite character?”

“...Excuse me?” The girl got out, looking rather lost at his words.

“From this season’s anime, I’m assuming?” Yusuke added.

“...Anime?” The girl then repeated in curious confusion.

“...These are your normal clothes, aren’t they?” Yusuke realized before taking a closer look at her hair and realizing that its purple and blonde color was natural...

“Is it that strange?” The girl questioned with a head tilt.

“Not at all, but...” Yusuke replied with a wave of his hand. “Um...well, why don’t we go somewhere away from prying eyes.” He soon suggested.

“I am not uncomfortable by all these stares.” The intricate-looking girl stated with her head slightly down.

“Well, you should care about your modesty.” Yusuke insisted as he began leading the girl away from the crowds.

“Huh?” The girl meanwhile got out in confusion.

Eventually, Yusuke found a nice and empty hallway for them to duck into, away from prying eyes and ears.

“You did not have to do that.” The girl stated with a frown.

“Sometimes the best time to help is when it is unwanted.” Yusuke stated. It was a lesson he had been taught thanks to his friends. "If you don't mind me you have a name?" He then asked.

“Suiren.” The girl simply answered. No point in revealing anything more.

“Suiren-san.” Yusuke responded. “I’m Yusuke Kitagawa.” He soon introduced himself.

“Kitagawa-san.” Suiren repeated with a nod. “While it is a nice gesture, I really should be going.”

“Where to?” Yusuke asked with a raised eyebrow.

“...I do not know.” Suiren confessed.

The young artist frowned at that. “And why is that? Wandering around alone isn't something a lady should be doing. Even unsavory types may wish to do you harm no matter what time of day it is.” He soon warned.

“I am more than ready to defend myself. I am simply exploring, to get the lay of the land.” She reassured. “Today is my first day in Tokyo.” Suiren informed.

“Really?” Yusuke got out, surprised.

“Yes. I just arrived today.” Suiren revealed. “I have a goal in mind, so I do not wish to waste any more time than necessary.” She then revealed.

“A goal?” Yusuke repeated.

“It is none of your concern.” Suiren responded in a dismissive manner.

"Sorry." The artist apologized, starting to feel that there was something more from the young girl. “But, if you wish to familiarize yourself with Shibuya, I can certainly help.” Yusuke responded and offered.

Suiren held up a hand at him. “That is unnecessary. I do not need-”


At that moment though, two stomachs growled...loudly.

"Ah.” The two got out at the same time.

"Seems like our sustenance needs some immediate attention." Suiren commented, feeling the hunger in her own stomach. “I...I was going to say that I do not need help but...maybe this time, I do require some.”

“Excuse me?” Yusuke got out with a raised eyebrow.

“I don’t have any money on me.” Suiren admitted.

“And I need to save mine for the train ride home, unfortunately.” Yusuke confessed as well. And he knew his senpai would be very upset if he did spend his travel money again. “...You know, there are types of grass and weeds that are fit for consumption." He soon informed.

Again, Yumi would be upset if she found out he was eating weeds again, but since she was away on that Summit thing, there was no chance she’d find him digging in the ground... hopefully.

“That...would suffice.” Suiren somehow replied. “But aren’t we in the middle of the city? Grass is quite the rarity here in this urban setting, is it not?” She then pointed out.

“I...know a few places in Shibuya where we may locate such greenery.” Yusuke claimed.

“A true survivalist in the urban jungle...” Suiren whispered in awe.

“Do not think of me like that.” Yusuke requested.“I am just an artist with a few special skills, nothing more.” He then explained.

“Still, it feels appropriate to refer to you as such.” Suiren responded.

“Please. Don't.” Yusuke insisted a little sheepishly. “Although, I expect for this not to happen again, please. Please ensure you bring your wallet with you when going out.” He then requested.

“...Wallet?” Suiren repeated, tilting her head.

“Hm? I assumed you simply left it at your place of stay. Did you lose it?” Yusuke assumed before asking.

“You cannot lose what you don’t have.” Suiren simply stated in response.

“You...don't have a wallet.” Yusuke then got out, feeling more and more worried as the conversation went on.

“As I said, I don't possess any money.” Suiren reminded.

“...You're completely broke?” Yusuke realized with widened eyes. “Then how did you get to Tokyo?” He then questioned.

“I was provided a ticket.” Suiren answered.

Yusuke frowned. So vague. That instantly raised a few alarm bells. “And where are your things?” He soon asked.

“Here.” Suiren pointed at herself.

The young artist blinked as he took another look at the girl. “...Your clothes?” Yusuke assumed.

“And other items.” Suiren added.

Yusuke did not want to think about what those other items were.

“You...don’t have a place to stay, then?” Yusuke soon guessed.

"Unfortunately, no." Suiren confirmed as she shook her head to that. "I was actually starting to consider an alleyway or somewhere else around here for me to go for the night.” She then confessed.

"You might have to deal with the police if that happens." Yusuke assumed with a frown. "Maybe a homeless shelter if possible?" He then suggested.

Suiren made a pondering look. "Hmm...I might be an inconvenience to the other homeless people if I went there, though..." She then claimed.

“But they exist to help people like you.” Yusuke informed, in an angry sounding voice that made Suiren aware that he was angry by her insistence of her worth.

“You don’t even know who I am.” Suiren reminded, looking a little suspicious of the boy.

“I don’t need anything else.” Yusuke responded before an idea came to mind. “Why not stay with me?” He soon offered. “I do not have a roommate, and all my paintings have been moved to storage so there's plenty of room for you. I’ll be sure to give you plenty of privacy when you need it.” He then explained.

“Really?” Suiren asked in a curious manner. “Would that be alright?” She then added.

“I’ve been helped plenty of times by my friends. It’s about time I offer that same help to someone in need.” Yusuke replied and explained.

"How...kind of you." Suiren confessed in an interesting manner.

“The world needs more kindness, and what better way to do that than to give it yourself.” Yusuke soon stated. “If you don’t have any business here, we may go now.” He then added.

“What about the grass?” Suiren however asked.

Yusuke pondered that for a moment. “Well, I’m sure senpai put snacks in my room again before she left for her meeting.” He got out. “We can share a few. I hope you like CalorieMate.” He soon offered.

Suiren still didn’t look too sure about this. This was not in the plan nor the objectives her uncle had laid out for her.

Then again, she should have known that things don’t exactly go as planned all the time. And right now...she needed some shelter to keep herself safe for now and maybe much needed rest after wandering around Tokyo for who knows how long.

“Sure.” Suiren eventually responded as she followed the boy back to his place...her new place of shelter for the time being.

“...Wait, are girls allowed in the boys' dormitory?” Yusuke thought as he continued walking. “Ah, it’ll probably be fine...I think.” He then mentally shrugged.

(Yongen-Jaya, Bathhouse)

After the young leader entered and paid for the bath, she went to the changing room.

"I can't believe she got in so easily..." Morgana got out in awe.

Hyōki silently unbuttoned her black blouse before folding it up neatly and placing it in the locker.

After all, she didn't want to expose the fact she smuggled an animal into the establishment...

She was also lucky that no one else was there, so she'd have the bath to herself and Morgana.

"Hmph, I guess some of my bastard father's torture training did have some benefits..." Hyōki muttered...before pausing, her eyes dilating, her body shivering and breathing slightly heavily...

Before bending over slightly as she winced with her hands on her stomach as if a beast had started to physically stir within her.

"Ngh..." Hyōki quietly groaned as she felt the uncomfortable sensation fade away.

This however caught Morgana's attention and narrowed his eyes as he took in the keywords. "Bastard father? Torture training?" He repeated as he witnessed what just happened. "...Was she abused by her father?" He then muttered.

"Damn that medication. It's still affecting me now." The ravenette darkly cursed out as she finished undressing.

"Medication too?" Morgana noted, too focused on what was happening to even care about the girl's current state. "What the hell did she go through?" He soon asked.

"I only hope that it doesn't do that to me when I'm on a date with Ryu-kun." Hyōki sighed out as she finished folding her clothes and closed the locker door.

“O-Oi...” Morgana got out in growing concern.

The ravenette's eyes however suddenly went hazy as some tears began to form. "...You're a good girl Hyōki...even if Papa never loved were a good girl...he deserved it..." She soon droned out in a traumatized manner as she headed for the baths.

"!?" Morgana's eyes immediately widened to that. Now he really wanted to know what happened to the poor girl.

Traumatization like this wasn't something a girl like her should have at her age after all...

“Us unwanted sisters...Nothing more than lab rats...Discarded when we ceased being useful...” Hyōki mumbled. “All the while, she got to live the life of luxury...I cannot, will not forgive her...” The ravenette venomously added.

"Lab rats...discarded!?" Morgana got out in disbelief to hear that as he felt the steam of the bath. "What the hell did she go through!?" He then added with narrowed eyes, this time out of anger and disgust though.

The ravenette winced again as she dropped to her knees while clutching both her head and stomach.

Morgana soon leapt out of the girl's hair and went to one of her legs. "O-Oi! Calm down!" He soon ordered in a panicked manner.

“I feel like it’s gonna happen soon. I just hope Ryu-kun never finds out about my death when I fully become the monster that my father said I am...” Hyōki mumbled in a dazed manner. "But...I don't wanna die...I wanna live...I...I..." She soon whimpered, falling to her knees as she struggled to cry. "I don't wanna risk hurting him either..." She quietly added as her eyes dulled considerably.

