Todd Sisto, MD (2024)

Mia Aesthetics is proud to add to its team of acclaimed doctors,Board-Certified plastic surgeonDr. Todd Sisto. Having worked throughout the country in the states of Maine, Pennsylvania, and Florida, Dr. Sisto is ready to take his talents to the bustling Chicago, Illinois area. He brings an impressive 27 years of experience to the table, having worked professionally in the field since 1993. Dr. Sisto began his education at Hampshire College, where he initially studied geology and later archeology, leading him to spend some time in Mexico to study artifacts. Eventually, Dr. Sisto realized that his calling was medicine, and he attended medical school at the University of Texas Medical Branch. He then completed his residency in general surgery in North Dakota. Following this, Dr. Sisto went on to work under some of the most well-known and accomplished plastic surgeons in the nation, including Louisiana State University Medical Center’s Dr. Robert Allen, under whose guidance he regularly performed difficult and complex microsurgeries; and Dr. Ralph Millard and Dr. Anthony Wolfe, two pioneers in craniofacial surgery.

Dr. Sisto is excited to be living and working in the Chicago area, being an avid lover of cold weather, city life and thriving culture. He is most excited to join the Mia Aesthetics team because the clinic is owned and operated by an actual plastic surgeon, leading to greater quality control, overall operations and standards of care than clinics owned and operated by someone in another industry. Dr. Sisto is thrilled to join such a personable and skilled group of plastic surgeons and is excited to continue the clinic’s legacy of providing high quality surgery and patient care.

Dr. Sisto was drawn to plastic surgery for a variety of reasons – as opposed to standard medicine where a doctor simply prescribes a patient a pill to alleviate an issue, plastic surgeons are tasked with strategically deciding how to fix a unique problem to provide a patient with immediate results. His philosophy when it comes to his career as a plastic surgeon is to try to imagine himself as the patient in order to offer the best possible care and recommendations. Dr. Sisto prides himself in educating his patients throughout their surgical journeys so that they feel more at ease and confident in the process. One of Dr. Sisto’s greatest joys as a plastic surgeon is taking his patient from surgery, to recovery, and then their highly anticipated results. He loves seeing the joy in each patient when they have achieved the transformation of their dreams.

Todd Sisto, MD (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.