Gelman Throws Boris Down the Gorge for Calling Lawson a Jerk and Gets Grounded (2024)

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Cast[] Plot[] Transcript[]

(sequel to Boris calls Lawson a jerk and gets ungrounded)

(inspired by The Lion King)



Smithy-Young Guy

Caillou-Evil Genius/David/Zack

Leo and Boris-Eric

Gelman's dad-Simon

Mort Chalk-Dallas

Gelman's dad's angry voice-Scary voice


Gelman gets the idea from The Lion King.


At the lounge, Gelman was annoyed about Boris.

Gelman: Man! I can't believe that stupid gooberhead by the name of Boris called my friend Lawson a jerk and got him sent to the insane hospital! This is totally unfair! What shall I do?

Then Gelman thought of something.

Gelman: I know! I will throw him down the gorge!First, I will take hisson Caillou down to the gorge. ThenI release the herd of cattle into the gorge. I'll attack the ill cow, thus triggering the stampede. Then I will rush over to Boris and Leoto come over to the gorge. But why? Leo is having a walk with Boris. I'll get Boristo save Caillou. He'll place Caillouon a safe rock. When he climbs up the gorge to call for my help. Then I will throw him down the gorge, and he'll fall in the stampede. Time to get ready and prepare for Boris' life. But first, I must get Smithy to free Lawson!

So Gelman picked up a phone and phoned Smithy up.

Gelman: Hello, Smithy!

In Smithy's room, Smithy was on the phone talking to Gelman.

Smithy: Hi, Gelman! What's up?

Gelman: Boris called Lawson a jerk and got him sent to the insane hospital!

Smithy: Oh no! Not that stupid Boris again! This is terrible!

Gelman: Can you go free Lawson while I deal with Boris?

Smithy: Sure! I'd love to! Thanks for telling me!

Gelman: Bye, Smithy!

Smithy: Bye, Gelman!

Smithy put down his phone. Back in Gelman's lounge, Gelman was ready to deal with Boris.

Gelman: Time to go deal with Boris! Let's go to Caillou's house and take Caillou to the gorge!

So Gelman left the house and he went off to Caillou's house to fetch Caillou. Then Gelman arrived at Caillou's house.

Gelman: Hello, Caillou!

Caillou: Hello yourself, Gelman! What's up?

Gelman: I'm taking you to the gorge so you can look around.

Caillou: Oh boy! This is an exciting adventure! Let's go together!

So Gelman and Caillouwent off to the gorge. Later, they arrived down in the large canyon. Gelman and Caillou were near a rock, underneath a small tree.

Gelman: Now you wait here. Yourfather has a marvelous surprise for you.

Caillou: Oooh. What is it?

Gelman: If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?

Caillou: If you tell me, I'll still act surprised.

Gelman: Ho ho ho. You are such a naughty boy.

Caillou: Come on, Gelman.

Gelman: No-no-no-no-no-no-no. This is just for you and your daddy. You know, a sort of... father-son... thing.

Through Caillou's expression, he resented Gelman's dismissive attitude, but soon shrugged it off.

Gelman: Well! I'd better go get him.

Caillou: I'll go with you.

Gelman: (Loud, snapping tone)No! (regaining composure) (in normal voice) Heh heh heh. No. Just stay on this rock. You wouldn't want to end up in another mess like you did with my friends...

Caillou was shocked.

Caillou: You know about that?

Gelman: Caillou, everybody knows about that.

Caillou was meek and embarrassed.

Caillou: Really?

Gelman: Oh, yes. Lucky Daddywas there to save you, eh?

Gelmanwas clearly enjoying himself; he put a hand on Caillou's shoulder.

Gelman: Oh... and just between us, you might want to sing 'This Old Man'. Hmm?

Gelmanstarted to pull away.

Caillou: Oh... Okay...

Gelmanpatted Caillouroughly on the head, and then moved off.

Caillou: Hey, Gelman, will I like the surprise?

Gelman: (Turning back over his shoulder) Caillou, it's to DIE for.

SoGelman walked off and then he left the gorge, and he walked over to the cattle herd.

Gelman: Time to lure the cattle down the gorge!

SoGelman walked to the back of the cattle, and then he started herding the cattle.

Gelman: This trick will be working.

ThenGelman succeeded.

Gelman: There! All done! Time to attack the ill cow!

So Gelman began to beat the ill cow with a stickin order to trigger the stampede. The cow was howling in pain. Meanwhile, back down the gorge. Cailloubegan to sing 'This Old Man'.

Caillou:This old man, he played one. He played knick-knack on my shoe; with a knick-knack paddywack, give the dog a bone. This old man came rolling down.

There came a low rumble. Cailloulooked down and saw pebbles jumping. A herd of cattle were coming over the lip of the gorge. Caillouwas terrified.