"Hyōki..." Morgana muttered, allowing himself to be picked up by the girl as she hugged him in a tender manner.

“But, as long as I kill her...make her suffer...then I will use any and all means necessary. Even that...” Hyōki giggled.


Suddenly though, Hyōki felt the not cat's tail smacking her cheek, surprising her as she released him, soon seeing an expression filled with disapproval on his face. "E-Eh?" She got out in confusion. "What was that for...?" She then asked.

Morgana meanwhile continued giving the expression of disapproval.

Hyōki meanwhile blinked to this, soon thinking what she had just said before it soon came together. " you not want me to-?" She began to ask, getting an immediate nod from the not cat. "But, she has such a dumb face that you want to see twisted in suffering..." The ravenette weakly protested.

"No! Revenge!" Morgana however demanded in disapproval and to emphasize the point, he scratched her on the arm hard enough to draw blood to fully show his disapproval.

"OW!" Hyōki yelped out, surprised by this action. "B-But-!" She started to say, but fell silent as the fairly sizable scratch running the length of her left forearm continued to trickle blood.

Maki was going to give her hell for this one.

"No! Revenge!" Morgana once more stated, marching towards the ravenette as he then pointed his tail towards the baths.

"With this scratch? I don't wanna ruin the water..." Hyōki replied with a pout. "A-And why shouldn't I get revenge?' She then asked. "Especially on someone who is corrupt and rich..." The ravenette explained.

"That is not a good reason whatsoever!" Morgana however responded, bopping her head with his paw.

"Would they be willing to handle her using their methods...?" The ravenette quietly asked herself, barely audible to the not cat. "I doubt they'd do requests though..." She immediately answered with a shake of her head.


Morgana meanwhile kept bopping the girl's head with his paw, the disapproval still clear on his face.

"I will not commission the Phantom Thieves to steal my sister's heart. Happy?" The ravenette stated with a pout.

Morgana however still continued giving the same, hardened expression.

"Moh! What do you want me to do!?" Hyōki soon whined while flailing her arms in a childish manner before gaining an expression of despair. "I went through eleven years of hellish training while my sister got everything she wanted!" She then declared, tears fully running down her face.

"For real...?" Morgana breathed out with widened eyes.

"While I had to watch several of my bastard half-sisters go insane before dying due to my father's experiments." Hyōki angrily added.

"So that's why..." Morgana soon concluded in a serious tone. "But even still, she needs to know that continuing down this path will just make her the same as him..." He then added.

Hyōki soon began sniffling, sadness filling her entire being after all the anger in her body faded away. "I...I just wanna avenge them all...all of the sisters I had that were sacrificed for his ambitions..." She mumbled out. "And that includes taking it out on the one sister who remained oblivious to all of it." The ravenette concluded.


And Morgana once more bopped the girl's head.

"I can't just flip a switch and just...let go of all my hatred for her..." The ravenette sighed out before she soon pouted. "Moh, you seem to be like a parent scolding a child, Morgana..." Hyōki got out in a childish manner.

“I've had a lot of practice.” Morgana deadpanned.

"I...should probably get this bandaged soon..." The ravenette soon mumbled as she noticed her injured arm was practically caked in her own blood.

"You probably should." Morgana replied.

Hyōki then looked at the not cat in a curious manner as he approached her. "It's weird...your expressions basically are like a parent." She got out as she began petting him, who in turn purred as a result. "Are you that concerned for me for wanting to do something bad?" She then asked before she sighed in a sullen manner. "It's far too late for me and my friends." She added, causing the not cat to smack her in the face again that almost scratched her cheek with his paw. "Itai!" She yelped out as she rubbed her cheek.

“It's never too late to change!” Morgana however declared. “No one's life is over until you breathe your last breath, so don't you ever think about giving up!” He then declared and demanded.

“Why are you so angry with me all of a sudden!?” Hyōki however got out in confusion. “Ah, did I touch your butthole by accident!? Sorry!” She soon assumed before apologizing.

“Your hands are nowhere near it!” Morgana got out. “I'm saving it for Lady Ann, Lady Hyōki!” He then added, only to pause as to how he referred to the girl.

Hyōki made a deep sigh before slumping in slight defeat, hitting her back at the edge of the bathtub. “What am I doing? I'm trauma dumping on a cat that isn't even mine! And I'm also not even sure if it understands me! Nor am I towards him!” She then groaned. “...Are you like some kind of therapy cat?" She soon wondered as she looked at the faux feline in the eyes.

Morgana paused to think. “...I know you’re just gonna assume any answer, no matter what I say, so...blueberry!” He sighed out before randomly declaring.

“You are!?” Hyōki gasped in awe.

The not cat sighed. “Gestapo.”

“Aw, you're such a smart kitty!” Hyōki cooed out as she soon hugged the cat again.


And once more, Morgana blushed from being placed in between the ravenette's large bust. “Squish.” He mumbled.

“Are you blushing?” Hyōki soon noted as she looked at the purring not cat.

“How can you even see me blushing if my skin is underneath all this luscious fur!?” Morgana exclaimed.

“Hehe, it does really feel like I'm having a conversation with someone...” Hyoki giggled. "Of course you wouldn't understand given you're just an ordinary cat." The ravenette then added.

Morgana had to hold back his usual protest at being called that...or in the girl's case, loud growls.

"Hehe, I guess we have something in common since my guardian animal as a shinobi is a leopard." Hyōki giggled out. "Hehe, good boy." She then praised as she continued petting him.

"You really should get that injury fixed up before you lose any more blood." Morgana advised as he noticed the raventte's eyes briefly glazed over.

And as if on instinct, Hyōki nodded and went to bandage her arm.

She had to improvise it with one of the towels provided, but it should hold until she got back to her apartment.

Morgana meanwhile went to her side once more. "I apologize for this, but I have to at least try and do something..." He stated in a serious tone. "Though I doubt those two sisters can reach a peaceful resolution based on how much bad blood you have for her." The not cat mentally sighed out.

Hyōki meanwhile soon fully bandaged up her arm as she looked at the not cat before picking him up. "You really don't want me to hate Onee-chan huh?" She soon assumed, getting a nod from him. "I doubt she'd be willing to talk after what I've already done to her." The ravenette sighed out. "I mean, I snapped after learning the truth of what our father did and did everything I can to ruin her life...she would never forgive me for that..." She then added. "Especially not the act of patricide." The ravenette confessed.

"Hm?" Morgana hummed out in a curious manner...before frowning once more. "...She didn't..." He began to assume.

"I'm surprised how easy it was for me to actually kill him all in all." The ravenette admitted.

"She actually killed her own father in cold blood. Ryuji, you better be careful with her." Morgana thought to himself. "Still, for what he did to her, I can't fully blame her..." He then reluctantly admitted as he then heard her sniffling. "Making her suffer like this..." He then added. "This group of hers is clearly not to be underestimated or unaccounted for going forward as Thieves." He mentally declared.

Hyōki's sniffling meanwhile continued as she continued hugging the not cat in a tender manner, her wound soon healing enough as she then entered the bath with him in between her bust.

"Honestly, I might have a good long talk with Reki once I get back. She's usually good at giving advice on personal issues." The ravenette breathed out as she gingerly sat down on one of the stools.

Morgana meanwhile blushed as he soon got a better look at the girl.

Even with all the torture she had apparently gone through, the not cat noticed the girl didn't even have a single blemish on her flawless looking, enticing skin...

Well, almost flawless apart from the fresh scars on her arm that the faux feline caused earlier.

Still...even as the gentleman that he was...he just couldn't look away from

"Why...can't I..." Morgana numbly got out, continuing to stare at the ravenette as if he was entranced, cheeks blushing pink.

"I wonder how the other survivor of father's experiments is doing." The ravenette mumbled as she started washing her legs. "Last I heard, she was taken back by her uncle before she could be...removed like everyone else..." Hyōki then muttered. "Although, I can't recall her name and face for some reason." She soo admitted.

"..." Morgana meanwhile continued looking on, a somewhat dazed expression on his face.


Hyōki then noticed the not cat staring as she began washing her hair. "...Are you checking me out?" She teasingly asked.

"N-No. Nothing of the sort. I wouldn't ogle another man's possible girlfriend. I'm too much of a gentleman for that." The not cat replied in a flustered manner.

Hyōki meanwhile blinked at the sight of the obviously blushing not cat. "Aw~ That's adorable." She cooed out, soon petting his head. "Hehe, no wonder Maki likes you." She then added with a giggle.

"Please don't catnap me again..." Morgana mentally sighed.

Hyōki however went and hugged him, placing him in between her bust. " are right..." She soon enough mumbled out as she began scrubbing him and her own body as soap suds covered the two of them.

“You should probably finish washing up soon and get home.” Morgana advised. “Preferably without me...” The faux feline added with a sweatdrop.

Hyōki meanwhile kept scrubbing the not cat, smiling at how well-mannered he was. "Good kitty." She praised in approval. “Still, I do think I should get you home soon. I don’t want your owner to worry about you.” The ravenette concluded as she rinsed the not cat.

"I mean, Joker's easy-going, so he doesn't get worried that easily." Morgana muttered to himself, rubbing his head against her bust, soon blushing at what he did.

Hyōki meanwhile sighed happily as she looked at the not cat as she rinsed herself off. "You are pretty affectionate towards others." She noted. "And you seem smart too." She then complimented.

“I’m great at information gathering, tool making and giving advice.” Morgana boasted knowing the ravenette couldn’t understand him.

Though Hyōki noticed the confident expression on the not cat's face. "Oho~ Someone sounds confident." She jokingly responded. "And yet you think I look cute, right~?" She then added.

“Well, I’d rather let that bonehead Ryuji say that to you.” The not cat candidly replied as the ravenette started drying him. "But are cute." He eventually admitted with a nod.

Hyōki meanwhile grinned. "That expression just says yes." She concluded as she finished drying the not cat off.

"Let's get going." The ravenette declared as she picked up the not cat.

"Of course, Lady Hyōki." Morgana politely responded, though the girl only heard purring.

Before long, the ravenette was fully dressed again with the not cat stuffed in her hair again to smuggle him out.

"Hm, to think Lady Hyōki was a sweet and kind girl, but only did what she did due to having a troubled and tortured past..." Morgana thought to himself in a serious manner. "Not to mention, she is as cunning as a cat." He then added in his head with a smirk. "Are the rest of her team like that?" The not cat eventually asked himself, unconsciously purring in a more cat-like manner as he cuddled up to the young girl.

"I really shouldn't keep you any longer. I'll be fine for now, see you soon." Hyōki plainly stated as she gently set him down onto the footpath.


Before suddenly leaving a small kiss atop the not cat's head, who meanwhile blushed from the action. "Thank you for this." Hyōki soon got out in a grateful manner.

"W-Wha!?" Morgana stammered, surprised as he blushed like crazy from this development.

"Hehe, surprised you huh?" Hyōki playfully assumed.

"I mean, yeah, anywayIneedtomakesureAkiraisusinghistimewellbye~" Morgana stammered out before turning tail and running back to Leblanc.

Hyōki giggled, imagining that if he could talk, he was obviously flustered, this making her feel better. "Yosh, next time, I gotta do that with Ryuji-kun." She soon self encouraged herself with a fire in her eyes.

But then ravenette paused for a moment. "Wait, would that be too much like Miki?" She then muttered in concern.

That was a no no in her book. She wasn't a seductive flirt, she was just an awkward girl barely into her teens. If she went head-to-head against Ryuji's girlfriend, she would lose in a fair fight. And fighting would leave a bad taste in her mouth.

She didn't want Ryuji-kun to be with someone who would stoop so low to win, even if it was herself.

Eventually, Hyōki nodded to herself and calmed down. "Y-Yeah. T-Too Miki-like for now." She decided. "Plus we have our boundaries we promised to keep." She then added.

The blushing Hyōki soon decided to head home for the night...though her imagination of her marriage life with the man she loved still made her sigh again with delight.

Meanwhile, an equally blushing Morgana was panting heavily at his encounter after fully processing everything as he proceeded to go home to Leblanc.

“I gotta talk with Ryuji about this.” The not cat thought. “Tomorrow is another Mementos trip, so I'll talk to him after the meeting.” He then informed to himself.

...He also wasn't going to bring it up to the Thieves, he was not going to really embarrass his friend in front of everyone like that even though he...tolerates him sometimes. This was a delicate matter, and this had to be dealt with privately.

Besides, he had enough talk about relationships. He got plenty of that from Akira and all his lady friends...

“Lady Ann...” Morgana sighed as he disappeared into the night.

(10/6, Evening)

(Tokyo Mirage Apartment Complex)

The youngest of the Senki Shu soon sighed as she arrived home. “I’m back.” Hyōki called out.

"Sup, fearless leader." Yuki replied from the kitchen wearing only an unbuttoned shirt. "Want some coffee?" She offered while holding the ravenette's personalized travel mug.

The young leader nodded.

"Comin' right up." The blonde replied before informing the girl. "It's just us two here right now, but the others should be back soon."

The unmistakable sound of their (brand new) instant kettle working its magic fills the room.

"So, what did you get up to, Hyōki-chi?" Yuki asked as she handed the hot drink to the ravenette in question.

Hyōki soon took a sip of her coffee and sighed in satisfaction. “Just walked around a bit after going to Meiji Shrine and met with the cat Maki likes. Morgana I mean.” She replied and revealed. "How about you?" She then asked the other girl.

"Bought some new leathers, some new phone charms, new sets of underwear and this kick-ass kettle to replace our old one. Boils and dispenses the water pretty much as soon as you push the button." Yuki replied.

“No work today?” Hyōki assumed.

"Used one of my sick days for today." Yuki replied as she sipped her own coffee from her own personal mug. "I am on toilet-cleaning duty tomorrow as a result and some of these douches have no competency when it comes to using them." She then whined while making a fake gagging gesture as she finished speaking.

“Hehe, that’s your own fault in the end.” Hyōki teasingly pointed out, causing the blonde to pout.

At that moment though, the door opened.

"Coffee. Now." Maki whined as she stormed through the door before slumping on the sofa.

“Rough day?” Hyōki assumed with a raised eyebrow, the brunette nodding in confirmation.

“What happened to you?” Yuki meanwhile asked as she prepared the coffee.

"I went to Inokashira Park and there were too many people there." Maki complained. "Especially ones that have no respect for women..." The brunette revealed. "I nearly had to jettison my clothes and rush back here to hide several times..." She then concluded.

"There, there." Yuki sympathetically replied as she handed a mocha with extra whipped cream, sprinkles and wafers to the brunette.

"You did well to step out of your comfort zone and stick it through to the end." Hyōki added.

“Those breast cultists must die...” Maki declared as her eyes briefly flashed red.

“And no killing either.” Hyōki then stated while taking another sip.

"Deep breaths, Maki-chi." Yuki calmly instructed.

The brunette closed her eyes and started slowing her breathing down.

"I know...Especially not now. Not with so much shinobi activity..." Maki replied as she opened her normal dull purple eyes.

“Anyways, what is with these so-called breasts cultists, Maki?” Hyōki decided to ask. “First I’ve ever heard of them.” She then admitted.

“They seemed to desire bigger breasts first off.” The brunette revealed. “From what I’ve heard, there’s a ghost going around making random girls busts bigger. She then added.

“You mean the Ghost Groper?” Yuki assumed with a raised eyebrow.

“Is that what it’s called?” Hyōki asked with raised eyebrows as the trio heard footsteps approach the front door. “Desperation at its finest from those cultists...” The ravenette then assumed as the other two girls nodded in agreement while sipping their own coffees.

At that moment, Reki came into the apartment, appearing to be refreshed.

"A complete 180 to me..." Maki deadpanned as the silverette removed her jacket and neatly hung it on the coat rack by the door.

“Welcome back.” Hyōki greeted.

“Coffee, Reki-chi?” Yuki offered.

"That would be wonderful." Reki replied as she handed her mug to the blonde before sitting down at the table.

“So you seem satisfied.” Maki noted. “What did you do today?” She then asked.

“I met up with an old acquaintance of mine and had lunch with them before undergoing what human civilians called a pilgrimage at a place called Akihabara and finishing up with some fishing at Ichigaya.” Reki informed the others.

That however got the attention of the trio. “An old acquaintance?” They repeated in confusion.

“To tell the truth, she's actually one of the few who survived Shin's death back in September." Reki admitted.

"I'm guessing you didn't talk about the obvious subject..." Maki guessed.

“So she was one of the intelligent Yōmas?” Hyōki meanwhile asked.

"Indeed. Though, we mainly kept to small talk since she seemed to be on her own mission." Reki replied.

“Being?” Yuki asked with a raised eyebrow, however at that moment...

"Likely the same as us. To figure out what happened to Shin." The silverette assumed as the door opened again.

And in came a happily humming familiar pinkette. “Hello~” Miki greeted.

The pinkette hung her hat and coat up before unbuttoning her shirt halfway before placing her car keys on the hook.

“How was your day?” Reki asked.

“Satisfying.” Miki replied in an easy-going manner.

Hyōki however narrowed her eyes. “And Ranze?” She questioned in a serious tone.

“You better have not done anything to compromise us regarding her.” Yuki cautioned in a serious tone with her red eyes locked on the pinkette.

“That...would be bad for us...” Maki added in an equally venomous tone.

Reki shot the three teenagers a disapproving look before looking the pinkette in the eye. “Miki, be honest with us here. What happened today with Himenojou-san? We only ask this because we’re worried for you, okay?” She soon asked and reminded.

“I will admit, I did use my powers on her, but only to make her less of a jerk and more professional.” Miki truthfully answered. “I didn’t weaponise her unlike what you did with the three shinobi delinquents when we were preparing to save Hyōki-chan.” She then added.

“Then what did you do?” Hyōki questioned with narrowed eyes.

“I just told Reki-chan that I used my puppetry powers to make her less of a jerk and more professional.” Miki reiterated.

The trio in turn blinked to this. “ made her less of a bitch?” Yuki concluded.

“Hai, though it will still take a few more days.” Miki revealed. “Hopefully she'll be corrected before the next shoot I have with Asuka-chan on the 10th.” She then added with a gleam. “As a bonus, I can bring you four along for the ride as well.” She then declared with a wink.

The other four girls had differing reactions to that bit of news.

Hyōki was bemused, Reki was intrigued, Yuki was excited and Maki had a look of horror plastered on her face.

“I see...” Hyōki eventually responded with a nod.

“Probably gonna have to text my senpai at work to let them know.” Yuki confessed.

“How interesting.” Reki stated in a curious manner.