Caillou: Oh no! This is terrible!

Cailloufelt angry, and waved his fist.

Caillou: Gelman, you set me up!

Caillou was chasing the cattle herd, beating them with sticks to drive them over the edge.

At a short distance from the canyon. Leo wastalking to Boris.

Leo: Oh look, Mr Anderson. The herd is on the move.

Boris: Odd...

Gelmanran up, out of breath.

Gelman: Boris. Quick. Stampede. In the gorge. Caillou's down there!

Boris: Caillou?

Back down the gorge, Cailloukept on running, and then he climbed up a dead tree. Leoran ahead of Boris and Gelman, down into the canyon. They spotted Caillou. Caillouwas clinging precariously to a tree.

Caillou: Leo! Help me!!

Leo: Yourdad is on the way! Hold on!

Caillou was losing grip.

Caillou: Hurry!

Boris andGelman were on the lower ledges of the gorge. Leo ran back to Borisand pointed out where Caillouwas.

Leo: There! There! On that tree!

Boris: Hold on, Caillou!

In the gully, a cow rammed the tree Caillouwas on, nearly breaking it.

Caillou: Ahhhh!

Boris ran out into the herd, joining the stampede. Leo washorrified.

Leo: Oh Gelman, this is awful. What will we do? What will we do? Hah... I'll go back for help!

Lawson was annoyed and backhanded Leo, and knocked him unconscious.

Leo: Oof!

Gelmanfollowed Boris' progress from the lip of the gorge, his shadow cast mysteriously from the bottom of the gully. Boris ran with the herd till slightly past the tree. He whipped around the front of some cow and ran into the herd towards Caillou's tree. He got rammed head-first once, throwing him to the ground. A cow hit Caillou's tree, throwing Caillouinto the air.


Borisgot up in time to catch Caillouin the air with his arms.

Caillou: Thanks for saving me, dad.

Boris: No problem, Caillou. Let's go home to safety.

Borisgot hit again and accidentally threw Caillou. Cailloudodged a few oncoming cows. Borisran by with the herd and grabbed Caillou. He jumped up to a near rock ledge and set Cailloudown, but was immediately struck by a cow and carried off into the stampede.

Caillou: DAD!

Caillou watched in horror as he couldn't find hisdad in the swirling mass of cows below him. At the last second, Borisleaped out of the herd and started to climb with great difficulty up the sheer rock slope. Caillouturned and started to climb up to the top of the gorge. Out of Caillou's sight, Borisreached a point right below a ledge where he couldn't climb due to the steepness. His fingers were scraping and his hands had no traction. Above him on the ledge was Gelman.

Boris: Gelman! Gel--

Borisslipped and barely hanged on, and he begged Gelmanto help him.

Boris: Gelman! Help me!

Gelmanlooked disdainfully down, and then suddenly latched onto Boris' hands with fingernails extended. Borisscreamed, primarily from the sudden pain of Gelman's fingernails, but no doubt also due to the sudden flash of realization. His expression slowly changed to one of horror as he recognizedGelman's intent.

Gelman: Long live the king.

Gelmanthrew Borisbackwards. Borisfree-fell, back first into the stampede raging below.


Caillou was watching Borish*t the ground. Borisand Caillou's screams mingled.

Caillou: Noooooooooooooooooooo!


Borishad hit the ground, and he was dead.


Gelman: Yay! I threw him down the gorge! Yay! No more Boris! He's dead! That's what he gets for calling Lawson a jerk and getting him sent to the insane hospital!

Caillou boundedto the canyon floor, and he started to look for Boris. Cailloucoughed.


Caillou's voice echoed.

Caillou: (Quietly) Dad?

Astray cowran past, the source of the sound. The cowcurvedaround a log further down the gully. Under the log was Boris, laying on his side.He was not moving or breathing. Caillouapproachedthe body, and he was hopeful.

Caillou: Dad? ...Dad, come on.

Caillou rubbedup against his dad's cheek. The head merely rolledback in place after the rub.

Caillou: You gottaget up.

Caillou placedboth handson his dad's cheek and pushed.

Caillou: Dad. I'll get youhome.

Caillou tuggedat Boris' leg. Again the head limply movedback in place. Caillouranoff a bit, obviously very scared.

Caillou: HEEEEELP! Somebody!

Caillou'svoice reverberates hollowly off the sides of the gorge.

Caillou: Anybody... help.

Caillou began to cry, and he turned back to the body.He nuzzledup under the limp paw so that hisdad was embracing him. Just then, Gelman advanced through the dust.

Gelman: Caillou. What have you done?

Caillou jumped back, and explained to Gelman.

Caillou: There were cows and he tried to save me... it was an accident, I... I didn't mean for it to happen.