"Hey, can...I use the special relaxing bath salts on the help me prepare?" Maki asked.

“Of course.” Miki replied before stretching her limbs. “Speaking of, I'm gonna take a nice bubble bath.” She decided as she strutted to the bathroom. “And give Asuka-chan a nice selfie~” She thought to herself.

"Don't take too long in there." Yuki advised.

“Hai hai~” Miki replied in a laid back manner as she entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

The pinkette then peeled off her remaining clothes before neatly folding them up.


Followed by tying her hair up to avoid getting it wet.

“Aaaah~” Miki sighed out in satisfaction as she got the bath bomb and then went and ran the tub before pulling out her phone from her cleavage. “Yosh, time to talk with Asuka-chan~” She thought as she stepped into the tub after dropping the bath bomb in as bubbles formed.

[SoulPrincess: Bonjour Asuka-chan~]

[SushiRoll23: Hello there, Miki-chan.]

[SushiRoll23: Did something happen? Is the bitch blacklisted?]

[SoulPrincess: Unfortunately not.]

[SushiRoll23: Aw~! *pouting emoji*]

[SoulPrincess: Blacklisting is a lot harder than it sounds.]


[SoulPrincess: But I am making some progress thanks to today's training.]

[SushiRoll23: Hm? What did you two do?]

[SoulPrincess: That's. A. Secret~!]

[SushiRoll23: Moh! Miki-chan!]

[SoulPrincess: I actually have a bit of news for you.]

[SushiRoll23: What?]

[SoulPrincess: My roommates are going to be coming to the photoshoot on the 10th if you want to meet them.]

[SushiRoll23: Totally! That would be great!]

[SushiRoll23: Hey, do you want to get a surprise from me?]

[SoulPrincess: I would love to.]

[SushiRoll23 sent a photo "BathTimeSelfie"]

Miki immediately perked up as she saw the image of the brunette with a seducing expression in a bubble bath, though also noticed the hair atop her head appeared similarly to her own horns.

[SoulPrincess: You know I have to send one back, you know...]

[SoulPrincess sent a photo "BubbleBathSelfie"]


[SushiRoll23: Ufufu~ Looks like great minds think alike, Miki-chan~]

[SoulPrincess: Ufufu~ You got that right, Asuka-chan~]

[SoulPrincess: Someone’s sounding naughty though~]

[SushiRoll23: Ufufu~ When you have the urge to be a bit naughty, you can’t help yourself, Miki-chan~]

[SoulPrincess: Just don't go overboard. What would Homura-chan think?]

[SushiRoll23: Hai, Hai. Just be naughty when just the two of us.]


[SushiRoll23: Soooo, anything juicy going on?]

[SoulPrincess: Nothing much, unfortunately.]

[SushiRoll23: Aw~!]

[SushiRoll23: And I was gonna share a sexy underwear pic later~]

[SoulPrincess: Only interesting thing I did hear was this group of breast cultists hanging around Inokashira...You haven't heard about them yet?]


[SushiRoll23: Now that is a new one to me. Perverts?]

[SoulPrincess: Most certainly. They've been all over the news recently as well. You really need to watch it more...]

[SushiRoll23: Noted.]

[SoulPrincess: Only other news story that isn't related to the Phantom Thieves is a report about some explosions and a forest fire that rocked the countryside, but I doubt that'd be 'interesting' to you...]

[SushiRoll23: I see.]

[SoulPrincess: Apologies for bringing the mood down.]

[SushiRoll23: It’s ok. I’ll send you the sexy underwear selfie after I get out of the bath.]

[SushiRoll23: Because we both know you want it~ *winking emoji*]

[SoulPrincess: I'll send one of my own after I get out from my own bath.]

Miki’s eyes sparkled as she sighed and continued texting. “Asuka-chan’s such a cute little minx~” She cooed out as she continued enjoying the bubble bath.

(Shibuya, Shin Megami Apartment Complex)


“Aaaaaah~” Asuka sighed out as she was also relaxing while taking a bubble bath as well.

While taking a bath with her sister was good, she shouldn’t always have to wait to take one.

Solo baths are good for introspection just as much as sending saucy selfies, y'know...

“Hehe, Miki-chan’s such a sexy minx.” Asuka giggled out. She wasn’t sure why, but she just felt around her. It was like her work as a Phantom Thief came out in the real world with her will of rebellion.

"Hey, Chiyome, do you know why I feel really liberated around Miki-chan?" The Vice Leader asked her other self.

“’s most likely your will of rebellion coming in contact with her aura.” Chiyome deducted. “Her aura appears to have a liberating feeling to it.” She then stated.

"I wonder why that is..." Asuka wondered. It was like a side of her was liberated anytime she was around her or even chatting with her.

"Maybe you could ask her yourself at the photoshoot on the 10th." Chiyome suggested.

“Maybe.” Asuka replied as she played with the bubbles. "I wonder what kinds of people Miki shares her apartment with." She then wondered out loud, making sure to stretch thoroughly while relaxing. "I guess I'll just have to be patient." The Vice Leader sighed out. "I should probably get out of the bath now and start making dinner for Homu-neechan." She soon decided.


And with that, Asuka stepped out of the tub, making sure to stretch herself thoroughly again before she reached for her towel. “Aaaaah, that totes felt great.” She breathed out as she drained the tub before drying herself off. "Now, what to make for dinner...?" The Vice Leader quietly wondered as she hung up the towel before exiting the bathroom.

Stepping into the living room and grabbing an apron for protection, Asuka grabbed the ingredients from the cupboard and fridge to make a heartwarming stew for dinner. “Ah, still gotta send Miki-chan the selfie.” She soon remembered. "Though it'll have to be a naked apron style one and not a underwear one like I'd planned." She quietly mumbled as she set the pot down on the counter.

Grabbing her phone, she quickly took a picture that perfectly blends cuteness and sexiness while not showing anything,

"Yosh. Perfect." Asuka declared with a smile as she hit the 'Send' button to deliver the picture to her modeling senpai.

“You’ve become bolder.” Chiyome noted.

"Totally." The Vice Leader replied as she decided to take her modeling senpai's advice and listen to the news while she made dinner.

Even though it was all stuff she had heard before, Asuka could tell the key differences that trickles through the gap between civilian/shinobi affairs and made it to the news. Especially when it came to the 'forest fire' story currently being focused on.

“The fire...could it be where Hebijo was?” Asuka muttered in concern. "Information manipulation is certainly not to be underestimated..." The Vice Leader quietly added.

As current affairs became sports news, Asuka finished the prep work of the stew and moved to the cooking portion of it.

“Yosh. Now to let it cook.” Asuka muttered with a smile as she turned on the stove.


"Hm?" Asuka hummed out as she glanced at her phone. “Ah, Miki-chan.” She realized as she saw who it was.

[SoulPrincess: So bold~! Here's my retaliation~!]

[SoulPrincess sent a pic "NakedApronInBed"]

The image the brunette soon received showed the pinkette laying in bed wearing the skimpiest apron possible with her long hair strategically protecting her modesty wherever the apron isn't...

“Oooh, how sexy~” Asuka couldn’t help but coo out before blinking. "Ah, better make sure no one else sees that or let me get distracted from dinner." She soon mumbled as she took off her apron before sitting down to focus on the remaining sports news and the weather forecast, though she soon perked up when she heard a pair of footsteps approaching the front door.

Knock Knock Knock!

Asuka was already up after the first knock and opened the door, recognizing the head of white hair immediately. “Miyabi-chan?” She got out.

“Who else?” Miyabi replied with a playful smile.

“...Homu-neechan?” Asuka responded.

“Don't be a smartass, my student.” Miyabi countered.

“Hehehe, sorry.” Asuka giggled at her own little joke. “So what's up? Why're you here?” She soon asked.

“Hey, I’ve been visiting this place pretty consistently ever since I arrived. Do you need to ask that and just let me in?” Miyabi pointed out, looking a little offended by that.

“True.” Asuka replied with a nod and a smile as she stepped aside and allowed the woman into the apartment.

“Thank you.” Miyabi responded before suddenly gaining an awkward expression. “So uh...I heard from Futaba that you went to that karaoke place in Shibuya.” She soon got out.

“Yeah, it was really fun. We should really have a group hangout there.” Asuka replied with a satisfied smile before suggesting. “Ooh, maybe as a quick celebration after the confession.” She then added.

“Sounds good, sounds good.” Miyabi simply responded with a nod before suddenly pausing for a moment. “...Um, you want me to make dinner?” She soon offered.

“Eh?” Asuka got out in confusion to that sudden offer.

“I-I mean, I realized I bought too many groceries and erm, I can make stir fry.” Miaybi awkwardly revealed.

“Miyabi-chan, are you trying to get something from me?” Asuka however assumed.

“What? No, no. I'm just trying to be a good neighbor and friend. Do Good Shinobi not expect such generosity?” Miyabi responded and asked.

“I mean...” Asuka started, glancing at the stew she made.

“...Oh. You were already making dinner.” Miyabi got out in realization. “...Well, if you’re already-” She then started.

“There’s plenty of a third person.” Asuka informed without letting the woman finish.

“Thank you, Asuka.” Miyabi responded with a bow.

“Just go relax. I’ll join you when I just need to let it simmer.” Asuka replied and instructed.

Miyabi nodded and headed to the couch. “Oh boy, today was a killer on my legs...” She groaned while putting her feet up.

Asuka raised an eyebrow at her. “Eh? How?” She then got out and asked.

“I had to run all over town to pick up supplies.” Miyabi answered. The shipment of ingredients had been suddenly delayed, and they ran out of eggs and rice in the middle of service, so she had to shop while still in her uniform which was...not exactly great for her anxiety of being discovered by someone she knew. “It's days like these I wish I got myself a motorcycle.”

“Motorcycles are really bad for the environment though...” Asuka tried to remind her however.

“Well, most pollutants come from big corporations and all the cars on the road. Won't make much of a difference.” The white-haired woman explained.

“But if everyone thought that, the world would be a lot more dirty...and hot...and dead.” The brunette however retorted matter-of-factly...sort of.

“Such an environmentalist.” Miyabi couldn’t help but comment.

“Well, I wanna save the world and help people in any way I can.” Asuka began. “The Phantom Thieves don't always need to change hearts to do good.” She then added.

“You know a majority of recyclables just end up trashed, right?” Miyabi had to remind her about it.

“No, stop that!” Asuka snapped as she came into the living room and sat next to the woman. “I need more hope in my life, don’t take that away from me.” She then explained and pleaded.

Miyabi’s eyes crossed at her for a bit because of that. “Hey, I have plenty of hope! I just a more realistic view of the world.” She then retorted back in an annoyed tone.

“Coma.” Asuka simply responded.

“Ugh, I'm all caught up, Asuka!” Miyabi claimed in annoyance. “I even go through social media on my breaks. Like MyPlace.” She then stated as she brought up the app on her phone.

“...MyPlace has been outdated for years, even before your coma...” Asuka pointed out.

“What!? But it was-” Miyabi exclaimed in disbelief before groaning. “Dammit, now you made me feel old. Happy now?” She then grumbled.

“A little.” Asuka responded with a mischievous smile.

“You little brat...” Miyabi stated with half-lidded eyes aiming at her, causing her student to laugh.

“Come on, Miyabi-chan, let me make it up to you.” Asuka managed to get out between her giggles.

“Asuka, after this slight on my honor, I’m afraid whatever this is must be quite substantial.” Miyabi stated in a huffy manner. “Say...500,000 yen...?” She then added in a somewhat hopeful tone.

“Hehe, wanna see Futaba-chan go idol mode~?” Asuka teasingly asked as she brought out her phone.

“!!” Miyabi immediately perked up to that. “I-I mean...if you insist...” She then tried to play off as cool as possible.

“Hehe, so ennui.” Asuka mentally giggled in amusem*nt. “Well, good thing I got footage of Futaba-chan’s performances.” She soon revealed.

“You filmed it!? YES!” Miyabi cheered, jumping into the air and pumping her fist. “Ahem, I mean, cool. Let's watch it.” She soon got out.

“I'll give you the file afterwards.” Asuka giggled.

“ThankyouAsukaIoweyoumylife.” Miyabi quickly declared before plopping her butt on the couch with a giddy expression on her face with a starry look in her eyes.

“Hehe, you really love Futaba-chan, huh?” Asuka giggled.

“She's a secretly massive perv, but she can be really cute and I can't get enough of it.” Miyabi informed with a cute and girly squeal.

“Don't tell Yumi-chan that. She'll try and rope Futaba-chan into teaching her to be cuter.” Asuka jokingly warned.

“Teaching her to be a walking p*rno mag cover, more like it.” Miyabi muttered under her breath. “Now come on, show me the footage!” She then ordered in anticipation.

“Alright, alright. Give me a second, jeez.” Asuka rolled her eyes and smiled in amusem*nt as she selected one of the videos she filmed.

“Next song! Next song!” Video Asuka cheered while clapping.

“Alright, Asuka! If you ask so kindly! From one of my favorite American dramas, ahem!” Video Futaba giggled, despite how sweaty she looked. “I know, you see, somehow the world will change for me and be so wonderful~” She soon began singing.

Asuka meanwhile giggled as she glanced at the white haired woman as they watched the video, noticing she had a starry look in her eyes at the sight of the orangette singing as if she was an idol.

“Awwwwww~” Miyabi and Asuka soon cooed out, overwhelmed by the sheer cuteness of the orangette's moves.

“She's trying so hard to pull off that dance Yumi-chan did at her debut!” Asuka realized.

“Go go, Fu-ta-ba!” Miyabi eagerly cheered. “Asuka, why didn't you invite me to this!?” She then asked.

“Weren't you at work?” Asuka however pointed out.

“They’re super kind and loose! I could call in sick and they would pay me more than if I worked! I’m also a high rank employee there!” Miyabi claimed in a crazed manner.

“Um, you probably shouldn't take advantage of them like that.” Asuka reminded as she began to sweat a little.

“They'd understand! My boss loves everything cute! Why do you think I got hired!?” Miyabi yelled out as she shook the Vice Leader.

“Huh?” Asuka got out in confusion.

It was at that moment the door opened as a familiar tan skinned girl entered, but her hair was in drill-shaped curls.

“I'm back, Sis.” Homura greeted, sounding more mature than usual before noticing the white haired woman. “Miyabi, good evening.” She then added in a polite manner as she strutted in.

Miyabi blinked at the polite gesture. “Uh...y-yeah.” She awkwardly responded as she let go of Asuka.

“How was the Summit, Homu-neechan?” Asuka meanwhile asked in a curious manner.

“It was enlightening.” Homura replied with a smile as she placed her bag down and brushed off her skirt.

“Is that another word for boring or troubling?” Miyabi deadpanned.

“N-Neither. Why would you think of such a thing?” Homura responded and questioned.

“Because nobody uses the word enlightening and means it.” Miyabi clarified while doing air quotes.

“Well, in this case, it is true.” Homura insisted. “We talked a lot. It was really interesting to get input from other schools along with some issues I had never even heard about before.” She then recalled.

“So you had fun over there with Makoto-chan and Yumi-chan?” Asuka then asked.

“Well we did learn about issues like turf wars and fights that go on within convenience stores over half priced bentos.” Homura soon revealed.

“...That makes sense. I'd kill for those bentos.” Miyabi admitted.

“Miyabi-chan!” Asuka exclaimed.

“What? You'll learn to appreciate those sales when you're older...and not getting money from an alternate dimension.” The adult of the group then explained.

“And what about the school turf wars?” Asuka then asked.

“Apparently three schools fight each other like a rebirth of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.” Homura soon revealed.

“...What?” The two other girls got out in confusion.

“You can’t make this stuff up. The Vice President of the school involved actually confirmed it.” Homura responded.

“What the hell is the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?” Miyabi asked with a questioning look. “Is that a book? I haven't read that many since before my coma.”

“...Yes, it is a book.” Homura responded, resisting the urge to sigh. “And the meaning of such a thing is lost on you.” She then stated.

“Don't talk to me as if I'm dumb. I just haven't read that.” Miyabi grumbled. “Can you give me an easier explanation?”

“...It's based on the war in China towards the end of the Han Dynasty involving the Three Kingdoms...” Homura revealed as her sister nodded in confirmation.

“Ohhhhh... That's rough. I don’t think any student council has the power to stop such a thing. I think that's when you involve the police.” Miyabi soon pointed out.

“Apparently the police there won’t get involved, but no one knows why.” Homura responded and recalled. “I think they might be in on it or something, but I’m not sure myself.” She then deducted.

“Are you serious?” Miyabi questioned with a frown. “Student councils shouldn't be dealing with that type of crap! What is wrong with those schools!?” She then growled.

“No idea.” Homura sighed out. “Makoto-senpai and Yumi-senpai however got along well with the Student Council President of the school involved.” She then added.

“f*cking god, the police might as well not exist...” Miyabi soon growled out. “I'm getting over this whole turf war thing just yet. I don’t think any amount of effort from goddamn students is going to do anything, other than flat out expulsion! What the hell! This isn't something they should worry about and yet no one with any higher authority will do anything and leave it all to f*cking teenagers!” She soon rambled in frustration while pulling on her hair. “IS THIS COUNTRY GOING DOWN THE sh*tTER OR AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE!?” She then loudly questioned.

Asuka and Homura allowed the woman to breathe and catch her breath before they even dared speaking. “...Do you feel better, Miyabi-chan?” The Vice Leader got out in a comforting manner.

“No! But I wanna go and stop it myself!” Miyabi snapped.

“Wait, why are you getting annoyed by this?” Homura meanwhile asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Student councils don't exist to run a school, they're around to represent the wants and needs of students, but for the past few months since I've known you all, you make it sound like they run the entire damn school while the staff sits on their lazy asses doing nothing!” Miyabi growled. “My school was never f*cking like that when I was in high school! This is just...really really STUPID!”

“...I mean, the meeting Homu-neechan went to is called the Future Leaders Summit.” Asuka pointed out, albeit a bit awkwardly.

“And!?” Miyabi exclaimed.

“'s preparing them for the future.” Asuka then answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

That's not how a school should prepare anyone!” Miyabi growled as she stomped her foot. “Students should be acting like students! Not politicians!” She then added.

“Blame Kamoshida. He’s the reason these meetings even started in the first place. To prevent future ones like it from happening again.” Homura replied and explained with a sigh.

“I thought the summit was a thing before Kamoshida.” Asuka muttered.

The tan skinned girl shook her head. “Nope, it started two weeks after the Kamoshida confession, but the late principal of our school made sure Shujin wasn’t involved.” Homura revealed.