Gelmanembraced Caillou, yet still distant.

Gelman:Of course, of course you didn't. No one... ever meansfor these things to happen. But yourdad IS dead.

Gelman was looking with mock regret at Caillou.

Gelman:And if it weren't for you, he'd still be alive.

Caillou was crushed, believing his guilt. Anotherthought "occured" to Gelman.

Gelman: Oh! What will your mumthink?

Caillou still sobbing.

Caillou:What am Igonna do?

Lawson: Run away, Gelman.Run... Run away and never return.

Caillou ranoff blindly, obviously broken.

Gelman: There! Caillou's gone! Time to play 'Kick the Corpse'!

SoGelmanstarted kicking Boris' dead body. He was kicking Boris' face, hisbroken body, hishead, and hisbottom. Soon, hestopped kicking Boris' dead body.

Gelman: Right. Time to let his dead body rot in the gorge forever. I'm going home now.

So Gelmanwent home. Later in the village, Lawson and Smithy came to Gelman.

Lawson: Gelman, I'm free! Thanks to Smithy! You sent him to help me escape the insane hospital!

Smithy: It was no sweat!

Gelman: Lawson, good news! I took care of Boris. First, I took Cailloudown to the gorge. Then I released the herd of cattle into the gorge and attacked the ill cow, thus triggering the stampede to chase Caillou.Then I rushed over to Borisand Leo to come over to the gorge, and I got Boris to save Caillou. Heplaced Caillouon a safe rock. Then he climbedup the gorge to call for my help, and Ithrew him down the gorge wherehefellin the stampede. Then I told Caillouto run away and never return so hewon't go near hisdad ever again.

Lawson: Wow! Good job! You took care of Boris! And you sent that bald-headed gooberhead packing!

Smithy: So long, Boris and Caillou!

Lawson: Now Caillou won't be bothering me, or you, or Rachel, or any of our friends! We'll get some peace at last!

Gelman: Now TJ and his gang will never be able to see that baldy ever again! Anyway, I've got be going home. See you tomorrow!

Lawson: Bye bye!

Gelman went home. Back home, Gelman's dad was about to watch TV.

Gelman's dad: I am going to watch the news.

Then Gelman's dadturned on the TV to watch the news. The scene took place in the GNN News studio, MortChalk began to make an announcement.

Mort:Good afternoon, and welcome to GNN News. This isMort Chalk. Today was a terrible tragedy. A boynamed Leo Gelman had released the herd of cattle into the gorge, heattacked the ill cow, thus triggering the stampede to chase CaillouAnderson after Gelman left Cailloudown at the bottom of the gorge. Then Gelman got Boris and Leoto come over to the gorge, and he got Boristo save his son. Borisplaced Caillouon a safe rock. Then he climbed up the gorge to call for Gelman's help. But Gelman had betrayed him, and threw him down the gorge where he fell in the stampede. Gelman was responsible for his death, much to Caillou's dismay. Now everyone is going to mourn Boris' death. Anyways, stay tuned because there are more commercials showing up. We'll see you after the break.

Gelman's dadwas furious.

Gelman's dad: What?! I can't believe that Gelmanis responsible for Boris' death! He's in so much trouble now!Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!I want a word with him right now!

(We see Gelman's dadangry with a firey background surrounding him)

Gelman's dad: (Scary voice) Gelman, Gelman, Gelman, Gelman, Gelman, get over here right now!

At the lounge, Gelman's dadwas furious with Gelman.

Gelman's dad: Gelman, how dare you throw Boris Anderson down the gorge?! Now everyone reacted to his death, thanks to you! Especially his wife Doris! Where did you get the idea from?

Gelman: Um, um, um... I got the idea from The Lion King where Scar throws Mufusa down the gorge. I took Cailloudown to the gorge. Then I released the herd of cattle into the gorge and attacked the ill cow, thus triggering the stampede to chase Caillou.Then I rushed over to Borisand Leo to come over to the gorge, and I got Boris to save Caillou. Heplaced Caillouon a safe rock. Then he climbedup the gorge to call for my help, and Ithrew him down the gorge wherehefellin the stampede. Then I told Caillouto run away and never return so hewon't go near hisdad ever again.But why? Because Boris called Lawson a jerk and got him sent to the insane hospital. That's why I have to throw him down the gorge.

Gelman's dad: That was a very bad thing to do! Caillou is crying about his dad's death, because of you!That's it, you are grounded, grounded grounded until you watched The Lion King! Perhaps it will teach you not to throw anyone down the gorge like Scar did to Mufusa! Instead of going to your room, start watching The Lion King right now!

Gelmandid as he was told.

Gelman: Whatever you say, dad.

Gelman Throws Boris Down the Gorge for Calling Lawson a Jerk and Gets Grounded (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.