“Why is everything involving him in some way!?” Miyabi soon asked. “You'd think at this point he'd be forgotten.” She then grumbled.

“It's not that easy, Miyabi-chan.” Asuka sighed out. “He hurt a lot of people, traumatized people even, that sort of damage doesn't fade away that easily.” She then added as her sister nodded in agreement.

In turn, Miyabi winced, calming herself down as a result. “R-Right...” She muttered in an uneasy manner.

“You are right, though.” Homura had to admit. “We should be students, not the police, wardens...kings or queens.” She listed off, though held back the excited shiver of the mention of queens. “We're in school to learn, not deal with adult problems. But I guess the world wants us to get prepared for those problems.” She then stated and concluded.

“Only if you want to make things better.” Asuka pointed out. “But...even then, power corrupts, right? And the cycle repeats.” She then added.

“Which is why we have to learn from those past mistakes to prevent them from repeating.” Homura concluded.

“I hope you remember that later in life.” Miyabi soon advised.

“After this year? I'm burning it into my brain.” The tan skinned girl responded.

“We all will.” Asuka added, the others nodding in agreement. “...So, what else did you do there?”

“Well besides the fact that I also learned Katsuragi’s been on a groping spree here in Tokyo, I made a new friend.” Homura responded and revealed.

“Oh cool. Who are they?” Asuka casually replied.

Homura blinked. “...Nothing about Katsuragi?” She got out in a curious manner.

“Why are you expecting us to even be surprised by her normal behavior?” Asuka countered with a hand on her hip. “I’ve heard about the Ghost Groper rumors today and instantly knew it was Katsu-nee.” She then revealed.

Homura was about to speak, only to realize her sister's seemingly nonchalant reaction. “So you aren’t bothered by it?” She questioned.

“I am, I am so ashamed and embarrassed.” Asuka admitted, whimpering a little. “But I’d rather talk about your new friend than deal with Katsu-nee and her raging sexual harassment.”

Miyabi and Homura looked at each other. “...You sound so done, Asuka.” The white haired woman remarked.

“Being a Phantom Thief hardens one's heart to antics.” Asuka simply stated with a sigh. “So, you made a new friend at the summit?” She once more asked in a curious manner.

The tan skinned girl was a little glad her sister changed the subject. “Y-Yes, another disciplinary committee head.” Homura replied, a hint of admiration in her voice. “Kochō-senpai from Hakuō Academy.” She then revealed.

“...One of these days, I'll get you to call me senpai too.” Miyabi grumbled with obvious envy in her voice.

“When you do something worthy of being called a senpai, I’ll let you know, Miyabi.” Homura replied with a playful smile. “Hey, it might be sooner than you think.” She soon admitted.

“Huh?” Miyabi got out with a raised eyebrow.

“You want to be the principal of Hebijo, right?” Homura recalled with a smile before pausing. “Well, the crater that was Hebijo, right?” She then corrected herself.

“Yeah? So? Why are you suddenly interested?” Miyabi replied with narrowed eyes. “...You're not-” She began to say in a very shocked manner, however...

“What? No, God no! I want to stay away from Hebijo as much as possible!” Homura quickly denied while shaking her head. “I was just talking to you about getting into education.”

“I never took you for a teacher, Homu-neechan.” Asuka admitted, just as shocked.

Homura gave the Vice Leader a flat look. “...You're serious?”

“N-No, I normal teacher.” Asuka quickly explained.

“Well, I do admit I am a good trainer.” Homura responded, as her sister remembered the broken bodies of her fellow Thieves after such training. “But after a talk I had with Kochō-senpai, I'm aiming higher. I'm going to be...a principal!” She then declared in a dramatic manner.

That in turn got the attention of the others. “A principal?” Asuka whispered, letting out a proud smile.

“...Really?” Meanwhile, Miyabi looked less than enthused by the declaration.

“Well, I'll certainly do better than the last guy we had.” Homura pointed out with a smirk.

“You know, most teenagers would have loftier dreams...” Miyabi remarked with hands on her hips.

“You haven't attended Shujin Academy while Kobayakawa was still alive.” The sisters however replied, sighing at the same time.

“And it's not like you have anything to say about that, Miyabi-chan.” Asuka pointed out.

“Hey, being the principal of a crater means a fresh start, a new beginning. Better to start from zero than negative twenty.”

“Once Dōgen is taken out you mean.” Homura reminded.

“Yeah.” Miyabi nodded to that. “...You uh...need tips then?” She soon asked.

“I mean, I was going to ask you, but then I remembered that you aren’t studying right now...” Homura replied and pointed out.

“I-I'm busy right now! I promise to start studying for my teaching license later.” Miyabi stammered with a blush. “This is just my gap year...of sorts.” She then mumbled.

“Admiring Futaba-chan’s singing and dancing, you mean?” Asuka jokingly reminded.

“Oh, don’t you bring her into this!” Miyabi grumbled.

“...Futaba can dance and sing?” Homura meanwhile asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Singing is great. Dancing...not so much but it's really cute!” Miyabi responded before soon cooing out in a giddy manner.

“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” Homura then asked with a sweatdrop.

“If she isn't being a perv, everything I say about Futaba is a compliment.” Miyabi replied without hesitation.

“...Futa-con?” The sisters soon suggested at the same time.

Miyabi immediately blushed at that. “D-Don't use that term.” She requested in an uncharacteristically shy manner.

“Yeah, it would be no better than being called a siscon.” Asuka responded. She was glad those jokes died eventually.

“For very different reasons.” Miyabi couldn't help but think.

“So the Good Shinobi are being famous while the Evil Shinobi are going for education.” Miyabi realized. “...Is this supposed to be ironic or something?” She then asked.

“Oh God, please let's not start up another argument about irony...” Homura groaned.

“Huh?” Miyabi got out, confused by how tired the sisters looked at the mention of that.

“It was from a conversation we had over lunch before you joined.” Asuka informed before gaining a haunted look on her face. “I think we almost disbanded right there after how heated it got.” She then recalled.

Miyabi blinked. “...How is it that you guys have stayed under the radar this long?” She bluntly asked.

“A lot of luck.” Asuka answered with a sigh.

“Luck runs out eventually.” Miyabi however reminded.

"We know.” The sisters responded at the same time.

“I just hope this luck takes us all the way to the assholes who tried to frame us.” Miyabi responded as the sisters nodded in agreement as they all looked out at the night sky.

Towards a future that seemed so bright, yet so uncertain at the same time.


It was a quiet evening somewhere in the middle of Tokyo...and for two young women walking around the dimly lit street in the middle of buildings, they have no fear of the dangers at night whatsoever, even as they went into a dark alleyway

After all, one of them was already more dangerous than that.

“We’re getting close.” The younger-looking girl in a white dress stated.

The fully-bandaged woman perked up in attention. “Lead the way, then, Kagura-san.” She then told her.

“It’s only up ahead down this path, Fubuki-san.” The younger-looking girl

“Hm.” Fubuki hummed as they both walked towards their destination.

The negotiations between Fubuki’s group and Kagura’s group had gone well, all things considered. Tense as it was, they managed to work out all the details of the temporary alliance so they could figure out what had happened in early September.

One of the conditions was that no one would be alone. They had to at least work with one other person from the other group to ensure there wasn’t any scheming.

Of course, there was an imbalance as Kagura’s group had three more people, and Fubuki’s group didn’t exactly like being 2:1, so it was determined that Sayuri, Naraku, and a rotating member of the Mikagura sisters would go out and look for more red orbs. Kagura would not consume any until it was deemed necessary.

And, to ensure Fubuki or the half-sisters could not take advantage of Kagura’s more vulnerable state, especially when they were alone with her, she would try to at least remind them of their power differences through words as peacefully as possible...hoping they would comply with that and act smart instead of stupid.

And if not that, Kagura was carrying Hanabi’s special set of fireworks that would make New Year's look like sparklers. Or, at least, that’s what she was able to figure out as Hanabi’s description was more like...

“Plooosh! Boom! Shhhhhhhh...! Bang bang bang! Kirakira! Shoom shoom! Puff puff! Gogogo! DOKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! That’s how it’s going to go, Kagura-sama!”


The two went through the alleyway without much trouble before slowing down to a stop, eyes now fixed on the building.

“You think this is the place?” Fubuki questioned with narrowed eyes as she stared at the very school where the Phantom Thieves seem to have originated.

“Hai.” Kagura responded with a nod. “There is something about this is like the Yōma, yet at the same time, not at all. It is strange.” She then described.

“Hm, I see.” Fubuki muttered before looking upon the red, black and white building again. “Looks like our investigation has led us here.” She then got out.

“Well, maybe it was obvious.” Kagura guessed while rubbing her chin. “Strange things started to occur when the Phantom Thieves revealed themselves.” She then added.

“That is quite the apt description of how this year has been going.” Fubuki muttered with a frown. “Well, shall we go in?” She soon asked.

“Excuse me?” Kagura blinked owlishly.

“If we delay any longer, the trail will go cold.” Fubuki stated.

“Was the plan not to contact Sayuri-san?” Kagura reminded.

“Do you have a mobile device?” Fubuki soon asked. She never could figure out how to use the strange plank.

“No. I have yet to obtain one.” Kagura shook her head. “If I wished to use one, Naraku was the one I asked.” She then added.

Briefly sighing at the display of incompetence, the half-yoma looked forward. “Then we go in.” Fubuki declared as she stepped towards the building, only for the Yōma slayer to grab her shoulder.

“ not think it is the right choice.” Kagura stated. “It is not about the building itself but...the people that dwell in it.” She then added.

“The...students and staff.” Fubuki guessed.

“Correct.” Kagura replied.

“Hm...” The half Yōma hummed with a pondering look, thinking of something. “I doubt getting files on them would be helpful then.” She then mumbled.

“Then we must investigate during the day.” Kagura then stated, earning the attention of mostly everyone in the group.

Fubuki didn’t exactly look happy about that. “What are you suggesting?” She questions with narrowed eyes.

“I suggest we enroll.” Kagura replied.

“What is this we business?” Fubuki however asked. “I do not look like a normal human teenager, and I’d rather not waste time.” She soon pointed out.

“We are allies as of the moment. We have to watch each other’s backs...if only to ensure there are no knives aimed at them.” Kagura reminded and explained in a serious manner.

“Can’t we just steal some uniforms and sneak in after classes are over? I doubt everyone knows everyone here.” Fubuki then suggested in annoyance.

“No, it has to be during class hours.” Kagura insisted, sounding a little more forceful. “For all we know, whoever we are tracking down will leave school as soon as possible. We cannot let them out of our sight once we locate them.”

Fubuki rolled her eyes. This sounded like an excuse, but it looked like the immortal being wasn't going to change her mind. “There is one more problem.”

“What is it?” Kagura asked.

“We are both relatively uneducated.” Fubuki pointed out. She hadn’t been in school for a long time, and the Yōma slayer hadn’t gotten a single day of formal education. “We will surely be taking remedial classes, which will eat up our investigation time.” She then assumed.

Kagura stared at the pale girl blankly. “...Is it not the purpose of schooling?” She soon asked.

“Supposedly.” Fubuki deadpanned. “This seems like a decision we should discuss with our groups then. Hopefully, they will tell you how much of a waste of time this is.”

“Hm.” Kagura simply hummed as she pulled out a firework.

It took Fubuki a few seconds to realize what Kagura was about to do. “Wait, we have a designated-”

Pew! BANG!

Fubuki could only watch as a firework shot up into the sky and exploded into the shape of Kagura’s face.

“YOU FOOL!” Fubuki growled out.

“Did we not just say we have no other ways to communicate?” Kagura however reminded.

“These signals aren't meant for areas like this.” Fubuki explained with a frustrated groan. “There will be law enforcement coming to our location right now. We need to-” She then started.


“...Leave.” Fubuki finished as she saw the group of familiar faces.

“We came as soon as we saw your signal, Kagura-sama.” Naraku informed.

“Thank you for your timely arrival. All of you.” Kagura thanked them with a bow.

“I...shouldn't you all be in another part of the city?” Fubuki questioned as she narrowed her eyes.

“Well, Hanabi here forgot to give you a burner phone.” Kafuru grumbled as she jabbed her sister's side.

“I thought you said to give her a way to call us.” Hanabi replied with a clueless look on her face.

“You were supposed to give us the phone!” Fubuki reminded in a frustrated manner.

“This girl...she isn't the sharpest kunai in the pouch.” Gekkō muttered.

“Wait, have you been following us?” Fubuki soon realized. “Why did you not make us aware of that?” She then demanded with narrowed eyes.

“Where is the phone, anyways?” Renka asked as she looked around.

“You’re dodging the question!” Senkō spat out.

Hanabi smiled brightly at the question, despite the annoyed look the half-sister was giving her. “Oh, I thought it was to make my fireworks better so I put it in the-” She started explaining.


Suddenly, a smoking phone landed on Kafuru's head, causing a large lump to swell and...


...Knocked her out cold as the phone then vibrated, playing an 8-bit version of Burn My Dread.

“...Wow, Kirijo makes some durable phones.” Hanabi beamed as she picked up the phone.

The others meanwhile sweatdropped to this occurrence. “I expected dumb, but not this dumb.” Fubuki couldn't help but think.

“Kafuru!” Renka exclaimed in concern for her sister.

“Ngh...I'm fine.” Kafuru groaned as she sat up and rubbed the sore spot on her head. “Stupid 2000's technology...why can't you shatter like anything after 2010?” She then grumbled.

Fubuki soon snatched the phone out of the fireworks lover's hand. “Idiot.” She grumbled under her breath.

Oh, she just knew this alliance would self-destruct eventually. She didn't know when it would be, but she knew the stupidest girl would be first, then the old woman second.

Speaking of whom...

“Hm?” Fubuki hummed out. “Where’s the elderly woman with you?” She soon questioned.

“Sayuri-sama is currently sleeping.” Naraku informed. “She cannot remain up after 8 PM.” She then added.

Fubuki's group couldn't help but sweatdrop. “So much for those threats.” Senkō muttered.

“You don't know her true strength.” Renka warned, giving her an almost traumatized expression on her face.

“We'll believe it when we see it.” Gekkō sighed while shaking her head.

“Well, it would’ve been more convenient if she were awake, but I guess we can wait until the morning.” Fubuki however commented.

“Hm? Why, Fubuki-sama?” Gekkō had to ask, curious about her reasoning.

"We need a plan here." Fubuki soon stated. "If Kagura-san here thinks this building may be the key to our investigation.” She then revealed.

“This building?” Senkō responded as she looked at the red, black and white building that stood out of place. “Shujin Academy, the school with the pervy gym teacher. Where the Phantom Thieves made their debut.” She soon recalled.

“Yes.” Fubuki nodded.

“...Are we-” Hanabi began to ask, however...

“No, we are not breaking in nor blowing it up.” Kafuru deadpanned. "Besides, Kagura-sama's not that unprofessional, doing collateral damage in a public area."

“Aw...” Hanabi sadly groaned as she had to put her fireworks away.

“So what are we doing, then?” Gekkō then questioned.

"I have an idea, everyone." Kagura announced, garnering the attention of everybody. “I wish to attend Shujin Academy.” She then revealed.

“Eh!?” The Mikagura sisters exclaimed in unison.

Fubuki simply closed her eyes, remembering her suggestion of enrolling before the others came along.

“K-Kagura-sama, where is this coming from?” Naraku soon asked in concern.

“It’s for our investigation.” Kagura insisted. “This is where my senses have led me to. I can sense many things coming from this school, so I must go through its students and faculty if we wish to locate the culprit.” She then explained.

“Or culprits.” Renka added. “Or even just a clue. We aren’t that lucky that we'll find our targets so easily.” She then explained.

“Wait, wasn’t that boy...?” Kafuru began as she began to recall a certain someone they had met before.

“Yes. Him.” Kagura agreed with a nod. “I think I remember seeing him in the uniform the last time I scouted the Yongen-Jaya area.” She then informed.

“What are you muttering over there about?” Senkō questioned.

“Oh! We know someone who goes to this school!” Hanabi happily revealed.

“Hanabi!” Renka and Kafuru exclaimed before face palming.

“You shouldn’t have said that, dammit!” The eldest of the sisters grumbled.

“Said what?” Hanabi got out in confusion, causing the youngest of the sisters to facepalm.

"...You already have someone?" Fubuki questioned. "And you haven't told the three of us here about him?" She then added.

“We’re not telling you who he is.” Renka replied with narrowed eyes. “You could kill him before we even have a chance to talk.” She then pointed out.

"..." Senkō however narrowed her eyes. "Right. So, when will we discuss your contact?” She then asked.

“Later.” Kafuru sighed out. “Right now, we should be focusing on getting Kagura-sama into the school to continue this investigation.” She then reminded, causing the Yōma slayer to smile.

“Will they still be able to accept students though?” Renka suddenly asked. “I mean, it’s already October.” She then added with a frown.

“Hmmm...I heard quite a few students transferred out because of the incident with that gym teacher from the news. There are a few open spots as a result so they're looking for new students.” Kafuru soon recalled. Actually, she probably heard it from Sayuri-sama now that she was thinking about it...

“Is...that so?” Kagura whispered, a little surprised by how easy it may seem. “Then...” She soon began.

“It'll take some work, but if Sayuri-sama is okay with it, we could get you enrolled.” Kafuru informed them.

“I will attend as well.” Naraku soon spoke, somehow sounding eager about the idea.

“No. Your job is to locate more red orbs.” Kagura however ordered her instead. “We may need them, should we encounter whoever caused the Yōma extinction.” She then added.

Naraku gave her charge a worried look. “But I am-” She then began.

“I can handle it, Naraku.” Kagura immediately cut her off in reassurance. “I am more than capable now. You do not need to worry about me all the time.” She then added as she placed a hand on her protector's shoulder.

Her protector sighed with a slight worry on her face. “I dunno. High school can be brutal.” Naraku however responded.

“You have all done so much for me. Now it is my time to return the favor.” Kagura soon stated in reassurance to her guardian. “I will find out who or what caused the death of many Yōma. That is my promise to you all.” She then declared.

“Kagura-sama...” Hanabi let out softly in awe, appreciating her leader even more.

“Fubuki-sama, do you want to join her in attending school?” Senkō soon asked in a curious manner.

That in turn got the half-Yōma’s attention as she looked at her subordinate. “...Do I look like a high school student?” Fubuki replied with her own question. “Be honest. You may freely say whatever you are thinking.” She then encouraged as she straightened her posture, as if she was preparing for some feedback, be it good or bad.

Senkō and Gekkō hesitated, trying to find an answer.

“Well...many adults on TV pass off as teenagers, so it shouldn’t be that much trouble.” Gekkō soon replied.

“...Will that even work in this setting?” Fubuki soon questioned. “It is a school, after all. Young people nowadays are fond of gossip and rumors.” She then added.

“You could say you’re a third year student who got held back.” Senko suggested. “It would explain a lack of education on some subjects.” Gekkō responded. She then added.

“Like a late enrollee or something?” Kafuru pointed out.

“That could work...” Naraku had to admit.

“This feels too intense for me, what we’re doing right now...” Hanabi murmured to herself. “And I like it, hehe.” She then added with a giggle.

“Also, you like looking at people don’t you?” Senkō recalled. “It would be a good opportunity to do it daily.” She then added.

“I...I am merely observing the human population. Nothing more.” Fubuki soon stated.

“What Senkō-san is saying, Fubuki-sama, is...maybe this would be the perfect opportunity to understand humans. See how humans behave and create the best responses when they start interacting with you. More like blending in.” Gekkō soon stated and explained.

“...If I get caught, I am also bringing you with me.” The half Yōma eventually stated with a sigh.

“Where?” Kagura asked with a confused head tilt.

Fubuki simply sweatdropped. “And this also applies to the shinobi quirk of easily falling for someone. If I find someone, it's on you two.” She then added.

“You mean like...romance or something?” Renka had to clarify.

“Shinobis are more susceptible to romance.” Fubuki simply explained.

That however got Naraku’s attention. “K-Kagura-sama could fall for someone!?” She squeaked out in a protective panic. The one she’d been sworn to protect might find a potential boyfriend...or a girlfriend!?

The Yōma slayer, however, tilted her head. “...But I am not a shinobi.” Kagura pointed out in a plain tone.

“And Fubuki-sama hasn't shown a single ounce of attraction to anyone, let alone a human. I doubt there’s anyone in this hellhole of a city worth her time.” Senkō soon stated.


“In any case, it will still be on you if and when it happens.” Fubuki bluntly stated with a sigh.

“How does any of that make us to blame, dammit...” Renka muttered.

“Because I’ve been convinced to waste more time here than finding the truth...even though the truth is apparently here.” Fubuki answered with a sigh.

“...But it could be fun, Fubuki-san.” Kagura said.

“Fun?” Fubuki got out in an unamused tone.

“Don’t you want to see what it’s like to be a normal human?” The Yōma slayer questioned with a small smile.

“For my goals, I have to be more than that.” Fubuki claimed.

“Regardless, the important thing is that we get the information we need by attending the school that started it all.” Naraku spoke up as they all looked up at the school. “It’s our only lead we got.”

Fubuki didn’t say anything else.

“Then it is settled. Once we inform Sayuri-sama and get her approval, we can start getting everything ready for your enrollment. We’ll need to work out the details thoroughly so nothing suspicious comes to pass, so it might be a good idea to take a break from investigating to do so.” Renka declared.

“It’s not like we were making a ton of progress anyways.” Kafuru sighed.

“We also need to formulate fake family names.” Senko pointed out. “Our codenames wouldn’t make the cut for a public setting like this where people’s names are recorded and listed. At least Sayuri-san may act as a guardian.”

Everyone gave out nods and murmurs of agreement.

“Fubuki Kurokage.” Fubuki got out, having not thought about it for more than a second. “Quite fitting, is it not?” She then added.

“As expected from Fubuki-sama.” Gekkō praised, with her half-sister giving out a nod and smirk of agreement as well. “Honoring Kurokage-sama’s name directly.” She then added.

“It’s simply the most convenient name, you two.” Fubuki muttered dismissively.

“How about you, Kagura-sama?” Naraku finally asked. “May I suggest Mikagura?” She then suggested.

“Yeah, be our legendary fourth sister!” Hanabi exclaimed in an eager manner.

“That...wouldn’t be a bad idea.” Renka commented about the idea.

“But I do not look like any of you.” Kagura however reminded the three.

“Do any of us look like each other?” Kafuru pointed out in a flat tone.

“...I mean, your chest-” Gekkō began, however...

“Shut up.” Kafuru bluntly interrupted.

“Hai.” Gekkō immediately stated in understanding.

“And for the record, I’m a C-cup, so I still have the boobs to boot.“ Kafuru bluntly stated. “Better than those flat-chested brats out there.” She then remarked with a smirk.

“Alright, that’s enough with that kind talk.” Fubuki intervened before the discussion could go into further unnecessary off-topic. “Just pick a name already, Kagura-san.” She soon ordered.

Everyone aimed their eyes at the most powerful individual in their group right now, waiting for her answer.

“Kagura...Otohime.” Kagura soon decided.

“Eh?” The Mikagura sisters got out in surprise.

“Isn't that...a little too on the nose?” Kafuru soon pointed out.

“What's on my nose?” The Yōma slayer however repeated with a head tilt. “Is it like when you stole it in my younger form?” Kagura innocently asked.

“No, it means...nevermind.” Kafuru tried to explain before giving up. It would take too long to explain...again.

“Why not Mikagura?” Hanabi questioned, looking a little sad.

“The Mikagura name has already been given by you three.” Kagura replied in earnest. “For me, it would be inappropriate to use a name that’s been genuinely used by my closest companions.” She then noted with the same tone.

The Mikagura sisters looked at one another before nodding.

“We understand, Kagura-sama.” Renka responded. “Kagura Otohime it is, then.” She soon decided.

Naraku meanwhile nodded to that. “You'll do great.” She encouraged.


Kagura’s stomach suddenly grumbled. “Oh, I am sorry.” She soon apologized.

“It seems you’ve become famished.” Fubuki soon remarked. “May we go somewhere to eat?” She soon suggested.

“Ooh! Big Bang Burger! Big Bang Burger!” Hanabi got out in an excited tone.

“The burgers don't explode like fireworks, Hanabi.” Kafuru deadpanned.

“But it’s in the name!” Hanabi exclaimed.

“It’s space-themed!” Kafuru countered in an exhausted manner. “Besides, Biggles™ gives me the creeps...” She then added.


Everyone looked at Fubuki who simply had a stoic expression from her stomach rumbling.

“Uh...Fubuki-sama?” Senkō got out in concern.

“It seems I have become famished too.” Fubuki simply stated in a casual tone while placing her bandaged hand on her stomach. “May I suggest some place where there is white rice?” She then added.

“Plain rice and that’s it? Ew.” Renka grimaced. “Let’s just go get beef bowls or something.” She then suggested.

“White rice is a perfectly good source of sustenance.” Fubuki argued.

“Huh...Two extremely powerful people here in our group suddenly getting hungry with their stomachs rumbling loudly for all of us to hear...that’s a first.” Kafuru couldn’t help but comment.

“That is not a special thing to note, Kafuru-san.” Fubuki sighed. “Do you not think we do not feel hunger?” She then assumed.

“No, I’s a funny coincidence.” The dolphin-loving girl attempted to respond.

“Like how right now someone could be getting murdered and we are doing nothing but stand around and talk.” The half-Yoma however continued ranting. “There are much stranger things to make note of than hunger.” She then added.

“Can you relax? I’m just making a little small talk.” Kafuru had to retort back, hearing the sudden overreaction.

“Then why waste time doing that when we could be deciding where we may eat, because apparently white rice is not enough for!” Fubuki suddenly snapped.

The others meanwhile blinked to that. “...Fubuki-sama?”

Fubuki blinked as she realized what she had said before clearing her throat. “I...I am sorry to have lost my temper.” She soon apologized. “...But apologize to white rice.” She then requested in a threatening manner.

“And look at who’s making small talk now.” Kafuru muttered under her breath.

“Why don’t we compromise and get sushi?” Kagura soon suggested. “Plenty of white rice and things to go along with it.” She then added.

“Conveyor belt sushi does sound good.” Senkō admitted.

“It doesn’t quite match up to Sayuri-sama’s sushi. It’s like dirt in comparison...” Hanabi got out.

“She has ruined our taste buds, but we cannot let that ruin the hard work the chefs of whatever establishment we select to waste.” Naraku then spoke up.

“...But what if the sushi is actually crap?” Kafuru then asked.

“Then we shall go somewhere else.” Renka responded. “Hell, I’ll even settle for a half priced bento if needed. I could go for a good brawl.” She then added.

“Those students are monsters in sailor f*cku...” Senko muttered with a shiver.

“More like desperate for a good meal.” Kafuru remarked.

“Can we please leave now? All this food talk is making me hungry even more, too.” Hanabi whined as she rubbed her tummy.

“Me too.” Gekkō confessed with a small blush.

With that, they silently decided to start making their way back to Shibuya to find somewhere to eat that was open this late.

While the others began leaving the area slowly, Fubuki made one last look at Shujin Academy’s graffiti-covered building. “...This school is cursed...” She once more stated in a serious tone.

“How so, Fubuki-sama?” Gekkō somehow asked.

"Something about it feels...dreadful." Fubuki soon stated before looking around. “...Where is law enforcement anyways? Did they not notice the fireworks?” She then asked.

“You'd be surprised how many people don't look up.” Gekkō stated as the girls began to leave the area, while Fubuki grumbled about stupid humans as she followed suit.

Things were definitely going to get interesting now.

Senran Persona: Ninjas of Hearts - Chapter 138 - UknownHero (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.